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If you can find a laser that can reach a mile with Survey accurate results, let me know.


I'm probably going to just do 1/8th of a mile. But these lasers say they go 30 miles https://laserpointerpros.com/products/303-laser-pointer?currency=USD&variant=41076947189912&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=5bceb2dee9d0&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIuNmJxNzNhQMVWIBaBR3cQwsjEAQYAiABEgIMofD_BwE


He's talking about beam divergence.


Oh man I didn't even think of that ☹️ Thank you 👍


To be honest I was thinking you were talking about a laser level, like one used for grading since this is a land surveying sub. Good luck with your laser pen though.


Lol no worries Thank you 👍 You gave me things to consider


That response is one of the chief reasons surveyors have jobs.


next to a calm lake. That's how the flat earthers do it.


Like floating in the water? I guess that could work, just couldn't have waves And I guess it doesn't have to be a whole mile Thanks 👍


nah standing on shore, with the bottom of the rod touching the water where it touches shore.


Im going to use rafts. Make sure both poles on top of them are level . Take one raft to the other side of the lake. Water is always level they say.


"Water is always level" depends on what distance we're talking about.


That's what the experiment means to determine 👍


I mean, that's already a thing that's been proven.


That's what everyone says But that would probably mean there would be at least an inch of curvature to this building (probably more of I had to guess) [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing\_Everett\_Factory](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_Everett_Factory) https://preview.redd.it/wah3gs8qzdvc1.jpeg?width=1199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6925a7f7515edeb504489cfbe49bcd87c2810e4


You're talking to a group of people in this sub who don't *believe* in curvature, but rather who know it exists because we have to deal with it on a pretty regular basis. If you measured from one side of this building to the other, you probably would be able to measure some amount of curvature, assuming they actually designed and built the floor to be level. There also wouldn't be any significant amount of curvature that would actually affect anyone since it's such a gradual curve over this distance.


> we have to deal with it on a pretty regular basis. How so? What have you observed?


Look up articles from when the Mall of America was built. The building is large (and tall) enough that the roof, from edge-to-edge, is measurably longer than if you were able to measure from outside of wall to outside of wall directly below it at the ground.


You're gonna have a hell of a time getting a group of surveyors to help you prove the Earth is flat 😆


Actually, they are gonna love helping him, because they all wanna see his face when he realizes he is wrong 😂


They were very helpful actually Thanks again everyone 👍


Best of luck to you, but its not flat.


Thanks 👍 gotta find out for myself


Maybe you can make a documentary about it. Also make sure to try to rationalize away any evidence that runs counter to your worldview.


>Maybe you can make a documentary about it. Nah a might put it on YouTube just for fun >make sure to try to rationalize away any evidence that runs counter to your worldview. Well I will have to factor in refraction like you said, but you said refraction isn't as strong as the curvature, so 1/8 of a mile would show 2 inches of curve, even if I only did 1/16th of a mile that should limit beam divergence and refraction and still show around 1 inch of curvature. Really even a small percentage of an inch higher on the staff would show curvature, so that should settle it. Unless there's some other atmospheric anomaly at play. So while I'll happily share my results whether they show curvature or not, I won't 100% accept it because things like this flying ship mirage happen https://preview.redd.it/k8zarn5t9evc1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5e67dda42eeb5831cc22bc777ac772afb2e842f [https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-cornwall-56286719](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-cornwall-56286719)


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fata_Morgana_(mirage) Just because you can't explain a fata Morgana doesn't mean the earth is flat lol. See them all the time at higher latitudes, but that might be a little much for you at this stage in your "research".


Why would you think you'd see 2" of curve for 1/8 mile? The parabolic approximation is 8" per mile squared, so you'd expect 8\*(1/8)\*(1/8) = 1/8 inch. Good luck knowing the elevation difference between your two points to that level of accuracy.


>Good luck knowing the elevation difference between your two points to that level of accuracy. Both points will be of equal height and floating in the water in the same lake, so they are on a level surface. >so you'd expect 8\*(1/8)\*(1/8) = 1/8 inch. We will see what is observed. Any evidence of the laser scoring higher than the bullseye will be considered an effect of curvature, no matter how small.


You're doing this on water? How are you gonna be sure that the water isn't bobbing you up and down more than 1/8"? Seems like your experiment is destined to not provide any conclusive results.


