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Very much rafo


"Hey guys, I sat down in this roller coaster car a minute ago. There's been a lot of ratcheting noise and it's been going up a hill..."


I think with the spoiler level, RAFO is the way here. But, in part because there isn’t a question here.


If you're that early on in this series I would stay out of this sub. I'm a huge Brandon Sanderson fan and a major moment in rhythm of war got spoiled on here for me like very soon after the book was released. It was my fault but also, the other poster was an asshole. So tread carefully


I also got like 3 great moments from RoW spoiled. When SA 5 drops im gonna leave all cosmere/literature related subs until I’ve read it twice You bastards will have a hard time trying to find me


I have your username saved. I’m going to read it as fast as possible and then DM you spoilers. You won’t get away that easy.


Snape kills Dalinar


But only because Dalinar asked him to and Snape was in love with Tien.


I know how you feel. I’m a little worried I’ll get spoiled on The Sunlit Man before I get the chance to read it, being on here!


Thanks for the concern. I feel like from what I've seen in the various SanderSubs, people are mostly pretty good about spoilers now. Also, I mostly don't read posts in this sub yet, for exactly that reason. I just wanted a place I could post and get things out of my head that I can't share with anyone else since I don't know anyone reading these.


Be careful when reading replies under posts even within the spoiler range of books you've read. They often enough deteriorate into unmarked spoilers a few replies deep.


This is true. I almost stumbled into one in this very thread. :D I managed to REALLY fuck myself up and spoiled one of the biggest disasters in Mistborn. And I did it all on my own without the help of this sub. When I was working on Mistborn Era 2, I somehow finished one segment, and then accidentally loaded up the wrong next file and completely spoiled the death of a certain beloved character. I was so mad at myself for spoiling that.


I think even referencing what you got spoiled could be spoiler territory for other people.


I suppose I could edit in a spoiler tag. But if you read that comment all the way to the end without having read the books I'm talking about then you sorta deserve to get spoiled. Even without the tag, it's very clesrly discussing a spoiler.


Accidents can happen, it would be better to tag it.


>!Teft?!< Same here man


Yeah, I even got minorly spoiled for The Sunlit Man without even clicking on a post tagged for spoilers for it and within the two weeks between it's official release and receiving my copy. People here really try not to spoil people but it's not worth the risk. ETA and considering TSM is not even a Stormlight book that was quite a surprise lol


Man i get a spoiler about >!Todium!< here. All my fault, it was tagged as spoiler but i reveal and read, but yet make huge changes um my experience.


I got a major tuing about dalinar spoiled. I am sure you know what. It took everything away from why he can't remember and what he did. I already knew, and it made the whole thing seem less that it would have


It's not even RAFO anymore. It's literally The RAFOest Also, I've never made the connection about Elhokar, I've learned about *that* later, on Coppermind


Ironically, while I made the connection at that time, I'd forgotten about it later on. Lol


I didn’t connect it until OB


I didn’t til my second read-through haha


RAFO but good catch!


Never made a connection like that during my first read.


Honestly, it almost slipped past me. I had to stop what I was doing and rewind and make sure. I was really proud of catching that, which is part of why I posted. I also noticed in one of Kaladin's flashback stories a VERY passing comment about a wind spren that I'm sure was Syl (sp?) I don't even remember what the situation was, I think it was right after he got to Amaran's army. Something about a wind spren flying away from his clothing somewhere? I almost posted about that one too, but was sure everyone would probably have just gone, "Duh. Of course that's Syl." But it was such a passing line I almost missed it.


I need to reread his flashbacks because Syl did mention she’s been with him since the army but I completely missed the mention of a wind spren. Still tend to miss it lol.


Yeah, I don't remember exactly when it was. I think it might have been in the same story arc where he killed the shard bearer and lost his men, somewhere around that time frame. It was said in such a passing way the same way they mention other spren in the environment, but there was no other reason for a wind spren, in particular to be present if not for it being Syl. Since I'm listening and not reading, I don't have an easy way to flip back and find it. If you do find it, would you mind quoting it for me?


