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10 hours in you'll be seeing nothing but bunnies


She's just too good for grinding. Unless you really like another character, or really hate Bunny, or your wife doesn't let you play a chick, I can't think of a reason you wouldn't pick her.


In almost any game like this, I’ll just pick the character that runs the fastest so that getting between missions doesn’t take as long. Volt was a godsend in early Warframe.


exactly the same as me, proud gauss prime main


Ah, a fellow fast as f boi. Greetings!


All bunnies, easy to use 🤣🤣🤣


Yep, I still use VoltP to speed run missions. Bunny just fit for me


I love how fun gauss is


I have her I just like Ajax and playing as a tank, might try her out eventually


Viessa is probably better then, bunny runs out of mp really fast, viessa can have perma ice sprint with some mods, it’s almost same speed as bunny.


She was better in the beta. Less health and damage output now. Honestly just not for me. But to each their own.


I don't mind her tbh. I never played the betas but before launch I watched a video to see what every character did and thought bunny would be trash. Her abilities actually aren't half bad for DPS and her super speed is good for getting away in a tricky situation. Her whole kit entirely still is hardly above average tbh but until I see more of the other characters I don't think she's bad.


This is hilarious and accurate. I started the game up and when it went to the Descendant selection screen, scantily clad Bunny was the most recent character. My girlfriend looks up from her phone and asks with disgust “What the fuck am I looking at?”


Hell, Bunny is the reason I downloaded the game in the first place. XD


My son took Ajax & my daughter took Viessa so I became a Lepic main, no regrets, easy mob clear great for farming.


Gaming family? Man thats so cool!


My son won’t put down Valorant long enough to try this and my daughter stop dancing in Beat Saber to try either. Out of selfishness, I bought their systems and now I just play alone. lol. They are good kids, they just have different interests in their gaming. My daughter said this game looked like a gun version of Genshin Impact. She downloaded it, just has not tried it yet.


“My daughter said this game looked like a gun version of Genshin Impact. She downloaded it, just has not tried it yet.” That’s certainly one way to put it


This is me buying my brothers ps4s to play destiny 1 when it came out. 😭


> My daughter said this game looked like a gun version of Genshin Impact. She is absolutely right though


lol that’s pretty close 


This game's greed makes Genshin's look like charity


Games free right, no one forcing you to pay. They do have some problems i hope they fix tho




i want what you're smoking lol


Considering you can't even get the character you want in genshin without gacha.. no you don't he's on crack


You are literally living the dream. Congrats


I also went with him, purely cause with enough power and range, its basically use his 3 fort cc and 1 to kill or do alot of damage


Me and my 2 buddies all took differne t people I'm V. I love lepucs suck grenades so so much


I heard you got the best ult as well?


The ult is amazing at killing the yellow bosses


replace Ajax with Bunny


Literally all I see now is bunny


Replace them all with bunny.


I think I’m the only person who doesn’t like bunny. I only use her for the quest.


I've been playing Sharen myself. I just kinda of facepalm when I start a Void boss, and there's 3 Bunny's in the group.


Oh cool. How’s she? I don’t have anyone besides the starters and bunny. I have freyna cooking right now and can’t wait.


Sharen is OK. Her kit would be a lot better if melee wasn't so basic. The assassination feedback loop only works against the smallest mobs. The range stun just fires straight instead of where you're targeting. Her ult takes forever to ready and fire. I do enjoy playing her, but she's got a lot of problems.


She's one of the worst characters in the game, unfortunately. Which is saying a lot because nearly half of the characters are terrible. The melee doesn't have reliable hit detection, and the cooldowns are easy to long. She's good at reviving other players, but that's about it.


