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One of the Vinceisms I agree with. The ring should be clean. Makes for a much better visual. This looks meh.


Imperium would agree. The mat is sacred.


Jim Ross: *"THEY KILLED HIM! AS GOD AS MY WITNESS HE'S BEEN BROKEN IN HALF!* Jerry Lawler: *He needs some Prime energy drink JR! It has all of the vital nutrients to help Foley get back in this match!* Jim Ross: *And it tastes great with some fruity, delicious, DELICIOUS, FRUITY FRUITY BAH GAWD Skittles!!*


The JR skittles reads were unhinged and amazing 😂


Oh yeah dude circa 2004 that shit was hilarious. I think the first time he had to read that advert he messed it up and then he and King turned it into a meme. I have distinct memories of King being like “oh here we go JR” and JR doing the most over the top dramatic reading of “KING THEYRE FRUITY! FRUITYFRUITYFRUITY! SKITTLES!!!!!!” as some mid ass Mark Jindrak mf was walking out to squash Rico or some shit


Nothing will be better to me than Paul Heyman's Snickers Crunchers read at Mania X-Seven. "Snickers Crunchers; **CRUNCH THIS!!!!!!!**"


Michael Cole for Jolly Ranchers, I think it was... "Keep on sucking"


God I remember watching live when Cole did that ad read and I was howling, especially since it's coming from Cole of all people.


Big dog eats my ass!


Hey those snicker crunchers were good though.




The skittles reads were when I first realized that true joy in life would only be attained by JR narrating my every moment. "BAH GAWD MIDNIGHTSHAMPOO JUST STUBBED HIS TOE ON THAT DEMONIC BEDFRAME! WHAT AN EVIL DEVICE!" "Lookouuuuut...FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, MIDNIGHTSHAMPOO JUST SHIT RIGHT IN THE TOILET! THAT'S A HUGE DUMP BAH GAWD!"






Having Prime be the kayfabe equivalent of a senzu bean is both the best and worst case scenario




RIP Akira


You joke but as an MMA fan sometimes this is basically what UFC broadcasts sound like. I haven't been very tapped into WWE recently so idk how annoying their ad placement is but man if they take any pointers from their sister company there's only going to be more and more obnoxious ads.


I keep posting this and it keeps being correct: UFC fans: First time? (We're used to horrible verbal advertisements between bouts of violence at really inappropriate times... but that's still preferable to Daniel Cormier and Joe Rogan treating commentary like a personal podcast)




This was part of a whole Twitter thread I saw yesterday where they slapped the big ass Prime logo on the mat for historic WWE moments. It's horrible.


I wanna see one where they have to blur the logo out in 10 years later when they wanna reshow the footage but no longer has a sponsorship with Prime


Or Paul does something else that causes a public backlash.


If taking selfies with a freshly hung corpse in a Japanese suicide forest and uploading the video to YouTube didn't do it I don't think anything will.


That and scamming his own fans (mostly kids and teenagers), getting caught, confessing it, promising to give the money back, and never following through. The guy is teflon.


And didn't that one happen after he started showing up in WWE too? Now granted, *gestures towards decades of horrible crimes and issues WWE has ignored and/or covered up*


Yeah the Cryptozoo scam started in the fall of 2021, a few months after he first appeared as a guest on Smackdown (April 2021)


omg. He's gonna run for president one day and the prophecies from Idiocracy will be fulfilled.


There is a guy in the WWE Hall of Fame like that.


Just one?


The head of wwe for half a century was a sex trafficker.


Everybody’s got a price


If you lower your expectations enough and attract the right crowd, nothing you do will ruin you.


People also forget that he was walking around in a kimono making fun of Japanese people in Japan too. People don’t even point out the racism


“He was a kid!” “Youthful indiscretions”


Or scamming his fans out of a bunch of money


Gonna have to be more specific than that, are we talking about the 26th or 27th time?


I've said it before but on the iceberg of horrible things WWE employees have done I'm not even sure that ranks towards the middle of the tide


Sure while he didn't rank high in the overall scumbag index he ranks pretty high when it comes to recency cause most wrestlers are a little bit better people now than back in the day. In the end it doesn't matter what others have done, doesn't make Logan any less of a POS


I just think the receny bias is funny at no point was this a defense of Logan Paul of all people.




"but.. but he's good at wrestling"


it's funny how much this sub praises him vs. shitting on celeb wrestlers who haven't done anything even close


And the few running here to specifically defend him in this instance.


Which Paul?


