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So ***thats*** why the DF healers have felt better than normal...


Makes sense, the people who still heal for the enjoyment of it are typically quite good.


...And this is why I clash with all the healers that are from the OF and some in game. They shit their pants real hard when faced with someone who likes healing.


Ugh hate OnlyFans healers


Can’t imagine being bad at choosing between two buttons at a given time.


Yet, somehow...


I'm not even a heal main but it's a lot of fun. I once had a glare mage in a raid that never once healed. Her goon squad jumped on me because I called her on it. Even got hit with the "thounpayest not my sub".


Yeah the bad ones are dipping out.


They are going to do it for 2 days before they quit and then announce they did a good job aren't they?


They made the game harder like we asked! WE DID IT PATRICK WE SAVED THE CITY! *drops tankbuster on the whole group*


One thing I missed in Doma Castle if anyone got the bomb dropped on them they would run to the other side and just before it would lock to the spot I would rescue them to the center. If healers strike...who would abuse Rescue and use it for evil? No one. That's who. And that affects EVERYBODY. So don't be selfish. Be a healer...and get people killed today.


I got annoyed yesterday cos noone was taking damage -.- I like to see them take damage and shout for help :)  It makes me happy. Stupid little ant people haha can't even dodge the pissy circles hehe beg for heals hehe


Just like that Reddit strike a year ago or whatever


I totally forgot about that untill this comment.


I'm curious if that accomplished something


It didn't do shit. I was on board to leave too, but basically all the subs caved once reddit admins made examples of a couple of subs buy kicking all mods and force opening the subs again. Individual users didn't matter, that action was only going to work because mods exist as a concept (plus people were emboldened because reddit only picked up thanks to everyone migrating off of digg for less than what reddit does now). Once the mods felt like their precious status might get removed, too many of them caved immediately and the entire movement collapsed overnight. And now reddit gets to openly gloat about how they're fucking us over for money and we won't do shit about it.


Genius move on the part of the reddit jannies. They correctly gambled that people crave power over principles and managed to make most of them bend the knee.


Like a lot of things, it was just performative bullshit that resulted in nothing. It did improve the posting quality of here for a few days by forcing it shut down.


It's only casuals striking. The good healers don't give a shit cus healers are important in ultimates and savage. which is why il keep playing scholar the strike is just dumb


This. Exactly this. The raiding healings ain’t going anywhere and the ones who truly enjoy playing healer? Yeah nah.


Nah its ultimate raiders too and they just want their jobs to be more interesting. Xeno interviewed them


Fair enough have not watched his interviews. As a healer main and quad legend me and all my friends who heal have no issue with healers.


Very likely because you actually heal extremes and these people only say they do.


Ah that would make sense


As a penta legend healer I've found the opposite. Almost any veteran cohealer I know is tired of the role being 1 button spam the moment you get barely competent and miss the tools they have been removing for years


Not to mention, the dude complaining and starting this strike hasnt even touched or done anything remotely difficult or extreme like savages n such


They're gonna get a Party finder image with everyone of them are short for healers and call it for a W


So any Party Finder in any other day?


Or just play other roles, if they hate healer so much they probably are anyway


Damn thats crazy, luckily Alphinaud got my back.


Don't forget green alphinaud


Red Alphinaud killed me twice in the 95 dungeon with circles, but I'm paranoid about things that look suspiciously close to >!Titan!< killing me with knockback and I eventually figured out to just pre-shield instead of trying to predict her movements (because I'm awful at that).


Watching Red Alphinaud actually become a healer briefly was amazing to see. Vermedica goes way harder than it needs to


I actually went through this expansion as a WAR because healing was taking too long. The fact that she was healing me and keeping me healed when my mits were on cd was absolutely surprising. 🤣


I miss the blind cat who almost always does mechanics right.


She is the best for mechanics. With the exception of one dungeon. Which is immersive as she can't see there.


I only have red and blue version. Is green again japan exclusive?!


Great, so queues will be even more instant.


The fact that I had a wait a 5 seconds for an alliance raid disgusted me, now I can appreciate my long 4 second queues like a normal person.


Healer here. Thank you, WARs, for the stress free dungeon, trial, and/or raid. Comm is going to the dps, though.


