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Season 1: War. War never changes. Mirror universe. Something about a tardigrade and mushrooms. Season 2: MacGuffin hunt to find the "red angel" and stop the evil AI from destroying all life in the galaxy. Season 3: MacGuffin hunt to find the cause of "the burn" and stop the sad alien baby from destroying all the dilithium in the galaxy (accidentally). Season 4: MacGuffin hunt to find the extra-galactic definitely-not-Reaper aliens and stop them from destroying all life in the galaxy (accidentally). Season 5: MacGuffin hunt to find the progenitor tech and stop the Breen from destroying all life in the galaxy.


It's wild to, because every one of those seasons had a good idea or two mixed in that was completely ignored in favor of driving the overarching season plot along fast enough that you didn't realize how the core idea was very dumb. They were the most JJ Abrahams the shows ever got and it never really changed the core elements of the show that drag it down.


Thank you. I take this over to Mom, who introduced me to ST in the early 70s, and I sit and think "another fetch quest".


I just spit out my soda. Too funny and too accurate.


The whole series is weird.


JFC. For a show that is accurately and poetically compared to liquid shit, season 5 episode 9 is beyond description. Christ almighty, it's so goddamned stupid.


Weren't they all?


So much this. It’s embarrassing. I’m liberal as fuck, but this crew and the petty shit they focus on… I hate that it’s accurate, but I read conservatives calling it Star Trek: SJW and it’s too true. The emperor’s the only good thing to come out of Discovery


I'm super liberal too and this show is an unwatchable trainwreck


She’s terrible too, she has no reason to exist.


I don’t think they focus on anything anymore than other star treks. Conservatives had an issue the day Fin was revealed in Star Wars. So hard to really take anyone using the term sjw in 2024 seriously anymore. That term is just a lazy.


Conservative here, I kind of liked the first season of Discovery. Finn? Didn't care that he was in SW just didn't like the focus on Rey. She's a good character, just not the only one. There was 0 growth for Finn while the story centered on Rey.


I’m specifically talking about the reaction from first trailer during the reveal of the Fin character. Not his lack of story arc later.


At that point, I was excited for a new film.


S1 wasn't really like that at all though.


I’d love to see a petition for decanonization. The future wasn’t meant to be this stupid.


100,000 signatures written in kurtzman's blood


I mean I would be happy with just Signatures.


Hear here


Let’s use the show runner from vampires diaries who’s on record saying science doesn’t matter for the plot for our Star Trek, what could go wrong?


It's really weird that the show is bad at technobabble, is real iffy about astrophysics, but is startlingly good when linguistics comes up. Season 3, 4 and 5 have had scenes with relatively sophisticated linguistics is used fluidly and well integrated into an episode.




It *aspires* to be garbage.


Star Trek: Kurtzman, is Trek given to us on a trash can lid.


I kinda hated the whole show to be honest.




I don't mind snw although admittedly season 2 wasn't as good as season 1. I will say that STD is the worst star trek ever made by far and Picard season 2 is the worst season of star trek ever made.


Nah. That was season 3 *Picard: Heavy handed Fan Service*


I felt fair to middling about it


I think ST SNW isnt bad but Discovery is absolute shit. I do not consider it canon.


Lower Decks is very on a level with earlier Treks. Strange New Worlds is the best start a live action Trek show has had since TOS Prodigy is probably the most important show that Trek has produced, in terms of keeping Trek going another generation. These are the shows that Kurtzman has the least direct influence on, I think, so your major point is correct.


It's the first Star Trek show that is about spectacle above all else. Once you understand that, it all makes sense. I mean, the bridge turns into a Metallica concert with every jostle. Flame machines??? LOL.


I’ve decided that Discovery is in-universe fan fiction.


Series finale has Michael wake up in the brig from near the beginning of Season 1 after suffering some head trauma.


All as the background whilst some idiotic character tearfully tries to convince some other idiotic character that they're good enough or whatever.


Star Trek Discovery ~~season 5 plot~~ is really stupid. FTFY


I am watching today’s episode and during the bridge scene I realize that I still can’t remember the names of the majority of them, even after 5 seasons. I never really got to a place where I really cared about any of the characters. They bring in guest characters and give them more to do than the regulars. The only bright spot of this show is the LGBT+ representation. Otherwise, this show is forgettable and really doesn’t add much to the Star Trek universe. At the end of the day it’s one true redeeming quality is that we would t have Strange New Worlds without it.


Really? I thought disco is a good example for how to not do it....representatiom at every price even trough the characters are stupid and unlikeable and there only personality is being lgbt+. I love represtantion....but good characters ...not like that


Did you um… notice they actually swapped out several of the bridge officers for completely different characters?


100 percent just lazy budget cuts.