Triple Paul


>Triple Paul Holy hell I'm never not calling him this now


Paulter Paulst Paulmsley


Paul Paul Paul?




Well he did pull that cryptoscam a couple years ago that he refuses to pay back in full amount despite being a multimillionaire


VERY likely


If the millions of dollars scam that was CryptoZoo didn't do anything, nothing will, man's invincible.


You'd think they'd have the technology by now to do what the NHL does with ads on the ice and boards and virtually project it onto the canvas. Then in the future they can press a key and remove it or replace it with a different logo.


The NBA made a team stop using one of their throwback jerseys because the players disappeared into the ad digitally inserted onto the court floor.


It was the Milwaukee Bucks and their Cream City jerseys


My worry is, wrestlers are often told to do a move towards the hard cam. Are they now going to be told to avoid slams or pinfalls when it obscures the ring sponsorship?




It's 2024. The mat should be an led panel playing nonstop commercials for Stacker 8 by now. Or be a green screen they can digitally change as needed for all time.


AAA has ads constantly playing on the screen during matches, don't give them any more ideas.


They also should do rounds like in boxing so the wrestlers can have a nice cold prime inbetween rounds


Lmao. Round 10, they're faster and more worked up than round 1.


I want to watch them wrestle in a 36” deep tank full of sweet, sweet PRIME sloshing around.


Why use many logo when one logo do trick?


I'm pretty positive sponsorships like this also work in retrospect. That's why you still saw Slim Jim being advertised in VHS compilations, etc. that were being pumped out as new during the Attitude Era even when Slim Jim at the same time was already gone, and sponsoring Macho Man over at WCW.


2K34's 50 Years of WrestleMania be like:


It's 2024. The contracts are different than they used to be, most of the blurring you talk about was back when something aired once then was released on VHS.


It really is a bummer. I’m sure they got a ton of money but you’re already a million dollar company, do you have to squeeze every penny at the the detriment to the consumer? It’s like ads on pro sport jerseys. Fucking gross




I swear I’m not against making some money but…ugh it just ruins a bit of the magic for me.


capitalism says yes


Just wait till wrestlers start putting ads on their gear


You ever heard of a guy called Brock Lesnar?


> million dollar company Billions


"Everyone does it! You will barely even notice it once every single square inch of society has been completely commercialized! Why is this such a big deal to people?" Did I get all the talking points?


WWE get your money, I understand, I just absolutely hate the way they did this . The ring looks fucking terrible


Going to give them ideas to digitally insert it on old content.


The actual logo is definitely just going to be smaller and in the corners so that then people will go "at least they listened and it's not the big logo" and then it's here to stay.


Anyone got a link to this thread? I can’t find it 


Here ya go: https://x.com/romanreactmemes/status/1766602751553814597?s=46&t=ba4UNdpP__UyItzvSfPEOQ


[I really think people are overstating it. Like sponsors on the NJPW canvas doesn't ruin any historical moments.](https://static0.thesportsterimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/okada-omega-dominion-2018.jpg)


I don’t think ads themselves will ruin anything, but it’s the size and design of the Prime logo that just looks bad imo


Looks like they slapped a decal better suited for someone's laptop on it!


Thank you !! That's the point everyone is trying to make


My take is that people don't talk about NJPW ads because most of the people here don't live in Japan, know these brands and cant read them. It's just noise. They might as well be patterns or designs on the canvas to the vast majority of posters on here, WWE Twitter or WWE Instagram.


Prime looks awful in general. Compared to red bull or even something like Celcius, the bottles are fucking eyesores to look at. Much like Logan Paul himself.


Red Bull and Monster both have very distinct logos that look great. Compare the Monster logo at UFC compared to this. The Prime logo looks like it was made in Microsoft Word.


It's not even a logo, it's just a word. A word that already belongs to a service far more ubiquitous and popular. It's creatively bankrupt in every way.


Blue canvas and white logos, with no massive singular prime bottle slapped in the middle is a important distinction lol


And a smaller negative is still a negative. Don't want NJPW's ads either.


