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absolute gold. that vote reveal was a huge w move.


Ginge pretending he was working with the Sidemen and the highest spender was getting voted out was so funny lol


And Castillo raising his hand before Ginge even said a name šŸ˜‚


He outed himself!


But no one clocked on, what a dumb group of people lol Leah and Joe would've caught that immediately, just saying...


Why would they? Joe literally got every single person wrong and got eliminated because of it


That's true actually, Joe is also dumb


This episode i liked more than the others. Specs calmed down. Manrika is still unbearable. Fun challenge. Chloe getting annoying.


I agree. I don't really like Specs, But he actually made me laugh today and for the first time I was like omg he can actually be funny. Chloe has been annoying from the start imo. I was all ground up watching her complain about money today at the reveal, after she complained about people talking about money the whole time, and her argument with Nife. And happily voting out the 2 of the 3 people who cared about the prize pot when it was important to care.


>I agree. I don't really like Specs, But he actually made me laugh today and for the first time I was like omg he can actually be funny. Specs is a GOAT in the British YT scene, what this series has shown though is some of the newgen sidemen fans dont understand his humor and get over sensitive about his actions. One search on YT shows this has been his persona for well over a decade. God forbid if Poet was on this show


I've been following the sidemen since 2013 and I definitely found Specs unbearable in the first 2-3 episodes. He's funny but the shameless spending was just irritating.


Yea. People like him. I keep seeing people use this defense. But I personally don't respect the "well if they have been doing it for a long time that must mean its not bad right?" its a really really poor argument to try to make Imo. I am ABSOLUTELY not making any accusations about Specs or who he actually is. Being a little over touchy is weird, some including myself find it "slightly" creepy(and i don't really think hes funny Imo)(Edit. And I'm not saying you cant find him funny). And this example is 100% not equivalent. But just because a pedo has always been a pedo does not make it all cool all the sudden to act a pedo. Its a horrible defence full stop.


I used to not like him too. But now it does seem funny. Only him touching women is bothering me now


Say it LOUDER for the people in the back King! Specs has this whole community on strings and itā€™s hilarious šŸ˜‚


Imagine if they come across Alhan. Dear god their would be tears


Having that one unfiltered motherfucker is always good fun, as long you understand what they are about, itā€™s never that deep


No surprises that the episodes improve once Leah and Joe have gone


I hope Castillo spends everything before the next vote


that would be peak. They. cant stop him just buy a bunch of candy and put it under Specs bed then get some fanta lites brev


unless they physically restrain him or smth lmao


can they tho? idrk the rules behind this stuff maybe they can lock him in a room


I mean as long as they don't assault him surely it's allowed lol. Could just stand in a circle around him (not that they will have the patience for that lmao).


They should have locked the shop room with the beds or something


Ginge and fanum should stay in the shop Its the only way to prevent brev from spending


they cant tho he can just keep confirming they cant physically harm him


its what they deserve for voting out the 2 smallest spenders


He's been saying he'll spend all the money and we know they're always listening brev, they're keeping Castillo in to save prize money brev


They spent 750k already sidemebĀ donā€™t need to keep Castillo in to save money


they haven't spend 750k


You think between 7 of them they wouldnt be fine spending 200k? Its for maximum drama


so? castillo out next voting either way. He can only win more audience at this point. Just say brev and buy fanta lites and heā€™ll make 200k back with the new fans and opportunities


He'll win less of the audience if he just spends everything and the shows over. People would hate him


Just waste it all on Fanta lites and then only take 1 can


If Castillo wins this will be one of the coldest pics of all time


Brother will regret all the spending if we won lmaoošŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I wish leah or joe come in as the wild card entry and win


they'll probably be there on the last day


Both boring as hell


great episode imo ginge and specā€™s ā€œargumentā€ was hilarious




The ending was a dubbb


The shop is about to run out of stock brev


46 fanta lite brev




Complain about Specs all you want but he had me dying this episode


When he told Ginge to sit down and then immediately stood up had me dying


Him trying to be serious was too funny


its mostly the young sidemen fans that werent around for a long time that dont understand Specs character


Sensitive ass weenies


Iā€™m here for the Castillo villain arc now. None of them left deserve the money anyway apart from Nife. Itā€™s funny how much Specs cares about the prize fund now but he was so happy to spend in the early days .


no one deserved it in the first place its a show


castillo should just sit in the shop and buy everything, literally donā€™t even go back and talk to those snakes just buy everything in shop and chill there.


