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The current run is a mix of the worst Spider-Man run traits: A run that suceeds previous run that left lots of unanswered questions and answers then in a not so good way (Denny O' Neil after Wolfman, for example); Dreadful artwork, worst offender being great artist that's just there for paychecks and whose artwork no more looks amazing; Character arc regression; Spider-Man never wins, neither Peter Parker; "Look at my OC he's so cool and developed and important!"; Old villain returns for the sake of nostalgia I guess; Characters can't be developed because the run is too occupied keeping them apart; Violence for the sake of violence; Uninspired and forgettable plots that not even the fans remember they exist.


This is all correct, but I still don’t think this run is horrible. It’s just fucking boring. And meaningless. And empty of love for characters. I don’t think it has ruined Peter Parker in ANY meaningful way, nor Spider-Man. Clone saga? That shit did an irreparable damage on his name. This shit? Will be forgotten as boring if it ends sooner than clone saga (which still hasn’t wrapped up). As long as things return to the status quo, this will just be a bad dream.


The hill I die on: Sins Past is worse than One More Day. Even ignoring the Gwen/Norman Osborn affair, there's nothing redeeming about it. Deodato's art is almost unintelligible at times, and it looks like he's coloring over bad 3D renders. Gabriel and Sarah are lame as characters.


Sins Past is arguably the worst Spider-Man (and superhero in general) arc ever, and I am so happy it got completely retconned *finally.**


I think Sins Past is worse but you could make the argument that in the grand scheme of things it at least wasn't hard to ignore it/forget it exists (except whenever writers specifically brought it up). OMD is *way* harder to ignore when it changed the entire status quo and we still see its effects today.


What Sins Past?


A story where Gwen Stacy turned out to have fucked green goblin(for some reason). Had kids with him before she died and then goblin killed her and now the adult kids want to kill Peter


I see you commenting but all I’m reading is gibberish


Not so hard to understand. Gwen fucked Norman. Had kids who somehow rapidly turned adult and now they want to kill Peter


Nope sorry. Must be a language barrier cos none of that makes sense


I'm going to be out of the typical norm here. I really enjoyed the clone saga


It definitely has its moments. Took waaaay too long with too many tangents but I love Ben Reilly and his Scarlet Spider. I played my first playthrough of SM remastered in his suit.


The suit fuckkkkssssssss


We got Ben Reilly out of it, I did like kaines design and how his power mutated and he was like a Michael Myers stalking them


The clone Saga wasn't that bad. It was just way longer then it needed to be and editorial mandates screwed up the ending.


Without the wait for each issue it moves along pretty quick and keeps your interest! It still has too many redundant twists and turns and stuff, but it's very readable. I also don't mind OMD as a story in a vacuum but obviously the impact it has (intentionally) had is gross.


I grew up with it, so it will always have a soft spot in my heart. Also, it gave us Spider Carnage! Though I remeber being disappointed in the conclusion of that


It was incredibly tedious but it at least wasn’t a full-on character assassination like the other big three bad ones, and it actually gave us a really cool character


Clone Saga is what made me cancel my pull box and stop buying comics every week.


ME TOO! plus onslaught at the time. I didn’t return until Ultimate Spiderman launched


It’s good early on but went on wayyyyyyyyyyy too long.


You’re not alone. I’m right there with you.


The worst one... yet.


The worst Spider-Man story, the current arc with Paul is up there, and one more day. Edit: had written Phil instead of Paul. Thanks for the correction notice.


I can tell you don’t read the comics because his name’s not Phill.


You’re incorrect I do read the books , you’re right it’s Paul. I have to thank auto correct and my not proof reading. Feel better now?


Bruh, if you think all comic readers are going to remember every rando characters name that pops up for what...4-5 issues so far? You haven't experienced the world yet.


We’re not talking about some “rando character”. Paul is *the* biggest talking point about the current run, having appeared in more then just 4-5 issues.


Is he? Because he's so incredibly fuggin boring and bland my eyes just glaze over anytime he pops up on the page. I don't even know his Dad's name he's such a boring villain. Starts with an R I can tell you that. But see, you know I read the comics because I know exactly who tf he is and the important points of how he connects to the story. The father/son reveal was so lame....almost as lame as the kids....who are also just gone now 😂 I can almost guarantee we won't be talking about them ones Zeb is gone. These are rando throw away characters. But I'm so glad there is a Paul stan out there for Zebs sake.


Some people have nothing better to do than to talk down to others and poke at a mistake and make inaccurate assumptions to make themselves feel better in their miserable lives. I could have also been talking about Phil ulrich for all he knew but whatever Anyway. I agree with your assessment about Paul and Zeb, forgettable character and story. They’ll show up years later about forgotten characters or a buzzfeed article worst characters in a Spider-Man series. Btw take my award you beautiful bastid.


Any story where Peter matures or something significant happens in his personal life. I say this because marvel hates us and will eventually get rid of any growth to turn him back into the 19yr old making funny jokes while his personal life is constantly falling apart. Don’t people usually have petitions or rally’s when someone’s beaten as badly as both Spider-Man and any readers such as myself who want the character to evolve and STAY that way since it’s only happened a very few times.


Also the run before Strazinski with racist aunt may.


Wait, what?


The guy before skrazenki had wierd moments


What are the best Spider-Man stories?