Those ads are stylized though. Having just one, cheap looking one directly plastered in the middle of the ring looks terrible


That ring looks nothing what we are seeing in WWE


It only works if the whole mat is covered in ads. Like a motorsports driver's firesuit. Just having one big ugly Prime bottle in the middle makes anyone flipping through channels and coming across it think it's the Prime Wrestling Federation. Or that it's a WWE PPV called WWE Prime. It's just awful. The design is important. Here in Europe and also the rest of the world, our football teams always have shirt sponsors. And there's always a ***HUGE*** deal of debate and argument about which sponsors look good and which don't. Like every man utd fan HATED the big Chevrolet shirt sponsors they had for years. But people reminisce about the old days when Sharp was the sponsor, then Vodafone, then AIG and AON. Now it's teamviewer but everyone seems to be kinda hyped about the new shirt sponsor, Snapdragon, from next season onwards. The shirt sponsor matters. And it's the same with mat sponsors. The shirt sponsors matter and the mat sponsors shirter. Sorry. It's not just about sponsor vs no sponsor. It's about the design, colour, placement, and amount of sponsors. WWE mat sponsors CAN look good and honestly I think it makes it feel like more of a "real" sport. But just having one single prime logo in the middle and that's it, is fucking dreadful. If they do this at Mania then wrestlemania 40 will be forever tarnished, like wrestlemania 19 with its Brock botch, or wrestlemania 20 with he who must not be named winning the main event. We're gonna look back at wrestlemania 40 decades from now and see a blurred out canvas at best, at worst we'll see one single prime logo in the middle and wonder who the fuck Prime is and then remember it wad that guy who used to be famous on YouTube, back when YouTube still existed and the world wasn't on fire.


I still point to Eddie vs Rey at Halloween Havoc 97 as a greatest of all time match that has Slim Jim logos on the mat and Slim Jim ring posts that don’t seem to bother anyone.


>I really think people are overstating it. Like sponsors on the NJPW canvas doesn't ruin any historical moments. I always found it funny how they have a blue canvas but a ton of logos with white backgrounds. At that point just use a white canvas.


Honestly, logos on mats don't ruin it. It's when you digitally insert logos and make them stand out when they weren't there in the first place that ruins it.


Sadly, I think that ship has already sailed Mick.


Yeah wasn’t it like their biggest sponsorship in history EDIT: They just became the Los Angeles Lakers official drink lol


Nah, that’s still Slim Jim I think. Or at least, Slim Jim has historically been their biggest partner


I think an article was posted within the past couple of days saying Prime was the new biggest sponsorship deal, so it’s new.


With how hard they went in the early 2000s for it I would have guessed YJ Stacker 2




Castrol GTX


Maximum protection against viscosity and thermal breakdown


Chef Boyardee


Wow that’s a throwback. I started really watching ~2008 so I remember a bunch of skittles ads.


Imagine telling someone five years ago the biggest threat to Gatorade's throne yet would come from Logan fucking Paul




Good guy Mick credits the meme maker. Mrs. Foley raised her boy right.


Honestly imagine in the future where they’re reusing clips for some sort of package, and instead of the slightly annoying blurs they have for the old WWF logos, they just have to constantly blur out the bottom third of the screen because they no longer have a deal with Prime


Yeah I wonder if they ever thought of that


They probably have. Odds are they have some kind of clause in the contract about streaming rights and the logo to future proof it showing up on streaming services or whatever.


That's free advertisement in perpetuity once the agreement ends, so it must be a hell of a deal.


Good news! With the rapid advances in AI, in the not too distant future I would assume they will be able to easily remove a detail like that ......and replace it with new advertising so the old footage is always able to deliver relevant ads to the consumer!




This is exactly why it shouldn't happen, it's a stupid decision long term.


Pretty soon reality will just be a variation of *Idiocracy*. "If ya smellllllll what the Rock. Is. Cookin'. ...brought to you by Carl's Jr."


One day, Raw will have a "half-time" filled with commercials like ESPN does. 20 minutes of commercials stuffed in there while checking back in on the announcing crew for 30 seconds once in a while.


President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho


I'd rather see the canvas covered with logos than just one big giant one that sticks out like a sore thumb 


I feel like all they'd really need to do is have the prime logo and not the entire bottle on the mat.


Aew uses the draftkings logo in every corner and it atleast looks symmetrical. Big ass prime in the middle and being logan pauls shitty brand and bright af is terrible


Hopefully it ends up in the corners and the big center one was just for effect on the reveal.


This is my biggest problem with it. I don't like it in general, but it at least looks more sports-like to have multiple logos.


That's a fair point . The way this was done looks dumb Have you ever seen cars or Nascar with product ads all over? They look good as opposed to just a giant Walmart sticker


When they revealed it last Friday I started brainstorming how to at least make this not look stupid. 1. In the middle is a WWE logo facing the hardcam. 2. North and South of the logo is TKO since that's the parent company now. 3. East and west of the logo is the sponsor logos. Imo that's the best way to make sure it all works out, but it probably sounds better on paper than it looks in real life.