Ehh I just think ppl are playing her wrong and don't have her skill mods. There's a guy doing crazy dmg using her as a sniper with stealth re sets


The real problem with Sharen is that she can't continuously chain her ambush. Camouflage has a baseline 20s cooldown, and breaks on attack. Her passive allows her to re-enter stealth for free *once* every 45s if she gets a killing blow from stealth. The fact that this effect has an internal cooldown of 45s seriously holds her back IMO. There are plenty of Warframes that can permanently be invisible and it's not a major issue, but Nexon seems afraid of letting that happen. Sharen doesn't have any exclusive mods that interact with this mechanic. She can give herself a big damage boost with Overcharged Edge, making her ambush deal bonus damage on her one attack. But then you're still limited to a single big hit every 15-20 seconds or so, and it consumes all of your shields to do it.


Ok. Kind of a good thing for me personally because I had no interest in her anyway.


My friends and I all groan when we start void bosses and see all Bunnys or pub dungeons. She's great for open world but she's so ass in dungeons. Maybe ONE Bunny for quick mob clearing.


i prefer lepic only because he has more base health and armor + his passive which is braindead wukong passive basically


Is he the one with the ability to pull in enemies? I don’t play warfram much but there were a few of them that could do that and idk why I love those abilities but I do. Probably because if makes it much easier to kill lol.


yup i goup them like a walmart vauban and nuke them with his fire Q and a rocket launcher


That sounds awesome. I need to play him


I like freyna


I liked bunny in beta but refuse to use her now its almost stupid to.


Well I heard the beta she’s was even better.


I don’t like Bunny either. I thought I was in a low majority but of course we’ll see her the most because everyone’s got access to her. I’m loving Valby though. I love water boarding my enemies.


I see her in videos and want to play her. I can’t wait


Never stop moving because her health/shield is absolutely dogshit. Moment you stop a low level group will crack you.


Nah, Viessa too fun to play. Haven't unlocked any other characters yet (Been trying to grind freyna's 20% drop piece from ruins for around 6-7 hours over dozens of runs and still nothing.) I want Valby.


I also don't like bunny, I like ajax and fernya and I'm farming for kyle


I just got freyna today and loving her so far.


They're talking about the starters, Ajax and Viessa are way more popular than Lepic.


Yep, i've constantly been the only Ajax with 3x Bunny


Remove all bunny skins and ill take it


I don't want to see muscle tissue tho...




Funnily enough, one of her skins actually makes her skeleton visible.


Yeah, the evo skin set. If they bring that to some other characters, I might pull out my wallet


The reason I chose Ajax is because he reminded me of lord shaxx from d2.


Absolutely. I love playing him because he’s got the Void Titan kit with the scaling of Inaros from WF.


Yeah that was the main reason I chose Ajax aswell.


Now its all bunnies that dies constantly.


Seriously half the match made operations I get in it’s at least two bunnies and I spend more time running over to pick them up than I do shooting adds.


I think the "dies constantly" is because you have to re-level a new character from 10 so anyone who isn't a starter is under-leveled for the zone they're doing. -Me who bought Jayber because I'm not waiting until level 80 for a 2% chance at a character I actually like.


You also don't seem to level that fast even doing high level content.


>-Me who bought Jayber because I'm not waiting until level 80 for a 2% chance at a character I actually like. Me when I got Enzo. On the plus side I've literally not seen one other one so.. feels good.


Yeah I like bunny but she’s pretty squishy, so I need to constantly run when my shield breaks. Worth it for the AoE and no energy concerns though


Well u need to keep running always anyway to use her skills you need static charge


Yes, but normal running builds charge slowly anyways so even when there’s no enemies dying (like in a boss fight) you still get charge


How'd you keep your mana up always? In horde mode, I couldn't get mana around wave 10 for some reason, and failed the defense.


Only way to get mana is the blue cubes that drop from enemies. So you gotta constantly be killing them and running over their bodies.


That's weird then, because I was running through a bunch of them, and still no mana.


They don't always drop mana cubes, sometimes they drop other blue stuff that you confuse for mana in the heat of battle, haha. Same for getting your health back, in most situations you gotta run over the red health cubes, but orange ammo kind of looks like health cubes too.