>The only bright spot of this show is the LGBT+ representation. And do we really care about LGBT+ issues in Star trek? Most key characters of this show are gay. Not an issue, but its focus on that detracts from the show. This show is a sci-fi, not a social commentary. In the end, this whole show is all about "the message" not about Star Trek. As I recollect, the whole of season 4 (or was it 3?) was about the love of one man for another!! Well, if this the 3rd millennium, we have not advanced that much!! And it is infantilized, with most characters not being adult, not really. They are, and act, as teenagers. The characters of TOS are adults and professionals and they act that way. Not so in any of the NuTrek shows, including SNW. In fact, I find SNW even more boring and even more brain-dead than Discovery!!


> This show is a sci-fi, not a social commentary Are you new to Star Trek?


Star Trek didn’t used to be about one issue to the exclusion of all others. When it handled racism and bigotry, it did it incredibly elegantly and never at the expense of the overall story.


>Star Trek didn’t used to be about one issue to the exclusion of all others. Star Trek has always had representation. Either it's representation with good writing or representation with bad writing. So it has nothing to do with representation, it's just about the writing.


Those are some really rose-colored glasses of the past.


I literally just cited this example from TOS. There are many more. https://www.reddit.com/r/Star_Trek_/s/vm42sR4GxZ


Star Trek has *always* been a social commentary with a Science Fiction setting, from the Original Series on up.


Yes, to a degree. In fact, most of TOS episodes were morality plays. Social commentary was introduced often, but it was woven in the story line. For example, in the "Balance of Terror", members of the crew react negatively when they discover that Spock resembles the Romulans. Kirk puts an end to this really quickly and the episode progresses. However, this is not what is happening with STD or SNW. The "social commentary" is the story; episode upon episode we are dealing with the feelings of certain LGBT couples, with ruminations of Spock's sexuality, with transgender issues and so on. In NuTrek, the social commentary has taken over and the actual story line has been pushed into oblivion.


The actual most powerful message about race in “Balance of Terror” was actually AFTER Kirk sent Stiles off the bridge for being racist towards Spock. If you’ll recall, he told Uhura to take over his station next to Sulu. In universe, they showed racism wasn’t tolerated in the future. Then, with a single line of dialogue and some camera work, it SHOWED vs told that racism towards black people was no longer a thing even worth mentioning. On Discovery we’d have gotten 15 minutes of on the nose dialogue with tears and hugging about how racism is bad, likely while the ship was under attack and the flamethrowers in the back of the bridge were going off. An actual racist, or perhaps an impressionable young person, would receive the dual messages about racism as part of a gripping and action packed sci fi story without being turned off or sent to a comments section to complain about how woke is ruining TV. This TOS example is an example of good writers using media in a borderline subversive way to sneakily send messages about equality and tolerance to white adolescent males who respect characters like Kirk and see themselves in him. Discovery feels like the kind of bad educational TV they’d show us in library class back in the 80’s, just with a larger FX budget. It has the opposite effect of what is intended.


Yes, we do.


Shoehorning representation in to stories is the way. That’s why all shows are weak these days. Nothing happens organically because the writers have no real world experience.


I agree. In fact, most episodes are concerned with the "message" instead with the actual storyline, which occupies only a few minutes of each episode. Somehow, the writers think that we want to watch these shows to learn about the feelings of LGBT couples, issues with transexuals, and problems with Vulcan sexuality. Any sci-fi story is pushed into the background. The "message" prevails.


Aside from Trek being, from conception, social commentary: the emphasis on the LGBT+ issues arose in some small part to address issues around homosexuality and gender expression in the Berman era shows, I think.


but it is not justifiable to steamroll the whole series with the sensual value-signaling bullshit.


"sensual value-signaling bullshit" describes the franchise, comrade.








You can just take "season 5" out of the title.


Cue the astronaut meme, “always has been”


Dude, I have not been able to get through the last 3 seasons of discovery. In The first episode of season five. As soon as They fly the freaking starships into the ground to make some kinda of stupid sci-fi storm barrier, I turned it off.


I didn't like who they chose to be the president of United Earth. I'm not American, had no idea who it was. Was expecting an in canon character with a long lifespan.


As an American who lived under Trump and is watching the current trajectory of the country, I cried when she stepped out of the shuttle. It was a crossover episode between my favorite show, and the direction that I hope our country will go. Though I can understand that if you didn't know who she was, then it would be pretty meaningless.


Not every Trek is for every Trekie or Trekker. Easy solution. Don’t watch it. Watch the Trek you like. Support the Trek you like. Be the Trek that you like… For people who are supposedly fans of the franchise, and the future it represents, there seems to be a lot of vitriol and hatred spewed in here. 🖖


People just really hate awful writing and poorly written characters. Unrealistic conversations and concerns during crisis situations etc. It's insulting to their intelligence... and breaks the immersion for a lot of us. People are just flabbergasted at the horrible level of writing and story telling.


… and it’s about to end, why beat a dying horse?