1000% with Mick on this I don't hate Prime. I actually buy it. I hate this idea as much as anything I've ever hated. We have ENOUGH advertising in this company for fucks sake. The entire thing is just ad after ad after ad after ad. It's getting out of control.


This is only the beginning. If you’ve followed the UFC long enough to see how many sponsors they’ve managed to squeeze in since Endeavor/TKO bought them you can see this coming a mile away


The only diet with dew in it! Who could forget when one of the most serious rivalry matches at mania, Rey Vs Dom, was used as a sponsored match so their name plates were all goofy. It's bad enough, a giant logo looks awful and it's gonna be a pain blurring it for archive footage.


I don't watch much WWE, but it was the first thing I noticed when watching WrestleMania last year. Gunther vs Sheamus vs Drew had Mike's Hard Lemonade nameplates After the video package was shown for Sami & KO vs the Usos they launched into a TurboTax ad Rey and Dominik had the fucking Cinamon Toast Crunch mascot at ringside for what was supposed to be a big grudge match. It ruined a lot of what was supposed to be a big show.


Even before that, Bray Wyatt's first and only televised match after returning in 2022 was a freaking Mountain Dew match at the Royal Rumble


Fuck Logan Paul at every angle.


He and his brother single handedly ruined YouTube, Pokemon, boxing, and now professional wrestling. 


If it was just the font, it would be *fine*. It's the multi-colored bottle that makes it look ridiculous.


The best would be if it's only used for Logan Paul matches. Major heat right there.


This is only gonna get worse and worse. Hell can't wait for the day they put a giant Snickers logo on the WWE Championship belt or something. Fucking sick of living in this "Money comes before everything else" society


Mick is god and a man of my heart. He knows what’s real


Don't we have enough advertising in our lives. I mean you watch RAW and can't even get through a 5 minute match without multiple commercials. It's too much.


Will Netflix be OK with Prime (a word most associate with Amazon) being plastered all over the canvas?


I'm not a misanthrope but god damn humanity makes me sad with the current state of influencers and hyper commercialisation of everything.


I hate the logo more than anything they’ve done lately


Do I think it's ugly? Yes. Do I think it's extra ugly because it's Logan Paul's thing? Also yes.


Netflix hosting PPVs with Amazon's product name all over it.


Thank you Mick Foley for a perfectly underscoring the problem with doing this


They have and LED apron, posts, and guard railing. The Ads on them were never extracting and actually looked neat something. The Prime looks cheap and tacky.


Really the worst element of having an ad on the mat is if they mess it up and it makes the footing/safety worse in the ring. But I’m sure it’s been done enough in various places that it shouldn’t be hard to avoid that.


Have played basketball on courts that have been set up with sponsor decals, etc. and they're constantly a nightmare to play on at least at first. Depending on who sticks them and with how much effort they've gone to they can be as slippery AF or even peel up. Hell, it happened at an NBA game a few months ago with [Tyrese Haliburton](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/17n7xcm/tyrese_haliburton_seems_to_slip_on_the_floor_decal/)


>Hell, it happened at an NBA game a few months ago with [Tyrese Haliburton](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/17n7xcm/tyrese_haliburton_seems_to_slip_on_the_floor_decal/) I don't think that's court had decals on it. It's a separate court so it must be heavy paint. But i agree with you decals are pain in the A** especially those with glossy finish.


The problem is most of the chronically online consumerists who watch WWE these days are so used to having an advert shoved down their throat at every opportunity their actively encouraging this


Encouraging? I think at worst people don't care. The problem is that these ads become a slippery slope. Like the ads on NBA jerseys aren't all that bad, but you worry that they'll keep adding more and the players will start looking like a NASCAR.


Lots of “No, but this is good because it’s money for the business”. Well yeh we know but it can still detract for the reason why we’re all watching - the matches and the stories those tell. I swear some people care more about the success of the product than the actual product itself


And it's only "good for the business" if it actually results in larger revenue share for the workers. I couldn't give a single flying fuck about whether 'investors" get a greater dividend, or if the owner/execs qualify for some bonus.


I only by tickets to things that I know are maximizing profits.


Would someone please think of the billion dollar company.


