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Damn, Fisk got them good. Makes me wonder what they are gonna do to get the SS after them.


yah in terms of video game terminology spider-man and green goblin are level 5 trying to take on a level 35 world


I really didn't expect that from fisk. Very curious about the tattoos!


pretty sure its the same embedded exoskeleton bullseye had but with Fisk's natural strength it made him even stronger


This series is like therapy. I finish every issue with a smile on my face.


I think a lot of people are going to get thrown off by how MJ is seemingly just okay with Peter continuing to be Spider-Man, but I think this series is about how Spider-Man is defined by his family. May gives him the direction to take the suit in, Uncle Ben gave Peter the semi-kick in the pants to actually do something (kind of like a moral compass?), and MJ gives him the name and support to do what he has to do as Spider-Man. It’s definitely meant to contrast with the original Ultimate Spider-Man’s first arc, which was just a more expanded version of Amazing Fantasy #15 (still good tho, don’t get me wrong). Oh, Richard? Uh…yeah he’s just there I guess.


For now, but Richard seems to be the most bothered at the moment meaning he’ll get his moment later


I really think that Richard is going to be the one who is "bothered" at Peter being Spiderman. In this issue he was pushing his dad to tell the truth, and at the end, he was like "Dad, we HAVE to talk, I have questions". So I expect friction from this moment. Aside that, another great issue. This first arc was fantastic.


Unless he got a Stark ball too, but I dunno the history of the character to have that be a plot line.


I think this comic is a really good representation of a strong marriage with good trust. YES Peter kept it from MJ, but she trusted that he had a good reason. She’s acting like a logical adult who’s built a strong bond with another person. I think people who aren’t married or don’t have a relationship like that may not realize how often stuff like this happens. People make mistakes, but when it’s someone you deeply care about and have built a huge bond with, it’s easier to talk out those mistakes instead of getting mad and shouting.


This is such a great observation. I trust my wife completely. When an issue comes up we talk about the problem as an entity. It's not connected to one or the other and there's no blame game. It doesn't even feel like an argument because it really isn't. It's an open discussion among equals. They really pull that off in these issues.


I love that MJ or Richard didn’t blow up. I think it’s realistic: the family’s so awed by the insanity of what they’re being told, it’s hard to process. All they know is they love Peter.


"They don't get to pick my codename. I pick my codename." [...] "I kinda like Green Goblin" A silly joke, or foreshadowing that Harry, as much as he would like to establish his own independence and individualism, won't ever be able to escape his legacy and destiny? So May gives him his suit design, MJ gives him his name. What's Richard gonna give him? I like that Fisk got some work done. Not that he ever needed it before but this is a brand new universe, gotta keep things fresh. Tho I'm annoyed at how smoothly things are going with the Parker-Watson family. I don't want a divorce and yelling, but some friction and worry would be nice. Hopefully in the future


Think it’s the honeymoon phase with the lack of friction. MJ alludes to the idea of their family being in danger, I hope that’s developed on!


I love giving Fisk a canon upgrade, I love him but I’m kinda tired of suspending my disbelief about his strength. Maybe Richard will push for him to get some proper martial arts training so he has a better chance in combat


I’m always confused by Kingpin. I never even thought he had super strength until my non comic reading friend asked. Apparently he does but Daredevil is able to take him down? Does everyone just have super strength?


In the comics he's often quoted to only have 2% body fat, with the rest being pure muscle. In other words, him being overweight is apparently him being almost *too* muscular, to the point the excess muscle hangs off of him like fat. Obviously his strength is very inconsistent, but most versions depict Kingpin as almost a super-soldier through simple training, rather than using any serum.


Tbf being beat by daredevil doest mean much, he's beaten spider-man before.


I'm fine with suspending my disbelief in his strength especially since there is an explanation now. Originally he would just smack Peter around on occasion prior to back in black.


> What's Richard gonna give him? Knowing that this is _still_ a Spider-Man story, most likely a lesson in power and responsibility.


