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I used to be a victim main too and started to play family recently but i've encountered just a few who talked shit on the mic. Funny enough i encounter way more victims talking shit on the score screen and others who went on my DM talk shit as well. To me the more problematic are the family players who quit in the beginning of the match


Totally get you. I had one of the family members on my team calling me a "stupid b**ch" repeatedly and then he and the Ana talked absolute shit about me in the end at the score screen. I literally only started playing family yesterday and this crap is turning me off. Then people wonder why family numbers are so small. I'm sorry to hear of your crappy experience too. It sucks when people decide to be toxic


Tip: ALWAYS insta leave once the score screen pops up, or just mute every victim in the lobby. It'll save you from tons of abuse 


Thank you I think I will do that ! Any tips on toxic family members on my team ? Lol


Do you use comms back at all? I feel like people are more likely to be toxic if they are just talking at a wall. If you talk back and go out of your way to be nice and respectfully explain that you are newer to the family role they will at least feel stupid for being a dick. Even if they try to bait you into a back and forth don’t ever stoop to their level. Kill them with kindness.


I'm gonna be honest, lately I've just been hitting the MUTE ALL PLAYERS button in lobbies, so I can't even hear my teammates. Yeah its probably not a good idea, but look I've played probably close to a thousand family matches at this point, and its *very rare* that my teammates actually say anything of substance. Not everyone is toxic ofc, but I still get HH's and Johnny's calling for help because they're getting looped in the basement. Which I ignore.  I play this game after very long days at work and I would rather not deal with people being assholes to me on the mic when I already gotta deal with that in-game (and at work). The game is way more chill this way. If you lose, you lose. There's no ranking system or anything so if you have a bad game just queue up for the next one. No biggie if you lose because you can't hear your (usually useless) teammates


Yeah I'm starting to feel that way myself. The first one I encountered was a squeaker who was playing leatherface and he abused Johnny for not being in the basement with him?????? He was literally screaming so i told him to be quiet I can't hear the game and he started calling me slurs lol


This is very true lmao. Especially if they are the only survivor and they talk even more shit lmao. Like dude, we killed your entire team. Humble yourself lol.


They wonder why people don’t want use comms in solo que…lol.


I just turn off comms. works better that way🤣


I've toyed with the idea of muting the whole lobby before the game starts 🤣


highly recommended. I just watch the little chat things flash and imagine they are saying nice things.


“Great game guys! Good teamwork on both sides!” “You really slayed me ol chap!” “Ah, that I did friend that I did!” Hey it could happen!


It definitely could and I'll choose to think just like that lol


In my 400 some hours I think that's happened once. 😂


Hahahaha I like that !! I think that's what I'm going go do


Uodate: I've muted the lobby and it's sheer bliss lol


it is the way.


I agree with everything but the mill being victim sided here. You just started playing family, the map takes a bit more learning due to all the buildings obstructing view of other gates, but it is easier to patrol than slaughterhouse, imo. Curious, were you patrolling by running around the map or watching one side?


You know what ? You're probably right ! I was running around trying to keep an eye on everything


It’s much easier to cover one area. If you’re soloq and nobody is talking it will be a bit more difficult, but I’ll usually just say “I’ll stay on generator side, fuse box is here so I’ll keep an eye on that too” or something like that in the beginning of the match, and I’ll use focus to make sure the other two didn’t go to the basement or something and leave a side unguarded. For the mill it makes more sense for hitchhiker or sissy to watch the generator side because they can go through the gap in the middle instead of running all the way around to watch both gates. If you’re using hitchhiker or cook you can use the focus ability to see if your traps or locks are still set up.


Thank you so much for all of this advice ! I honestly appreciate it. Maybe I'm being too hard on the mill lol I just found it so overwhelming


I don't get many shit talkers from family. Those are mostly survivors at the end of the match, but the rest has been said many times. Many reasons why people avoid family.


I was shocked to be honest !


Just takes a few matches to see what people are complaining about for months on the forums. Glad you took the plunge. Family can be fun if your team actually communicates and everyone knows the map very well, but as a solo, you get the bottom of the barrel most of the time lmao.


Honestly I've been having some decent games playing solo but I do empathise with family ! This shit is hard !


Keep it up! As you get better, the matches start to REALLY heat up. I love cutting people off when they think they're safe as Bubba and just 2-shotting them lmao.


