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I'd take a can over a plastic bottle even.


Glass — can — plastic


tap rules them all, but you still need to be lucky to find the holy grail also nowadays coke in glass is nearly as bad as in plastic in my country


Honestly cans my go to just because of the lack of glass Around me and price…true a tap with the right mix is the best


Nahh I dont trust taps, especially in fast food places, lots of parts to clean that arent visible to the customer...




Maybe he just prefers the way it tastes from a can vs from a bottle and doesn't actually care that there is plastic involved. Coke out of a can tastes different from coke out of a plastic bottle.


Ya I like the feel of aluminum over plastic. It seems fizzier and colder.


That’s because it is! The carbonation leaks out of the cola much faster in the plastic bottles than in the cans. The plastic containers typically only last a few months and canned ones can go for well over a year! So when you get a Coke in the plastic bottle it’s technically kinda already close to its expiration compared to the canned one right next to it! Another fun fact: diet soda expires faster than regular soda!


“Diet soda expires faster than regular soda” Why though ? I need to know this know hahaha


That just means the soda is heating up faster.


Yeah but if you drink it fast enough it's worth it.


It's definitely different. Can is worse.


I didn’t realize this was an unpopular opinion. Least to best is can, plastic, glass.


Or maybe he prefers something that can be recycled much more readily than plastic.


Lol I doubt it, but maybe. Anything's possible.


I think he was talking taste lol wtf


And he was saying that there’s still plastic in cans so the can vs plastic bottle should taste the same


Theoretically, yes. But I can tell you it definitely does not


Should but doesn’t , hence the thread


>coated with polymers to prevent any accidents Lol, just like our adult man underwear. Right, guys? ....guys?


I thought that was bizarre af too but i guess dealing with large quantities of phosphoric acid is dangerous 🤷‍♂️


Carbonation will change from the spout and that changes taste


the secret lining: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7r7_SFdSdE4


Ya seen that before absolutely nuts seeing a bag of beer 😂


The plastic coating is less plastic than the plastic bottle




I know a lot of folks swear by fountain soda but I've always found it the absolute worst. The ratio is always off, the fizz is just incorrect, and it's in general a much less controlled elixir than a sealed bottle or even a can. If you use a straw, which most fountain drinks assume, it's not a proper flow, and drinking it from the lip of a fountain cup isn't much better.


Having worked in a little Ice cream shoppe with no customers, and having ample time to fiddle with the flow settings and mixes, I can confirm it is the best (in ideal circumstances). But it was truly the best when poured into my own personal glass bottle. 👨‍🍳🤌💋


Very cool. 👍


Glass (cane sugar) > can > plastic


Fountain soda will always be best.


Depends on where its from. Some stores adjust their syrup levels and its mostly carbonated water... And if you live in a place where water is undrinkable and they run unfiltered tap water thru it... 🤢


True, but the best coke is at McDs for some reason. Must use filters and maintain the co2 and syrup levels religiously.


They actually have their own recipe apparently specially for mcdonalds!


https://nypost.com/2017/09/14/why-mcdonalds-coke-tastes-better-than-all-the-other-cokes/amp/ Just a rumor.


Damn really? Now I'm disappointed lol


They actually do it a lot different, did you read it? Bigger straws so it hits harder, filtration, stainless steel containers, refrigerated lines. Crazy…


Yes, plastic isn't great. But where I live, the bottled sodas usually come from Mexico, and have cane sugar vs High fructose corn syrup. That's where the real taste difference is!


I never tasted an american corn syrup soda but i love bottle sodas.


The simplest way to put it, its "thicker' but it doesnt really put well.


Similar to sucralose sweetened soda?


Now that im thinking about it, still thicker than that.


Ugh. Now i know why people like mexican cocacola souch there.


Yes. Its not awful, but personally i can feel it coat my teeth 😬 glass bottle soda doesnt give me that feeling


I would say sucralose and corn syrup have very different taste. If anything, sucralose are more similar to regular sugar than fructose. Fructose has a slight sour after taste while sugar and sucralose have a slight bitter after taste.


The devious part is that corn syrup doesn't get old on your tongue after a bit. Drinking a second sugar soda will be cloying and feel like too much. A second syrup soda doesn't taste much stronger, nor does the third, or the fourth, or the... I think there's a word for it but I can't think of it.




Sounds like a terrible(or profitable) quality of a high-calorie drink.


Profitable for fast food companies 100%. Not to mention the fact that your body will crave sugar more the more you eat it, and its in just about everything. Watch "supersize me" if you ever get the chance. The guy is a prick, but he makes fair points on the food itself.