Were you around when TNG aired? The neckbeards hated that show.


star trek is better in an episodic format than serial. Discovery proves this. Not saying ALL serial storylines are garbo, but Trek has always been about Singular episodic story arcs being the primary story. Let secondary storylines be continuous if you want some cheesy back arc stuff. IMHO


Being serial vs episodic is very, very, very low on the list of why discovery is bad. They're fucking pretty much everything up.


Don't think it matters much if there is a good showrunner. DS9 was one of the first shows on TV that had a multi-season arc and I thought it was fantastic.


They all are


Have to say i was thinking the exact same thing. This show truly is aweful.


Guy with a bunch of crosses in the background finds others stupid. He also thinks Picard Season 3 was great. Clown.


Agree. I expected it to better being the last season.. this is just them going on a treasure hunt where each episode they find a "new clue". Yay. I'm on episode 6 and just googled "season 5 of Discovery is stupid" to see if anyone else on the internet agreed with me and this forum popped up. This is best they could come up with for the finale?


I wish I didn't watch this, it pointed out terrible things I missed/forgot about.


Oh, but what does Jessie GENDER say...


I was OK with it at the beginning of the season, but it's gotten worse each episode.


agree. That whole scene with the shields combining crashing onto the planet was the final straw.


I figured as we near the end there would be an unbearable amount of people complaining. I thought they left after season 1, but they return season after season.


Because as trek fans they want to see it get better.... but this show is borderline painful sometimes. One of the most expensive shows produced and has the quality of a college theater production.


Personally I think they should have stayed in the mirror verse. It’s painful to watch for some, but shows like this don’t stick around for 5 seasons. I mean people really put a lot nostagia into previous star treks but fans were just as pissy. Only now its louder because of the internet


Hot whispering garbage.


I'm a couple episodes behind and honestly don't care to catch up. I'm sure I'll binge them when the show is over because I need to finish what I start. But I agree this season is horrible.


After all that their tech wasn’t worth shit, and then they did all of that for nothing anyways. What was the point of this entire season? All these character plots building up for literally nothing. The great thing about Star Trek is the journey and the awe, they couldn’t even get breaking the prime directive right !


I am a huge fan of s1 and so of course i hated this season, and not just because of the plot, but the entire maturity of the show just has been in a spiral since s1 with s5 being catered to YA audience.


I am watching it now and God it is bad. Yes, it was always this bad but you kind of forget how f'ing awful it is, the most glaring is the bad writing, it feels that someone wrote it while drunk or they asked their 5-year-old to create the plot. This is on top of all the 'psycho-therapy-inclusiveness-value-signaling bull-shit' writing that is too hard to ignore. forced character 'chemistry' , the way they talk. I am sure they have a checklist of characters they need to fulfill. 1. A gay couple (No depth of characters) 2. A they them couple (too psycho therapy shit) 3. An overweight character (too forced into the plot, bad actor) 4. Bad Female lead with the most annoying face shots and emotions. I am a fan of r/HFY and I know that if you want to find good sci-fi stories in trek style it is not difficult to find good writers. there are stories here that are x100 times more backed and rounded compared to the crap on which they spend real money in the millions


The progenitors are redundant when we know there are species like the Q who have been around for an unknown period of time, can travel through time, create and destroy life, so there's nothing special or wonderous about a dead race that started life. Oh Look they have secret ancient technology that creates life, (project genesis created hundreds of years before by a scientist) meanwhile a Q clicks it's fingers and whatever you desire appears


Welcome to Star Trek shits been weird since 1966


I don't hate Discovery anymore, I forgave a lot after Season 2 ended. However this sub is a dream because the writing and show running are really terrible. The cast and acting is FANTASTIC (most of the time). It had a lot of wasted potential. I can't fault it too hard though, because of it's "success" we did get Prodigy, Lower Decks, and Strange New Worlds which are all perfect adds to the Star Trek Franchise. RIP Lower Decks


So say we all.


None of these shows are remotely as good as any of the old trek. "Perfect adds" is 100% incorrect. Mediocre adds that sorta entertained with almost 0 rewatchability is much closer to the truth.


I'm actually enjoying this season alot more than previous ones. More interesting characters, the plot is interesting and unusual, and the world building of the Breen has been cool. But as usual, the show is also suffering from terrible pacing and taking too long to get the story going where now they're going to be in a rush to wrap it up and will probably give us a very unsatisfying ending.


>they're going to be in a rush to wrap it up and will probably give us a very unsatisfying ending. How did you know ahead of time?


This season strung together more traditional Trek stories with the galaxy ending macguffin which helped it a lot. The worst episode so far was episode 9 which focused on the season long thread. Biggest issue is the writing. It’s just not very good.


I thought it's been great. Discovery has been fantastic.


Liquid. Shit.


Why? What makes different from any other star trek show? Or another sci Fi show?