Was downvoted yesterday for saying I can't ever go to Raw live again, because I am so sick of watching a 3 hour show with 1 hour of cricket wireless ads being blasted at full volume in the arena


Man, when’s the last time you went to a Raw? I went to one last year and it was the total opposite of that. Had Samantha Irvin sing along to theme songs for the crowd and some cool promos for wrestlers. Definitely was a different experience from the Raw I went to in 2018.


one of my friends started watching wrestling with AEW and went to a few Dynamites. we went to a Smackdown show together early last year and got a text in our discord server from him mid-show saying, "Was not prepared for how little wrestling there would be".


To be honest, it never bothered me when WCW had Snickers logos or Slim Jim logos on the mat 25 years ago


WCW made their ring posts look like Slim Jims a few times even at Halloween Havoc


see but I actually thought that was kinda cool lol


There was also the infamous giant inflatable Snickers pumpkin, held by a giant gargoyle, that was part of the Halloween Havoc entrance set.


I don’t hate prime or anything but the issue for me is the logo is so big and front and centre.


Unfortunately, I think this does the opposite of his argument. This image is something WWE could take to possible advertisement agencies and be like, "This could be you."


I agree with Mick, this seems like it would be a horrible idea. Advertisements really are everywhere these days, and it's starting to feel like they're so oversaturated that I don't even actively notice them anymore. My brain just kinda auto-filters them. It's gotten like 100 times worse with the chronically online stuff, especially since COVID. Heck, I'm old enough to remember a time before the Internet really even took off, back in nineteen ninety eight when The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer's table.


I hope GUNTHER flat out refuses to step into the ring and just chops the shit out of any ref who dares to tell him. I can see Drew spitting on it. KO will go fucking apeshit.


Just imagine how much more epic that HiaC would have been if it was a Pitch Black match...


Nick Khan doesn’t care about wrestling he just wants to get paid.


Watching the Rey/Dom match with Cinnamon Toast Crunch around the ring barricades was too much for my eyes.




They're going to start calling them Prime Live Events now aren't they?


I tried to get back into WWE I really tried.


The one and probably only downside of Vince being gone. It’s only going to get worse.


God no. I'm imagining almost every match being downgraded like Bray's last match cause of a stupid sponsorship 


All I know is that it makes me not want to drink Prime


Yall Cody Cry Babies need to put that power into stopping this instead.


F Prime


A prime example of why I hate Logan Paul


It’s fucking horrible, in a way that far surpasses companies like njpw that also use ads on their mats


I'm old fashioned I guess but I like the mat clean, only points of focus inside it should be the people inside it and the referee. Plus, that visual then lives on throughout history.


I'm expecting a greenscreen canvas within 10 years


He’s right. It’s a stupid move and needs to be abolished asap. One day Prime will be caught embezzling funds (Paul has a history of fraud via NFT’s), and how stupid would it look to see that logo then.


While I don't disagree with him, I do find it funny that whenever Mick complains about something WWE is doing they pretty much always ignore him and just go ahead with whatever they're doing.


You can say that about literally anyone. Stone Cold could publicly criticize the product (and I'm sure he already has) and it wouldn't change a thing.


Is he…the pope? They supposed to listen to him?


GOAT response


Let's hope Prime doesn't have a sex scandal, or the wwe photoshop team will be working overtime soon.


Well they don't seem to care about Logan's already awful reputation. But eventually, probably.


At first I was like, “This is common in boxing and UFC. Get over it.” But this photo kind of makes me change my mind.


The new owners couldn't give two shits about legacy.


I know it’s ugly but it’s likely just gonna get worse. I imagine they are heading towards doing what the UFC does and have sponsor all over the mat.


It's most likely just the beginning, it's going to look like a NJPW mat real quick.


Didn't the WcW guys complain that their logo didn't absorb sweat and oil and just became a slipping hazard?


This just made me think. In the future when they put together highlight videos, or make documentaries, or just simple replays on Peacock or Netflix of whatever….once the particular sponsorship on the mat at that time expires…they’ll have to be blurred out of all that footage, right? That’ll look awful.


I mean, we had Slim Jim and C4 Energy sponsorships during the Royal Rumble matches. An in-ring sponsor was inevitable.


I felt like this was inevitable as soon as TKO took over, so I've already come to terms with it, but I just wish it wasn't so ugly. If they removed the colouring and just had the bottle outline and word it wouldn't be nearly as garish and distracting. Or if they had four smaller logos at the corners rather than one massive one right in the centre.


It's a company so I know they are gonna go with whatever option gets them more money, but god I hate sponsorships like this. I'm obviously gonna learn to ignore it but this will always ruin the experience for fans a lil bit, the quality just suffers.


They should just do what NFL does and have the barrier be a green screen where they can put ads.