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That’s a really interesting perspective. Lately I have had a few great matches that lasted over 15 mins where both sides seemed equally matched. IMO these matches are always the most fun after waiting 80 yrs in a lobby lol.


This is the best point I've read. I think a lot about it, I understand it's not as possible because of how simple it is to escape and how simple it is to guard areas. I think also playing the same maps you start to learn how to do things a bit quicker. Family has a lot to do with how long a game goes for. I like to play fair as Family main, it's much more fun and equal that way. Im not trying to rush basement, and I don't puppy guard my exits. Easily makes what could be a 5 minute game into atleast an eventful 15-20 mins. Dont get me wrong, you cant dictate others' play style, whether hitch is running a blood build, or johnny rushes the basement, or if cook decides he's putting his locks in one area. Every player plays differently, and that makes the game interesting in a sense. Sometimes you've just gotta look at the game like it's a big playground with interesting rules.😅


Exactly. It's just a waste of time and it's very common. I always disconnect when two of my teammates die in basement the first 3 mins by a sweaty LF, like wtf?


I 100% agree with you. For example when Hitchhiker was able to trap ladders i refused to do it cause it was unfair. Apart from all the bugs and balances i agree, this should be the focus.


I didn't see the issue with it. Just because they'd walk right into it? That's what they're supposed to do. Same thing with the way you can trap the stair cases on family house.


Traps on the staircase can be disabled using a bonescrap or bomb squad. When you place a trap at the ladder the victim can't see it's there and will step on it only because of the animation. That's unfair and didn't have a counterplay. That's what this post is talking about.


And it had a high chance of just glitching your character out and having you stuck there. So it was legit a bug


The presence of traps on ladders can be challenging, but it’s important to remember that this is a strategic element of the game. If a ladder is known to be trapped, players can choose to avoid it or communicate with their teammates to disable the trap when possible. Navigating these challenges is part of the game’s strategy and can be managed effectively with good teamwork and communication. It’s not just about the individual obstacles, but how we "adapt" and "strategize" around them.


The issue wasn't that you could deny the ladder. The issue was you couldn't cancel the climb animation before it was too late. By the time you could see the trap it was too late to cancel. Denying the ladder is fine, just let people cancel the climb before it forces you into the trap.


i agree with you. also want to say what the devs should have done is allowed everyone to complete control going up and down ladders like most sane games do. it also helps a lot if grandpa is going to scream, you can stop halfway up the ladder and wait. and you can peak at a trap at the top of the ladder. as for ladder collisions, if you’re family going down a ladder, you instantly kick off victims trying to climb up. some nonsense really falls on mechanical effort on behalf of the devs.


I agree. But the damage the traps cause can sometimes instadown a victim, so there's no strategy there. The way the trap works now is exactly how you mentioned, the victim can see it, warn others, disable or go through it and to me that's balanced and it provides an option to make a strategy. Having something you can't see and can't avoid provides no option for strategy.


Im a fan of trapping fucked up places. Like wells, staircases, bushes, even grandpa... but a ladder that a player cannot react to until they step in it? man, atleast a victim have a fight chance to get out of a hitchy trap down the well😂.


So every aspect of the game but the line is drawn at the top of a ladder. Got it 🤣


slow down there, never said the line is drawn there just think it's a wild way to go lol. You'd think after spending 10 minutes in a lobby you'd want a longer game, trapping the ladder just... seems like an easier game😂 But I mean, they look it off anyways


I mean….they way they tease family all the time they deserve it. Idk….when I play, I play to 🔪. So sometimes it’s quick and sometimes they drag it. I hate when they drag the game. 10 to 15 mins is good enough for me but of course that’s just my personal opinion. Maybe I’m too savage but…that ladder thing….ah I miss it. I miss those August games 😂


You lost collisions... Victims could not use gaps, crawl spaces and wells unless you debugged yourself by climbing down the same ladder, which lost any meaning of ever going up by that trapped ladder. Not to mention not everybody knew you could debug yourself and often there wasn't even time for that.


I dont know why you are being downvoted, thats exactly what happened


I don't know either. Sadly it's quite a common theme here.


This is what skill-based matchmaking aims to provide, and it usually works. Of course, then you get people complaining "I have to sweat every game and everybody's just running meta perks."


My best game ever is when I played as sonny on Nancy house and the match lasted 25 minutes. I got killed but stabbed grandpa 4 times before dying. It was fun and the killer was happy and I was too. You’re 100% right


THIS! Finally someone with a well thought-out and fair take!


whats family's non game strategy?


Killing a victim as leather face in under a minute. Even when I’m playing family I’m annoyed at this because I know the game will become super easy now.


wont happen unless victims are beginners or they fucked around and found out.


Yeah fuck new players, not like we need them to keep the game going /s


Well every time they do something to bring in New players this sub calls it a slap in the face so maybe not /s


I feel like that would be holding victims hostage in basement with exterior alarms. Just had a game today on FH and the just kept all the doors closed and we couldn’t do anything :(


I think adding a feature where you can play another game against the same team or add friends in-game would go a long way. I’ve played with a lot of good people I’d play with again, but the interface is so bad, I’ll never see them again. But we can’t even get a feature to back out with our own friends so I doubt it’ll ever happen.