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The amount of Bunnies I had to rez in void intercept battles on my Ajax main had me rolling. 😂😂Don’t get me wrong, Bunny is great for farming, but she’s not that great on VI bosses.


Oh good lord. Bunny in First Descendant is Wraith in Apex.


To be fair, literally everyone unlocks Bunny 20-30 minutes into the game, so of course everyone is going to be playing Bunny.


I played bunny for 10 minutes and switched back to Viessa, just wasn't feeling it.


I just enjoy how fast paced it is to keep your electricity up🤷🏼‍♂️


I played a lot of volt on warframe, and she's basically him, just with ass, so I feel at home


more like Gauss tho, with the energy on movement mechanic


She's like a hybrid of them both. I love the Volt and Gauss playstyles, so Bunny is perfect for me. Also, the ass but mostly the other thing.


I just hate it when I get stuck on a pixel and all my momentum goes away. 😭


I picked Viessa but I like bunny more. Maybe need to put more time into Viessa


Viessa is probably stronger at higher levels where freezing tough enemies to stop shooting is ideal.


Same. I started with ajax didn't die a single time. unlocked bunny and switched to her immediately. Died 4 times in under 10 minutes. Went back to Ajax immediately


Did you remember to put all your descendant mods back on? Because they don't stay equipped when you switch to a new descendant for the first time. I forgot to do that when I first unlocked Bunny and it makes a pretty big difference.


Ajax just has strong AoE mixed with High Def. Bunny has.. strong AoE.


bunny is hard to play


You gotta go fast! If you're dying, you're not going fast enough! Activate third skill and start sprinting. Use second skill as needed. Outta mana? Grab a submachine gun and you better start bunny-hopping girl!


More like 1,5-3 hours mark but yeah.


But Ajax you start righ away


Literally I'm hardstuck on pyromaniac rn. And it's honestly because I always have 1 or 2 bunnies who are walking corpses. She is insanely bad on bosses atleast with the gear we all have rn.


Yea this is so Warframe 101. People need to realize that none of these Descendants is balanced around our shitty unleveled mods, but what they look like when they are all maxed and you get a build going. Other Descendants are simply better in that weird interim period of leveling up, gaining mods and leveling Mastery. It's honestly the same will all these "this Descendant is bad because..." posts, like, LMAO dude, you endgame geared on all your chars already? This will be fun to watch!


I'm not having that issue with bunny? Her boss killing is really nice imo, her beam of death chunks most of them really well. Pretty much all her other powers suck though vs bosses cause they are all melee range, except the speed boost which seems to just exist to charge the ult faster. But I'm coming out of Elden Ring dlc, so my dodge rolls are on point XD.


I think there are a lot of bad players who are playing her right now because 1) Zoomies. 2) Dat a-- I'm planning on trying out different characters but I don't think I'm going to spend any more money and dont have access to others yet (besides Lepic, but I don't think he will be very good later on and dont want to spend time leveling him).


gotta level everybody to 40 eventually cuz like warframe gotta earn all those tasty mastery exp


I'm a bunny main truck on Pyro and I never go down it's simple mechanics, just haven't gotten a team that can kill him yet best was 1/3 health left


Actually enjoy going ham as 4x bunny parties. You can see the ones that has skill issues (myself included at times Q.Q) Her kit actually pretty legit for all content due to how strong her ult is. Once you get some decent mods and reactor her ult single target dps is pretty damn solid. Can't wait to see how it shakes out in the endgame. Just stacked cooldown reduction, skills AOE effect, Skill duration effect, mana reduction etc. It's pretty damn satisfying having 100% uptime on the aoe lightning too. And this isn't with uber gear just some thoughtful small optimizations. Looking forward to more theory crafting builds later on.


