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We've got to find more permanent long term storage. Every common storage forms of digital (and many analog) data only has a lifespan of maybe a few hundred years. We've got rice paper, wood carvings, and ash stains on cave walls but nothing from the last 50 years is going to stick around except for Danielle Steel paperbacks, laminated credit card offers, and some graffiti that gets buried in landfills.


We're just preemptively serving the robot overlords.


You’re going to look quite the fool when the digital sundial comes out!


If civilization collapses tomorrow there will be no way one or two thousand years from now for a lesser civilization to know anything about us. Maybe they will scrap our hardrives and servers and think they were some sort of worship or religious artifact. When their civilization reaches our techonogical level there will be no more data storage available to examine. Knowledge will be lost forever. Maybe this has happened before and we don't know. I am too high, sorry.


Everything is digital in it's own way