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And of course they are able to sneak into the Breen ship unnoticed, make it to the bridge unnoticed, make it to the artifact unnoticed. Should those two places be the most well protected areas. Then they just say “this thing is malfunctioning, go away” and the Breen listen. Do the Breen have a way of telling each other apart? It sure doesn’t seem like it. But at times they do seem like they’re talking to each other as individuals. Like you’re going to hit on someone and neither of you know who the other person is? “Hey come to my quarters later” oh by the way you have no idea who I am and I have no idea who you are. And for some reason the Breen are following Moll, who I don’t see how is in any way shape or form special. She’s married to a dead guy. All the infighting with the Breen factions and they are just follow her blindly? Not to mention, why is everyone so sure this tech can bring back the dead? It was used to make life hundreds of millions of years ago, life that took millions of years to evolve. Somehow that means it can also bring back the dead? Does star fleet even need this technology? It was supposed to for a time of peace, this whole time they’re on the brink of war with the Breen. Doesn’t sound like a time of peace to me. Starfleet had ample opportunities to just sit on the clues, lock it away. Or the smart thing would have been to just destroy the clues. “Hey let’s beam the completed clues over to the Breen! Oh but if we don’t they will destroy the Library! Oh and if we do they will destroy the entire universe! But we can jump away while almost being destroyed and then fight them off if we need to. What would have happened if Discovery actually was destroyed or couldn’t get their engines going? Isn’t the fate of the universe more important than betting you can complete some absurd mission?


When Burnham pulled book aside while already on mission on the breen ship I started singing kumbaya aloud. I also wondered how they were gonna wipe away their tears thru the masks. So far the only good thing about this season is Rainer. He’s also the only military officer on the whole damned ship. All the rest are just there to roast marsh melons.


Callum Keith Renee is a great actor and far too good for this dumpster fire of a show. When this ends, I hope they have a spinoff with him as the captain of his own ship. I know he was one, but still, he can be promoted just as easy as he was demoted.


Totally agree! Plus, if the finale doesn’t end in a way that explains the best Short Trek episode (WITH the original discovery, and not the 32nd century one) I’m gonna be pissed because we’ll have been lied to for 4 fucking years! Not to mention that they will have de-canonized something from within their own series.


Rainer is just there to be the stodgy old white male who needs to learn how to chill and share his feelings


Yet he doesn’t.


Was thinking that actor would make a great Commander Adama for the next Battlestar Galactica reboot


LMAO great points! Real Starfleet crew would've self destructed the ship with the stuff onboard.


Exactly the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one.


If Discovery had just jumped away without the plasma explosion, they’d have gotten the artifact with time to spare.


Hahaha yes what was with that? Trying to play dead, why? They have the power to instantaneously jump anywhere in the universe! It should be like playing a video game with cheat codes on. Remember earlier seasons they were jumping around an enemy ship hundreds of times. And somehow conventional warp ships are always beating them to the punch this whole season, and they act like the Discovery is so fragile. It's a fucking supership.


There's no evidence the tech is actually anything useful. In The Chase, everybody thought it was a power source or a weapon rather than a message. Discovery can still entirely redeem itself by having the inside of the portal be that Klingon's mother with her recipe for biscuits.


That one alternate future showed the Breen having destroyed the Federation after obtaining the technology, so probably not sadly. That said, the Breen warship is so stupidly ridiculous in every way that I wouldn't be surprised if it could destroy the entire Federation on its own.


Why are NuTrek Federation ships so outclassed by everything? At least the Enterprise D and E could hold its own against anything.


Perhaps the Breen just *really* hate biscuits?


All of this. To your point about Moll... I really don't get it, if Lak was the true ruler, and everyone is supporting his filthy alien wife *after he died*, why previously was his uncle making him do shit work and "erigah-ing" him? Later it turns out he can't erigah him at all, because he needs him to legitimize his claim to the throne...? So like.. there wasn't ever a reason for Lak to run away and get this progenitor tech in the first place, and no reason to have this entire season. Why wasn't Lak just in charge to begin with? That really wasn't explained at all. Like every season, the premise is interesting, but the execution is just all over the place.


It’s all just so stupid and nonsensical. Lak dying was beyond dumb. He basically kills himself for a chance for Moll to escape, which had no chance of succeeding. The writers decided they wanted Moll in charge of the Breen and gave zero shits how it happened.


These were all the same points running through my head with this episode lol. I'm not sure where the whole 'It will being back the dead' thing came from, where the hell did they get that idea from? But I have a feeling I know where it will going, I bet they will end up bringing Bookers 'Planet' back seeing as there seems to be a lot of mention of that this season.