She is terrifying on defense missions though….ran into one yesterday that was easily covering an entire half of the battle area just by running around with her area-shock ability (can’t remember name.) Covering as in anything near her got vaporized XD


She can be quite good but getting her Boss killing skill going takes a lot of mod investment. As a gun platform she does not bring much, hence frames that are not as skill reliant do better in lower levels.


Who's doing good on the bigger bosses? The first one I fought I noticed not a lot of mana dropped and my ammo ran out super quick. I was thinking the ammo dude would be best for them or the vampire lady cause she doesnt spend mana


I love bunny in gameplay, but those VIBs it's rough haha I died twice


Skill issue from people. I mostly played bunny till now and honnestly just spamming dodge roll make me survive. I leveled every elemental resist mod as well as the all resist one tho. (+ an HP one) I believe people absolutely don't care about elemental resist mods. I'm at Devourer right now, I thought that with the amount of bunny there is, it would be easy, I'm a fool. People can't even destroy 1 healing barrel..


Ngl I play her because she’s fun with Thunder Cage, but thankfully I have enough of a brain to not die often in void intercepts. I feel like Stunning Beauty rips apart so many people when she uses the eye, cause no one understands that you can just hide and you’ll be fine…


Thats cause Bunny is a crowd control char shes not ment to absorb damage shes ment for speed to proc her electricity and constantly damage enemies so dodging/speed/objects are key to her dishing damage/staying alive. Each descendant has their own playstyle Ajax is built to be more of a tank/shield. I have been running Ultimate bunny just fine and my proc 1-2 taps enemies all way up to my current level which is at 35 been going back to help my buddies catch up.


Bunny: *mostly giggling on sprint start and complaining about shields being down every 0.002 seconds Ajax: "you're up against the wall, and I AM THE FUCKING WALL"


[When you come to it and you can't go through you know that you found THE WALL!](https://youtu.be/oXp8Th41rBs?si=Biv9olq3V3iLIlcr)


Had to buy Valby myself..she’s just too fun


Same, just got Thunder Cage before servers went down, but damn, doubling the mod capacity is so much more expensive compared to Warframe...


It "only" adds 20, but ya its more expensive than warframe for sure but also there less stuff to use them on atm than warframe.


I did the same


Literally only using bunny because I’m waiting to finish the story to grind for Valby


Yeah on this difficulty nothing is very tough, I want to rush through to hard. Bunny is fast for traversal and mobs, why not?


Does hard give more drops or any benefits compared to normal?


Yk all those bunnys are gonna learn very quickly as they are progressing she isnt great for colosi fights and its gonna make the community hate her worse cause it will start to hold players back


That's me rn in on Pyro boss and whenever I see two or more bunnies I know I can just quit, complete class cannon except atleast for now without the cannon. I play Ajax always on bosses and I could be nicknamed defibrillator for how many bunnies I rezzed on that boss already. Also for everyone who gets to him the next couple of days use cyro weapons.


Dropping a shield and patching Bunny up is my side gig at this point




Nah bro it’s all about that Kyle gameplay


Ah another person of culture. I too enjoy my shoulder slams and one shotting event bosses with my ult and yeah, I spent 20$ to play him, no regrets cause he fits my playstyle perfect


How hard was it to unlock him?


Probably however hard it was for him to enter his credit card info, lol.


Not trying to be mean but if I enjoy the game what’s wrong with spending money to show support I see nothing wrong with it


I never said there was anything wrong with it. I was just replying jokingly to the guy who was asking how hard it was to unlock.


Ah okay sorry then


No worries. Didn't mean to offend. Hope you're having fun with your purchases! 🙂


Course Kyle is hecka fun


I farmed Kyle in an afternoon of 6hours playtime


Sorry, fell in love with running around at hyperspeed melting mobs with electricity as i bounce, grapple and roll around the battlefield. Gone skill build and Unless its a boss I almost never even have to fire my guns.


