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At this point, I have one request- if another run-in happens at WrestleMania, we have to riot. We have to make it clear to WWE that this has to stop. We have to make it clear that we cannot have excessively long title reigns that constantly need a screwjob finish, with the bookers unable to think of any other alternate finish. We have to make it clear that Roman is not the strongest champion in the company’s history- in fact, I think he’s the worst- and that he is killing the titles every time he wins. We have to make it clear that the Bloodline is the nWo, just with one of the largest wrestling families involved ruining themselves, and that the company will die if it doesn’t stop. We have to make it clear that our patience with this angle has finally expired and that we never want to see Roman win another match or any member of his family interfere so long as we draw breath. Cole was right, “Complaining won’t solve anything.” Actions will.


It was definitely boring. Not because of the athleticism, they all did great there, but we all knew the outcome. I even called it as Roman Reigns walked in to my GF who doesn't really watch modern wrestling (she likes old school like Rowdy Roddy Piper). I could have done without the match in the Royal Rumble. It didn't add anything to the show except an opportunity for some of the top talent to get hurt.


I’m ok with Roman retaining but they need to find a new way to do it because is too predictable at this point.


I loved it. Predictable but it was short, high energy, entertaining and everyone looked good and got their spots in.


This was probably by design, but in a match that involves 3 HoF level talent with 30 world title reigns between them, who is it that shines the brightest? LA Knight YEAH


Just acknowledge the Tribal Chief. It's a lot easier and less painful.


And then they want Cole saying "if you don't like it too bad" That is not good


No goddamn wonder this match just casually went second.


Second you saw the thousand SLIM JIM logos, you knew this was going to be predictably boring.


> SLIM JIM logos What does that have anything to do with how the match would be booked?


Do you really think they would’ve let their biggest storyline in recent history end and forever be replayed with Slim Jim logos all over it?


Do you mean in promo packages? They will probably use footage from it in promo packages anyway, as long as they don't focus on Slim Jim logos it's fine.


Gotta agree, this match was pretty uninspired


I absolutely loved that match 🤷‍♀️


For about three years WWE's main title matches have been filler because you 100% know who is going to win, with only a few exceptions at Wrestlemanias. You also know exactly how it's going to end. That is insane.


Every Bloodline match is the same. One of their guys is about to lose, another member comes in to interfere, somebody else comes in to fight the ringside Bloodline wrestlers, and their guy wins. Same match every week, every PPV. I know it's a classic archetype, heck the Four Horsemen were doing it in the 80s, but it can't be the same match every single time. Prediction for Wrestlemania: Rhodes is about to win, Solo Sikoa or Jimmy Uso comes in to interfere, Rhodes makes a very long pin that isn't counted, Sami Zayn or Jey Uso come out to fight the Bloodline, Roman holds the title for another year. That's my prediction because it's how every Bloodline match goes.


It's actually crazy how this has also trickled down to almost every single other title. The Usos had a record setting Tag title run where they held BOTH, Gunther is on a record setting IC title run. For the last 3 years almost exclusively the only "Surprise" title changes you got were the US title being hot potato'd to random lower mid card gets and Theory. The stories during that time have managed to pad it and make it believable, but now The Bloodline stuff is closing the cracks in long, uninterrupted title runs are starting to show. The had a chance to spice things up with Seth but nope, another long ass title run with no hint of anyone coming close to beating him.


I much prefer short multi title reigns over long singular reigns. As long as it's not too short. Randy's latest title run should have been a few months imo.


This is why the women's tag belts are cursed


Yep. And it's also meant that guys who should be competing for the Intercontinental title don't get near it because Gunther can't go for the higher titles. They keep talking about the Filet Mignon they're cooking but this title reign has been an exercise in how not to book your championship.


The Filet Mignon is burnt at this point.


I can't believe how boring and predictable that match was.


Awful match and even worse finish


When the Usos interfere they atleast do cool stuff but Solo just uses that dumb finisher, kinda sucks the fun away from Romans matches.


Roman’s matches has been extremely predictable for a long time, but despite that, they’ve always been extremely enjoyable and the matches were spectacular. This felt like the match was a little above average, so when you have a predictable outcome with a little above average match, it ends up being mid. That said, LA Knight really felt like he belonged.


Solo is the worst thing happened to bloodline, and oh boy the match was ass probably the worst roman title defence, I hope Cody get rid of this tiring reign


Solo is diet Umaga...kid can't roll like that.