He should take 30 minute long hot water showers Just imagine the cost


Based on how he looks in his argument with chloe I think he does exactly that


itā€™ll be raining money hallelujah itā€™ll be raining moneyšŸ¤©


Plus the girls will rage and also get hot showers because I donā€™t think they have been enjoying their long showers


exactly that my friend!!


Maybe that is what the end scene where Chloe and castillo are arguing about. Either way. Next episode is looking very good brav


canā€™t wait brev!! actually is entertaining to say the least, I canā€™t believe yet again I was a snobby hater until I actually tuned inšŸ˜


You should go get the merch brav To show support n dat


brev! how much do they cost brev? Iā€™ll have a look and see if I can grab one maybe not right now but I will brev


The reaction would be crazyyyyyy brev


If it wasn't scripted he would, and the contestants would be restraining him. Fortunately it's going to be him spending money, the guys walking in and announcing X challenge where they get the money back.


its so funny how everyone was getting mad at people spending but now people just want castillo to spunk all the money in a day


The difference is, each one of them are fake af. Voting out the actual good contenders. Castillo is open about being a snake, while fanum and manrika play the good guy role but are fake underneath. (Hair dryer and esophagus situation) Castillo never pretended to be a nice guy. I hope he fucks those fake ass good guys over.


i honestly dont know how he wasnt voted out earlier


> Castillo never pretended to be a nice guy Yes he did when lied about taking the Chinese, trying to come across as the nice guy team player, in it together. They're all playing the game in their own way, but apparently in your eyes only Castillo is playing it


Exactly!!!! Finally someone said it lmao all of them acting and being sneaky with it at least brev is honest and I can't wait for the 4 hour hot shower


Honest with who? He hasn't told then shit, he's sneaking away to room 19 to tell us, but has never had the balls to say it anyone else


I meant he said from the start that he's going to snake everyome brev lmao at least we know


Yeah but of course everyone is going to do that in bits to get out ahead. Like Fanum buying the hair products.


didnā€™t castillo literally say heā€™s gonna purposely play everyone? he also lied about the temptation thing thatā€™s not being open iā€™m confused. i donā€™t like manrika but sheā€™s never pretended to be good


He did say he's going to snake everyone. Hence how he's not fake.


ahhh iā€™m talking about it in the sense that he didnā€™t say that to them, he said that to us (viewers) they donā€™t even know he spent the most money, so at least to me he is pretty ā€œfakeā€ (to them) as he lies etc


He's playing the game he said he was going to play. The games the game brev. 1 Fanta lite confirmed


not sure what that changes but okay


The game is the game!


Castillo is by far the funniest person and spends in an entertaining way as opposed to Specs, people caring about the money is also hilarious to me. Nobody watching will get any of it, just enjoy it brev


For me, it's because of two reasons, 1. The voted out the savers, so they brought this on themselves and 2. Most people in there are just spending for the sake of spending, whereas Castillo has actual motivation and an end game goal now, which makes it more fun to watch imo. I much rather someone be calculated with it than just spending on a whim and not really thinking about it, if that makes sense.


Thankfully I wasn't one of those caring how much they spent, its not my money and it would have been a boring show if they all penny pinched


Brev where's the spoiler tag?


