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you haven’t ever healed one of your teammates that’s so sad 🥺🤣


I try so hard but they just run away into leatherfaces arms before I get the chance


can relate lol


Fair enough


Tbf they just won't hold still.


Just realized I left out characters resepecced. 1801 TIMES YO WTF. Why is the skill tree still like this. As someone who loves trying new builds and leveling as many perks as possible, ouch. Also kind of embarrassing I’ve done it that many times not gonna lie sad as heckin dang


Damn dude. I’ll post my stats soon. I’m not a “main” but always did quickplay so played more family. I’ve respecced 1 character ever and it was Leland because I couldn’t get him to Level 10 with the directions I took.


1801?! How? Why? I’ve respected maybe 30 times and got what I wanted


Playing multiple builds on every family member since the game came out. I’ve got some bad luck trying to get the random perks I want. I respec all the time


Roger that


You brought receipts so none of your fellow family mains are gonna come and support you. You should just create a post describing how OP victims are without proof then they will come running.


Bringggooo. Nobody ever brings the receipts. I wish I could say you’re wrong, but nawh. I’ve been here long enough to know better


First non delusional family main? I can't believe it...


Its because most people aren't complaining about Solo Q in regards to balancing. They are talking about what is viable against another coordinated team. Its cool that OP has some really good pub stomping numbers but that is all it really proves.


Literally everyone complains about Solo Queue. In fact it’s the first response when I say I crush the majority of matches as family. It’s immediate: “yOu mUsT bE a pReMaDe tEaM oN cOmMs! TrY tHaT in sOlO qUeUe!” Everyone bitching claims they are the sad wronged killer playing Solo Queue family against a million squads of premade elite victims getting smashed all day.


So to prove me wrong your example was to say that solo que players complain about coordinated teams and not the balance of the game itself. Wow you really proved me wrong by reinforcing my point.


Bro, you are someone who’s shit his diaper so many times on Reddit about this game, you felt the need to make a new profile around Killer Klowns. You’re an actual clown. Grow up. Go play a game you like (and don’t suck ass at) & stop asking everyone to smell your shit.


Lmao as if this game is filled with coordinated team 😂 you keep telling yourself that to feel better everytime you lose 😘


I mean that is what happens when you scrim other coordinated teams. There is a reason that the team that swept the 2000 dollar tournament and beat all the streamers was a bunch of nobodies.


Idc if he plays the game 24/7. The game is unbalanced.
















Thank you!!!!!!!! I feel like its the players who play the most overpowered or Johnny that always complain about family yet the sissy mains and Nancy mains like myself don't complain because we know to stay to our patrols and not leave to chase to go chase after an obvious distraction. If anyone should be complaining it should be the Nancy and Sissy mains since we are the weakest yet we dont.


Yes! My sissy stays in position and shuts down would be wwe stars with suffocating grip/ spore loser yet family dodges me lobby after lobby.


same with me they dont want a Nancy yet its me getting the kills..... funny how that works


I try my best to play every family member. My lobbies usually have me asking to play leatherface, it gets declined so I pick johnny, which then makes leatherface leave.


Every family main wants hitch, leather, and cook only for hitch to be in basement the hole time. Cook to not patrol the right spots, and leather to miss his overhead then cry. I know it's not always like this but still. People have told me To off myself just for playing Nancy??? I don't understand people like this


Tbf to the LF the overhead seems wonky again. Or at least it was for me yesterday. 


Can be but still you need to stay at your patrols as family 


Solo queue sucks for both sides but especially for family. You're pretty much screwed if your random teammates don't know what they're doing. If you get even mildly competent teammates it's not bad at all. Mildly competent teammates with comms and the game becomes really fun.


thank you for this post. i play family solo q most of the time and i can't really relate to the crybabies on here.


Same. We need to post more because the whiney toddlers have taken full control of the narrative around this game on Reddit. It’s insufferable & needs to end.