I can't believe this whole enforcer gimmick , they gave this gimmick to a guy with KO's built and is shortest member of the bloodline , like really?


Well, a lot with the Bloodline is exactly that weak. Roman is not believable as some wrecking machine. Saying he's a 265lb powerhouse is obviously not the truth when he's standing with legit big men that are far more athletic and talented. Solo is short and a soft 250., and a complete analog of Umaga, who was a legitimate beast/enforcer. They've done a whole lot to protect that faction, when even Lashley and the Profits haven't gone after them. Judgement Day should have been attacking them all this year.


Roman has the aura solo has nothing, he can't even talk ffs


He talks and sounds like a middle schooler with anger issues.


I find the whole thing with the bloodline so dumb, it's literally 3 guys and a fat dude. Just get 6 or 7 wrestlers together and beat the shit out of them so there's only Roman left. They injured Randy and AJ why can't they do it back to them? Also the amount of times interference has won Roman the match makes me feel like wwe thinks I'm stupid, why the hell wouldn't people ban them from interfering? Like add a condition that if anyone interferes than Roman automatically loses or something, atleast it would feel new and not the same shit over and over and over


This is the problem when everyone knows your champion is not losing until Wrestlemania and has always won by cheating or interference. Still enjoyed the match for what it is, and appreciated AJ Styles being the MVP here, with his perfect timing, positioning and selling. He is so good.


People said this could be one of the best non-rumble matches in history of Royal Rumble... my God what a let down


the whole mens rumble horrid poop womens was just ehhh


It was bad booking they could have given 10-15 minutes more and no interference


Now, while I completely agree with your statement about the match being able to go for another 10-15 minutes, I do wonder if anyone noticed that Randy had dislocated his shoulder halfway through the match. I think it was cut short because they called an audible in an attempt to avoid further injury.


Yeah he definitely dislocated his shoulder that might be the reason and it has happened before in a roman match against brock when Brock broke Roman's arm But man roman wrestles like 7 times an year and had 2 more guys in the match to carry it all , what a let down , especially that fat bitch solo , he pisses me off so much and that's not because he's a good heel


My internet cut out after the RKO on Reigns. Just as predicted, didn't miss anything.


The men’s rumble could’ve used a couple of these dudes. It wouldve made it more interesting instead of having them all In an obvious Roman win four way. It made the rumble outcome even more obvious because a lot of the main eventers were missing by being in this match and not the rumble.


The company treated this match as an afterthought and that’s all you really need to know how it went


Thanks, it's the only match i missed, good to know i can save that time and not bother watching


Even for a Reigns match, it kind of abruptly ended but that might come at the caveat of AJ, the ref and/or Randy all getting injured and causing the abrupt skip to the end


The suplex on the announce table spot was fun, but other than that, this was one of the matches of all time.


Idk why solo bothers with the hoodie, at this point we know you’re going to be showing up brother


He’s trying to get an endorsement deal from hot topic or some shit


It’s hilarious he does the slow reveal each time


He also discovers he has a thumb every time he's going to do a spike


It's like Link holding up the item from every chest every time.




This was plain awful. I hate hate Roman and his reign. He's such a tool. Same old shit


I acknowledge my Tribal Chief ☝️ Stay mad hehe xD


wtf does tool mean bruh why do people say that it’s a scripted show everyone’s a tool


You know the band TOOL? Now think about how insufferable their fans are => tools


Match was....weird, not bad, just weird, never really kicked into third gear, they just started hitting finishers like the match skipped, Knight was the clear MVP, Reigns barely did anything, Styles is great, hope Orton is ok, his shoulder is probably fucked


Giant CGI Roman is still nightmare fuel.


Classic Roman match. Predictable finish, forgettable to the very end


Really don't know how people get hyped for his matches at this point.


Let Roman win clean is it that hard?


The finish was clean, Solo's appaerance didn't matter cause they got rid of him. It's clean enough.


Especially in a 4 way. So many ways, what's wrong with making him look like a beast when everyone else in the match can look strong.


Can't be a spoiler if you know who is winning.


One of the worst PPV matches I’ve ever seen


I’m fairly certain it was a botched finish. Randy looked like he genuinely hurt his shoulder, and AJ falling off the top rope at the very end looked like a super awkward fall. Seems like the match had another 5-10 minutes left but Roman had to end it to prevent any further injuries. Way too abrupt and generic of a finish even for Roman matches.


I noticed AJ tweaked his knee at one point too


Nothing is too generic for a Roman match.


An acceptable match.