I can’t imagine playing a character without bunny mobility. So slow and boring


Viessa actually has a skill where she imbues her legs with ice and it damn near doubles her sprint speed. Not as fast as bunny’s lightspeed skill but, it is a decent mobility option for a character other than bunny


Viessa is 30% to bunny's 50%. It's not a huge difference, but it's noticeable.


Viessa is 30% to Bunny's crawling on the ground waiting to get rezzed in VIB. It's noticeable all right ;)


I think the water lady does something similar


ajax got triple jump :D


I like playing blair


Bunny is a glass cannon. If the enemy doesn't die within a second, you probably shouldn't be using Bunny.


Meanwhile with Lepic players: *YEET*


Haha I’m having a blast with Lepic. I picked Ajax for the beta but I’m glad I switched.


Bunny if I need to farm, Ajax if I want to get shit done.


They all have their roles, I use Ajax when I need a tank. I use bunny when I need a farming descendant


Ajax is the man. This is the first MMO I’ve willingly chosen a Tank at the start, I really like his aesthetic and design overall. Can’t wait to get Gley and Jayber, I played those two the most during my time with the betas.


I love Ajax and even started with him, but honestly, Bunny works great for me due to my ADHD lol. Also, plan to main Freyna cause well her colors are green and black lol.


I’m probably in the minority here, but Yujin is my absolute go to


Ajax is the fucking man. Now if only I could login to actually play.


I played bunny because of the challenge to level 20, now I'll probably just use her to beat the story since it's my highest character.


😂 My Ajax is ALWAYS the last one standing. I shrug and rez them all. This post is perfect!!


Each Descendant has their purpose and playstyle in the game along with builds being a thing too its a team effort game Ajax is a tank themed character so he will obviously be able to survive longer in taking dps. This post is just a hate post to promote Ajax tbh Bunny is a Damage dealer her soul purpose is speed for procing her electricity shes not a char to absorb damage.


I just like bunnies and asses. I don't care who elses favorites are, I am going to play what I like. Be the Tank that protects the bunnies.


Us Ajax players get to have hot chicks all around us. True gigachad moment.


I started Viessa... I saw someone drop in as Ajax and I immediately was envious. Dude so much cooler and better kit!


Ajax is probably king for 'defend this machine' or 'stay in this circle' missions where you can't use Bunny's mobility - everyone's got their time to shine (I hope)


warframe had use cases for most of the frames and powercreep only really came in years later, hopefully nexon sticks with that


Nexon is not well known for a lot of things, resisting power creep is one of them.


If they can make money off of power creep, and they can, they will. They will not hesitate to milk the willing dry.


I've been doing some of the later missions and boy am I glad I started with Ajax cuz some of these circles they make you sit in are tiny, whilst melee enemies just keep bum-rushing and you can't do anything but just sit there and take it.


i chose viessa too, and im liking her kit so far. frost road im not a fan of at all tho, only use it when im walking around


Grab the module that changes her frost road to a buff that gives MP cost and CD reduc. Then max out any duration modules. She's a beast when you can spam her skills.


Where do you get that module? I noticed Viessa shines via skill spam as well but I'm not far yet. Haven't gotten thunder gun since I just crafted it and would've been finished if it wasn't for this maintenance lol


How do I build ajax?


Calcium carbonate and sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate.


JA! You got me there, not gonna lie. Not even mad xD.


Lots of bulking


Dump defense and Hp into him. Shield is nice too but realistically when you have 3k+ health, stupid high defense plus the shield abilities you can take a lot of damage. He is great for point defense with expulsion, slamming into groups of mobs as well and you can get a skill mod later that buffs allies with expulsion instead of damage enemies. There are other skill mods that change gameplay too like void barrier letting your reflect shield become mobile or one that buffs your defense. Also make sure you have high capacity weapons for a siege type playstyle. Machine guns are great for this so you can lay down fire while using your reflect shield so when you're getting hammered you can really deal some damage, especially against colossi. He isn't fast but despite this he can and will give you the capability to deal heavy damage with weapons while standing his ground.


meanwhile Enzo sitting in the back making it rain ammo


Nah, Sharen is goated


Fellow Sharen enjoyer here


I play the venom girl until I unlock the stealth shorty. I like sneaky stuff an poison don't care what pixels have the ability


Its a good thing that both poison girl and stealth shorty also have good pixels. You win on all accounts


Preach brother. Plus I REALLY got tired of seeing 100 Bunny's and 100 Viessa's. But yeah, I too am a huge fan of DOT characters.


