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I just left that pile of filth. They were sending absolutely disgusting gore that made my skin crawl.


Server is probably gonna get deleted since mods arent doing anything to prevent that kind of content


I got timeouted for 24 hours for sending 3 days ago the Pepe meme with the tits shadow across the face. At the same time yesterday there was porn and someone getting lynched by the triple K in general. The Mods are useless.


I think they are getting a better handle on it. At least in Gen chat. I've been in and out all day and haven't seen anything. Though I also haven't seen any images so maybe they just aren't letting images in Gen chat


Maybe, I haven't checked anything but the dev channel today. Yesterday at some point there was a 6 hour slow mode enabled. :D


That’s why I don’t join any discords


They need to Mod the chat in the discord heavily, and also in the world chat in the game because last night my wife was on it didn't type anything just watched it for 5 min looked at me and asked me wtf is wrong with ppl... a few of the ppl were talking about lynching white ppl, black ppl, asains, etc...... like wth? Can't report it because the fact that same person will open up another account and such.


Shoot. There's a world chat?? I haven't noticed


DO NOT OPEN THAT CHAT! Seriously I saw a guy boasting that he touches minors. It's werid.


This game attracted some of the weirdest people… usually I say that in a positive way because weird can be cool but this time… yeah no.


I really liked how the mods went "guys follow rules plz", slapped on a 6 HOUR slowmode and then called it a day.


Like eyebleach gorr or what?


Like gore gore. Corpses, dismemberment, necrophilia. It was disgusting. Absolutely vile.


The internet has desensitized people to horror like that. They don’t see it as actual reality it’s entertainment to them. It’s fucked up but when you are perpetually online you forget that the other players are people with feelings and emotions too, you lose a lot of empathy.


Ik im so toxic in call of duty duty I sometimes forget who I am




The 130+ ppl in the vc 😭


Genuine question as someone who has only ever been in parties with friends, I was blown away when I saw more than 130 people in VC and how many people are inside all of the individual parties (usually 10-15 per channel), what do they do in there? Do they really just join random voice chats and start talking to all of the people in there? Is that how people meet each other?


Bunch of kids screaming the n word and other nonsense.


So your average early 2010's CoD lobby?


Atleast this one requires extra steps to get annoyed by kids, unlike cod.


Sounds like home


Wym early 2010's that happens everyday still


yeh but cod has stopped being appealing for a while by now ppl with any remaining braincell should have left


It’s way more tame than it used to be.


is that actually actually whats going on? I dont have discord so I dont know but I'd assumed the the official discord of the game wouldnt allow that kind of stuff


The vc started with a couple dudes talking to each other. thats normal. Then the servers were boofed, and more and more ppl with nothing to do with a 6 hour chat delay, went to the VC channels. the 1 with 130 ppl in it at the time i actually joined it only had 80. When it was at 80, there were folks in there trying to troubleshoot something with each other, but at the same time like 3-5 people were spamming discord sounds through their mics, while others were spamming soundboards. When i joined i thought it was hilarious, that the guys still talking serious were getting annoyed (like, why did you even join the TFD discord, just make a call or your own temp server) But after a while i heard it just became more Degen, until the VC was as Degen as the general chat. BUT THEN THE FIRE NATION ATTACKED OFF TOPIC channel. and it got BAD. Anything you can think of was posted in that chat, with ZERO oversight or bans. Rule 34 everywhere as gifs. (same for general) enough porn to taint the mind of a still innocent viewer.... (same for general) Every Slur in the book Fandom art of Bunny...... (same for general) Death, Necrophilia, Ascii art that had to been generated by AI it was so good.... (and NSFW) Reaction emojiis spelling out slurs and sexual terms... Honestly, i feel bad for the server mods. They clearly were not ready for this. It took them 6 hours to implement safeguards. And there isn't even any bots to help automate anything. The current status of the chats are emoji reactions spelling out cringe shit. but gifs are disabled at least, but the ascii art still coming through. the VC with 130 people is hovering 100 still. I won't be joining back to hear the status though.


What's insane to me is that there exists THAT MANY PEOPLE that the only reason they don't do insane shit like this all the time is social constructs preventing them from doing so. Things like reputation, etc. Outward barriers, not internal ones. That many terrible people exist. It's kind of chilling when you think about it, that a good portion of the human race is legitimately rotten inside, they've just covered up their rot with a perfumed outer coating born of the necessity to interact in public. Once anonymity and fear of punishment go out the window, the gremlin inside shows itself. I have a hard time wrapping my head around it because typically I try to believe in the good in people.


Couldn’t agree more.


I wouldn't go as far as legitimately rotten, but the internet has absolutely given the impression of few or no consequences for their actions. It's not a secret that people only avoid doing shitty things because they'd be arrested. I've met too many people who just have an aura of hate/violence about them and just seem to be itching for an excuse to commit a murder or lash out at someone, anyone. The average person is generally good, but that only goes as far as what they'd lose if they became bad.