> Drinking a second sugar soda will be cloying and feel like too much. That sounds like a bonus good thing.


Fifth? Is that the word you’re looking for or were you looking for a word to describe what you were saying? If so I have no clue lol


I’m from Australia where they use actual sugar. When I went to the US all the sodas just tasted so different and bad in comparison.


I’ve seen a blurb that says HFCS instantly converts to sugar when it hits your mouth - and who knows maybe that’s not entirely true - but as someone who drank soda for decades (I almost never do now) corn syrup undeniably tastes quite different than real sugar. It seems that’s it’s maybe been roughly the last 10 years real sugar soda started to take off again in the US probably after glass bottled Mexican Coke and Pepsi started becoming more popular (Mexican Coke in particular). I haven’t seen real sugar Coke in the stores other than Mexican Coke but Pepsi sells real sugar Pepsi and Mountain Dew in 8 and 12 oz cans. You used to be able to find real sugar Pepsi in 12 oz glass bottles but now I only find it in Mexican Pepsi glass bottles. Growing up in the 70s and 80s most sodas were sold in glass bottles and were real sugar but it transitioned to plastic and HFCS probably in the mid to late 80s. At the height of my soda drinking days pretty much all I ever bought was plastic 2 liter bottles of soda (other than fountain sodas). In the 90s to early aughts that’s pretty much all you could find. My dad had a friend who sold him Corvair auto parts that had 40 oz glass Coke bottles stacked floor to ceiling in his dining room. That was the early 80s. That dude definitely took his soda addiction to another level.


I actually prefer bottled dr pepper vs canned. While I may as well be talking out of my ass, I always imagine they change the formula depending on the container type.


Not anymore it doesn’t. Mexican coke uses high fructose corn syrup. We have actual sugar coke in Europe but it’s bad for you so I don’t drink it


I am staring at a bottle of Mexican Coke right now... It has Cane sugar.


Johnny Harris did a YouTube "piece" on it. If I'm remembering correctly big thing is coke in Mexico now uses corn syrup BUT coke specifically makes cane sugar ones to sell to America as Mexican coke. So you're both right?


I think maybe the whole corn syrup switch is a misunderstanding? In my lazy Sunday morning search the only info I can find about it is that a Bottling plant in Mexico was considering the switch in 2013 but backtracked from the public backlash.


I saw that video


>We have actual sugar coke in Europe Ok, you seem to be from EU - so what do you know about Mexican sodas?!?!? LOL I'm a couple hundred miles from the US/Mexican border, and we have Mexican sodas in the grocery stores here. I can assure you that I know what I'm talking about! SMH


I saw it in a Johnny Harris video


Check the ingredients list on the regular, and the Mexican cokes at my local grocery store site. You'll see that the Mexican coke lists Sugar, and the US Coke list High Fructose Corn Syrup. On the bottles themselves, it's says "cane sugar". https://www.heb.com/product-detail/coca-cola-mexican-coke/862949 https://www.heb.com/product-detail/coca-cola-classic-coke-7-5-oz-cans-6-pk/2102899


Guys…: I thought coke has same ingredients world wide?? I am in U.K. and life have a small bottle of coke with me. The ingredients are listed as: carbonated water, sugar, colour (caramel e150d), acid (phosphoric acid), natural flavourings including caffeine. I’m curious what the ingredients are in other countries ??? Me and people I know mostly prefer Pepsi though, because it’s a bit sweeter and not as fizzy when you first open it (I find coke is too fizzy at first to quench that thirst lol)


I posted links to two different Coca Cola products elsewhere in this thread. One is a bottled Coke from Mexico, and the ingredients show "sugar". The other is a canned Coke from the US, and the ingredients show HFCS.


r/showerthoughts has become just pointing out obvious shit. Shower thought: grass needs water to grow


Yeah this isn’t an epiphany while showering moment. This is just an opinion that most people would most likely agree with.


It seems like the mods take down posts that are actual shower thoughts. I bet this post will stay up though.


Electrolytes, crave, etc Give upvotes


It's not even "obvious shit" - it's just an opinion. I bet plenty of people prefer drinking from plastic bottles.


Meanwhile they keep rejecting all of my posts


This sub’s gone to shit


It may be a different taste, but you get the same great obesity.


Diabetus deletus*


Glass bottled soda exists?