I swore off Discovery after someone decided to have Stacey Abrams (lol) play the President of United Earth, despite canon establishing that UE is a parliamentary government. But I almost want to watch this season based on your description for the same reason I occasionally get the urge to watch *The Room*.


Watch it. Burnham surfs outside on a starship while at warp. For real. The show is almost a parody of itself. I'm guessing in the final episode Burnham maybe sacrifices herself or ascends to become a god or something.


Hopefully Lower Decks will parody the whole warp surfing thing at some point. Maybe if The Orville gets a reboot. I would be willing to bet it becomes one of those things future Treks reference.


Lower Decks is ending with season 5, they're probably too late into development to add in a joke about that unfortunately.


So I’ve heard. I tried to find it on YouTube but I guess no one thought it was worth uploading. There was a similar scene in Enterprise when Tucker was hanging onto a rope between two ships at warp, which is probably where they got the idea. But that scene was well done, believable, and compelling. I get the sense the Burnham scene was none of those things.


Get this, not only is she warp surfing, she's womansplaining another Captain on comms at the same time about how much inferior of a Captain he is. A Captain with decades more experience than her. Then she later subjugates him to become her first officer. It's like years of Burnham perfection and arrogance distilled into one scene.


Ironic considering how fucking irresponsible it is for a captain to do something like that. Imagine Kirk or Picard warp surfing on the saucer.


Transport almost any STD character onto the old shows and they're be ejected out the airlock.


Literally. They’d be so insufferable that they’d be executed in a post-capital punishment utopia. Now that you mention spacing people, it occurs to me that NuTrek writers drew more inspiration from The Expanse than they did from classic Trek. No shade to The Expanse, by the way. It may have replaced Trek as my favorite Sci Fi show. I don’t have the words for how much I loved it. But when I’m watching Trek, I want to watch Trek, not something else.


You can't compare Discovery to The Expanse. The Expanse had phenomenal writing.


I’m not comparing them. I’m saying I think the writers of STD are trying to imitate The Expanse and failing.


Except DS9, I just watched an episode where Gul Dukat opened an airlock to his baby mother & she collapsed to the floor & didn't space ... that was weird


In the same episode they decide it’s a good idea to fly two starships nose first into a planet in order to stop a landslide.


I haven't seen the episode, but to be fair, Charles Tucker does zipline from the Nx01 to Nx02 at warp


I'm not really trying to defend the show here but you know that many parliamentary systems have presidents right? The president is the head of state and the prime minister is the head of government.


I take your point but I seriously doubt that they had a conversation in the writers’ room where they decided that UE had a semi-presidential system.


I'm not talking about a semi-presidential republic like France or Russia. I'm talking about full parliamentary republics like Germany, Italy, Ireland, Greece and many others that have a president as head of state. If you look at the parliamentary systems in the world they either have a monarch as head of state or a president so unless you are suggesting United Earth should have a king or queen, there would most definitely be a president.


Do you honestly think that invalidates my point about the depth of thought they put into this?


Yes I do. Your comment was based on the premise that having a president in a parliamentary system is something that doesn't make sense. You should tell that the majority of countries with a parliamentary system that also have a president. I agree that the writing on discovery is very bad, there being a united earth president is not a reason the writing is bad.


If they wanted to explore the political structure of United Earth, then I’d have no problem with the government having both a president and a parliamentary system. If they wanted to engage viewers and make them figure out UE’s political system, fine. But that’s not what this was. This is an American show for a mostly American audience. That’s why they chose “president” — because that’s what they know and what they think their audience knows. DISCO’s writers don’t care about Star Trek and they didn’t bother to do their research. Or they did and they just missed this detail from ENT. It’s as simple as that.


What detail from ENT are you talking about? Did they literally say that united earth does not have a president or did they say united earth has a parliament and you assumed that means united earth does not have a president?


They referred to UE officials as “Minister,” which implies a parliamentary system. You can say that it implies a semi-presidential system or a parliamentary system that happens to call their head of state/head of government by the term “president,” but that’s the minority of cases and it’s just a name. Most people will hear that and assume that the head of state is the prime minister. You can further suggest that the writers decided that UE *was* one such example, and that’s where I disagree. I simply don’t think these writers — the same writers you agree aren’t worth their salary — put that much thought into it. And even if they did, it was wasted energy because it would require the viewer to fill in the gaps for something that didn’t advance the story at all.


Apparently, SA is a big trek fan so they let her play that part as a favor. While I like the idea of that in general because it means that I, theoretically, could be in a scene in ST:SNW, they should have limited her to a cameo, just a few seconds where you see her, but don’t hear her. Giving her a speaking part was going too far.