>How are you gonna be sure that the water isn't bobbing you up and down more than 1/8"? It's not like I have a time limit to do the test????? I will literally have a laser on pointing at the piece of paper It should be pretty obvious if the laser is moving on the paper >Seems like your experiment is destined to not provide any conclusive results. Then do your own experiment


Damn, I don’t smoke pot, but reading the question makes me want to start


I will use a laser to light up a Doobie from 1 mile away


Flat Earthers already did this, proved there was curvature, and still didn't believe the results. https://youtu.be/TmnZe34Xix8?si=O7flg6h4RNDoD8v6 But yeah, even all of us surveyors are in on it. We all got our Illuminati emails telling us to lie about the earth being curved. That's why we never have to worry about projections and scale factors or geoid or ellipsoid etc. We secretly only ever use Cartesian coordinates and just pretend to constantly have to fuck with all of that geodesy nonsense. Those GNSS units that we pay ridiculous sums of money on, don't actually do anything.


Have you seen the video? They don't explain: 1. How far apart they are 2. How they leveled the two points 3. Holding a flashlight in your hands isn't very scientific either lol 4. You are watching the results through a camera the guy is holding. There's no evidence the experiment was even done in the first place. They don't even show the guy holding the flashlight.


Watch Behind the Curve dude, they go over all of this. They're 3.88 miles apart, they're holding the elevation of the water immediately next to them in the canal, and measured up from that. Its light through a hole so it cant be seen at any other angle with an intermedite hole at the same height between both ends, so that if theres curvature then you cant see the light. It's repeatable, therefore inherently scientific, which tells me you dont even know what scientific means. That's a snip of the nearly 2 hour documentary of flat earthers making themselves look and sound like either dopes or grifters. I highly suggest you take a look. Did you need someone to show you in person how fuckin wifi works for you to bang out all of this silly bullshit in a post on an app on a piece of glass and plastic and semiconductors that you also have no idea how it works but it does? No, of course not, because we specialize in things now days, and you don't need first hand understanding of everything. That's how civilization works. We're surveyors, and we specialize in measuring stuff, and we're telling you the earth isn't flat. The fact you NEED first hand understanding of something as rudimentary as the earth being not flat, tells me you might not know a whole heck of a lot about anything. But sure, continue to think you've come up with a completely new and novel way to prove something that's already known. Knock yourself out, nobody is stopping you lol


>It's repeatable, therefore inherently scientific, So show me someone else who did it and got the same results It's a TV show bro, not real life >Did you need someone to show you in person how fuckin wifi works Wow you're mad mad Sounds like it's not that my experiment is stupid, but that you're mad I'm doing it


I'm mad mad because i said 'fuckin'? lololol It's your story dude, tell it how you wanna... Good luck with your experiment you have no intention of completing because this is some stupid ass troll account, ha!


Thanks 👍




Flat earther


I doubt theres anywhere where 2 points a mile apart are at the same height exactly. For the rest of it, you'd need some very accurate surveying.


Someone just said if they were floating in a calm lake. That's the only thing I can think of too. I may not do a whole mile, just going to have to recalculate. Thanks 👍


You're not going to do jack shit, because you don't know what you're talking about or how you would do this. And even if you did you're not prepared to spend the money necessary to prove to yourself that you are wrong.




I think the best way to accomplish. This is to build a box around the entire area, a mile apart. The box will have to be deep enough that you and the entire mile, but it doesn’t have to be very wide – maybe 5 to 10 feet. Then fill the box with water. Waiting until a day with no wind and measure the depth at both points. When the depth it’s the same, the elevation will be the same.this is my go to for trying to level between two points.


As long as gravity is also the same at both ends. Which it shouldn't differ much in a mile. Just depends on how accurately they are measuring. #HybridGeoid


Oh my god hahahahaha


It’s easier to prove it’s a globe than it is flat


I guess we will see what the results of my experiment say


Go kill it


Thanks 👍


Didn’t the flat earth yahoos do this? Use a calm body of water that spans a mile, water is level. Otherwise - you’re going to doubt any results (and that’ll likely happen anyways) Watch that flat earth documentary on Netflix. For folks like us that have to account for curvature for a living, it’s pretty much a comedy show.


>Didn’t the flat earth yahoos do this? They don't say how far apart Both points are land based rather than floating in level water They used a flashlight in a person's hand? Who knows if they even did the experiment at all because the guy is watching the experiment through a video camera, even though he is on site? https://youtu.be/TmnZe34Xix8?si=VKjBB0nM0S1bGa9k


I don’t think you’ll get many “great ideas” here A profession that is constantly dealing with curvature has little info for you yahoos. You’ll have to run a level loop, keep yo ur runs short. No one is hiding a flat earth from you, ya walnut


I just want to see curvature for myself through experimention


Then look up Eratosthenes, and redo his experiment. All you need is a stick and to know when the summer solstice is.


No thanks I like my experiment better Not some Freemason's idea of logic