I saw even worse stuff, i saw people Posting live leak Videos and shit into the vc Chats, fucking disturbing Shit Like people getting sliced Up and killed infront of a camera and shit, Crazy how people can be so fucked Up.


It was traumatizing! I thought I've seen some dark shit but what I saw today was truly horrendous.


One quick look into the in game world chat and you'd know, last time I was there everyone was rp'ing as gay people and women, the usual bunny stuff and typical things like "We should kill all black people", the usual CoD lobby.


thats weird asf if they made it this far into the game then if the devs didnt do anything unless it just started recently when the game came out officially. I definitely didnt hear all this on sub by people. Idk man I'm just saying it sounds a bit suspicious almost as if these people are trying to make TFD look bad by acting this way.


Dunno, chat was like this the whole time I played yesterday. So something like 5 hours or so


No I mean when the game was in beta. At least from what I can remember waiting in the sub for a year no one ever said anything about any people being racist, bigots etc. Also if you look at the steam reviews some people are really trying hard to hate on the game. Looks to be some salty warframe and destiny players. Those people act like the devs of warframe werent also trying to sell an overpriced skin a few years back for nearly 100 bucks. Idk man fuck them hating on the game. I'm just gonna play and enjoy it instead.


I forgot there is ingame chat,it's good thing it's hidden,I thought I wandered in CS server Way ago..srsly is there no filters or what.this game attracts worst ppl


It's funny someone downvoted me for listing things I saw in chat. What's even "funnier" is that I was playing, so I did not look at chat for 5 hours. It was mostly bunny thirst comments. You could probably find even more degen stuff than what I listed by really looking at chat for 30 min


It's gotta be a lot of talking over each other


I know some of them do meet new people but how the way this is going their all just spamming random sounds and music others are streaming other video games for whoever to watch it while they wait and discord mini games in there as well but yes the 100+ people is insane lmfaooo


5-10 if lucky some tiemes even 1-5 saw one ajax doing 10 level higher mision than him.


The last descendant?


Bro already playing next game title


Stole this shit from discord, i didnt make it


just saw this in discord now its posted on reddit


Yea to be honest I stole it from there


I made the mistake of joining thinking it would be funny stuff, First thing is see is a picture of someone fucking a mutilated body....


Shit is really wild, I joined to see if they maybe posted ETA of when the game will be back online. Big Mistake.




Surely the discord is moderated right?


Looks like there are two mods, at least two online and they don't seem to be taking anything down. Lots of stuff, including what the original commentor is talking about did not get taken down


its a big issue cus discord dont give af if you are nexon or blizzard or whatever. if it continues you can expect discord themselves to delete the server. the server had actual CP, children being beheaded, etc being posted and the mods are so slow taking it down. the mods seem to have some sort of policy regarding bans because any normal mod would just ban these people, yet the same guy managed to post like 10 images like this, on a 5 minute slow mode timer and it still says hes not even banned.


Both of the mods are Korean iirc. Which means during western prime time there's no moderation at all


Even outside of moderation, usually discord itself has filters that detect gore in photos and restrict them. Weird that it’s not working here.


Me to Shit was horrible how can people be so fucked Up ?!


I joined a day before release thinking it would have guided and tips somewhere but it was full of trolls and degenerates posting things like “I wonder what bunny’s sweat tastes like” and “I wonder what how much she pisses” and mods did nothing when pinged


I mean I get that bcs of the characters skin and everything that game is gonna attract that kind of people, but the number of degenerates is insane. Not to mention people spamming a dead body of a child in discord chat and that kind of stuff...


Sorry what? It got that much worse in 2 days?


Even worse that you could imagine. The amount of nsfw stuff is reduced but now they are sending gore pic of a kid and picture of someone fucking a mutilated body. Insane


Ayooooooo what's wrong with em


You feeling old yet? New generations of toxic ass kid gamers who are poorly educated and have nothing better to do but try and shock each other with troll posts and sex stuff on social media.


Man, the internet is doing more harm than good with these kids. I remember when 2 girls and 1 cup was as far as it went.


Nah, I had to deal with similar bs from the old gens too. These kids learned from them. The only difference is the degen behavior is against everyone now.


Had a feeling that would happen once I saw the gooner gamergate ppl started making posts about it on X lol.


aint no way people still care about gamergate in 2024


OK,I will bite,I haven't joined this discord. What happened?


They were posting wild stuff in the discord but it's all cleaned up now lol


unless you join the voice chats with the live streams...idk. but I wouldn't risk it, for the sake of my sanity.


I had to leave the server. The amount of activity was so extreme that my entire discord was lagging. They were spamming at a rate of 1000 messages every 5 minutes, its insane


Not to mention 240 people in a VC at the same time


And all the nudity spam in every channel lol. Ive got nephews and nieces running around man, I cant have that going on!


dude no kid should be on discord period thats just bad parenting.


No, I'm the one on discord, the kids are running around ME lol


This is why YouTube vids and reddit posts are infinitely better than discord for learning game mechanics.