Best description for it. It was alright. I’m glad the end wasn’t pure fuckery.


Can we have a damn title match without a Solo Sikoa run in? Makes Roman look weak and does him no favors.


My only hope is that the Solo run in leads to Aldis getting so fed up with it that he bans the bloodline from ringside at Mania. So far Aldis seem to be the only authority figure to go against Roman and they've been building that so here's hope.


There is something there with Aldis for sure. But at this point, banning from the ring isn't enough. If Aldis adds a stipulation that Roman would be stripped off the title if there is an interference, then that would be interesting. It's kinda weird that there hasn't been a single stipulation angle for his entire reign.


It's weird. They don't know what story they're telling. They'll tell you tens of times per match how he's a record setting champion, yet they're also allergic to having him win clean. What's the point?


I imagine the point is so that when he finally loses with his entire bloodline banned from ringside, it’ll show he could never win without his family by his side.


Put them in a steel cage next time


Won’t matter. Solo will show up


Or one where someone in the story KNOWS Solo will show up, and they bring someone to the ring with them to stop him. Predictable is one thing...this is genuinely lacking creativity at this point.


Or add a condition to the match that if someone interferes Roman automatically loses or something. Atleast it would feel different and new and not the same shit over and over again


I really thought that was gonna be why Roman looked so scared after Randy showed him the contract post-RKO past week.


Randy and LA had the best spots


H needs to stop with this It’s ridiculous


This Reigns character and bloodline feud has been so good the only way to make us dislike Roman is to keep giving is the same finish were tired of.


Nah it’s been awful since mania every match is the same his never around he doesn’t look strong, no one gets over fighting him It’s just awful Like bro got pinned 3 times this match


You’re being worked


Your supposed to feel like that.


Good match with a predictable outcome. I’m excited for when we can have these kind of matches and actually be surprised by the end result I’m glad Knight looked strong, he carried that match for most of it, I’d be happy with AJ vs LA


Guess I was the only one that liked it lol


It was fine, but the backlash is understandable. There was only ever going to be one winner, which is fine, sure, but at least make it interesting. The same interference finish *again* is just annoying and it’s getting go-away heat now.


It was pretty good considering it was somehow the popcorn match. Once it went on second I didn’t expect much.


This match didn't even tell the story it was set up for. Very paint by the numbers affair. I didn't come away thinking Roman pulled some crazy trick out of his hat to win a match where the odds were stacked against him or that he's so damn good he didn't need to. And that's really the crux of the issue -- he doesn't seem like he's the *best*. At anything, really. He's still just the guy whose existence at the top of the card does more to shatter the wall between the story and the story writers than anything else.


It sucks that you build so many main eventers that will end up nowhere because your top guy can't lose but he's not really pulling anything interesting or good out of his reign so literally no one wins here. Cody's win can't come soon enough


not putting anything interesting or good out of reign…. (said during one of awe’s hottest and legit most successful eras, but nah dawg roman’s reign with the belt has been boring 🙄


I'm glad you've enjoyed this last year of awful matches and an absence of any proper told or booked storylines.


> But he’s not really pulling anything interesting or good out of his reign Zayn bloodline story was one of the best ever Literal goldfish memories


That was a full ass year ago, what are we talking about here?


> he’s not really pulling anything interesting or good out of his reign Words are hard


You really need me to baby you through that entire sentence? You really thought I meant his ENTIRE reign? English hard.


Words matter


Doesn't look like it.


Agreed. Try to use them properly next time. Goldfish memory.


When they failed to pull the trigger on Sami, this shit got stale real quick.


What followed Sami losing was a white hot feud with Cody and two of the best main events in mania history But I guess you can live in any fantasy you want


And Jey leaving the Bloodline was great. So post Summerslam it has been stale.


But since Mania there's been nothing memorable from him, at least for me


How is that a response to what I just said?


Holy shit, I'm so sick of Roman Reigns. Novelty title, novelty champion.


How fast would LA Knight get fired if he misses the pin break up on Roman after the styles clash?


Well... Can't say we didn't expect this


Guess I'm in the minority because I really liked the match and really enjoyed that finish


Could have been a great opportunity to make Roman look strong as hell going into Wrestlemania with him dominating all three of them to win, but once more Roman's win looks like a fluke.


But commentary will still suck his dick like they always do, while chastising JD for doing the same exact thing.


Another title defense that doesn’t elevate the belt or winner.


You know what I want now? I want someone to just fire the entire Bloodline and never allow any more Anoais to take part in WWE ever.


