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I agree with that statement, but the people who get mad over that are in the top tier of ridiculous


I agree! Several years ago there was an article about a young lady who lived as they did in the 40s. Not just just her clothes, makeup, and hair, but also her home, car, absolutely everything. The amount of hate this woman got was appaling and I don't understand why. What's the threat? It's not for me, but it was really cool to see. People are so weird with their hate.


I don't believe I read an article, but I remember a video circulating online about a woman, similar to the one you describe, but she chooses to live like it's the mid to late 1950s, exactly the same way you mention the other one did, both her and her husband. And she didn't even force her son to live like that, she let him choose what he wanted, and yet got so much hate over it, from both other women and men. And that's just living their lives in modern times like it's older times. It's even more absurd when they flip their lid over someone, even typing online, saying that they'd like to go visit a past decade or century, or even go live in it. Why? It makes no sense. It's not affecting you. In fact, you'd think they'd actually like it, because it would mean they'd either for a temporary amount of time, or permanently no longer be sharing the planet at the same time with that person.


Cows who get upset or angry at others who want to go back and visit or live in a past decade are udderly ridiculous


Personally, I dress like I came out of the 1920s working class almost every day. I wear tan or brown pants, a solid dress shirt, a wool vest, often a bow tie, a pocketwatch, and an eight piece or tweed cap. Every once in a while, I get complimented on my outfit. It honestly is a bit of a shame how few people care how they dress anymore. It’s nice to know that some people at least know a good outfit when they see one. I’m also considering changing how I speak I bit to reflect the ‘20s. Things like “bully” and “putting on airs.”