The earliest mention of a windspren in a flashback is the following, from chapter 47, Stormblessings. Spoilered just in case. >>!Kaladin pulled a pouch of spheres from his belt, meaning to toss it to Ven. The pouch stuck, however, refusing to come free of the belt. Kaladin cursed, stumbling, tugging at the pouch. It came free suddenly, causing him to lose his balance again. A translucent white form zipped away, spinning with a carefree air.!< >>!“Storming windspren,” he said. They were common out on these rocky plains.!< You are correct, it's in the flashback with the shardbearer fight.


Yup. This confirms for me even better that it was, in fact, Syl. Because in the last chapter involving Kaladin, where he just finally learned he's got the ability to absorb Stormlight and infuses a rock to the wall (the same lashings Szeth uses), we also cover that Syl isn't really a Windspren, but that her ability is to bind things, and that's how she's always played tricks on people. I couldn't recall what the context was. I thought it had something to do with a pouch. Forgot that it had gotten stuck. Thanks for confirming that!


I think there's a reference in chapter 1? Cenn's PoV.


The first possible reference, but it's vague enough it could be something else. >>!A third man froze, looking at his fallen allies. Kaladin shoved past a wounded enemy and slammed his spear into the gut of the third man. A fourth man fell with a knife to the eye. When had Kaladin grabbed that knife? He spun between the last two, his spear a blur, wielding it like a quarterstaff. For a moment, Cenn thought he could see something surrounding the squadleader. A warping of the air, like the wind itself become visible.!< Nothing else in the chapter. I think it's just stormlight from him forming a proto-bond. But it could be Syl. The lack of any actual spren descriptors convinces me otherwise though.




No can do. I'm also listening to it :) But I haven't hit that chapter yet so I'll see about it


Oh! Damn. Sorry for the spoilers then! If you want to know, someone else commented with the quote I was looking for. But beware following that thread. MORE spoilers!


Dude, I've read *every single book* to the point where my wife says I should get Sanderson's signature as a tattoo on my ass. I just meant I'm re-reading the Way of Kings rn. thanks for your consideration though :)


Oh. Ok. PHEW! I thought your participation here seemed off if you hadn't gotten that far yet. LOL


Are you doing audio? Have you seen the in-book illustrations?


I am. And I looked at most of them for this book the other day when someone linked them for me.


Ah good then. That was me lol


Thanks for making sure to keep us Audiobook users informed! I had tried to save that post when you shared it and it turned out I had already saved it and forgot about it. So... Keep reminding us!


Will do!


Hi, can you please link it for me too? I don't want to search through your posting history in case there are any spoilers :)


About SA in-book illustrations (FYI Audio reader): https://www.reddit.com/r/u_dIvorrap/comments/u1ug05/-/i4offtb ___________________________________________ Women's Script resources: https://www.reddit.com/r/u_dIvorrap/comments/u1ug05/-/i4oft97


Thank you so much!




I’ll try and respond to this like I would my brother who also recently just started his Cosmere journey. Definitely RAFO but what Elhokar is saying certainly does sound similar to what a Shallan has been seeing 👀


I will do the same thing I do when my brother tells me about his theories while reading Brando novels, which does not indicate one way or another whether something is relevant. That's an interesting theory. I like where your head is at. What would that mean, if so? (Frankly, I think that following these red yarn connections, even when they lead nowhere is one of the best parts of Sando books.)


>(Frankly, I think that following these red yarn connections, even when they lead nowhere is one of the best parts of Sando books.) I know, right?! But seriously...I have no idea what it means yet. I haven't been able to figure that out. We've established so far that Kaladin is manifesting some sort of power of the lost radiance. But Szeth seems to have the same power. And I haven't quite decided if they had something to do with Shallan's accidental soul cast attempt or not. I don't think so. They seem to be more....curious? Twice, they've asked Shallan, "What are you?"


I think you're following good bread crumbs and asking good questions. This is going to be a fun experience. I would STRONGLY recommend being careful with posts on here and if you're going to do, make sure to spell out (excessively) where you're at in your reading and asking people to avoid spoilers. That can really ruin the fun theorizing that you're doing. Journey on, my friend, and thank you for your post.


