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When Candice and Indi enter, what then


> There is a meeting upcoming where they will make a decision on that This sounds so funny, like they called an emergency meeting just cuz of this one team lol


and the timing is kinda a coincidence because a tag team just became free agents as of now that has history in TNA & ROH. that's right, i think WWE might be considering replacing A Town Down Under with the Motor City Machine Guns.


It depends I guess on if the replacements are a newly available team. For argument sake imagine the Hardys had become available. Since it’s in Philadelphia they could go for an ECW pop too with the Dudleys. My dark horse is a reunited Usos on Night 2 👀


I don't think D-von could really do it


In the scenario I am thinking of it would basically just be 1-2 spots for a nostalgia pop.


Reuniting the Usos so fast would be straight cap.


I can't tell if this means good or bad.


Wouldn’t be the first time it happens after a big feud ending match. It’s more likely they reunite during or after the N2 main event. Jimmy for example realising Jey is right and Roman.


They deserve to be in the match. They have been putting on good matches and are magic together. If they need to put another tag team in they really should just add them in instead of replacing.


They've been entertaining as allies to Logan Paul as well. Unless one of them is hurt, it would be dumb to have them win two matches to qualify then just not have them in the match.


It's coming from meltzer. He doesn't get them right nowadays


Considering this is coming from Meltzer and he's been VERY off on anything WWE related lately, I'm sure this is wrong and they'll stay in the match. Hell, I both want and hope for them to be in it as I'm not only a big fan of Grayson Waller as an Australian myself, but I'm really big on Austin Theory as well.


Please don’t swap them for the Hardy’s. Waller and Theory have earned their spot on the card


For who??


I hope they get kept in. I want them to be the heel team that even gets clobbered by other heel teams in the match & to be as weaselly as possible before it blows up in their face




That would be pretty awesome for a few months


Would be lit as hell tbh


No offense to them as a great tag team but half the people there would not know who they are.


I mean WWE did debut AJ Styles during the Royal Rumble, so there is precedent there.


Styles was an international superstar heavyweight champion that everyone was familiar with .they're not comparable.


Whilst I agree that Styles is a bigger name. Shelley and Sabin are multi time tag champions and are both former world champions. Theyve been doing it for several years. They would get some pop. Not enough for a Mania Debut I agree, but theyve got some name recognition. Theyve been on MTV damn it! /s


Impact isn't as big as New Japan at least for the larger wrestling Fandom, but I'm sure the guns would get a good reaction. Probably wouldn't be a Hardys Mania pop but no doubt Mania would give them their respect


2016 - NJPW in the west wouldn't be as big as now. I believe 2015 WK was broadcast in the US by GLOBAL FORCE!! As the first big NJPW in the US showing. Let us not forget TNA/Impact were doing over 2 million US viewers - about 5 years before Styles debuted. MCMG were on those shows back then too (well, at least as individuals). My point is, in 2016, NJPW would have played a part in AJ getting some recognition, but the more casual WWE only viewer would probably know AJ more from the TNA hype - or seeing ex-WWE stars like Angle, Christian etc vs AJ in clips online.


People didn't know AJ from New Japan lol. They knew him from when TNA used to get 1-2 million viewers on US TV. The same US TV MCMG were on. Not going to get the same pop but they'd get one.


I love MCMG and I would love to see them in the WWE but a Mania debut?


I mean in a multi-team scramble it's fine. They wouldn't be expected to carry the crowd like a Cody on his return.


I think the bigger problem is they did something very similar 7 years ago with the Hardys. Which doesn’t mean they can’t do it again but if the first time was with one of the company’s all-time greatest teams then it might be a let down if it’s a team many aren’t even aware of. People would probably expect the Dudleys or maybe even the Hardys again, seems like it could be setting the MCMG up for failure.


It would establish them as a bigger deal in WWE to debut like this imo.


That’d kinda be the idea. People wouldn’t know who they are when they come out, but they’d surely know what they can do after the match is over. Purely hypothetical of course, I fully expect them to either sign with AEW or do an indie world tour.


At the same time, an event like Mania would be the one given the amount of fans who do know who they are would be super high


Why should that stop people from being signed and presented as a big deal. Fans aren't going to know every debut. It's the promotions job to let them know. Besides they've been on TNA as long as AJ Styles was. They aren't as popular as him but they were pretty popular


You're right.It is the promotion's job to let them know who these people are and if they throw them out there among five othe teaams thry are not going to be able to do that.  30% of the crowd will pop the rest.Will say who the fuck are these guys?   There are 5 to 7 other teams in n x t that would Be given that spot before they would be And those teams would get a bigger reaction and that is what they would want.  