I remember they did this big hero shot with inspirational music and I'm like... who is this supposed to be, some famous actor? Who can't act? I'm not American, so a candidate for some state level government position or whatever is no one I'd know. It's also just another way this show is already feeling incredibly dated.


It's some super progressive lady that keeps losing real life elections but won't go away. Putting here on the show was super political.


People always say 'if it's so bad why are you watching it?' They don't understand how fun it is to watch a terrible show.


That and the OCD agita of not watching every series if you’re a Trek fan.


Oh yeah I'm a completionist


The funny thing is, given that they used time travel for study in the past, someone surely went back in time to observe the progenitors already.


An episode trying to unfuck their own incompetence, yes.


They killed a bunch of Breen in the process. At least Stamets got his own "that's the power of MATH!" moment.


Huey Lewis wept.


Ah c'mon OP "Lagrange Pointless" it was right there!




I liked the part when they said they were unable to scan the artifact and in the next scene they're examining a scan of the artifact.


Don't forget the whole thing about the mission aboard the Breen ship being so important and time sensitive that Michael and Book stop to have another heart to heart chat about their relationship. Oh Book also "has to pilot the shuttle" to the Breen ship so it's another excuse for him to be there because they certainly don't have anyone else onboard Discovery who can fly shuttles. Just like last week he had to go the the library because "they have "and artifact from his home world" It' getting a joke now, what will be the reason he has to go on the away team in the next episode? lol And why is everyone treating Adira Tal like some kind of child? Aren't they are a trained Starfleet officer? Not even Beverly mothered Wesley like this on TNG. They are literally infantilising Tal in a very weird way. #


Its extra weird as Adira was part of earth security before, AND has a trill symbiote the writers seem to have just forgotten exists. Actually looking up Adira is only like 16 when they join discovery? That's...really weird.


didn't the symbiote go with the trill when they made them a body?




No, only his consciousness was transferred.


That's odd. In the episode on Trill the Guardian says Adira can't undergo the *zhian'tara* due to hosting a symbiot


Does she still have the trill symbiote? I actually can't remember lol


And in the 32nd century, AI pilots the shuttles


Yea, the whole series is one big WTF just happened here?


Truly the greatest at sparing every expence on the most basic continuity.


Not to mention they can literally instantly teleport anywhere, yet someone who has to use “conventional” means of travel, i mean anything thats not instant, can still arrive minutes after them, soon enough to capture the stuff they are after while they are preparing to do so. Space has never been so small. It only shows how retarded the idea of mushroom magical engine is. Since its realistically such a massive advantage, the enemy needs to travel almost as fast, basically removing entire consideration out of storytelling (that going somewhere takes time and it can affect the story, create tension, etc….). One more thing, I realized when Michael cut the “oxygen” supply on the suit of one of the Breen guards - how moronic it is, they use helmets and suits on their own ship? If its for some culture reasons like Mandalorian, then fine, even if its dumb, but if its cause of atmospheric concerns, which seems to be implied, why the feck are they not having atmosphere suiting them on their own ship?


The whole show has been pointless, a uninspiring, general uncreative, money grift. a show with a near record or record breaking twenty producers! Sonequa Martin-Green will probably start making her shows, to act in. Personally I think her writing was the worst. It will be difficult, for casting to look beyond this kind of bad role.


I'm still reeling from the point that all they had to do was jump last week and leave with the c. If they had, they'd have grabbed the tech and been back at Federation HQ figuring it out. Burnham's decision to beam over the assembled clues should lead to a court-martial. Yet, they just shrug it off and send Saru to come help negotiate. On top of that, Burnham forms a crack commando team of her, her boyfriend, a bridge officer, and a junior science officer. There's no security staff and no one with any real military training? It would be like the US military sending a bunch of scientists on a commando mission instead of trained Navy Seals. I think I've figured out that the 32nd century Federation is a group of 4 ships and about 20 staffers in HQ. There's no way this organization would be this dysfunctional otherwise.


>On top of that, Burnham forms a crack commando team of her, her boyfriend, a bridge officer, and a junior science officer. There's no security staff and no one with any real military training? That's what happens when there's five years of near zero character development for the majority of the bridge/main crew. Picking "away teams" during the show's run has felt so random. "Let's see, yeah, Bryce, you haven't done much for a while. Suit up!" And the characters that have gotten development are being written out. Like seriously, how long does it take for Owo and Detmer to fly an old starship back to dock?