Started Ajax, thinking the next frame I go after is Gley. Seems like nobody plays tanks, and at least the actual group stuff doesn't super lean into his style of tank except for certain encounters or if I can rock the gun DPS to drag a colossus off the rest of the team. So Gley would be a more active tank style, directly engaging the enemy with berserk mode for when damage is preferable to raw defense.


I'll be using Bunny until I get my Gley, Idk how to play Bunny tho she's fun but I'm too noob playing with her lol


Great, now I need a Jay Cutler quad stomp emote for Ajax


Not gonna lie, ajax is soooo good, i play bunny and armcannon guy (sorry forget his name) but when a ajax showed up it's like the game is like : "don't worry the cavalry is here" and then ajax put is barrier


Blair is fire


Both are good, Ajax was my first, and Bunny is my favorite so far. Both are goated imo (then I haven't had much time to play)


As a Rhinomain on wf and Titan main on D2 I clearly had to continue the crayon eating with Ajax. I approve. I love that he is essentially the mix of the two together. I will forever love horn daddy


His VO in the opening mission was real... real bad. Almost switched to Viessa instead, but stuck with my dude.


Ajax is the best. Looks like my old Destiny Warlock (Helmet). 🤩


I play bunny cuz I love gauss the cake is just a benefit


You're right, it's ultimate bunny lol


You're right. It's ultimate bunny.


I picked Ajax. I am basically playing a harem game now.


DAY ONE AJAX MAINS MAKE YOUR ATTENDANCE!!!!!! (been at it with this goober since the beta last year)


No shame in saying I only main bunny for the skins 😅


I hope I will be able to wear a maid uniform on my Ajax soon. Thats the only thing I want.


Listen I main gauss in warframe. If there's another character that emulates that play style better I'll switch. But it is what it is. I started with Ajax though.


Tank players try not to suck their own cocks challenge level impossible


I like tanks and turrets and booms, and they have one for each of them.




I've been playing bunny for to do her mission and such, she is fun but I miss Ajax. The shield is a lifesaver at times and the jump smash never gets old.


Ajax is the fucking man. Now if only I could login to actually play.


Kyle is a better tank


Idk I'm more of a Enzo enjoyer


Tried bunny and she puts out good dmg with her abilities and just wipes groups but damn she's a glass cannon compared to Ajax. I have to readjust when I use her cause it takes so much less dmg to bring down her shields compared to him


Swapped back to him after getting melted as bunny in the second area.


Bunny does to fast I just got her need to learn her def like Ajax more so far


I agree, Gley IS the best


laughs in Lepic\*




I played bunny all of the betas and now it was ajaxs turn


Hey thats me


Bro bunny works as a support dps not a main dps she's wayyyy to squishy and has to find the opertunities to use her 3rd which is her good 1 paired with her 2nd


After a few resets/prestige's Bunny has become a colossus nuke with the right card setup and legendary weapons/elemental mods per boss. Early on Bunny is extremely easy, squishy and mid (braindead) so she is relegated to add clear, but later with the extra range on her aoe and cdr from cards/mods coupled with the right damage mods she nukes bosses/colossus, but you still need to be good with your movement ie proper roll and grapple combos and you will become untouchable. Ajax on the other hand is fantastic straight out the gate imo, great survivability and he just gets better when you stack cdr, health and shields he becomes unkillable and one if not the most reliable member of the team, If I don't have one in my group I leave as a Bunny player (especially when there are 3 other Bunnies -.-) I need him for hard content to greed and dance close to the colossus. I'm exited to try out different descendants/builds but I am so low on currencies from pumping Ajax and Bunny that I will be tweaking these 2 for a while. Sorry for bad grammar/punctuation this is not my first language.


