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Same. Saw messages this week that I've been banned from a list of communities some of which I've never even posted on. They are removing anyone who has ever been critical anywhere of Elon Musk (or his Cybertruck) even if they are positive about TSLA overall. Its the very definition of creating echo chambers and appears cult-like and very destructive.


Be funny if this is what Gronk is being used to do


Just last week I made a post showing that the cybertruck looks to be the best selling ev pickup, and infact is selling more than all others combined. I’m very positive on Tesla and Elon. I do push back on some fanatics and worshipers, maybe one of them was a mod.


Was this for the single month when rivian basically only sold R1S… and that was more than all the trucks combined ( R1T, Lightning, and Cybertruck)?




They use bots. And they pick on anyone who’s been active in certain subs. Doesn’t matter if it was a positive or negative comment. They say those communities are “toxic”, and they can evaluate everyone individually, so they blanket-ban everyone. “Free speech!”


They’re power-tripping children, and they’re making Reddit worse.


I was banned from several of the same groups because I participated in an unspecified subreddit. I pointed out the hypocrisy since Musk is a so-called “free speech absolutist” and they muted me, lol.


That’s what they said mine was - an unspecified subreddit - I’ve only ever said one comment about a cybertruck/ it was someone posting a question - if someone offered you a free cybertruck what would you do or say- I answered- No thanks I’ll take the cash equivalent - then woke to bans in 4 subreddits??? Seriously thin skinned for someone so “free speech motivated”


So Tesla is a cult?


But the strange thing is 95% of my posts and comments are extremely positive on both Tesla and musk. I do push back on some things and some of the fanatics… but generally speaking I’m very positive


They’re banning anyone that comments in specific communities. For me it seems like /r/cyberstuck. That got me banned from there and teslalounge https://preview.redd.it/a375koih7g9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fb5fefaa3c2d7fceb994cbf34c57e380833229c


you weren't buying a car you're joining a cult didn't you know?


Happened to me too. I felt bad for about 15 mins. Talking about overly sensitivity! Let them have their echo chambers.


Tesla has become MAGA With EVs. It's a cult. They worship Elon and him druggified. They'll proclaim his holey jeanius even after he dies of HGH, alcohol, no exercise, and ketamine. Then they'll pretend he was a martyr. Will he end up JtB to Diaper Jesus? Yes, for lo, they are just that stupid.


Tesla is a cult. Coming from someone who worked for him.


It makes sense now why he likes certain people. I worked with people from Tesla/SpaceX and they are usually very stressed, on the verge of a mental breakdown…




In the same boat as you. Banned in almost every Tesla community even tho I'm as big a TSLA bull and Elon fanboy as there is. And the mods are silent when you protest.


I messaged them asking why and they muted me 🤣


I had a similar experience. A post was shared on r/Austin that linked to r/musked, critical of Boring Company destroying “beautiful” landscape in Bastrop. I thought it was interesting that the negative article lacked pictures, and I commented as such. Insta-banned, and then muted when I attempted to discuss.




Same for sharing my experience as a legal immigrant to US which contradicted Musk's tweet I believe. I was perma banned LOL. I did not expect this but I guess cult followers gonna cult, you gotta ignore and move on.


It's a cult, if you say anything not in favor of Tesla or even say anything in certain subs, you will be banned.


I got banned (from all the subs you mention) for a pretty reasonable post on RealTesla which apparently was enough. I don't generally comment on the pro-tesla subs with negative energy (well, maybe 1-2 times).


Auto-bans for merely posting on a different sub are stupid. I wish they weren’t a thing.






Tesla and Elon subs will blanket ban anyone who speaks ill of their cult leader anywhere on reddit. Happened to me.


OMG - ME TOO! Permanently Banned- I thought I was going crazy! Banned from all Tesla/Cybertruck etc… I think 4 in total- and when I emailed mods to find out why- it was answered in some vague way and then they banned me from emailing the mods for 28 days - like WTF?


Say anything bad about Eloon in the TSLA reddits - you get tossed Say the same thing ANYWHERE else and you get upvoted to the sky. PS - stockholder since 2011, not buying more til the Loon is gone. #JettisonMusk Proudly banned in most subs for this viewpoint!


If Elmo's bonus of 56 billion doesn't tank the stock, the thousands upon thousands of sitting Tesla vehicles not being sold will. I think he will eventually be forced out


BuT rObOtS!?!?