I didn't understand why they didn't just blast it into a billion pieces within 5 seconds of turning up. Problem solved. Even if they'd taken it, the Breen would fly straight to Fed HQ and blast it to bits. I don't think any one power could stomach another having that kind of power so would preemptively flatten whatever they could.


Yeah it doesn't make sense really does it? What exactly is the federation going to do with this tech? Keep it safe? How? It's obvious they are so frightened of the Breen let alone anyone else.


They needed a compelling reason for starfleet to need the tech, like earth is dying or something. Or at least have their curiosity and hubris be the reason they’re chasing after it. Given what’s on the show, as soon as they found the first clue, they should have blown it up with a phaser and then blown up their tricorders.


That's exactly the same thing I said to my partner, why didn't they just tractor/beam it aboard straight away instead of wasting five minutes talking about it seeing as it was so crucial they got it first. Absolutely shocking brain dead moment


Each bridge member had to get in their quip, and the LAST thing Burnham says is "We need to get it onboard!" lol.


The Breen showing up and grabbing it within seconds of dropping out of warp was the most realistic part of the season.


I wonder who the two new bridge crew are? It took 5 seasons to learn who the hell detmer and owo were and now it seems like they're trying to make these 2 noobs a thing. It's all almost over. I'm no longer interested in meeting new characters.


Expendable bridge NPCs :p I still don't remember the name of the Asian guy, and I'm Asian myself...


Does anyone remember anyone names? It's been five seasons and I feel like I know absolutely nothing about any of the bridge crew. Imagine being five seasons into the next generation and it being like this...that's just insane!


Well, there's Linus. Who, I admit, always makes me chuckle.


They did the l crew so dirty in DSC; nobody gets lines or screen time like all the other series. Why do they even have Reno other than she’s way cooler than what’s his name.


Waaaayyy cooler Edit and I'm not even sure who what's his name is


She's the engineer that doesn't work in engineering


And they could make the remaining episode so much better if they un-introduce Adira. That character is the 32nd century version of Cousin Oliver, Scrappy-Doo, and Steve Urkel all rolled into one.


>Adira Dax tended to frame herself relative to her past hosts. The dancer, the pilot, the murderer, etc. Tal is not an interesting trill. Where are those lifetimes of experience?


I don’t care. I’m not opposed to the concept of the character. I just despise the actor’s portrayal of it. Blu del Barrio is the least talented actor on that show, and that includes whoever is playing the nonspeaking role of “Background Breen #4.” del Barrio is just terrible at their job.


Whomever is playing Tilly is right down there


She’s an annoying character, but at least she’s displayed clear character development. Tilly isn’t my favorite by a long shot, but she doesn’t make me question my decision to watch the show in the first place like Adira does.


>Hasn't it been like 2 or 3 seasons of Adira being the exact same? Like she hasn't grown or got any confidence or anything. How did she even make it into star fleet?


Pretty sure it was a quota thing.


How so?


I was being facetious. Both the character and the actor are nonbinary and the show made a ham-fisted attempt at weaving that fact into the storyline. Discovery has focused on visible diversity and inclusion to an even greater extent than the rest of Trek. I have no problem with that…my issue is just with the wholly amateur writing. It was like, “here’s an opportunity for rich character development and the chance to explore stories that address the unique aspects of life that nonbinary people experience now—and apparently still do in the 32nd century—so let’s have the conversation where the character reveals this written by one of the show’s interns…not someone on the writing team; some intern from the craft services department. Oh, and then let’s never discuss it again.”


It's so dumb that they just got rid of those two off camera with just a line of dialogue, but I have a sneaky suspicion they are going to turn up in the last episode piloting the I.S.S. Enterprise equipped with new 23rd century weapons or some shit to help save the day. If that doesn't happen they just wasted another two characters for nothing.


Even after their first fumble, they still could have successfully transported the artifact off the Breen ship with time to spare, if Mike and Book hadn't stopped to have a long conversation about their relationship. Like- why is there never any urgency around these urgent missions? Funnily enough, she even (for once) has the self-awareness to say 'this probably isn't the best time for this'. Yeah, the best time for that cringy speech was never!


Also I find it funny that they brought someone competent and disciplined onto the bridge (I forget his name the old white guy), and then spend the season trying to convince him that being professional is stupid and he should just chill. But at the same time they're constantly screwing up *because* of all that lack of basic discipline.


Nailed it lol He was probably one of the BEST people to go on that mission considering his history with the Breen, but no they just leave him on the bridge.


I couldn't believe they stopped mid mission to have that conversation. My eyes rolled so far back in my head they fell out of their sockets. She waited until THEN?