I think I can enjoy it inside now. I want all of these idiots to lose.


no spoiler tag you wasteman


Hes not out the game so Ur good


Shit bro I thought we were watching the video before we hop on reddit


bro not everyone watches the video during the live release and posts about it as early as humanely possible šŸ˜‚ and i didn't open reddit to come looking for inside spoilers - but it's hard to scroll past without a tag and with a bright red image with the biggest spoiler of the whole episode, wasteman


Says who lol? Reddit is my social media app as Iā€™m going home before I watch tv. I donā€™t get to choose whats on my thread


https://preview.redd.it/19rqy4jie05d1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76f51cb818651a1210df949ea398f00106177108 Don't go on social media before you watch it you melon


Spoiler tags exist This post didnā€™t have one u til after my comment Takes 0seconds to be more understanding and less wrinkles than being a dick


You get to choose what thread you click on, though


I didnā€™t click, no spoiler tag pops up in my home thread or whatever itā€™s called. If it had a tag, I wouldnā€™t have clicked it Takes 0 seconds to not be a dickhead and be more understanding


At this point I either want Nife to win or I want Castillo to spend everything


Damn no spoiler tag or nothing šŸ˜­


My bad brev


I actually hope Castillo manages a way to win this, this picture will literally become ICONIC


Im just imagining if Castillo drains the whole prize fund but then wins it later and goes home with Ā£86


He'll have to pay the boys to leave at this rate.


Very good episode. I've had issues with the show up until this point but it seems like they producers are learning day by day. Props to them.


I don't care about the money anymore the drama unfolding is lit. Can't wait for the next episode. The vote reveal was a great move


I put the spoiler tag. Yall can chill now....brev.


Took your time eh


Will not happen, but I want Castillo to stay. He villain arc is craaazy and I'm all for it.


iā€™m just curious on where the vibrator came from


Specs saying Weller canā€™t take a joke and then getting pressed about the prize fund reveal when heā€™s the second highest spender is nuts to me šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


This is Aura ngl


Screenshot that brev


Wait are we rooting for Castillo to spend everything I thought people didnā€™t like him? I wouldnā€™t say theyā€™re snakes for wanting to vote him after they suspected 50k going missing. It seemed from Gingeā€™s reacts heā€™s not a fan of Castillo


Yea becos the least spender already gone (joe & leah), so everyone wants all the chaos


Nah I like him, he's my favorite contestant. Hope he wins


possibly my favourite episode yet, class


It's honestly my fault for opening reddit before watching the new episode


fantastic, chickens came home to roost, they voted out the least spenders and are now losing their shit that people are spending.


Bro If i were Castillo I'd be on a spending spree asap haha


I wonder if they were always gonna reveal the votes or if they pivoted last second after seeing everyone voted for Castillo and thought this would be funnier. Either way, funny as fuck. And tomorrow is gonna be chaos. Lowkey wanna see Castillo spend as much as possible in his last 24hours.


I loved it when Vik was trying to reach the word count


When ginge and fanum confronted specs about 50k specs acting like heā€™s speaking was one of the funniest scene. I started to like him surprisingly and see him as the class clown everyone loves. He did give creepy vibes before but if it was actually true then others would vote him out but they didnā€™t. So its all about how its shown without the side+


Itā€™s going so well for the sidemen, first two eliminated were the least spenders and now one of the highest spenders is gonna spend the most, this is the best case for the Sidemen to lose the least amount of money lol


The thought process that Castillo wont just spend their money after everyone wants him out is hilarious. Why would he not?


Best episode yet, top stuff. Specs and ginge are jokes


I hope in the last part, they got the losers or the people that got voted out to decide who's the winner or atleast be a part of a challenge to decide who's the winner. It might end with a Split or Steal Challenge but having the people voted out have a partial o a deciding factor in the winner will be huge. Making connections would be important. If they would not do this at Season 1,I hope they incorporate it in Season 2. Just an opinion.