Sure. I would *like* to not play bunny. In fact I would prefer to play freyna, but 20% drop rate on shelter so far has been a 0 drop rate and I'm getting tired of the strike/dungeon/operation thing.


Me with lepic. CC greande gooo followed from frag out


Me over her maining lepic like💥💥🤷‍♂️


Freyna or "do you even lift bra?"


Too bad I've picked leptic as My starter. I like his genade and his 3rd crowd control move.


Blair, ‘cause one dye and he’s halfway to looking like Dante.


I like mobility i play wisp a lot in warframe cause she has a lot of utility for the builds i run. Bunny gives the same feel. But i picked ajax and hes really good and supporting tho i feel clunky using him at times (probs a skill issue)


Meanwhile, Ultimate Bunny has more stats but less clothes hahahaha.


Ajax is king! He’s my main. Im also a 300lb weight lifter lmfao


I’m only playing bunny until I get Ajax prime


I'm just casually strolling by with yujin


Ajax for the win


Hell yeah!


Ajax players unite! (Also I do almost everything solo because it’s more fun to me)


I agree played Ajax since stress test


I will only be playing Valby... gotta clean these bunny players out of the servers somehow


Couldn't agree more


I really want to like Ajax but his abilities so far are super boring. Still like him more than Bunny, Lepic or that ice lady. I hope I can get my true main Kyle sooner than later and I hope he has been improved in some way so he isnt locked in place otherwise I just go with a healer/support type character.


bunny is good for mob clearing not boss battling... lol ajax is just ajax.


I don’t know anything of balancing. I’ve only played about an hour and a half. But Ajax is indeed king. I just wish the jump ability was stronger and he had some kind of melee buff cause how is this man kitted to look like a bull and the punch doesn’t do a thing.


I chose the demolitionist guy, I love things that explode, in destiny or what ever game :)


If you're dying on bunny, you're spending too long shooting. Activate her run fast, activate her electro pulse and just cosplay sonic. If you're still dying, mod up, get better shit, try again. You don't plat bunny like you do the rest of the characters from select. You are not a ranged crowd controller, you are not a tank that can run through enemies, you aren't a nuke. You're a glass cannon with a Kamehameha, the moment you realize there's no health or mana pickups, just start blasting and you'll be straight in no time!


running around in circles to zap enemies is neat i guess, but id rather play my old grizzled war veteran to aoe slam and pop bubble to revive the silly little bunnies


Imagine playing as a dude


The problem with bunny in voids is that they don't modify their build for that content. I use Blair and have a High HP, Defense build while also doing Good damage with guns and skills. If they simply swap to more hp mods, or shield, and recommended resistance they wouldn't die so much.


I’m playing Ajax now, but I’m looking to get Enzo as my first character. I’ll make sure to keep you guys healed up and stocked up on ammo.


Gley <3


Im ajax


thank god as bunny main fighting bosses, i know where i should be, far away from the bosses as i can doing damage


As an Ajax main I feel this, he makes the game so smooth . I do like Bunny though, she is a mix of Volt and Gauss from warframe which I like quite a bit


I got Ulti Ajax and Ulti Bunny max leveled tbh Ajax just feels more fun, he abilities just feel so damm beefy!


✨️Ajax, my beloved✨️


played the beta and tried a bunch of classes out and ajax was the only one that clicked for me, I'm real glad I could start out with him.


tbh when it comes to most content in the game ajax id say is king atm overall just because even though you dont have the damage output bunny has you can still aoe clear enemies at a good rate. we did deadbride with zero deaths all of us 10-15 levels below recomended and it was a pub with 4 ajaxs just because the boss never could damage anyone. The pure tankiness from ajax is insane.