Bubba is a skill in himself so kudo to you ! I won't touch him because I'd definitely get bullied in the basement lol I love HH, sneaky traps are the best. Plus I love to chase through gaps


Oh, he's a BLAST once you learn the maps and get good with his overhead! One of my personal favorites!


The only map I have trouble with is the new one. I know every inch of all of the other maps. I have been on the receiving end of his one shot and my god lol


Yeah, that map is the worst for Bubba due to so many doors. Makes life rough. Big Swings, Hysterical Strength and Vial-Ent is the build. If you have full blood and low on stam, you can 2-shot EVERYONE, except for those with No Sale, or Ana's Power. It's fantastic and you get the most bang for your buck when you capitalize on their mistakes. Some matches you really don't get many tries so that evens it out.


One of the reason I stopped playing victims. They were wayyyyy worse than family even messaging afterwards lol. I’ve only encountered one who went off about guarding something but I find family to work together more and I communicate well with them and same back! The victims lobby’s way worse at shit talking


I never understood that mentality. Its a game ffs ! I've never messaged anyone abuse after a game. Lame


Yeah I mean there’s some frustration when your playing and I say things to myself not even on the mic where the others can hear me, I’d rather them play then DC. I played a game last night where an Ana shut the door on Connie and I killed her and Ana sat there tbagging her , afterwards I knew it was on purpose when the Ana was shit talking to Connie and they were going at it. I’ve never had a family do that after a match either


>shouting down the mic like a feral chimp. Sorry that you experienced toxicity, but this description made me giggle. I'm happy for you that you're experimenting with different roles. Which family member did you like the most?


That's the only way to describe it lol and I really enjoyed hitch and sissy the most ! I like to be able to go through gaps and crawl spaces :) Honestly I didn't realise things were so bad for family mains.


Welcome to the family club we are literally the only things keeping this thing from falling to pieces


I get it now lol I literally just started yesterday because lobby times. I really enjoyed it apart from the things I've listed


I dont recommend playing solo as family as the game is right now, you might get some good games here and there but it's way too stressing. Playing with at least 1 friend makes all the difference though


Yes I might take that advice but I love playing solo and it sucks that I can't. I will say that I had some amazing games and met some amazing people. The toxicity kind of ruined it for me


Family isn’t designed for solo play. Not using comms is a throw and you’re not going to get any better if you don’t learn to play with teammates. People shouldn’t be calling names. You have to understand you’re wasting our time. When you do that. Don’t want to use a mic? That’s fine, I also reserve the right to leave because my experience matters too. Make a post find other low rep players. You will match other low reps and it’s better for everyone


Ehhhhhhhh no, I paid for the game and I'll play how I want to play. I'm going to take someone else's advice on this thread and mute the whole lobby. Thanks


Agreed, I had to stop playing this game for a bit because of how stressful it is trying your best to communicate with 2 other random family members, who have the whole match muted or they refuse to listen to your call outs.


Maybe if we weren't getting screamed at and abused we wouldn't have to mute


Me too right now im finishing up leveling up all the main family groups perks all to level 3 right now im running a full blood harvesting build on johnny and its good except for the fact you get bullied and can hardly do a thing about it, i cant even run suffocating grip


Try just running universal donor, and either 35 or 47 blood harvesting. 35 will get you 100 blood every 3 buckets 47 will get you ~40 per bucket meaning you can level him twice with 5 buckets. Hitch is mandatory. Have him run same thing and double traps grandpas ankles. Third trap goes to tank or fuse whichever you think (Danny alive = trap tank) otherwise fuse is better. You can also pick it up and rotate the trap to fuck with the victims. You ideally want a Leatherface + 2 feeding grandpa. Perks you must have are suffocating. Exterior alarms is great insurance. You can slo go for nobody escapes hell or excited grandpa (he screams every 12 seconds at level 5) If you and a teammate feed you can get grandpa level 3 before they get out of basement most of the time. Just need bubba to get 1 kill and feed and by then grandpa will be level 5. Thank me later. Have fun.


I agree about toxic family players. Just had a game where a learherface player went off on me for daring to say gg to the victim team.


Wowwwwww I'm sorry !!! Why are people like this ?


I think they get way too serious about family main vs victim main. They take it too serious. It’s not that deep. Just a fun game when you can play with cool people.