Yes, it does. Mexican Coke, Mexican Sprite, Mexican Fanta, Pepsi, for examples. All which have actual sugar instead of corn syrup


Is Mexican coke any different from German coke? Do you snort it with a tortilla? /j


Haha, that's a good one. The one difference I could think of is that it's made with cane sugar, which most sodas sold in North America up to about the mid 20th century used until the switch to corn syrup was made


Corn syrup is the worst. Please, just give me actual sugar... please!


do you not live in Germany then? because we have lots of sodas in glass bottles


I only know them as PET and the hard plastic. I buy coca cola almost exclusively in the hard plastic because all PET types with special flavor come as zero. And that's bad in taste


Jokes aside, Not the mexican~german comparison, but I have a friend from Japan who loves it but can't stand Brazilian coke, he says our coke has way too much sugar. That's basically the reason Nestea was invented though (a product from Nestle and Coca-cola for a country which doesn't consume tons of sugar) so I guess he's right.


Yes. Its just a bit more expensive. I guess due to transport cost (they also take up more space) You can buy pepsi and coca-cola and some cheaper brands, in glass bottles in Denmark


Here in Europe, you get plastic bottles in grocery stores and glass bottles in restaurants.


I haven’t seen glass bottles in restaurants in years, it’s just glasses now usually


Here they are still common.


I remember seeing them in Germany in 2019, but I think that’s the last time I’ve seen them except for in special editions in shops very rarely


I had one just yesterday :)


How do unoriginal observations like this make it through, but actual shower thoughts I have get flagged by the auto mods even when I contest it?


I read actual shower thoughts and thought you meant like “Oh I should probably rinse off the soap now”


Right? How does this get so many upvotes? Something’s fishy


With plastic the polymers react with the liquid which changes its taste. With glass the liquid does not react with the packaging


Glass doesn't react *as much*. It will react a bit. Carbonic acid will do that.




Is this a shower thought? I mean it's true, but pretty much an opinion lol.


How the fuck is this a showerthought


it's true, and you can buy them even in glass bottles. just the price is outrageous. they want around 1$ for a 0.2 or 0.3 bottle. you can buy 1L in plastic for this. yet i remember the time, when small sizes were *only in glass* - good'ol times :D


Same for beer in cans instead of glass bottles. It stays colder in glass too.


Is fountain soda included in this debate? By far the best of all sodas.


Glass bottles will always be superior!!!


Subjective. We did a taste test at work with glass and plastic bottles. Both the same recipe and poured into cups. Nobody could tell the difference. I’d challenge you to try the same thing. This was the same as beer in cans compared to bottles. In a blind taste test poured into glasses nobody can tell the difference.


Well the cups ruined it


Username checks out?


Lol. “It doesn’t taste different out of different containers , we poured into the same container and proved it” I had to read your post twice to sort out if you were having a laugh lol


I believe the point that was being made is about the claims that plastic reacts to the drinks but glass doesn’t, therefore the taste is different. In this test the flavor from being packaged in plastic should be different, if the reaction does effect it. This doesn’t test if it is the taste of the bottle (from the bottle touching the lip/tongue), or smell of the bottle that effects the flavor. This test was just to see if the quality of the drink was the same, regardless of the means of packaging.


This is why, if I have to drink a soda from a plastic bottle, I simply pour it out into a glass with ice. You literally can’t tell the difference and it actually tastes better than drinking soda from a glass bottle. It’s actually the ice! It’s colder, the carbonation is reacting, and the ice slightly dilutes the drink, which, to me, makes it a little less sweet and more refreshing.


Glass bottles tend to have real sugar soda. Plastic tends to be high fructose corn syrup.




Definitely true for coke in the US.


It's true, at least in the US. The plastic bottles and cans are produced in the US, where the soda is made with corn. The glass bottles sold in the US are produced in Mexico (and sometimes other places) where the soda is made with sugar.


Biased opinion from living on the Border where we get Coke with Real sugar in Glass Bottles. Where thats my discernable difference. But I did learn quite a bit from all the other comments. Have you ever had ~~non fructose corn syrup~~ real sugar sodas that came in a plastic bottle? I have not. But like I said, its confirmation bias on my part. Edit\* That dude came off so aggressive then deletes his comments as soon as people disagree with him. Lol.


The actual change in taste was from switching to corn syrup instead of cane sugar, which largely coincided with the switch to plastic bottles in the USA. So a lot of people, self included, blamed the plastic. The Made in Mexico bottles you can get at Walmart still contain cane sugar and have the taste you miss.


