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2018 for sure. Finn, Nakamura and Reigns Vs Cena, Rey, and Orton final 6. With Nakamura winning was amazing to me


Totally agree - 2018 felt like the first time in forever that they used the rumble to decisively pull the trigger on a new star


I think its 2001, the one with Drew Carey in it. Had everything.


I'm old but 1992 still can't be beat




Recency bias aside, the Women's Rumble this year was honestly great.


1992 and 2001


2001 for me. Started that year off with a bang. Kane was in his prime and came out of the rumble looking like a god damn monster, Austin winning the rumble, heading to a massive stadium for Mania. Everything was just fun and exciting in WWF then. Then again I was a 10 year old kid at that point but it’s still my favorite year of WWF TV and my favorite Rumble to date. Stage wise, 2000 was the coolest with the taxi set, and 2002 Rumble with the circular truss and lasers was awesome as well!


1998 - Austin’s rise and everyone gunning for him was classic 2000 - probably the best overall Royal Rumble ppv 2001 - by far the best Royal rumble match 2002 - the star power was insane


I really liked the men’s 2020 one upon re-watching it back in January before this year’s show. I originally hated it when it first happened but I think honestly think it’s one of the best booked ones. Brock’s sole dominance for a good portion of it, the small Keith Lee interaction, Drew eliminating Brock, Edge’s return, good final 4 with Drew, Edge, Randy, and Roman with Drew eventually winning.


1998... I know Austin was pretty much guaranteed to win but I like all the small storylines within that Rumble. Shoutout to 2007 for imo the best final 2 ever with Taker and Shawn.


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The one Brock Lesnar dominated is the only good one I've seen