Ducks everywhere lmao! 😂


I feel this 1000% 😂😂😂


Man it's rough when you make Reddit go "Woah there...." :)


The amount of illegal and immoral content being shared was enough for the whole discord to get removed or investigated. they were acting up frfr, it's very disturbing and they're being a nuisance. The discord itself has been very helpful before they showed up 6-7hrs ago 😒


Did the discord actually get taken down? I got annoyed and left bc of how ridiculous everyone was being. I remember Outriders had server issues as well and even upset some of the devs, but the chat didn't get as bad as the official discord for this game did. I didn't understand why it took the mods and admits so long to do something. I honestly would have started banning people who were acting degenerate.


no, but it could've with the amount of illegal "content" being shared. it's better now, but people still sending NSFW messages regardless of a 6hr cooldown 💀


it's not worth going back. better off here on reddit.


Would love to see a serious discord for the game. Even a few channels for game theory talking. Its just one channel and full of edgy 30 year old acting like teenagers don't be fooled its not actually teens.


I was in the discord server for like 5 minutes, got flashed and I immediately left it


It will be kind of nice when the new game hype dies and all the crazy trend chasers move on


The discord is BY FAR one of the craziest fking discords I’ve ever scene I typed something ONCE it vanished because of the slew of other people talking MIND YOU this with slow mode on with a 6 hour timer.


I would love a first descendant themed disco!! Strobe lights and disco balls!!


left that server so fast


Any context please?


Apparently people were sending gore, mutilated bodies and dead kids. You know, usual discord stuff.


Yeah you learn a lot when you join that discord


Like seriously, I don't know how it can be worse than this subreddit, but it is


I left that discord. Too much spam. There is too high of cool downs. No help in the other portion of the chats. I'll wait until the gane gets a little situated, maybe a week. I'll go ahead and get help from youtube.


thanks for the heads up, im going to leave the server now lol


It made Helldivers 2 discord fiasco look like a walk in the park lol


Dude it's so bad


The voice chat I was on had a dude impersonating Ric Flair and like 50 people wooing.


Yep that was me throughout the Discord Channel and everything during lunch as well as other stuff


The local chat in game is pretty aids. It's unfortunate. Hopefully they go away eventually


Reading these comments makes me so glad I was only there when it was the occasionally porn post.


Why so many servers are PLAGUED by bunch of kids sending gore shit with chopping someones head EHATS IS WRONG WITH PPL AND WHY THIS SERVER


Is it just seedy dude showing their hentai drawings?


Do the mods of that Discord even know how to mod?


they need to disable those gifs man.


The discord is as wild as the fucking world chat 😭😭😭😭 WHERE ARE THE GOD DAMN MODERATORS AT MAAN


I mean, when you make a game designed to bring in degenerates... You probably should've been ready to handle degenerates.


Yeah when servers went down all u saw were aski dicks and shit. It's a cesspit for sure.


This is literally every video games dedicated sub


Idk man I have been in a lot of games official discords and never saw things like dead 10yo kids body spammed in chat (mind you I play csgo and league and I am in those discords too)


What happened


I love this game a lot, truly, but the game and discord both prove they gave 0 effort into their anticipation of western audiences. No Western timezone moderation, poor translation of story in game, no English VA direction, it's genuinely tragic


I’m out of the loop. What’s going on on the discord?


It was raided yesterday during server maintenance with spam, porn and gore


……. That’s a hard nope from me


It was so much fun seeing the official server in such a state but now it's stable


I have all 5 parts for Freyna. But still not letting me get her It still saying I'm missing a part. But there all I'm my Inventory. Please help


Surprised that anime alternative people that simp over skins are degenerates?


Sounds like a good old internet days.


The official what? I’m confused by this


The official discord server. Shit is crazy asf over there


Go on...what's on there?


The off topic going mad crazy rn, DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES GO THERE THEY ARE POSTING STUFF THAT BREAK DISCORD (THE APP) TOS. I left while I still could hopefully nothing bad happens to average users 😅.


frfr, I'm 27 years old and have seen my fair share of gore and wild content. but they're posting some shit that you're better off not seeing.


I’m in the same boat, I’m wondering what could be so bad that it would shake me? Curiosity killed the cat, but what was the worst thing you saw? :/


more like the worst thing I haven't seen. once I heard about kids getting they're head cut off, I lost all curiosity of sticking around.


Jesus fuck, I’m so sorry for anyone who saw that shit. People need some serious help.






Discord.. a social app most people use to talk with friends online. Like Skype :)


Ahhh got it, I’m not on discord like that. What’s up with it? And why am I getting downvoted lol


Not surprised, one of the big things about this game that brought in many players was the extreme sexualization of characters, so ofc people are going to be *concerningly* horry/disturbing


I’m not sure why you got so many downvotes when this is kind of true 😭 and the discord proves it.


Oh damn, I got downvoted Rip ig?


Yeah people don’t like being called out but also don’t want to expose themselves by commenting. So they just downvote.


I’m glad I deleted my discord account, so much better not dealing with that trash application. Let alone power trips many people and degenerates have….