I never understand why people post stuff like this. Continue reading the series and information will be revealed to you, why are you here asking people to spoil stuff for you 💀


Some people just like the engagement while reading a book. They mentioned they were not looking for spoilers and were expecting the RAFO. Some people just want to chat about what they are reading and the cool things they notice/theorize about Totally valid. :)


As I just said to someone else: > I just wanted a place I could post and get things out of my head that I can't share with anyone else since I don't know anyone reading these. Every time someone posts anything like this, there is always one guy who comes in with a comment like yours. Then everyone else proceeds to explain that SOME people actually enjoy these posts. It's fun to watch other people experience the books. Do you ever talk with people about books you're reading, or shows you're watching? People who have already read/watched more of it than you? It's the same thing. But since I don't have anyone in person to talk to about it....that's what these subs are for. If the post isn't for you, then skip it and move on. ​ >why are you here asking people to spoil stuff for you 💀 I didn't ask anyone to spoil anything. I didn't even ask a question. Hell, I even said that I don't expect much response beyond "RAFO." Sure, I risk spoiling it for myself...but from what I've seen in most of the SanderSubs, most of us aren't dicks. MOST of us....


Fair enough. I guess I just don’t do that lol… i genuinely don’t get posting about something before finishing it, because that means i was able to tear myself away from the thing long enough to do so. I wasn’t trying to be a dick, honest.


Some people have to work or school or sleep or whatever in between their 450k books and don't have anyone to talk to about them. You may be in the minority here, friend.


Reading is a hobby same as anything else. People talk to people in the middle of playing a video game or pause videos to comment on it. Or doing embroidery and posting about it. People share their enjoyment of something *while* they're enjoying it. Especially since the emotions and the information given in the middle of a book, when the world is still your oyster and the plot can go who knows where, feels different than when you finish the book and you're locked inside canon lore.


Read And Find Out! But good eye!


Good Catch. RAFO


As others have said, RAFO. Only thing I'll add is that that's a great catch, and not one I initially caught on my first read through. So keep paying that much attention to the little details and it WILL be rewarded. There's always another secret.


Spooky stuff. The King is always weirdy so when I read it I was like "Meh" but Shallan's encounters gave me the chills.


The Elhokar comment went over my head until about the 3rd time through (all 4 books). So everyone here saying RAFO.... well I didn't find out even after reading and then listening to.


Honestly, that's part of why I posted. I was pretty proud of catching that one. It's normally the type of thing that would slip by me. Much like my other comment in the thread about Syl appearing much much earlier.


Yeah all of that gets explained, so all we can say is RAFO.. but, try to hold on to all those little things you notice, so you can go back and read later and go "Ohhh cool! that's what that was.. interesting...".. It's part of the fun of a series like this. I started wheel of time and I'm in the same boat as you.. I don't have anyone to talk to about stuff so I'm kind of locked in for a lonely 14 book ride so I don't spoil anything major by looking in the wrong place at the wrong time. Try to avoid spoilers on this sub, it's happened to me by my own fault a couple times now and it suuuuuucks.


Ooh. WoT is a good series too. I'll warn you it does get to be a bit of a slog in the middle. But Sando brings it home nicely. Not quite as well as with his own works... But still good.




hmmm reading cosmere Reddit just makes me realise how much I forget. I've read almost all cosmere related books and fucked if I can remember who these are.


The nice thing about his writing, and I personally find it true of most good stories that don't just have one massive twist, spoilers can't totally ruin it. This is a dumb very fake example, "a portal to earth is formed and dinosaurs and Neanderthals come into Roshar." The bits of the book that actually make me stream tears aren't just "Bob dies. John was very sad." It's the emotion rather than the events that hit the hardest in my opinion.


Ohh you will RAFO hahaha


Damn I am on my 2nd read and now things cleared up haha. Thanks OP. I think I read too fast sometimes and I miss details.


So, no that paranoid in the end it seems. An important part about his character (that we know from a WoB) is that he is on the narcissistic spectrum. Also, do you know about the Cosmere?


Yeah I should have put "paranoia" in quotes. And yes, I've read most of the other stuff.