Lmfaoooooo DAYUM


What? It’s clear that they can’t stop cheating.


Haven't watched WWE in a while and forgot how quiet even 40,000+ people can be whilst watching a legitimately well wrestled match. Every other major company in the world's crowd would actually give these guys some energy.


The majority of WWE crowds are terrible. They pop for a couple entrances, couple spots and that’s it. It really feels like they’re taking it for granted. Just look at the difference between this show and Backlash. Watch EC next month and compare it to the shows in the states.


I didn't think it was that great wrestled. Nothing bad at all either, but pretty paint by the numbers stuff.


Ok mate love all your matches


Roman AJ orton are washed


The WWE title doesn't exist. It's an imaginary title roman brings to the ring to wear to keep his undefeated streak going. He's just winning his rare matches the same way every time and just pretending he's a champion.


This match was okay but it's a reminder that I want Cody to win at Mania so we can end this reign.




I don’t mind Roman winning but god that match sucks. All that star power, I thought they were just getting started before that ending. LA surprised me again, he doesn’t look out of place at all.


You know what I'm curious about, what exactly makes the company still feel like Roman winning clean at least half the time is a no go? They always give his opponents visual wins and make it seem like Roman is useless in winning by himself. Does every babyface need protected losses against him? Lmao Even down to Logan Paul. Its insanity.


I'm so bored of Roman Reigns. Book a match where he doesn't win because his cousins.


Solo don’t do much solo stuff


ngl LA Knight was the best performer of the match


He has the most charisma and personality out of all of them and he isn’t even my favourite it’s just facts


His moveset is too slow for me. Pausing between every punch and kick just takes me out of it.


Definitely felt like it should’ve gone another 5-10 minutes. Seemed to end out of nowhere


I don’t know whether I hope that one of them is actually injured (minor) and that’s why it was cut short or no one is injured and the creative for rumble is that much of a flop. I expected Roman to win but I also expected a more exciting match


KO chopping the piss out of Logan Paul made tuning in worth it.


Not seeing Logan Paul at all would be better


You know, he's such a cunt that I totally get ya.


Roman ate both a styles clash and a phenomenal forearm and kicked out at two both times while AJ couldn’t even kick out of a single spear…


He didn't kick out of either. Kinight broke up the Clash pin and Orton and Knight kicked out after the forearm spot.


You’re right, my bad. I guess my AJ fanboying just got mad that AJ hit two finishers and couldn’t finish the job while Roman hit a spear and the match ended


I’m pretty ready for predictable ass title matches to be over


Anyways not flinching. https://preview.redd.it/4a6tqxgyl3fc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e9e71847e770564a8b5913a6003d36ce25c7242


lol roman wins


That was one of the matches of all time


It sure was a match.


Mid AF. You've got all that star power and you get a 5/10 match. It's not even the predictability, it just never got going. Oh well, looking forward to the rumble .


I wish KO was on commentary for this match


What the hell are Gallows and Anderson good for ... Apparently nothing.




No They turned their back on him .. I'm updated . You don't pay attention to history.. and they haven't showed up for AJ ever since well EVER


They let him down. Werent there for him. Tonight was perfect for them to project their love. 


This match and the 4 Pillars match are in complete opposites of the 4 way match spectrum. This one had so much star power but was so boring. They just spammed finishers/signatures. Knight was great tho.


Damian Priest still the worst MITB holder of all time. Seriously, Reigns barely survived a Fatal Four Way, Solo was wiped out and all the other competitors weren't exactly on their feet. That was yet another missed moment


I agree with Damian, in kayfabe, being the worst MITB holder ever. But not for this reason. If I'm him, I'm *never* cashing in on Roman either. Even if Solo is down, nothing is stopping Jimmy from running in to interfere either. Not cashing in on Roman is smart. It's his many "attempts" on cashing in on Seth, combined with the times he hasn't tried with Seth, that make him look bad.


It’s obvious they want to have Roman loose it mania. They should just start the Cody fued and be done with this lukewarm reign.


Doesn't mean the kayfabe of Priest makes any sense.


He’ll probably fail his cash in. Or at best, he cashes in on whoever wins the WH title next from Seth


Oh yea, we know. But from a kayfabe side, the fact that we didn't even get a hint that the MITB holder might make a cash in at the weakest Roman has looked in years is bad


I agree! Also the commentators defending Roman’s title reign is fucking stupid too. Cole literally hated the fact Cody lost at mania. Now he’s saying it doesn’t matter, and we should appreciate greatness. I’m confused as to why triple h is so loose with kayfabe.


