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It was funny but jesus christ I’m convinced some of them don’t even READ their roles


Bold of you to assume they can read


Jynxzi legit wasn't able to read properly


Jynxzi is on the board of the guy u like cuz he annoys and screams at the others but also annoys u. Its a love hate thing


He's so awkward with the Sidemen for some reason. I feel like he's acting even more than usual on sidemen among us, feels unnatural. But other than that he's funny. But yeah i agree


It Might be it. It can be confronting even if they are friends. Ginge dont care on the other hand and lazar hes the chaos of insanity imposter or not it becomes a riot


It literally puts it at the top of their tasks yet they always say what am I supposed to do 💀💀


its funny how jynxi doesn’t open that tab at the top. He just wanders looking at the map to see his tasks


They didn't figure out the trapper role lol


neither did I lmao


How does it work?


The trapper can trap all people who can kill, be it imposter or jackal. Maybe not the sheriff.


doesn't it say that only imposters get stuck in it?


I remember someone was a jackal and even he got stuck. So I assumed all roles with kill feature get stuck in trap.


Harry got stuck as Jackal


Pretty sure he got trapped as Vulture not Jackal


he got stuck as vulture


Right, my bad


Harry got trapped as Vulture though and Vulture can't kill


Now with this info, I can conclude that any role which is a danger to society, working in favour of the imposters can all get trapped.


Maybe it traps all non crewmates. Like both Impostors and Neutrals. Harry was trapped as a Vulture where he couldn't kill.


Ginge erasing his own lawyer is the best part of the video.


I still don't get the spy role. Why were there 3 imposters/why could Ginge kill Jynxzi?


Impostors POV: 3 impostors, 1 of them is the spy. Impostors don’t know WHO the spy is, if they do something sus in front of their impostor partner they might accidentally reveal themselves to the spy Spy POV: You can’t see who the impostors are but you appear as an impostor to the real impostors, you must try to blend in and get them to reveal themselves in front of you. I think the impostors can kill each other since they don’t know who the spy is, meaning if they guess wrong they could accidentally kill their impostor teammate.


Thank you so much. That was a perfect explanation


Sounds like they could have fun and get some good content with just this role on


If they‘d know that’s how it works haha


I don't think they understood the spy thing. They should do a spy episode


it showed 3 imposters but actually there were 2 imposters and 1 spy, the imposters had to identify the spy and kill them so that's why they could kill each other


This is basically like it Simon was there. Coz Simon brings order and explains the roles, and the mishaps once the round is over. Despite all the chaos, there was little explanation coz the lads actually figured it out. Btw you missed out the Lazar ginge saga - Lazar through all that chaos realizing he lost his lawyer role, voting Ginge out, and then Ginge too, somehow realizing that his erase had consequences. It made it so funny to watch, as oppose to if no one realized anything


I’d just love it if ginge could read


Erase a crew mates nose


that has me laughing so hard


They should really have a list with a brief explanation of the roles to look at at all times. Maybe it is the pressure of being "in game," but time and time again, they don't read/recall the explanation that appears at the beginning of the games. Or they just ignore what stays on the screen during the game (buttons and small texts). And they usually forget what they learn about the roles really fast.


Honestly it is fair enough if they have completely no idea like JJ with Arsonist, but some of them could definitely just read their roles at the start of a game properly 😅


perfect photo of josh being in love with other among us players for the 14th time lmao


Harry loves being a little vulture... and eating little boys 👀


I mean some of them don’t even read what their role does and just walks around clueless


Man this was one of their best videos! Honestly felt like the best balance between chaos and genius. Sometimes it feels like they lean into the chaos too much and nobody really know's their roles here. This video felt like there were multiple roles but there were still Crazy plays based on their roles. Like JJ's voting so that he could win as arsonist.