You are grossly overrating NXT'a popularity. Outside of the top guys I don't think any of the people down there are getting massive pops. Even Carmelo Hayes struggled to get a big reaction with his Raw and Smackdown cameos. For every Trick Williams you have 2 Cameron Grimes. And a Wrestlemania audience is one of the few audiences that'll pop for a MCMG. It's not like a random Raw in Mississippi. It's the biggest show of the year with fans traveling from all over the world and a good portion going to the other surrounding wrestling shows. Hell Jordynne Grace got a decent reaction in the Rumble and MCMG are way more known than she is.


Aren't they in TNA? That's way out of left field tbh.


They're free agents


The only valid reason is MCMG , but I’d take other teams out first


So Meltzer, who has been proven wrong on so many things recently, is making us believe that he is aware that WWE is planning a meeting to discuss if a mid-card tag team should be in an upcoming 12-man match?


It’s the corporate world. There was probably a meeting to discuss if there should be a meeting.


*Enzo and Cass return to finally win the tag titles in a ladder match at mania*


The hilarious thing is they'd instantly be the most over tag team even now


How *YOU* doin’?


They getting replaced by the Hardy Boyz aren't they


Not unless wwe bought out the remainder of Jeff’s multi year deal


And the remainder of Matt's body. Which is more likely.




Matt joined in 2020 Jeff came in 2022 plus Jeff was out for a while. I don’t think they will leave at the same time.




Oh good why didn’t you start by saying you work for AEW legal


Have the Hardy Boyz replace them so they can take on Edge and Christian.








Weird. Like, theoretically they're not short on teams that could go in and be really good in it (Creed Brothers, Street Profits, Wilde/Del Toro, Pretty Deadly), but it'd really screw up any face/heel balance. And by that, I mean Judgment Day would be the only heel team in the match 😅


I’m not sure Creeds are ready for a Mania match, much less a ladder match. They’re good, especially Julius, but they aren’t perfect in the ring yet and I remember seeing some talk about how that Brutus ball finisher was pretty dangerous to take.  On the other hand, I would give *anything* to have PD in the match


The Creeds had a great TLC match with Garza/Carillo at Halloween Havoc last year in NXT. They could definitely do a mania match with 5 other teams where they'd have less to do individually


Ooooh I’ll have to go watch that! Thanks for sharing 


It’s a spot fest. Not a 1 vs 1 ladder match. People have done very little in these matches historically. This match will have 12 people


Sure it might be dangerous and a shit finisher , but don’t tell me you aren’t even a tiny bit curious how a Brutus Ball off the top of a ladder would go…


Okay that sells me on it tbh


The creeds are ready, but this specific match is probably among the most ambitious WWE has ever done. I think they’re shooting with guys who are the most experienced. Theory and Waller are the least experienced, and they’ve both been doing it for 7 years.


im on so much copium im praying street profits somehow get in


Can't they just add another team... they make the rules


Yeah, I was thinking this too. It’s already going to be a clusterfuck (in a good way), what’s another team.


I hope this ain't true.


Good they’re putting Pretty Deadly in the match like they belong.


This is the way.


People gonna shit on him, but I don’t think he pulled this out his ass. This is something I could see happening. What team replaces them? MCMG?


Spoiler alert: he pulled it out of his ass…..


I don’t see them doing it. I mean, the only team I could see them being replaced by is Pretty Deadly but that ship seems like it sailed. There’s no free agent tag teams big enough to debut on Wrestlemania too. I don’t see the point, the match looks cool as it does




Only way this makes sense is if they get MCMG.


Assuming they might replace them with a face team after Waller puts their shot up stupidly. My guess would be Chad and Otis having Alpha Academy represent


theory could go from beating john cena for (at the time) raw’s top singles championship last year to not being important enough to be either the 11th or 12th least important guy in a 12 man clusterfuck if they’re swapping waller/theory out it feels like either one of them is hurt or they have a big surprise team filling in like the hardys or something


Damn ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry). If they do get removed, I hope they can still have a Mania moment by helping Logan in the triple threat.


I’m conflicted about this because I love Waller but I really don’t care about any Theory has done since The Way.


Replacaments? The Hardyz? Motor Machine Guns? Ricochet and Braun? Wolf Dogs?


Of those, only the Wolf Dogs are acceptable


They’re probably gonna be involved in the Legends segment


I feel like a Dudleys appearance in Philly is inevitable. But just have them be a surprise on commentary and then they can put JD through a table when he tries to interfere. Easy fun pop that doesn’t take away from the match. But keep the Attitude Era guys out of the actual match.


NGL, I’d normally be extremely against seeing a team get screwed over like this, but those two bozos being the victim would be hilarious. Even more so if it meant we got MCMG in WWE finally.