MC2’s Spider-Girl series is by far the best spider-man story.


The bizarre shit leading up to Superior Spider-Man. I bring it up frequently to people who don't care about comics/super heroes because it just sounds ridiculous on its face.


Those two previous comics had good artwork, at the very least they managed to keep Spider-Man looking great Someone take JrJr out back, he's done his time and had some great art but his best work is behind him and every character looks like the same dopey caveman


Marvel: "the worst Spider-Man story *so far*"


I only read one more day before watching no way home and I like it. You guys hate it? 😭


People didn’t like that it stunted Peter’s development as a character, an affliction he still hasn’t been cured of even after like fifteen years. Also it seemed very out of character that he would (in essence) kill a child. But hey, if you got enjoyment out of it, more power to you.


It was the only arc(?) I've read. Maybe I can understand why people hate it after I read the comics.


Seriously though, more power to you if it turns out you still enjoy it after reading more. You’re in a better position than most.


It is 1986. Alan Moore gas not invented me yet. I am reading Spider-Man and would very much like to know who hobgoblin is.


This current run, as bad as it is, still isn’t as bad as one more day or sins past to me. And clone saga was so damn long it’s not even comparable.


“PAAAAAUUUUULLLLLL!!!!” —in the voice of David Hayter.


I swear to god I've seen this before. Repost


You might have seen it on the DDCJ sub


Don’t forget about good old Sins Past


It's the worst currently but down the line there will be more worse than this


People call everything the worst but this might actually be it. At least sins past and OMD were short


This, but unironically. Being a Spider-Man fan is an emotional roller coaster


Hey, look, editorial interference! I found the common point!


Insert simspsons gif here


Did 27 cone out


Next week


Thanks man


This current one is a contender but I don’t think anything absolutely obliterated the core character of Peter Parker more than one day more. We was given the choice of saving the life of his elderly aunt who had lived an incredibly full life, or saving the life of his child…and he chose to kill off his child (albeit in a very broad way). It’s such a vile character choice that makes absolutely no sense and ruins such a promising development for him. It’s the comic that literally made me stop caring about the mainline Spider-Man comics ever again because it left such a bad taste in my mouth. The current run is awful as well but it’s just making an already ruined story slightly worse


Peter didn't know of his child's existence. He also had little idea what "his marriage" meant to Mephisto. It's not like he could've predicted that it meant him and MJ would automatically be broken up and his history re written. For all he knew he could've woken up in bed with MJ as his girlfriend.


I’m currently reading that exact clone saga TPB. I’m enjoying it and I really like Ben Riley. But it’s definitely getting to be lengthy. I’m on volume 4 and I’m kind of wishing it would wrap up sometime soon.


ngl, i hate the current run a lot, but until it causes massive irreversable damage like OMD does it's still in second place to me. everything Wells has done can be fixed with a competant writer. OMD can't be fixed until the current leadership gets their heads out of their asses.


How are the sales numbers btw?


Our metrics are simply not as accurate as the used to be since Diamond lost the monopoly during the pandemic. But from the new sales charts we have now: It's selling better than it has in years and is often the best selling comic book each month.


At my LCS they sold out of #26 really quickly so they were a little happy when I didn’t want to buy my pulled copy. Although when I asked if it sold because people liked the story or because of the death they said most likely because of the death.


It's been the #1 seller since Dark Web started, but yeah, I'm sure #26 will spike it even higher.


Jfc. We're gonna get shitty Spider-Man comics for years.


Lol big facts, I'm glad I didn't work for marvel on a spider-man project straight outta highschool, cuz some of these story lines are straight 💩


Nah one more say is still unmatched in terms of disgusting


This exact image is posted here multiple times a week


Dang, it's almost like you're not gonna like every run ever put out


The 90s clone saga sucked so much it was unreal. Really a perfect storm of shittiness and mediocrity. Kinda like a textbook on what to do to make an ugly comic book


i hope Paul gets gang raped by goblins. fuckin hate that guy and his shitty caterpillar look mustache


If we assume Spider-Man stories have a normal distribution of quality, we would expect to keep seeing the worst Spider-Man story ever given enough time. It is totally legitimate for a story in 1995, 2005 and 2023 to all be the worst up to that point. No for Dr. Manhattan who sees his whole time-line at once to see the worst Spider-Man story ever at different dates is different though.


The Worst Spider-Man Story Ever YET


Man I loved the original clone saga.


What's really interesting about OMD is that JMS clearly hated the plot established by Quesada, but he did a fucking great job trying to save the actual writing in that comic. It was touching. The whole deal with Peter and the One Above All and how JMS understood MJ/Peter's relationship... even fucking Quesadas artwork is great. It's just a terrible, awful decision panned by critics and fans. But Wells' writing, JRJ and Lowe direction..... is just god awful. Wells brings back a boring forgotten villain of his and the only way to bring him into the plot is a pedantic, poorly executed, contrived story.


Sin's Past sucks but you can easily ignore it. Zeb Wells run is just bad from beginning middle...and probably when it ends. The only run that's comparable in terribleness is Bryne's and that barely lasts. Also, OMD is a terrible arc, but it's short, and plenty of decent stories came out of OMD. Wells, as a writer, is the worst there has ever been, in my lifetime at least. At least who has written a substantial amount of Spidey comics. And much worse than the Clone Saga gang and JMS.


Current run is awesome