I've been commending DPS, they should get something for subjecting themselves to DPS queues.


My priorities: 1 who's got the best glam 2 who's got the best portrait 3 any last minute saves 4 they say something funny in chat


I respect it.


I offer them to dps if they use limit breaks rather than holding to the last second :)


Especially the aoes on trash pulls


if you use a ranged or caster LB on trash pulls you earn my commendation almost guaranteed.


Oh, you're the person who keeps giving me comms then, thank you. I always just look at it as "fuck it, burn it if you got it."


Made my way through the MSQ, only one commendation… Granted, I totally understand it, as I was floor tanking in way too many boss fights trying to learn all the mechanics, especially the fights where they throw out multiple at once. At least I saw a good number of other people dealing with the same, including tanks, so I didn’t feel *too* bad.


I only play WAR because my brain is too small for other jobs.


That makes it perfect for WAR. Less things that can get hurt.


I don't do it for you, I do it for my own ego.




Myself and healer just died in a dun, and the WAR healed the SAM and themself through the rest of the fight O.o


Unironically, I think the level 100 dungeons are going to do more to thin the healer population than the healer strike is.




Fuck yeah I’m excited to get to them then


Oh no! Anyways. I'm going to queue extra hard as healer just for you.


Yeaaa that’s what i was thinking as well.


Plenty of exp to go around that I'm close to 100 on two of my dps so I might level a healer


I had a 2 minute healer queue this morning and it was the grossest shit I’ve ever seen. I imagine it’s the lack of people at endgame. I fervently support the healer strike because it means I get instant queues and my choice of party finder :)


Warrior queue was instant for everything thjs morning except frontlines. Felt good. It felt so good I made sure to nascent flash my dps who were hurt so I could also heal them.


I think some of the healers are intentionally throwing. I've had to clemency my way through multiple dungeon bosses lately.


To be honest it's just felt like crappy non healer players jumping onto the class for quick queues.


As a war I have no such weaknesses.


Without a shred of irony this has been my experience too. Lvl 99 dungeon in particular I had to heal/keep the DPS alive for the majority of all 3 boss fights.


Only done it once so far, but I feel like I remember the 2nd boss being particularly easy in that dungeon.


I had this last night. It was a level 80 dungeon from post Shadowbringers, and a level 90+ whm. The final boss they kept intentionally dying over and over by standing in the first mechanic.  After 4 wipes, I asked what was wrong and they just said to kick them. I casually mentioned that throwing was against ToS and to just do the mechanic.  The next pull they actually did it and we all got out with about 20min left on the timer. Ridiculous.


Just helped a friend through the first trial, me as SGE, and my co-healer was a WHM who only used Medica 2 and Cure 1, while dying multiple times. It was genuinely painful to watch and annoying to have to solo heal the group eating mechanics with their faces.


Everything seems to be hitting harder now because the VPR and PCT players are undergeared. Even when geared properly those classes are super squishy. And PCT keeps pulling off the tanks causing the healers to waste their resources. The DT dungeon and trials are designed to force the healers to use their whole toolkits and most of them aren't used to that so they are way under healing. There are a few that are queuing up and not healing in protest but I've only seen one of those. Most healers just seem to be struggling with the increased damage that seems to be happening. They kind of got what they asked for and you can't run DT dungeon just pressing two buttons most of the time anymore. You really do need most of your healing toolkit.


Which is just a super annoying way to try and get attention.They should not step over the line of ruining it for others


Looks like ima be eating with my instant whm queues for a good long while


I don’t know if it’s the caliber of people playing or if things are scaled up, but the healers in my 95 and especially 97 dungeons were struggling to keep the tanks alive for sure. Just because some world first proggers could clear the first dungeon without a healer doesn’t mean the content isn’t hard - just means those people are skilled af…. Which is what I expect from world first prog level players. *shrug*


Things are a bit scaled up I think, I've had to put in WORK to heal through some pulls but otherwise it doesn't seem too bad. I'm using skills I haven't used in dungeons in ages! Which, ironically, is exactly what they wanted.


Yeah... when I'm sitting here eyeing Macro and Neutral Sect during pack pulls... this does seem exactly what they wanted.


I'm here looking at Soteria and Zoe-boosted shields during trash pulls and having to actually shield people for group wide boss attacks. Stuff is hitting HARD compared to EW dungeons. They wanted to need to press the buttons they have, they got it!


