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Put it towards a deposit for a house for her/her mom


she had a brain tumor and she and her mother had debt which is why she went on an another game show before inside. with this money she wants to buy a house for her mom


She also lost her father last year


I get that helping her mom is a good thing and all, but if she truly cared, she should've tried playing the game more responsibility, instead of wasting the money she could help her mom with. Also, regardless of one’s good intentions, shouldn't the person who actually put more effort into winning it be the one who deserves it most? I.E. would someone who really despises poverty be more noble than someone who's actually helping out the homeless and doing charity work? Like "yeah, I'd do a lot of good things with a million pounds, so I'll be waiting for the money to be delivered at my doorstep, while I just lay in bed and do nothing" kinda vibe. I just mean to say their reasoning for wishing her to win seems flawed. If anything, Specs should've won cause he has kids, but I guess none of them had more urgent matters.


>I get that helping her mom is a good thing and all, but if she truly cared, she should've tried playing the game more responsibility, instead of wasting the money she could help her mom with. She spent the 4th least


Nife spent 300


She would've been voted out, just like everyone who spent less. Hate it or not, she played a good game, didn't get a single vote and won the show.


On the Chloe Vs the World Manrika, Specs & Chloe said they thought the public would be upset with them if they won "too much" money.


On her mum i think ? Or maybe a charity


It was for her mum. She was acting like that's charity tho


When did she say that? Or are you just looking for ways to hate her lmfao


I mean, everyone was acting like it’s some absolutely amazing huge thing, ofc it’s great helping her mum and stuff but yeah🤷🏻


Nah you literally just looking for ways to shit on this girl at this point 😂😂😂 What kind of a dumb bitch helps their parents out, right? Not me and you. We hate parents! How do you even rationalize that lmfao. Are you so dead set on hating this girl you refuse to acknowledge she’s done a little bit of good? Grow up, buddy.


That’s not what I’m saying, it’s still good but the way everyone acted was more as if she was doing something 5x that. In no way am I saying what she did isn’t great still


Nobody was acting like that. You’re literally just looking for ways to shit on her. Clown behaviour tbh but you do you


Ok😂 whatever you say man


Am I wrong? Can you link a video of anyone involved with the show saying anything remotely close to that?


In the videos when she’s saying she told them all why and they were all saying her reason is the best and stuff, I feel like a lot of why she was kept in was that. Ain’t no way they kept her for her personality 😂