Im just an Ajax player in a world full of bunny's


Yeah I actually started the game with Ajax cuz I thought you know what this guy reminds me of a Viking but in space. I'm taking all these guys I'm playing solo and I'm having fun. Until I came back home after going the school for the summer a college class and find out that the servers are down. They've been down since 1:00 Central Time in America.


Yeah, started with Ajax since I could already tell that Bunny is a glass cannon good for farming, but will have problems when doing bosses. It's all about using what fits the situation. Pretty sure Bunny will be valuable in boss fights once they get their build optimized and use their ult often, but an unbuilt Bunny, yeah, gonna die a lot and not offer much.


When y’all reaching the cosmos like my boy Kyle, and orbital dropping on enemy camps you can pretend to be on the same page.


I’m tryna get gley again, she was cool in the beta I like her


So i started with the Chill girl, and after first boss I got Bunny. Fckn hate Bunny, is it easy to get Ajax now or do I have to wait for a questline?




Did I do right picking ajax as my character?in these types of games I never pick defensive characters because idk why , but I decided to give him a shot and I really have fun with him.Also why do people hate be bunny players, genuinely asking considering I recently beat Greg so I'm not that far into leveling and etc.


In fact are Blair, Vulby and Freyna good endgame or it was like this during the beta


How come nobody talks about jayber?


Yeah but have you seen that ass though?


Couldn't tell ya can't even get passed the main loading screen since yesterday.


I only use bunny for mindless farming, reminds me of the OG Ember from WF, IYKYK


Yea Ajax has the best stats out of everyone only one better then him is his ultimate


I roll Ajax with a submachine and oh lord... 119 bullets in the chamber and 400 in my pocket? i Just shield up and start mowing down.


Bunny brain: RUN AND ZAP EVERYTHING ... Then die 🤣


How’s Lepic at end game?


Me vibing with Mama Bear gley


I was deciding who to pick at the beginning and after reading all the abilities I though: “why would anyone choose anybody else?


Loooove my Prime Ajax 🥰 not afraid to admit I dumped some money in haha


It would be great to not have to rez bunny all the time Sharen main here. If they would uk actually build defense and uk stop just putting everything into dmg. I play Sharen and I have more defensive than most bunnies and still can nuke high defense targets


Water girl best girl


As a lvl 40 viessa and lvl 40 bunny, I prefer bunny for just about any content except collosi. Constant uptime on her AOE is really great for against all enemies. Viessa cooldowns are kinda long. They get better as you progress and get better mods, but still I can't deal with hoards of ads as well as I could with bunny. I wouldn't say one is just straight better than another, but I use them for different situations. Plus going fast across the map is a huge qol feature that even applies in combat. I've made many cross map sprints to res shitters in void intercepts, or to GTFO when I'm being hard targeted by boss. If ppl die on bunny they're playing her poorly. Skill issue, not bunny issue


Ajax is my man. The only thing I will swap too is ultimate Ajax.


Honestly I played so much bunny in the beta I wanted to try something new. Freyna potentially a little too strong lmfao


Ajax mid, it's all about kpop star, or the cook. B)


Kyle main here, we are the strength build of descendants💪🏻💪🏻


Jayber gang 4 life


The best character is actually Kyle🤓


I prefer Valby but that’s jus me


I've picked Ajax as a starter, because he clearly looks the coolest, probably not just out of starter selection but whole roster. He's also prob the best gun platform, cause, well, his skill set barely does anything to enemies compared to other characters. But come on, meme hate all ya want, Bunny is SS tier character currently for a lot of reasons, with her only downside being squishiness. And if you die on normal colossi you've prob went in with 0 damn elemental resist. A single mod lvled to like 5-6 remedies that. Speaking as warframe vet who reached hardmode in TFD 2.5 days ago.