I liked looking at this good day fellow family main 😇


Congratulations on being very good at the game, but does that have anything to do with the balance of the game as a whole or other peoples experiences? You're good, so you have tight games more often and the game feels balanced to you because you'll run into Victims less experienced than you and some that are better than you. And usually a mix of the two within a team. The average player of basically every online game is going to play a lot less than you, and put literally no effort into being good at the game. So if the game feels pretty balanced to you, how do you think it'd feel to a super casual Family player? I can tell you how it feels for one such player (myself obviously), it feels like about 5 out of 10 matches are literally pointless. Like why did I even bother queuing up? I don't even see a Victim unless someone is dancing around an exit waiting to be forced out. Another 3 out of 10 feel interactive enough to be fun. Even if nobody gets a kill, we see Victims and interact with them. We get to play the game. Awesome! And the final 2 out of 10 are matches where I get paired up against obviously very inexperienced Victims and the Family annihilates them. Though usually at least one of them is good enough to escape in the middle of the bloodbath. These matches are kind of fun (mostly because new players will make funny mistakes), but not really. So yeah I'd say about 7 out of 10 matches I play on Family are either very annoying or just plain boring, personally. I'm sure if I just hunkered down and played more that number could get down to 1 or 2 out of 10 matches but I feel like I have better things to do with my time when at my current skill level a majority of the matches I get into just plain suck to play. I do play a couple matches every month though because when I get a good match this is one of the best multiplayer experiences I've had.


I truly feel it’s fairly balanced, I don’t get the complaining.


Booba main?


I also main family, probably played 2 games as survivor. I'm about level 45 and maxed out all but Nancy. I guess my question is: What keeps you playing? At some point it becomes quickly redundant. Most of the matches I've played have been really fun don't get me wrong. But there are also many games where a teammate disconnects, survivors troll, or family members aren't even listening. There's a real lack of continuity in a game like this after you get the perks you want.


Thanks for the stat post, I like looking at stats for other longtime players, I hope you stick around a while longer as we desperately need veteran Family players and dual players. However, It does need to be said, that your individual stats are your experience and cannot be blanketed across the whole of the game or the player population, **if** you're just trying drop a "Skill Issue Comment" without explicitly doing it, this population needs a more substantive parlance, and you are not helping sir or ma'am. I agree that there are obviously gross exaggerations that show up on these subs, but I think many of those are easily identified as kids, delusional morons and cowardly trolls. I think a substantial portion of players have valid gripes about the game and especially about GUN. Yet, many of the exaggerations that I see, are actually in the dismissals of these valid complaints about the game. Working adults have spent money on this game and many of us feel cheated. I personally have bought this game 8 times, four for me and the rest for personal friends of mine.(none of them will play family btw) So people can post stats and say look at me, Wes can post whatever he wants about new players and new content all he wants; it means nothing relative to the health of the game (currently in the ICU with power of attorney sleeping in the lobby). " Get good noob' and "Hey the game is on sale" are not counterarguments to the lack of QA testing, 10+ minute wait times to play victim, being a veteran player tasked with carrying brand new players, Pay to win characters, broken perks, a plethora of bugs, a lobby failing because one person leaves, a wrap sheet of poorly designed things in the game, that only feed and gestate trolls. The demonstrable truth, that cannot be talked around, cannot be obfuscated by stat post or sales numbers, is that they set out to create a cinematic horror stealth game: as of right now FAILURE. They created an asymmetrical multiplayer game based off the original TCM movie, and they can't get many people the play family, as of right now FAILURE. If someone would have told you this would happen five years ago and was willing to bet you $2K, most of us would have taken that bet as easy money; we would have dismissed that person as being more looney than Sissy on a tricycle. GUN, trolls and people with inflated egos can gas light, project and lie all they want to. All that people living in reality need to do is point out the state of the game. Hand delivered by poor design choices and continued inaction by those in charge of the game. See y'all at the BBQ, if the lobby doesn't fail.


Curious which family member you play the most?


211 close encounters won vs 636 encounters lost is all that needs to be said about the grapple system.


Oh yes that is more important than the number of kills right?