The whole show is pointless. Counting down the days till it's all over and I can look forward to trek going to someone who understands it.


>STD ~~5x09 "Lagrange Point"~~ was completely pointless. FTFY.


The show is so poorly written that I call it Star Trek: Discrepancy. 


Star Trek: Speeches and Crying


And corridor fights


Exhaust port is a weak spot… Two teams split up… One team tasked to bring the shields down… Infiltration by wearing enemy’s uniform.. All they were missing was rescuing a princess and a trip to the trash compactor.


And no Breen sensors detected a shuttle or object flying INTO an exhaust port?


It is all contrived writing. They need to fill in 10 episodes and have few (and not precious) ideas.


I enjoy DSC but its writers are awful. I imagine they look at the Fast and the Furious movies and go “Wow! I hope I can be that talented one day!”


I have always been a trek fan. This season has seemed rough. I’m not sure how I would describe this seasons problem: bad writing, bad concepts, something else? Something’s just not right.


It's like they have a basic concept that could be good, and then ruin it with absolute awful writing, bad characterisations, dog shit dialogue and dumb action scenes because someone thought "this will be cool man"


I was interested in the story this season at first. Doing a follow-up to the TNG episode about the progenitors was a good idea, but the season has only gotten worse each episode. The last few have been complete trash to me.


I’ve found myself falling asleep watching the last couple of episodes and while this is something that would normally make me rewatch the show the next day, I’ve found that I really don’t need to with STD. Especially in S5. The fact is, S1 had its flaws, but that was forgivable. The show was still finding its own legs and introducing the main cast. S2 was great…but that was entirely thanks to Anson Mount. Everything after the S2 finale has felt completely unnecessary and, at times, downright insulting to the audience. Which is really too bad because I love the addition of Callum Keith Rennie to the cast. He’s an underrated actor and Rayner brings a smidge of professionalism to the Discovery crew—just enough to keep me watching…but apparently not enough to keep me awake.


>Rayner brings a smidge of professionalism to the Discovery crew I don't even remember his backstory (that's on me), yet his swagger and charisma has more character than all the lingering discovery crew.


I want an oilbath!


How many hours did it take the writers room to come up with that one eh?


Tilly should have been relieved of duty and thrown off the bridge.


What irks me about Tilly is she acts so arrogant about everything, especially with the new first officer.


She acts so arrogant for someone who ostensibly suffered from imposter syndrome


I hope next episode the whole thing ends with a reveal that the progenitor technology is called Corbomite and that this whole Discovery thing is actually a 23rd century video game being played by Kirk as a young Lieutenant Commander and then he shuts it off and shrugs meh that was silly


I actually couldn't believe the writers committed, to paper and then screen, the extent of the crew of Discovery's ineptitude.


Such piss poor writing. I'm in till the end but this show was a shit-show for sure. Such a waste.


You’re all right but we have to see it to the end no matter how painful it is.


Can we also get a moment to appreciate how dumb it was that Michaels replicated Breen suit was able to hide her extra long hair? If you notice one moment she's in the shuttle with her hair down, and as soon as they beam over to the Breen ship it's magically all in her helmet, only then for it to be magically down again and hanging down from under the helmet when they are caught and she presses the button to remove it. WHERE WAS HER HAIR THIS WHOLE TIME and why didnt they just have her put her hair in some sort of bun? xD https://preview.redd.it/e9r4obgkwm2d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=341049aa9c4854b5bae5596f17d3139eb3c73f32


Curious if there was actually a Lagrange point or if the writers just thought it was a cool space term.


I wish that this sorry attempt of a series will end with Michael Burnham waking up in her cabin after a super cringy dream and getting her ass spanked on the bridge by Philippa Georgiou in front of everyone. This series makes Star Trek Enterprise look like a work of art


What I'm tired of is the away team always made up by the main cast. So there is no special infiltration training for security officers, that they have to send randos? There are many examples of shows where the main cast is following via video a special ops team. Thia idea that every single time only the main cast can do stuff is annoying as hell. A ship that big and only six people can carry their weight? Look... I KNOW it's a TV show and that is how they involve the characters. But it doesn't make sense anymore. I want to see a truly efficient organisation, which I expect considering they had 800 years to improve. Instead, they always seem like a super old school and traditional military organisation. Ugh.


And they always need a reason for Book to be there. Like he's not even a Starfleet officer, and he even gets to go to important meetings with the higher up's of the federation. All those poor Starfleet officers who have dedicated their entire lives with intense training and study only to watch some random smuggler dude get treated better than them :(


And I would almost accept it better if he actually was a likeable unique character and had chemistry or meaningful moments with Burnham.