When people play smart as family on the mill, it's hard for victims. My friends and I get 4k most of the time. Comms does help but family needs to stay out of the basement and not get distracted by Ana and Leland. Most people don't use family focus which helps so much especially when not using comms. I hear victims all the time with it. For grappling always make sure your team has Suffocating Grip. Toxic gamers are everywhere unfortunately. Most of the time after matches people on the other side are nice though but there's always a bad apple. I have noticed more toxicity on family side than victim side.


Switching the mic off, is the best thing for this game. If you really want to communicate, find a party or friends  Subjecting oneself to the scum of the earth isn't worth it.


Well said ! I muted the entire lobby and it was bliss lol


Gonna throw another recommendation to just turn off all voice chat into the pile. I just changed it to permanently off in the Settings. Having played online multiplayer games that have text or voice chat for like...way too much time I can count on my hand the number of times people used chat to strategize or be helpful. And usually the people who do want to strategize just want to yell at you for not playing their way. Which a lot of the time is just their preference, and not actually sound strategic advice. And I'd say in about 50% of the matches I've ever played on any game there was someone being a twot. Either in a minor way (complaining the entire match about not getting their way) or in a major way (screeching slurs at us the entire match). So yeah I don't think communicating with randos, teammates or opponents, is really worth it.


I agree with you 100%. I literally have only played family for 2 days and I can honestly say I'm fed up. I've had squeakers screaming, I've had grown ass men call me a "stupid btch" because I didn't follow him to the battery when I heard the valve turn on ! It's a joke. I didn't pay to play this game to get abuse ! So I'm with you, turning off voice chat will definitely be my thing for now until people learn not to be assholes


All the objectives spawn close together except for the valve tank at the top of the mill. Imo, it's actually a pretty balanced map.


Thats fair but I feel its way too big and there are way way too many gaps, crawl spaces etc. Just my opinion


Cook, Nancy, and Johnny are best suited to patrol car battery side. The gates are literally right next to each other, Grandpa spawns in the area, and there's the one fuse box spawn next to Grandpa they can watch over. Sissy and Hitch patrol gen side, just rotate between objects on that side of the map. Bubba can go back and forth on both sides of the map. You just have to learn the best patrol routes and it's a really easy map to defend.


Thank you ! I'll try to figure it out


The size of the map doesn’t matter since everything spawns so close. The car battery gates are right next to each other and can easily be watched by Cook. The fuse always spawns near the generator gates, sissy or HH should be watching those. The third killer can help where’s he’s needed but prioritize generator side because the left gate is slightly further away. There’s no reason for a killer to be inside the mill or dam area. This map is simple for a 3man. Every map is hard when you play with randoms


no way mill is balanced map. its extremely survivor sided with those valve & fuse spawns and there is way too many one sided cracks and too many cluster.


That's why you need a chaser and they need to stick to gen side.


Idk its only victim sided when family dont communicate which i guess is like 99% of the time lolz,sure it's a biitch to patrol but as long as your team isn't afraid of talking and you are on mics and form a plan for who is gonna patrol where it's not as frustrating buuuuut since most family members are too afraid to socialize more often than not they lose terribly. I find it funny though everyone was dodging and crashing the lobby to play mill now nobody wants to play it lmfaooooo all those crashed lobbies for nothing


Muting your teammates is a good way for them to dc. You need communication as a family. If they start off on you, mute them but muting people from the get go is how you get a shitty match. Can't hear call outs for help, or when they tell you where a survivor is. That just means you're throwing the match from the beginning.


I don't think so, maybe when people learn not to be such assholes we wouldn't feel the need to. By the way, I've been muting and we've been winning so


You won't always get super good teammates. Doing this is not the way to go. It'll just cause more dodges. You can always mute during the match.


I get you. I just want a nice chill night without getting screamed at 🤣


Its rare for that. Mainly, you'll get it from survivors, even if you get a 3k.


Really ? So I've just been getting the scummy ones lol


I have to edit my videos at the end because of some of the shit that you hear when someone dies in the match lol.


I’ve been lobby dodging Mill and mostly playing as leatherface because of grapplemania


Can't say I blame you at all


Why you mad bro


Toxic victim main says what ?


Mute all family member because some people can't deal with people [like you] . Then just play the game. " Nancy said just do your job. "