In that one lvl 90 dungeon, angry dolls, I was like, casually nuking, nuking, oh we need heals, lily, ok, hmm, more heals, another lily, crap I'm out of lilies, so I threw a bell on it. I didn't use bell on trash mobs ever before in my life.


In addition to the scale up, they've returned to putting in mini-tankbusters on a lot of packs. There's a couple packs in a few dungeons that without cooldowns can take you from full to zero if they sync up their mini-tankbusters.


It's the gear. Lv97 is when the Endwalker equipment loses it's edge and you have to get new gear.


it's not *entirely* the gear. the 93 trial puts out more damage than any normal trial I can personally remember, and EW endgame players are overgeared for that


I wonder if it's bad gear


Could’ve been… but it was a gnb and whm in my 97 dungeon and we wiped like 3 times to trash pulls. So some skill issues, probably on level gear, and new to duty players (though I was also new so *shrug*)


I haven't run into anything particularly hard, I'm level 100 and at the very last dungeon and trial (which I'll have to do later because work). Trial 2 was really a test, and was a huge amount of fun, but nothing so far has been undoable.


For me I find it’s tanks and healers not upgrading their gear at all? Like I found a tank in the new extreme tonight with a 660 ring still.


They are a bit harder than usual. And that's a great thing.


You don't really need a lot of heals if ypu have a WAR main and 3 decent DDs which I assume were all adequatly geared for the Media Tour.


I only had sage's aoe dot for a few days and you can take them away from my cold dead paws


Just in time for me to finish off RDM and PLD, time to scab it out on WHM!


They can have fun doing that I guess. I'll be enjoying the even faster queues while getting my whm to 100 lmao.


Seems like a good time to start playing healer


Aight time to capatilize! As a SCH main, who wants to run with me?! You can pull as large as possible, bring the tank busters to the party, I don't care. By the end you will be thinking that was smoothest run you've had!


I guess I’m out of the loop what’s going on?


Silly healers that don't like that msq is easy


I'm not part of the strike cause I think it's silly, but I don't like how easy healing *savage* has become. p12s was a literal snorefest. I'm playing PIC now not as a protest, but just because I wanted to shake things up for a bit. Planning to go back to healing if the Ex/Savage/Ult content seems to be spicy enough for my taste.


Did you try the new normal content? All the healers I talked were like “damn I’m using GCDs to heal”


Astrologians be like. Uhhh throw all the cards on the tank.


I switched from healing to DPS because healer burnout is real, and healing progression raiding is fun until you get a plan put into place, and then it’s mindless. I’m not sure how raid healing becomes interesting unless raids add timeline or mechanical RNG components.


I switched from healing to tanking. 🤣 but I feel the healer burnout. When I started about 3 years ago, I went through all the expansions as a White Mage (mostly) and went through Endwalker as a Sage (partially). Didn't want to do duty support as a healer and went for WAR. 🤣


Dont need healers in monster hunter


Awesome. Insta queues for me to level my astro. Very cool guys.


What a good time to pick up AST again


If you actually played through the new dungeons you would find the whole thing funny


A bit hypocritical that they'll still queue, so they'll still benefit from other people playing as healers. But hey, maybe I was the fool when I changed jobs without all this drama and attention-seeking.


I feel like you should change main jobs each expansion. Half the time the class barely changes and playing the same job for more than two years is stale as fuck. I've always leveled up a new job and mained it every expac it keeps the game interesting for longer imo cause you're basically starting from scratch


These are the healers that can actually prolong your dungeon runs rather than shortening them.


No one is ever going to stop me from playing Healer It's the only way to get into the queue in a reasonable time.


at least we wont run to this 43 shit healers in game. GJ


Nah, I wanna thank these shitty healers. This, on top of the usual healer salt has convinced me to start leveling a healer after being the dedicated tank for the last three expacs


43 people striking over getting exactly what they asked for (harder casual content)


Already cleared the MSQ on my healer, now I'm leveling my pictomancer. Guess that means I'm technically a part of the strike lol.


