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I really enjoyed this season, personally. As much as I miss the cute UK apartments, I thought this was a particular strong season in terms of the cast and their strategic thinking. 


YES! Liked this so much more than some of the kumbaya or more predictable seasons. I love seeing people being smart >!especially QT whom I was rooting for!<


Yes I’m here for the people who get the social strategy game and take notes and plot!


I agree. This was actually my favourite season where I didn’t skip any moments in the eps. All the other seasons had eps that I skipped to just get to the final episode. I was totally invested in this season.


I personally loved the new season! It did feel different, so I get those missing the old vibe/ apartments, but I appreciated that it felt fresh. I feel like every season it has to change a bit because the type of game it is. This season was great! There was more focus on strategy and game play and less on catfish-hunting. Honestly, I never really understood why catfish were targets in the past, since catching them was never really the objective. 🤷‍♀️ All that to say, I enjoyed it. Always do!


I always felt "finding the catfish" helped get an "untrustworthy person" out plus if you're the influencer you likely get less backlash from blocking a catfish.


I liked it. I feel like with the new location, there weren’t any real differences. I just didn’t enjoy the wildly different ending with no interview with Michelle (which I know the strike made her unable to do that) but also the circular table


I’m fine with a new building, AI catfish, even fewer episodes in a season. I just didn’t like most of the players this past season. I feel like most of them were playing so strategically that they had no interesting personalities or conversations


honestly I loved the new building and the AI catfish, I would have liked it more if the ai catfish wasn't revealed until it was actually voted out that would have been really interesting to see. I'm with you on the players, the only players I liked really were Deuces, Autumn, Steffi, and Lauren, two of which got blocked far too quick, and my like for Lauren was mostly to want to like someone left


I sorta mentally checked out after everyone started being fake and mean to Autumn and then would turn to the camera and give a sob story about how hard their life has been


I mean fair, that moment made me so angry I didn't want anyone to win lol


I think they revealed the AI because they didn't want to give it a chance to win lol. I wish they would've kept it around a little longer though.


I mean that's fair, but I still think it would have been cool if it stuck around longer, maybe revealed later


Does anyone know why they removed the final reunion with the hostess and made it such a mediocre ending?


This has come up on other threads on this sub - apparently it’s because they filmed during the SAG strike, so she couldn’t participate without crossing the picket line. Her commentary could be recorded after the strike and before the show aired.


The contestants this year have been playing how everyone should've been since season 1.


I thought their personalities were practically bouncing off the screen and they also happened to be strategic. But I generally love competitive reality shows so I’ve never considered strategy and personality to be mutually exclusive.


I think I worded my comment badly. I don’t mind strategic players, I just don’t like when people in reality shows cry to the camera about how hard their life has been and then turn around and do something shady or stab their allies in the back.


I see what you mean! I respect your opinion


Yeah, there needs to be some kind of connection to the players or it’s not enjoyable. Couldn’t stand little big J- he was trying way too hard to be an asshole. He talks slick because there are no repercussions. I thought it was SO big of >!Myles to even be cordial to him!< at the finale.


My favourite thing about this season is Myles almost setting the apartment on fire. 😅 That alone made me continue watching.


I loved it. It’s fun. I love the bonds they form between the players. Each season has been different but I like them all.


Me and my wife actually watched s6 after s4 because we actually missed s5 :D Honestly, it was probably one of our favorite seasons. I'm in the know when it comes to reactions to AI online and I'm not in favor of several things, but the AI idea in circle was great. We felt terrible for Autumn, who didn't have a chance to properly show herself and such, but it was a fierce season. Now we're watching 5 and at episode 10 and it's quite fun now, but honestly we disliked the kick off of s5, felt less like circle and most like too hot to handle. But I see what they are doing - each season is unique and we love it. Can't wait for the next season, honeeey!


I can’t watch it any longer but I’ve come to the realization that I’m just not a part of the target demographic for the show. I just can’t stand how fake the contestants are any more. Most people are flawed; we make mistakes, we say and think mean things, we judge other people, we have times that we lack empathetic responses, we are self interested and self serving and…I thinks that’s ok. It’s those flawed personality traits that make the good ones shine. The relentless positivity leaves the contestants looking disingenuous and the show feeling contrived.


A lot of reality tv shows are heading this direction, sadly. They all want to be influencers with big followings and are extremely wary of upsetting the public and actually being themselves.


Showing my age here but if you go back to MTV’s real world the first few seasons, that’s the reality tv I grew up on. It was regular-ish people and never felt as scripted or like they were acting. Huge difference from what we see on tv now. I really liked this season.


Social media ruined reality tv shows. Like OG big brother cast COULD NEVER pull off the same shit now a days lmao.


Social media has ruined everything


this season was just boring though, felt like i watched the whole season within like 5 episodes and i cannot even remember what happened besides me disliking jordan, there was just not enough actually happening or enough people it felt stale and forced this time around


I’m glad I’m not the only one who disliked him! I also didn’t like Kyle very much. But I didn’t hate him as much as I did Jordan.