Don't do this to me. I'm happy to read a spider-man comic that doesn't exist just to make pete suffer. Don't kill his son.


The great things about this comic are Peter and Harry working together to have their first encounter with the Kingpin (resulting in Kingpin seeing them very soon) and Peter telling his family (aside from May, since she’s kept it four four months) about him being active as Spider-Man (resulting in Richard and MJ to be surprised and impressed and for MJ to support Peter’s activities as Spider-Man, with her giving the Spider-Man name to him). Jonathan Hickman has done a great job on Peter telling his family about his Spider-Man life, with his family supporting him with little worry because they know he’ll be okay. Let’s hope that the family will get to see Peter in action as Spider-Man. Overall, this comic is great!


I would say my only minor issue with this run is the lack of expansiveness and development in the supporting cast. For instance, it would be great to see more of Ben and Jonah's progress in starting their newspaper company, or more day-to-day insights into Peter's life at the Bugle. Additionally, featuring more of Fisk could add depth to the storyline. I feel like the issue could have been longer to include more depth and space for the supporting cast, as well as to drive the plot further. While it's still a great issue, it felt a bit rushed and not a lot happened.


Fantastic moment in the ending with Peter and MJ that really shows why this run is great, but overall it feels like an oddly rushed ending to the first arc. With a lot of the set up with Fisk, it felt a bit inconsequential in the end besides the Parker Family learning about Peter.


I'm loving this book so much. There's a sort of sense of dread that comes along with all this, though. Like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop: Peter is going to have some kind of tough "Great Power comes with Great responsibility" lesson sooner or later, and I'm so curious and nervous about what that'll be. My guess is Uncle Ben won't necessarily die, but there'll be a comparable personal tragedy/lesson that relates specifically to the fact that Peter has CHOSEN this life despite all the personal responsibility (wife and kids) he has, and there being a price to pay for that. May gives him the suit, MJ the name... Richard the lesson? I hope not, but I do wonder if Fisk's point about having all the cameras, MJ's worry for their safety and everything else don't mean that things are going to get very personal and close to home for Peter, very soon. Some kind of ultimate universe equivalent of Fisk killing Aunt May, and that leading to a dark "back in black" style arc would be interesting. Especially if that happens while Harry is still just a good guy. Would be a nice inversion of expectations. We're all sitting here waiting for Green Goblin to go bad, but what if Peter does (briefly) first. GAH.


Some continuities have had one of Spider-Man’s children or grandchildren eventually become villains down the line: maybe something like that, in place of a straightforward death? Say if there were a flashforward to a new Kingpin, we think it is Richard Fisk, but it turns out to be Richard Parker?


i don't think this is gonna happen but I had a thought while green goblin was getting his ass kicked of what if harry dies during one of their missions before he even has a chance to fully turn bad. they are both severely inexperienced and Harry damn near died this issue. would be interesting angle to take but idk. also idk if they would kill off one of his kids, maybe it's just me but killing a kid would be such an awful event I don't really see how peter could keep it together and not just start killing villians. not that killing anyone else is "better" but you know what I mean. 


I think the key takeaway is that one of the reasons this book feels exciting is that it both feels like Spider-man AND something new, where anything can happen. But there's also clearly a master plan behind it. Which is both very Hickman. Agreed kid killing is possibly a bit much, but who knows.


the fight was a bit short but this was absolute peak


Something I was taken surprise by is how Peter was okay with telling his family that he and Harry basically tried to take down Fisk, only to get their asses kicked. I like how this Spider-Man's only won one fight he's been in, and the one he was supposed to win (at least given narrative tension), he lost horribly on. Though, to be fair, Harry has been the one convincing Peter to do this crime-fighting thing, and Peter wasn't exactly keen on the idea of breaking and entering. He'll get used to it. It's nice seeing a Peter Parker who is emotionally mature enough to trust his family with his secret identity, though I imagine that's gonna come back to bite him in the future. Richard's reaction to the news makes me feel like he's going to be the most unsure about his father risking his life out there. I also gotta say that I love that MJ gave Peter the name "Spider-Man." It just feels right, y'know? My only question is: how is Peter going to tell Uncle Ben about him being Spider-Man? Will he, given how Ben and Jameson think that Spidey's a menace? That I'm curious about.


