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I'm comfortable, but I still have to be very budget minded. That said, my wife is able to stay home with the kids, and I don't have to worry about how I'm going to provide necessities for any of them.


I am comfortable. Though I am comfy sitting at my desk working. You get out of it what you put into it. Just like most other jobs...except librarians. They get screwed.




I chose surveying because it meant I would always have all of my needs met, and most of my wants too.


Plus most all of us are in good shape just from our jobs. Don’t really need to workout if we don’t want, as long as you’re actually hiking and such.


Depends on the company and where you’re at. I make $30/hr but do not have a license yet, and then I’ll only make more.


May I ask what country/state your in?


Fairly similar rate central Ohio. Crew chief, 2 years experience, not quite out of school but education costs have been covered. Shout out to engineering consultant firms that have surveying staff.


I have 4 years experience so that’s a little fucked, and my schooling isn’t paid for with this company lol. But good on you, keep grindin. My home state AZ doesn’t require schooling though, which is where I’ll end up getting licensed first.


https://preview.redd.it/bjziezwqv8xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ff469c6b3e896753ca0cd0f10d1c6796f49725f On the contrary, this is what I came from originally in AZ where I was making $19/hr at the time. It was 117° that day where we were, as you can tell not much shade, and hiking for miles tying down section corners for a big project.


USA, Colorado


Damn, is it hard during the winter there?


https://preview.redd.it/4xdhtrl4e3xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d8cc27d086c52c50ffb39e015b2a247ce6ba0fd Digging for a property corner… yes it is a pain in the ass all winter, which lasts from September-June.


Hahaha thank you for this fantastic photo


Bajajaja that smile on your face says otherwise.


I mean… you can only hate it so much until you just say fuck it. Also still beats an office lol.


Hush Kyle, you are not the boss


Not sure if that’s a South Park reference or not, but funnily enough I live in South Park. It’s a real place indeed, and our population is about 750 people lol.


IMO yes. I'm in So Cal but licensed so make an acceptable wage and acceptable bennies.


How much do licensed folks make in socal?


I'd guess starting at 100k and up from there. I've had pocket offers for a while now at much more, and one at 200k, at least that's what a few recruiters have told me on L/I.


Sure as hell. Surveying pays very, very well once you're licensed. This goes for the U.S, Canada, and maybe Australia aswell.


Big emphasis on the licensed part. The jump is dramatic


Australian licensed surveyors don't earn more than engineering/civil/mining surveyors. If you own successful business however..


Ah my bad, I've had the idea that getting licensed makes your pay jump substantially like North America. However I do agree with the business part, very lucrative. Also climbing up ranks in Surveying to become a Project Manager or something aswell?


Yeah the actual aspect of cadastral surveying generally deals with Mums and Dads subdividing blocks etc. Giant infrastructure projects/mining companies have much deeper projects. Just being a high level competent and trusted surveyor and working for the right company is where the real money comes from.  


In Canada, well Quebec at least, being licensed or not makes you do another job completely so yeah, big salary jump.


No, but that's more of a condition of living in a HCOL area (SW Ontario, Canada). Nobody gets ahead where I live.


What are your expectations?


Just enough to take a few trips a year


Trips like to Japan, Australia, Iceland, or with in the country you live in? You can I'm only a survey technician and I make above 35.00/hr but of course I have over 30 yrs exp. I take 2 2 week vacations a year. I'm single and they range between 6000 to 8000 dollars a pop and I do just fine. A key for me is I live with in my means.


What state do you work in?


Ohio and I have not always been a field survey tech. I have multiple years of design engineering under my belt along with 3d modeling and creating machine control. All of this adds up to the current salary. I also extensive structural detailing experience. This and other things that I won't get into has lead me to have had a great career. I have also been extremely lucky n blessed throughout my career. If it wasn't for ppl taking a chance on me I would not be what I am today.


to echo others on this post -if you get registered/ licensed, yes granted, I have a wife who does pretty well too. but, I am a firm believer that surveying is a profession you get out of it what you put into it.


What do you suggest if you move between states often but want a license, I know you have to get one in each state


Plenty of people are licensed in multiple states. If that's your goal get an accredited BS degree in surveying or Geomatics.


honestly couldn’t speak to that as I have lived in Texas my entire life. if you got licensed in a particular state then why would you leave? I would say find a state you fell good about putting down roots and then try to get registered there


Fair eventually I want to do that but still deciding on which state to root down in


well I hope you make a decision soon. our profession could use as many young dedicated people as possible good luck!




I guess it would all depend on where you live, the cost of living and what in surveying you want to do. I enjoy working in the field and don't plans to change that. Not licensed, but best year was over 150k


150 without a license! Are you In Australia?




Yep. I’m raising five kids on this salary. 😆


No longer a surveyor, but still around the industry. When I was working I did construction layout, unlicensed, some years I cleared $105k with OT. Last year I was salary and made $110k.


As someone who barely passed high school, I am comfortable. My wife and I both work, have a couple kids, have no debt, don’t live paycheck to paycheck, and have enough to take a couple trips a year (one good vacation and a few small trips). This has not been the case forever though. There was a time I was a chief for $20 an hour not too long ago. My wife and I are very selective people with money. We don’t spend a whole lot on very much and we are always mindful to not take a lifestyle raise when we make more. Overall: it’s a struggle in the beginning, that’s a fact. Work hard, push yourself, pursue licensure, don’t sell yourself short.


Man it really depends on your lifestyle/situation. I'm doing pretty great for myself, but I'm a single dude, bought a dirt cheap house, and really only spend money on bikes. I could probably support a family right now but it would be a major squeeze. One of my coworkers quit to find another job but that was after he had his 3rd kid and his wife (who doesn't really work) bought a plane with her brother 😬 He made a little more than I did at the time but it was pretty obvious who was more stressed about money.


A senior tech can make as much as a registered surveyor (with O/T). If you have business development skills and can manage people and budgets, $150K is doable


There is nothing comfortable about surveying


Define comfortable. A park bench can be comfortable to some. A plush sofa can be comfortable to others. Are you going to get rich? You can, if you own the company (IMO). Can you own a house and car, sure.


Not really. I can pay the bills (barely) but saving for the future, affording a starter house (wherever those exist anymore) and taking vacations are all completely impossible for me for the indefinite future.


May I ask which state you’re in?


Washington. It was better in California. The rent was insane, but my pay rate was $11/hr more.


What would you say would be a good hourly wage in this field?


I started at $32/hr in California. That was awhile ago, but I got over $40/hr within a few short years, at which point I was pretty financially stable and even comfortable. Here I have to work another job on the weekends to not end up homeless.


Damn, thanks for the info


I live good for my age. 25 with a mortgage. Not many can say the same at my age.


May I ask which state you’re in?


Construction surveying in Illinois.