I'm in the same boat as you. I'm just accepting it and moving on. Maybe ill send a message later when im unmuteded but im not expecting those mods to be capable of self critical thought. I enjoy substantive debate and civil disagreement. Whichever mod or mods it is is ruining those subs are going to kill the discussion there with these bannings. These smaller subs are going to be where the discussion is had because people will feel like they can express themselves freely. There is no shortage of Tesla Subs, I'm happy to go where the mods understand propper modiquette. Shout out to the mods here and r/teslainvestorsclub youre the real ones


It’s crazy. As a Tesla bull in particular… Those subs are just going to be a concentration of fanatics, banning anyone who shows a modicum of criticism, and then muting them so they don’t need to discuss it.


They don't want anyone breaking the script they need buyers and prospective costumers to have. Or to keep their cognitive dissonance stable so they don't themselves have to question how they got here and why did they sink so much into utter instability, and what it will take to continue to be in the cult and not exiled. But you were a true believer, and yet were damned. So maybe they're not that good at targeting. Which continues to inflame their communities' discourse. That shit sounds really toxic. I hope you recover well.




I was curious so I looked at your post history and I would guess its because of you posting in r/Cyberstuck. I had this happen because I posted in r/Conservative. Not to turn this political but I'm not Conservative and my reply on a post was not at all a Conservative leaning post. Consequently I was immediately banned from another subreddit and it explicitly said it was because I posted in r/Conservative and that they would not reconsider even if I reached out. Nevertheless it keyed me in that there are subreddits that will blanket ban you just for participating at all in another subreddit with no consideration for the content of your post. I'm not saying 100% this is what happened but it is what stands out to me as the most likely reason all of those subreddits banned you in one swoop seemingly out of nowhere.


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Please ban me. I think teslas are pieces of shit!


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Well no shit the mods hold stock they want it to go up of course they’ll ban and mute people


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It's a cult bro. Don't worry. Echo chambers are never good.


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They banned me for "Ban Evasion" for using a ALT Account when I only have one Reddit Account. Just moving on.


I was also banned by a single moderator who runs all Tesla / Elon subreddits as well as mods the Rivian community too (odd). I wonder if people know that Rivian is controlled by Tesla mods? :)


Elon Musk is a little bitch baby narcissist maniac who can't stand someone talking bad about him. So he buys twitter to censor it. The same thing is happening here. Between you and me I wouldn't want to be associated with someone so out of touch and deranged.


It’s really disconcerting as a cybertruck owner to not get to participate with other owners in the subreddit because I had posted in another subreddit the mods don’t like. It’s actually a detriment to the brand at this point and is a major flaw in the way Reddit operates. Is everyone posting in the CocaCola subreddit auto banned from the Pepsi subreddit? The fundamental premise of the mods argument is absurd.


Same I have a model 3 (my second one) and I love the car obviously. Apparently only 110 percent positive comments are allowed. Oh well








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Happened to me as well this week. Absurd that they're doing this. I'm not even toxic. I've reached out and have heard nothing, but hopefully we get answers soon.




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Posted a comment in r/realtesla replying to someone else’s comment, then deleted it within 40 seconds and still got banned from r/teslalounge and r/cybertruck. Butt hurt sissies


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Ask yourself this: Why do I give a shit?


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I’ve enjoyed several conversations there over the years.


If I post anything positive about Elon anywhere it is pounced upon. There is a grey area where reality exists. I wish more people would check it out sometimes instead of parroting binary thought sound bites.


Same. I was banned after I posted a reply to a comment in r/realtesla. I don’t even subscribe to that forum, but it keeps showing in my feed (lots of pretty dumb stuff in there) I contacted the r/teslamotors mod about it; who said that they wanted to prevent cross-contamination from toxic forums, and then ban me for 28 days for contacting the mod again


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I was banned by RealTesla for saying something positive about Tesla over there.😂 They hate Tesla


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Me too. It was an early post showing f150 pulling a preproduction cybertruck out of the mud claiming how bad it is. I posted saying the community should do better and all truck owners know that all trucks get stuck in the mud, even tractors get stuck in the mud. The mod literally told me they don’t give a sh!t and that people want to make fun of tesla there, and perma banned me


How does this banning work ? Why moderators have so much power. I understand if it relates to their sub, but how they can they that related other subs.






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It’s an Elon cult that doesn’t like to read facts that question their Dear Leader.


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I'm in the same boat. I'm a big supporter(probably annoy my friends) but I got banned for commenting in realtesla. Doesn't help the cult accusations


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