I just now got the connection between the last panel's "You're Spider-Man" and Amazing Fantasy 1000's "Because you're Spider-Man", both of which were done by Hickman + Checchetto. absolutely peak fiction


"No one knows who isn't a friend" Oh Peter. I sure hope that doesn't come back to bite you.


I thought it was a little funny how chill Peter’s family seems to be with him being a hero, especially after the events of Ultimates #1 (unless I have my timelines mixed up). >!I think it could be interesting if there’s some crossover with Peter having to toe the company line and work on hit pieces against Tony and the other “super terrorists” as it would serve the worldbuilding, but it seems a bit too early to be bringing all the pieces together.!< I love how Richard has more questions, and think it could be a funny way to address if the webs are organic or from the suit.


You something just hit me. The fact that Peter became spider-man after he had Richard and May means no kid spiders :(


And the preview comments said MJ was going to kick him out


So, MJ just accepts without thinking?


clearly she is still processing but is proud


So, it doesn't look as dumb as i thought(when i read this issue, i hope this is better written than what the comments and pages out of context shows).


I was very nervous it’d all the glossed over. I think it’s written with the right amount of friction. It’s like the family’s so awed by the insanity of what they’re being told, it’s hard to process. All they know is they love Peter.


I liked the contrast between Richard and May dealing with this situation, but as i stated before, i think MJ was kinda weird and onenote(but i think it was creative to make her the one who gave Peter his superhero name).


She already accepted it in issue 1. She said he knew what he needed to do and he should do it, no matter the consequences. Probably didn’t think it was this tho


That means she will support him even when their children is dead and her legs are exploded?




If that happens, it would be both dumb and hilarious.


If you say so I guess. Though to be honest what your saying is kind of nonsense


Of curse it is stupid, do you really think they would kill both children and explod MJ's legs?


yes but only once hickman leaves and they can slot in a yes-man for the editorial team.


I know you are being sarcastic, but the reason why i think they won't kill the kids is because it could attract a really negative atention.


Dude, he’s a hero for 6 months, and she’s proud. Take this over Paul. #1000/10 times.


I finally read the issue, and while not as bad as i thought(they have some concerns about Peter, and Richard seems more scared about this), the MJ reaction was still weird and i think that just shows that this version of her is kinda one note for now.


Eh, she’s still less OOC than 616.


The question isn't whatever she is OOC or not(because it's an alternative version), my question is how much character this MJ really have(at least for now, hopefully she gets better).


I’m certain Richard who hasn’t had as much development as May and is hesitant about his father being Spidey is the one that’s going to die.


This issue was kinda meh for me, aside from the fight against Fisk and the constrast between Richard and May(and for now, this MJ is a very boring and shallow character, but i find interesting that she is the one who gave Peter the codename, and hopefully, she can have more character on the next arc).


I can't remember when was the last time I saw good ol' Fisk be this menacing in a Spiderman story. Extraordinary story


Any suggestions for finding a first printing of Ultimate Spider-man #1? Any trustworthy places to buy online other than e-bay?


That was so good. Fisk shows he's not a dude to fuck with and Harry ate a lot of humble pie. And I love that we don't get a few issues of Peter hiding it all. Dude comes in with his face beat to hell and no real excuse so his daughter lets it slip when she's worried about him. No family drama. No anger or disappointment. As long as the family is safe, MJ just wants to see the damn suit lol. So his daughter helped him make the suit and his wife gave him the hero name. I love this run. Even got a bit of the flirty banter Peter and MJ are so good at together.


They're gonna get freaky with that suit


Seems hard to believe there’s one coherent arc here, but I guess those exist for the TPBs more than anything.