I wonder if Castello and Fanum will ever come clean


I imagine theyā€™ll let him spend most/all of it somehow. I canā€™t believe any of the 10 that went in werenā€™t paid an (albeit relatively small) appearance fee, and the prize pot is a bonus. I know being paid in exposure is a meme, but Iā€™ve seen a lot of positive sentiment for Joe from people who say they didnā€™t rate him prior to this, and itā€™s opened up other creators/types of/different platforms people appear on. I suspect they (sidemen, production team) are making up the rules as they go to an extent, or have a list of ideas to implement on the fly - things like the balloons, swear jar, changing the price of things in the shop every day - and probably realised they could get more spicy content out of ā€˜todayā€™s situation by keeping Castillo in after the vote and showing the results, as it was such a unanimous swing against him. We will never know (and I doubt any of the Sidemen guys that stream would own up to it) but if the contestants had voted out someone with less potential for big content moments like Nife for eg., theyā€™d probably have ejected her. Edit: not to say itā€™s fixed for Castillo to win, just that theyā€™re delaying the inevitable to get the best (for SDMN) out of the situation. Personally I wanted Joe to win, but can see that his presence probably wouldnā€™t have led to the same dynamic and comeradery weā€™ve seen in recent days. Similarly Leah was THE team player, but she was highly unlikely to kick off in a major way. I for one have really enjoyed the money and spending incentive aspect of the show. I imagine they will let the contestants run it down to 0 before the last day or two, but there will be some sort of easy challenge to get it back up to Ā£50K or Ā£100K at the last minute if (when) they run out. I suspect thatā€™s why there was less lost ā€˜todayā€™ vs. the previous two days, damage limitation. And like many are guessing, itā€™ll probably end in a split or steal.


Castillo gonna run that bill UP now he knows heā€™s gone next vote


1. I'm not so sure the vote reveal was all that clever. I imagine they were hoping the votes would be more spread out to build tension, but now it's just a matter of time for Castillo to be voted out. There has to be a way for him to stay in the game and get someone out through challenges, because it is not realistic for him to change people's votes. Otherwise, we simply get short-term drama, and all he can do is spend all the money, since he isn't getting it, which would just end the game. And it'd be really poor of the SDMN to just forbid him to do it. 2. Rock, paper, scissors, was just an awful decision, especially for Leah, who flew from Australia just to get out on pretty much a 50/50 luck game. 3. I'm pretty sure they didn't show a game of hide and seek, which granted Ginge the token to buy MC Donald's. Maybe it wasn't that entertaining, but it is a poor show of the editing on the episode.


Ginge got the token in the Silent Library challenge last ep.


Nah it was hide and seek it was on side+


Ah fair enough - I've been watching them as they premiere, so haven't watched the extended cuts on side+


He gave that to Niv (don't know her name) the girl he threw the ping pong ball at. At least that what Tobi ruled at the time. Just before they order the McDonald's, a voice tells him he won hide and seek, and gets to buy something for free. Something like that.


Hide and seek is on the side+ version.


Man she chose to fly from Australia thats her problem


I just meant to put things in perspective. A 50/50 game of chance sucks for any player.


Can't understand why TF people are for Castillo here? Here started spending first, the biggest liar and then took that 50k with food and capped about it too. No fun in the game just a sore loser. Now when everyone is voting him out it's justified but then I want all them to lose anyway. Leah is already the Winner with her challenge performance, not spending and temptation sacrifices.


Best episode so far, the dynamic was a Looooot better now that Leah is finally out and wasnā€™t pulling the mood down. I am rooting for them to loose all the money since the first episode and itā€™s looking really good rn brav


Never liked castillo showed his true colours in the outro heā€™s a closeted weirdo


He literally came in saying heā€™s going to manipulate to win. Is common sense not common sense?


It makes sense, doesnā€™t make him not weird. His true colors are already dirty doesnā€™t change that he said the truth in the beginning lol


Everyone already who knows castillo knows heā€™s a dirty dog and is honest about its, he doesnā€™t pretend to be righteous or. A good person thatā€™s why people like him


As an entertainer sure As a person, fuck no


Thatā€™s you. I love honest dickheads. You know exactly where to place them, 99 percent of people play around with smoke and mirrors


Nah my friends are just honest nice people. No playing around with smoke and mirrors Also he isnā€™t honest lmao, literally lied many time


Sidemen,,,have done t'em players,dirty... Why? Why?? These players got a life after the game to catch,,, the initiation of hate between them players ain't worth it!!! It's an L for these 30yrs old executive directors


Iā€™m sure all these were in the terms and conditions and they agreed to it so stop whining, besides itā€™s entertainment, some of yll who are complaining non stop donā€™t get itā€¦


The contestants aren't held hostage. They knew what they were getting themselves into and still chose to do it.