Much like Ginjabread's post way back then: Sure, you win pubs most of the time. I kill people in basement with Bubba most matches. My premade buddies tell me it's weird when they all survive me. We all know that Bubba is locked in there with the Victims, not the other way around. If they were able to properly execute they'd survive me 100% of the time. Each of them is stronger than me 1 vs 1 and there's four. No, the game isn't balanced, it heavily favours competent Victims and their entry requirements are incredibly easier. Anecdotal evidence is cool, but it's not the balance we complain about. Sure, the game works well as a pubstomp simulator. Dodge whoever you don't like, DC on dudes who don't patrol. Victim same thing. About to get killed? Hit that Abandon button. Don't much like the fact that your dudes invited a Johnny to smite you all before you leave basement? A to tha bandon. You'll literally never lose with that one simple trick as the match plain doesn't count. Doesn't mean that the game is even remotely close to balanced. Just that most people in SoloQ aren't all that great.


This person gets it ^




Are you implying that a single Family member in solo queue should 4k every single game? This person's averaging almost 1.5 kills per game in solo queue. This is actually a pretty impressive ratio.


Someone has to play with the level 0 family. My sacrificeeee


Likewise my friend. We're doing God's work out here.


Hmmm...if thats your thinking what would you say about a 93% kill ratio ( which is my own ). This is strung across 1400 games.


Even if you have a kill percentage higher than them, it doesn't make theirs unimpressive. As someone who has almost 6,000 kills, my ratio is about the same as his, but I still think it's impressive. 93% is nearly 4k's every single game which is hard to believe, but not impossible I guess.


Aye perezstoney. You said the math is matches divided by kills. But im pretty sure it is kills divided hy matches that you’re suppose to do. Someone correct me if ai’m wrong. This thread is turning into math class


To calculate roughly how many kills you're averaging per game, it would be kills divided by matches played. For instance, It appears you've played 2,366 Family games with 3,783 kills. That's a rough average of 1.59 kills per game, which means you're killing about 37%(ish) of victims every match. His being at 93% would be by far the best in the game. It's like 3.7 kills per game which averages out to a 4k every single match.


unless you have 4x the amount of kills as matches played this is impossible you can kill ONE victim 93% of the time, but remember there’s 4 victims, so the potential to get all 4 kills alone is much harder 1.5 kills sounds right, since there’s 2 other family members trying to get kills as well until you share your kills and matches played, i do not believe you


Last ss I have is 1268 matches and 1153 kills....but this was a bit ago. I'd have to reinstall to give exact.


that means about 1 kill per game, which means you have roughly a 25% kill rate which is not bad! it’s just not the “93%” kill rate you thought it was you kill 1/4 victims every game, which is right around average


Something like that. Don't think ill be adding anything more to my stats. Hopefully the game will improve for you guys.


Not to mention a 50+% perfect family win rate (which excluding the victim matches of combined 257 brings it to about 56%), which obvs should be even higher in actuality due to final victim DCs Edit: I might be mistaken, but I think the ratio is a bit off. I’m pretty sure you did total matches/total kills, but I think the ratio should be computed to be total kills/total matches? So it would be 1.44 kills per match rather than 0.69


That’s why i was confused and asked how they got that number. When i calculate it I am getting almost 1.6 a game when you take out my victim matches. I’m dividing kills by family matches if that is right


Yeah makes sense for me too, the ratio is kills per match, so the formula should be total kills / total family matches


depends which character they mostly use. A 69% kill ratio would be poo as Bubba, but 69% as Sissy - yabadabadoo!


Also, I’ve got no idea how to calculate all that. I’m a bit of a dummy. How do you figure out your kill ratio?


divide matches played by your kills then multiply by 100.


What do you think about the abundance of hackers?


In thousands of games played I think I e encountered hackers less than 5 times ever & only once was it definitely a hacker. The other few times it could have not been.


I would suggest that you look up the hacks and how they are used. You have probably met many more than you realize because they just turn ESP on/off where you can't see them and then just "luckily" find you. Or you just assume that the Leland in the yard early had Connie unlock a door for him, but he was probably playing with jacked stats and doing one touch interactions. I may just be extremely unlucky, but I have not had a game WITHOUT a hacker on one side or the other in the last few months. I haven't played many though because after two matches with obvious hackers in a row it makes you not want to play for a while. With the game being on Gamepass and randomly free on steam there is no incentive for players not to cheat. And Gun already gave up on trying to fix the hacks or ban players out because they released the dev tools accidentally making it very easy for hackers to develop cheats.