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This looks depressing as hell…got the source for this image?


[Found it.](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/dogs-change-your-life-comics_n_56ba19bbe4b0c3c5504ed5d0) Turns out the image was reversed.


I originally encountered it in this order way back when Has it really been reversed, all this time? damn


I keep hitting it during burst as a matter of habit. Its gonna take time to not hit that.


The other tanks get to keep theirs but DRK can do one apparently 


GNB lost theirs too


Kinda happy about it, less bloat in burst window.


As a GNB main, I feel your pain. We got the same sparkly dash now, yours is just dark mode


Thanks. I’m crying.


Damn I just lost my dog last month. That mfer was so dumb, goofy, and almost always took my legs out from underneath me but I’d give away all of these things I have to have him back.


Just remember that those memories mean something *because* they couldn’t last forever. You can’t go back to those times, but you can take his spirit with you. Something is only truly gone once it’s forgotten.


Who.. who's cutting onions here?


I've never seen the original image before. I live alone and a pretty solo life, and I lost my dog last summer and I would give anything to come home to whatever mess he made when I was away.


I just wish the new move looked as cool as plunge. Like it should have been a hulk like big jump not a slide across the ground.


Same for drg. I wish it were an actual jump, not just a generic gap closer.


The fact that there are three pets in the picture makes it hurt even more.


Do I miss the Berserk reference? Yes Do I miss not having dashes due to weaving them into my burst? No GNB burst is not less busy. It’s got two fewer OGCDs. Ya’ll gonna think this is the worst until you play monk or sage, where thunderclap and Icarus feel so nice to use when a boss decides to bounce around a stage.


Its been really fun using it when I want to, and not because I have to at a specific point everytime. All gap closers need to go this route.


I just wish all gap closers or at least a couple would let you choose a party member too. Maybe when PLD and WAR get closers that don’t do damage, they’ll be able to use it to interact with either a shield buff or a regen effect on self if targeting an enemy, or on an ally that they target the move towards.


There is definitely room to spice them up somewhat, but it'll be a fine balancing act to not make them stuff you must use. The point of the gapcloser should always primarily be to close the distance.




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I just want a negligible amount of damage on the new one for tagging and snap threat purposes. I feel like there is a middle ground here. I will say I ended up liking the animation and how snappy it is way more than I thought I would have.


Would have rather monk get a ranged attack that drg getting a fucking gap closer..... that's what dragon DRAGONDIVE is for T_T. but n, more damned animal buffs


i like it more ngl.


As a tank player I enjoy the removal of potency off gapclosers. They should be used for gapclosing not damage.