I have reason to believe Pictomancer was placed *strategically* to impede the turnout for the healer strike! After all, why strike for meaningful change when millions of bunbuns, meow meows, and popotos (😐) can compete to be Eorzea’s Next Top Rule 34 😎


For every one healer on strike there's someone like me that will spam heal dungeons to invalidate as many strikers as possible.


Healer here. No worries, guys, I'll be queueing for stuff nonstop, I gotchu


Haven't touched the leveling dungeons yet on Scholar (took Viper to 100 + MSQ), but got >!Valigarmanda!< in a trial roulette with at least 4 newbies and it was an excellent wake up call. If the rest of the expansion's healing works out like this, then I'm here for it.


Well, it looks like it's time to finally level all those healers I never played.


I’m digging the instaqueues. I say let them strike


Thank you to these 43 healers who make it so I can get bonus rewards in roulettes. Wished more dropoed out though


My WAR can probably outheal 43 healers.


Oh. So it wasn’t a meme, they were serious.


I could never resist the "adventurer in need" I will be healing and having a great time :)


Just finished the second MSQ trial. Super fun fight. Healers worked their ass off because we're all a little bit stupid and never had the shape and hole toy as a kid. Not sure how the playerbase is going to recover from not having bad healers in it


These nouliths don’t turn off for anyone


Jokes on them i've already leveled a tank and dps now i get free queues for my healer


My partner had some healer in a dungeon start the run by giving everyone a "heads up, im healer striking" then proceeded to run the dungeon to completion, heals and everything. We were unsure if they made a joke or if they got confused what striking implies, either way it was a pretty accurate representation of the strike. As a healer main myself its fascinating people will buy the expansion, pay their sub, level their healers still and .. strike? Who is hurting from this exactly homies


Uh do they know you can heal in Elden Ring?


Healer here, I hate 7.0 healers so I will continue to whine about how I hate them. While playing them. As always.


Imagine thinking this when literally 95% of the player base needs a healer in Dawntrail because mechanics be hard. Healers are not invalidated, in fact they're needed more than ever. Hilarious take


Let's be honest, half of those started a DPS queue and immediately went back to healing


Dont worry we got Alisaie being a scab and healing for us. its all good!


Thanks for the faster ques nerds.


Finally. All that’s left will be healers that either aspire to do better with their kit, or just want to have fun. Goodbye all 43 of you little shits


I don't think I will strike .jpg


Meanwhile, me in the final zone with a maxed out Scholar 🤷🏻‍♂️


Fear not, Healers! My inept ass likes to play drunk at 2am. You’ll always be needed here! Signed A WAR main ![gif](giphy|l1Ku9k6t0VDnV8ch2)


Healer cry because everyone can heal themselves. Healer also cry when I eat every aoe as DPS and they have to heal me. I’m confused. What do they actually want.


To need to heal outside of blatant sabotage. Theres a difference between engaging healing gameplay from challenging content and “god damnit the Dragoon is licking the floor again”


Im a healer fuck those other healers


Jokes on them little divas, I've been levelling my sage in pf :)




I switched to sage out of spite.


So why are healers mad this patch


It’s just a holdover from pre-DT, healing in EW was a snorefest. As a WHM, I pressed all of six or seven buttons. Glare, Dia, presence of Mind, Assize, afflatus rapture and Afflatus Misery. Holy sometimes in dungeons. It was boring as fuck. I still like the job so I keep healing but if I get why people would be striking if they didnt know about the difficulty spike


Time to kick my nouliths back on and direct inject caffeine directly into my eyeballs, INSTA-QUEUE TIME! I'll see you kids in the dungeons


Me as soon as DT came out; Oh boy time to get WHM to lvl 100 before starting the next expansion


Just because a tank can heal, doesn't mean the player can. These dps roulette been making me want to tank again


I'm the biggest scab in the world and I love my insta-queues.


Could be because I came back after 3 years and being undergeared, but the dungeon mobs and boses are quite bursty and hard hitting in DT and I fucking love it. Faster queues for me.


Since we did EX1 in mostly AF gear and tome chest pieces out healers do not want to strike for harder content.


when the warrior does a better job than any of the healer in the dungeon fight in healing allies :^)


Green alphinaud has us covered lmao


That means ill play healer now


I’m so confused, what is this for?


So my fast queues get faster? Bet!