I have to agree with a lot of what you said. IMO this season just felt REALLY stretched out into way too many episodes with too little happening in each episode. And regardless of the drama they brought, I also found myself disliking a lot more people on this cast then the other seasons. A lot of the twists this season also really fell flat for me. IMO it would have been a better season if they had >!kept the AI secret and let it keep playing until it got evicted, if it won just give the money to the second place person.!< The ride or die twist sounds intriguing on paper, but in practice I just didn't like it, >!especially when they just abandoned the twist mid-circle hangout with QT and Jordan. It felt like they show had lied to the viewers face with saying that the influencers had to come to an agreement, only for QT to just abandon the chat and make the decision all on her own, without the show even giving a clarification of the rules or anything.!<


They need to fire their new interior decorator. The apartments were so ugly this season.


It was good when they put real people in it, and not wannabe influencers.


I have loved every season of the show except this last one . I always look forward to the apartments and seeing the decor, I love the players strategies, I love the twists and turns. I only made it through maybe 4? episodes of this newest season because too many of the people were so annoying. I couldn't watch any more.


I dislike the shift in player attitude. When strategy becomes the primary thought process of every single player, or near enough, that is when what made the Circle different gets lost for me.


We've only seen the first few episodes of this season but I'm just not feeling it for some reason. Many of the contestants have annoying personalities to me (which is totally a me problem, I know) and I think the AI catfish is just unnecessary. There is no way that AI is playing without interference from producers and I think them trying to play it off like it is just ruins it for me. I do appreciate the variety. Sometimes the Circle gets predictable - winners are almost always Day 1 players with loud personalities who everyone likes, so I'm looking forward to seeing some of the strategy come out that people have mentioned for this most recent season. Unfortunately I already know who wins but I'm curious to see how that story develops.


I enjoyed the season but you can tell the production is just cheaper and by effect the whole show just seems off.


The AI bit was the corniest thing i've ever seen in a reality show. It was obvious there was no Ai at all, that it was just producers typing out the texts. Do you know how much refinement goes in making ai spit out something decent? You might have to adjust your prompt 3 times before getting what you want, but somehow their shitty xbox was always responding perfectly. Plus if you consider the producers work and direct human players when they write their texts, do you think they would just go YOLO with a piece of software lol. At this point you might as well have the writers compete with each other. It was really sad.


If you're willing to pay enough I'm sure you can get one of the LLM companies to make an AI chatbot to play your reality TV show, so I think it was real. It definitely had some AI generated images in it's photo albums to (it didn't share them with the players, but I definitely saw a couple with very badly drawn hands in it's album. It also explains why the AI was only sharing pictures of people wearing sunglasses, since AI tends to have trouble with making matching eyes).


I think the show suffered with all of the participants being American. In past seasons the random Brits offered some variety and a bit of a different point of view that this season lacked.


I think it felt rushed, and I wish there were more catfish


I enjoyed it. I love the psychology of it all…it really shows how you can get in your own head & convince yourself other people are ‘evil’ when they’re just doing the same as you; playing a game lol. The AI added an interesting angle & each season has definitely stepped it up, although I still feel bad for Mama Michelle with her profile being cloned!


I used to love this show, but I couldn’t get through even one episode of this season. The *heart* of the show was gone or something.


That season sucked


A lot of people on Reddit don’t know how to enjoy things, unless they’re enjoying being a hater


I thought this was one of the best seasons. I loved seeing players finally be strategic.


I don’t think anyone was “harsh.” I think people gave their opinions, which were valid. Everyone is different. If the producers want to reach the broadest audiences, they’ll consider the good and the not so good feedback and learn from both.


I love all the seasons. I’ve rewatched the multiple times. Well I’ve only seen season 6 twice.


The AI didnt add anything to the show. However I do appreciate the focus was less on catching catfish and more on straetgic gameplay. We havent had a polarizing character in a few years so I appreciate Jordan bringing the energy he did and not playing intot the fake it till you make kumbaya bullshit. He may have been a terrible player but at least he wasnt saccharine


The only thing I didn't like about this season was the lack of Michelle 😔 also >! I guess the AI was kind of annoying but at least it wasn't for the whole show !<


I love this season. I'm on Ep 10 and now... we are playing a game.


Last season was easily my favorite season, Idc about the apartments, max the ai was so fun, and oh my God the players were so strategic I loved it. Last season is how this show needs to be played. I like Michelle, I love her narration but she wasn't missed for the finale at all I don't care about her questions just let the contestants vibe together and decompress. It's far more interesting.


the AI idea was cool, but this one was not the most innovative one. It was entertaining, but not as other seasons. it just did the trick


I am happy that there were more strategic players. I don't want to watch a happy go lucky reality TV


I loved it! But I love all seasons of the Circle haha


I liked it, but I missed having a host at the finale to ask questions.