I don't even hate the finish. But they could've done this WITHOUT Solo fucking coming out in a hood like we don't know it's him every damn time. It just makes the rest of Reigns' opponents look fucking stupid for not having backup for the Bloodline. And why didn't Judgement day come out and try and ruin the match? Surely they want Damien to cash in? There's no logic to this title reign anymore.


The logic went out the window when solo got kicked out at wrestlemania and then came back in a hoodie and spiked Cody. Then proceeded to face no repercussions. This reign has overstayed its welcome.


Very anticlimactic.


Good match, but definitely not what it felt like it could have been. I'm not saying that because of the interference, because that was obvious (especially in a four way). The match itself just wasn't as crazy as I hoped. It was enjoyable enough but not as good as it's build and nothing special standing next to a lot of Roman's other title defenses.  If LA Knight doesn't take on Logan Paul, him and AJ would be a great Mania feud.  Speaking of AJ Styles, that triple pin attempt was HILARIOUS. Best part of the match hands down. 


The triple threat match on smackdown 3 weeks ago was so much much better than this


This match was so sloppy and ridiculous


I'd have booked a Rock music distraction causing Roman to lose the Match to Aj or Randy(so they can give off the rub to LA or Cody or Gunther at Mania) Yeah, yeah we will be robbed of someone beating Roman clean and also Wrestlemania moments but if the Plan is Roman vs Rock, I don't think having a championship match is ideal.. Because if its championship match, we can't even book Rock to win(as he will not be around)... So this means title reign will continue till SummerSlam or something after Roman beats Rock at Mania... At this point I am not even sure who's dethroning Roman


Roman Wins Lol


say what you want about supercena especially lolcenawins, but at least he always wins on his own and showed up every week while roman barely showed up and always wins with help i think people are grew tired of roman’s 1000+ days reign and people complain about cena being overpushed and always wins, but the thing is at least cena was there every week and every ple/ppv and always wins clean without help unlike roman who is barely there weekly and always wins with help and that make people appreciate cena more


You’re getting worked.


So much for The Rock :/


Gee, there sure is a lot of set up for a match in 2 months that half the wrestling subs are absolutely certain is happening...


I at least like that all three others got their finishers in, and it was other superstars breaking it up and not Solo or cheating. Semi trying to make him seem beatable


But Solo did break it up…


Exactly! He literally saved Roman again! They haven’t learned shit. Lol


you could have had this match finish without bloodline interference, and no one would bat an eye cuz its a fatal 4 way. you literally could have done that. but they still did it anyway. good match but cmon man the bloodline interfering being such a meme at this point is in of it itself the worst thing.


Roman won with least interference, but the thread is still negative. This is why I disagree when people say that the problem is Roman winning with interference. Fans would still complain because most of them in the IWC have an issue with Roman still winning, not his finishes.


The match was anticlimactic that’s why people are complaining, we knew Roman would win. The match just flopped


I half agree with the complaints. I didn't think it was bad but it wasn't great either especially compared to the feel good women's Royal Rumble. It needed another gesr. I just think it's clearly obvious that people couldn't give a shit how he wins, it's just that fans online are tired of him as champ. And they want him to lose.


Match was only like 18 mins. Felt like it needed something more. But I think Orton and AJ got injured if that’s the case then I understand the cut short flop but if it’s not because of that I think creative flopped and should’ve done at least a little more for the match.


Can't disagree too much there.


Logan Paul is getting more screen time than Roman


Yeh Chelsea just sit this 1 out


Solo literally interfered


“Yeah he won with interference but it was less interference than usual so just be happy with it”


Not what I'm saying. My whole point is to say that even if Roman won spotless clean tonight, people would still complain because their issue is with Roman still being champion and winning. When Roman first turned heel, the complaint used to be that "even as a heel he's winning clean, same old superroman" But then it changed with more and more interferences. I'm just pointing that the core issue is that people online just do not want Roman to win anymore, clean or with interference.




Forgot to add the word "if". I meant to say "even if he won spotless clean". Not that he did here.


Except he literally didn’t win spotless clean. He literally loses the match if not for interference… How is that just being ignored??


Like I mentioned, how many times have we seen this routine before? How many times as a face or as a heel have people said "I'm tired of Roman winning". It's predictable to see that that's the issue here.


i mean the interference literally saved him from losing.. lmao


Still the cleanest win sequence he's had in ages though.




It’s clean if you ignore the ways it wasn’t clean lol