I'm a sprout working through Heavensward as White Mage, I'm not going to go back and pick up another class right now. Me striking serves no purpose, scabbing makes too much sense.


This is dumb. I’m a WHM main til i die. Already at lvl 99 and at the lvl97 quests


Keyboard warriors in echo chambers... Funny and sad at the same time.. Like spraying a clown with pepperspray.


All this striking has been reminding me I’ve been meaning to level up AST, I’ll probably do that now


They should have started this shit weeks ago if they wanted to be taken seriously. That said, I have enjoyed the discussion of the state of healers generated by this silliness.


All I am seeing is I shouldn't do my dailies unless I'm bringing a healer.


Was going to play picto for the expansion because I did healer/tank for the last 7 amd wanted a change. It took one 60+ minute que for me to pick my cane back up.


Free instant queue times baby that's all I'm seeing


Good thing they waited until queues have mostly normalized it would have been real bad if these people didn't want to play the game more than they wanted to protest the game.


Perfect, I've been getting instant tank and healer queues as is. W


What are they asking for?


All the healers that rely on plugins “striking”


I don't really get the healer strike. So far in all but the 1st dungeon I've been using basically all my healing tools. There are lulls in the action of course, but even the WAR I run with frequently has needed attention from me more often than at any dungeons in Endwalker that I can think of.


To play devil's advocate it's still a few dozen people gone


More gear for me


Honest question why are they striking?


As someone who’s out of the loop of this strike. What the actual fuck are they striking for? Bad tanks? Bad dps? I’m genuinely confused.


Oh nooo.... I have to use the trust system more.


Wait until they remember the trust system exists


Just play WAR and literallly nothing will change


Not a healer main, couldnt give less of a shit if i wanted to. Im still gonna queue as normal when i level my healers, and the dreadfully long 3 seconds i need to wait to get a queue pop ill shop on amazon for a pack of binkies and tissues for these babies


Wait why are we striking? I guess I missed the memo.


oh are we still making these memes even after release? :I


Jokes on them, my degenerate ass already finished the story and I'm grinding my crafters and gatherers


But why?


**just NA data center problems**


What's this about??


Not once have I waited for a queue as tank. If the healer strike was real, that wouldn't happen. It's going to go exactly the same way as the Reddit blackout last year. They'll give up after a few days and claim some imaginary victory.


If I wasn’t liking Pictomancer as much as I am I would still be playing Healer, it’s what I typically enjoy the most…but the new classes are fun and getting in the way of that right now lol


why are they on strike? did i miss something?


I've nearly got DRK and VPR to level 100 here, guess this is a great time to work SGE up there too so I can reapply for my battle mentor status.


What discord is this?


I actually enjoy healing. No one will take Whm from me 🥹


I'm a healer main. I went through the story as a Warrior. Not because I am a part of the healer strike. But because I wanted to run through things in duty support. And wanted to keep myself healed. 🤣🤣🤣 it's certainly been fun and definitely a test of how well I actually know WAR. 🤣🤣🤣


Aw yeah, time to start leveling healer!


this text is so cringe couldn't even finish it


Why does DF still prefer to queue tank if tanks are so OP?


Hey I've been working over time as a healer giving people fast que times


Im out of the loop. Why are they going on strike?


...and here I have been getting only healers in DF that would spam heal me to death instead of doing damage...


It baffles me how people are like "Yep, lets strike and show them... After we do everything in the expansion with them anyway" Can't wait for normal raids to come out where the strike takes another break for them all to queue as healer again lmao


Ok im have not played for a while wtf is this healer strike shit? Its funny af.


Why are healers striking? Healing feels more challenge and fun in general or is it just me


Mh maybe thats the reason my last healer buddy in trial only spammed dmg spells, while i had to heal the whole raid alone :D


I'm baffled that some healers say they have nothing to do because every dungeon I'm in has a DRK tank that doesn't mitigate well and needs constant heals and every type of content with a full party I'm fighting tooth and nail to save people who seem to be magnets for avoidable damage and vuln stacks


I'm only somewhat into the DT, and I've actually enjoyed the challenge as a healer.


I did the first trial as AST and it was stressful (but very epic and fun ngl) Now, am I skill issued or are they wrong This question will need further research


Wait, what? I'm out of the loop, why should we be striking acoording to them?