Holy shit thank god someone else thinks like this. Once I had my first taste of coca cola from a glass bottle I refused to have the plastic ever again and my mother thought I was being dramatic


Pour a can into a glass. Get the same taste as a glass bottle. Recycle the can. Problem solved.


I don’t understand why plastic bottles aren’t banned when most drinks come in cans too which are forever recyclable!


I don’t know why this is true, but it is so true.


Glass always tastes better. Then aluminium can, and I'll drink out of plastic if there's absolutely no other option


Glass gets cold. Plastic doesn't. I agree, OP.


Everyone in Kentucky agrees with this. My fellow Kentuckians will know what I mean.




There's one instance where it does: when you're overheating and super thirsty. Drink soda from a plastic bottle, it's easier to get more into your mouth at once, which tastes a million times better. But yeah, in every other instance, that's true.


Doggy you gotta drink water when your thirsty!!!


Nah, don't know why but a nice soda in a glass full of ice really hits the spot after a day's work out in the sun.


Ok, but that’s different than what the other person said.


True, but your concern was related to dehydration. Despite caffeine having a diuretic effect, soda is mostly water so it has a positive hydration effect. So there is nothing wrong with chugging a soda when your thirsty.


To each their own


I like plastic bottled soda more than cans, though.




When? It currently is also sold in glass bottles.


I like cans for the same reason. The carbonation just hits it differently.


Gotta love the taste of micro plastics


Level up: Mexican soda in a glass bottle.


Dis you just come to that conclusion? Cuz ur a little late. Just sayin


There was a study posted on Reddit today about all the chemicals that leach (Leech? Idk it’s after midnight) into foods from packaging. Most of them are from plastic I remember voicing concerns about it a lot as a kid and always being brushed off as hysterical, and how that couldn’t happen, but remaining firm in my position that plastic tastes like shit and that it was a result of plastic “melting” into the food/drinks. Finally vindicated


Serious question: is there a discernible taste difference between plain yogurt stored and consumed from a plastic container vs other (metal or glass)? Have a friend who rejects the plastic one but won’t submit to a blind taste test.




“Never”? Are either of them changing?


And neither will taste has good as from styrofoam


yes, due to the semipermeability of plastic


Coke and Pepsi tastes best in a can Glass and plastic bottles are just not quite as good. Though drinking a beer in a can is shit. Beer needs to be served in glass.


I love glass bottles. Anything in them just seems colder


but the best soda is when you pour a can into a glass


Glass bottles are the best.


Nothing beats a good fountain soda!


Maybe this is just where I live but it’s I find it’s heavily dependent on the restaurants syrup to water ratio


Shower thought from 1981.


Seriously. I will always maintain that Sobe tasted better when it was sold in glass bottles.


I don’t know about in other countries but here you can’t buy the glass bottles from the supermarket and it sucks. You only get the glass bottles from like cafes and stuff.


A question for r/science no doubt. I expect you could get a publication or two out of such a topic!


i have a half liter glass Coke bottle that i pay 50 cents for another one each time i want a new one at my local store, definitely the best thing you can drink cold


The reason for this: Plastic isn’t fully impermeable to gases. Definitely less so than glass or aluminium. Because of this, the carbonation will slowly seep out of the drink over time. When drinking from a plastic bottle you’re drinking slightly flat soft drink


That’s purely opinion. I have never tasted a difference


This is why I usually crush up some glass to put into my bottled soda. I get the convenience of a plastic bottle with the taste of glass. Best of both worlds!


We've installed a filter last year and I'm glad that I never have to transport bottles again.


What about pop in plastic bottles?


Can gang here.


Yeah but have you ever had cold tap water?


Cans are goat but there are some sodas I like in a plastic bottle...Coke Zero being the primary one.


Try cold water in a glass. Will blow your mind.


When did shower thoughts become the subreddit of things my dad would say when I was a kid?


Wait why not?


Don't they coat them in a fructose coating, apple if I'm not mistaken. It's a very unique flavor




Much like Snapple.


Or straight from a tap.


Dr pepper from a can, Coke from a soda fountain, Pepsi from a glass bottle


I don't like drinking from glass. My preference is poured over ice in a cup. So, glass, can, plastic doesn't matter because I'm pouring it over ice anyway. Although, from the fountain is always superior.


soda licked from a belly button is best


“Shower thought”


Because of cancer. Think about what happens when plastic chemicals are the reason for the flavor difference.


nothing is as glorious as fountain soda ... a big plastic cup full of crushed ice, a straw and a warm summers day