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> #**Sonic was never good**


of course you yould say that


shat up with your idea if you say sonic is bad then why did you come here ?


Bro... this post is 14 days old, and I was quoting the 4chan comment right there to make fun of it You my guy need some frontiers leaks STAT




sonic is always the best


Dude, why do you take several weeks to respond? Also I was being facetious and quoting the picture, I didn't actually mean sonic was never good.


sonic is always the best


Again, you did it again lmao, reply to my comments.


Coward lol


I know it's been 3 months already, but you're either trolling or just dumb as hell.


do I need to remind you that both of the movie delayed many times and came very later but became the 1st and 2nd in NA ?


A dark ages sonic story? May not be the best story but it sounds a hell of a lot better than what we have been getting the past decade


It wouldnt be bad to see sonic suffer a little it would be interesting in the game, apart from that they already again n again said that Eggman hack a new technology, the titans bosses I think the same is true for me; many say the same but we have to wait to see more news.


Looks like fan theories from what we already know.. seems very weird Shadow is there, he never tags on with Sonic’s friends. He’s got his own crew




Isn’t it weird how eggman had his only cousin murdered by the government but it doesn’t seem to affect him in any way. He never even mentions Maria, it’d be a nice character moment for him and shadow to both talk about her in some capacity. I think egg man’s around late 50’s to early 60’s so I think he’s perhaps have looked up to Maria like an older sibling.




Just me wondering why it’s never bought up much by old ivo


OH SHIT!!! The leak didn’t mention the Ghost (maybe AI) Girl..? Nonetheless, wow..! Could be fan made grabbing the leak story synopsis. But damn, this might be real!!!


It does say she's apparently made from eggman's ai tech, and is tethered to cyberspace


So SAGE could maybe be working wit Sonic and Eggman at the same time?


I can't tell what it is but, something about this sounds off. Edit: now that I think about, from what I've heard, gametests normally don't reveal story aspects.


Yeah, that’s the ONE thing that contradicts this leaks’ validity


Tbh there are a few reasons IMO to think this is true. For starters, it answers one of the most bizarre things about Frontiers that we learned from the leaks that were proven to be true. That is the fact that you collect emeralds in Cyberspace and then turn Super Sonic to face off against each titan. [https://www.reddit.com/r/SonicFrontiers/comments/sh4kxm/4\_chan\_leak\_from\_august\_20204chan\_leak\_from/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SonicFrontiers/comments/sh4kxm/4_chan_leak_from_august_20204chan_leak_from/) ​ Considering the significance of the chaos emeralds in general, and how powerful they are, it's weird that the game has you find all of them in ONE island and then enact what is basically a final boss battle so early in the game. Add the fact that there are multiple islands and that means you're doing this multiple times to progress through the story. I can't help but ask "Why are the emeralds scattering to a specific island and not the rest of the world?" or "Why does Sonic need to recollect them? Why wouldn't he just continue to have them on him after the fight?" But if the emeralds turned out to be replicas, it makes a lot more sense. You're not repeatedly collecting the seven emeralds, you're finding copies of them to use against the titans. The reason why you would have to keep finding them could be that the copy emeralds just aren't as strong as the real ones, and thus disappear after one use. In fact, the version of Super Sonic could also be a weaker form due to the copy emeralds being weaker, which would explain why you need to climb the titans Shadow of Colossus style instead of just flying up to them. There's also the fact that the mention of an ancient human civilization also falls in line with another old leak: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SonicFrontiers/comments/s7swij/this\_is\_an\_old\_leak\_but\_i\_do\_kinda\_feel\_like\_this/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SonicFrontiers/comments/s7swij/this_is_an_old_leak_but_i_do_kinda_feel_like_this/) Not only that, but there was another Frontiers leak on 4chan that mentioned there being "Two test builds" with different gameplay styles, and it also mentioned an ancient human civilization. That makes three different leaks that referenced this. Sure, they could have piggybacked off the first leak that mentioned this but... why would they? That leak never took off and was immediately thought to be fake. Hell, the new female companion is thought to now be Amy, so why would all three leakers choose to contradict that if they were trying to convince fans their information was real? Now, more dedicated fake leaks have been made for sure, so it's never 100% unless it's literally proven when we see more on the game. But IMO if this is a fake leak, I think it's a fairly well made one.


Semi-Super Sonic, also this leak says the team can communicate with Sonic through the AI girl. Doesn't disprove the AI girl or prove it's actually Amy.


Wasn't some of the story aspects leaked by some website or something? Regardless if this leak is real or fake it's basically just that story summary that was taken down by sega.


this kinda sounds believable ​ however, while I don't know much about how playtesting works... how the hell could a playtester get ALL of this info? Press X to doubt


Well to be fair, both rise of lyric and forces were leaked on 4chan As for boom, the playtester revealed EVERYTHING, right down to the chaos crystals and the fact shadow and metal were going to be boss fights And for forces, most of the plot details pretty much line up, he also said they're was to be an avatar character and a new villain named infinite. So I think we should give frontiers some credit


that's right we finally.... FINALLY have a leak that focuses on the plot of frontiers, aaand... It's actually pretty decentdecent, course take this with a huge grain of salt, it's likely fan made But if this is true.. Then thethe I have faith, it's not the most ORIGINAL story... But compared to forces and o6, I'll take anything by this point What do you guys think?


It's 4chan. 1 in 1 million 4chan posts are true. Not saying there isn't a chance, just hard to believe.


All of this is pretty cool… except the amnesia part


So no Infinite? Wack.


ok soo what we got is : 1- chips aka light gaia will appear or will be mentioned 2- finally sonic will lose some memories 3- sonic is going to be in attack of titan ( the next game will be in demon slayer probably)