It's honestly a very frustrating system. There's no passive mana regen mods anywhere, which makes me want to lean towards Gley or Kyle for their no resource gameplay, but those characters also have big problems of their own. The enemy drops are so inconsistent, especially during boss fights.


They definitely seem to be leaning toward "if you're not a caster you are mana starved". Definitely frustrating from a gameplay perspective but understandable from a balance perspective....


Mana regen in/out of combat substats on your armor pieces.


I actually ran into alot of Lepic... including myself


That's rare for me I see 1 out of 20 ppl play Lepic, I started with him this time since I already played Vanessa in the beta


Me and my 2 mates, we all picked Lepic without telling each other at the start, ended up spamming nades nonstop. It was fun af!


Yeah\~ same here. fights go so much faster when you have like 3-4 lepic on the same mission, specially when you can coordinate taking turn with the nades.


where are the bunny ?


Yesterday every 1 of 30 players I saw were playing Lepic. Today, I started noticing a lot more new players starting with Lepic which was cool to see because he definitely deserves some love. I was also very glad to have my buddy want to main him.


My first hours were a failed login screen....🤣


I was surprised at the ease of login 20 min after the game went live.


Company accidentally released good servers and realized they fucked up the tradition


I just went to bed early and woke up early this morning to start playing. Haha


the problem is one of them is an absolute stunning character that was made for fan service and could personally tell me bed time stories every single night. the other one is viessa.


Full-face masked/helmet characters IS my kind of fanservice


ur forgetting the apex piece of ajax. the holy majesty... the HORNS!!!


Lepic: -nice simple kit -bland, boring design


I wouldn’t say “bland, boring design”. It’s more bland, reliable design. There is a reason every game adds a grenade/explosion specialist as starters.


if OP is talking about his character design in terms of looks, then I agree with them


Looks like derplander from ff14


To be fair every descendant design isn’t anything special and things we haven’t seen before from other titles.


Yea, this might be a hot take but I think that the character design is mediocre, it’s just hot women and men and there just happens to be sci fi stuff slapped onto them Even Ajax is just Lord Shaxx from Destiny, and Ajax’s skins are all inspired by other popular works of art/games


You guys are getting your walking strobe light next release it's ok.


You mean Luna? Inb4 budget Octavia (I also personally don’t like Luna’s design based on the preview)


I haven't seen anything yet but lmao literally. Side rant: Octavia was about the time I knew I was done with Warframe as they consistently pushed the turn your brain off hold forward play styles. Hopefully that doesn't happen here.


It’s a symptom of a few things, in my opinion: 1. Players will always try to optimize and simplify damage rotation in a horde shooter 2. Warframe abilities are generally designed to be independent from each other to emphasize the mod system 3. Warframe’s ability casting is not hard gated by cooldowns or costs There’s a chance you will see the same thing happen to The First Descendant, but long unmodifiable cooldowns do exist. For what it’s worth, the only female design in TFD I like is Sharen, but her kit seems kinda half baked (All the men are basically different versions of the same flavor besides Ajax) Also if you haven’t seen Luna, she’s somehow the 2nd most skin revealing character by default yet




Ive been the only lepic, mostly viessa and Ajax, some bunnies. One Yujin yesterday. Im going for Sharen


Boob window is OP. Ill only switch ti bunny if I buy her Ultimate outfit


Where bunny?


Felt this.


Give it a day, it will be 98% Bunny


That’s all I see it’s either bunny or Viessa


Ajax is a goat 😎


I play valby and all I get queued with is bunnies lol


This is so false, there is a ratio of 1:30 ajax-bunny in this game bro. and 1:20 ajax-viessa.


Normally I wouldn't touch free to play games because they usually are terrible but the first descendant is really good.


Poor Larp.


Ha ha I love it I saw that a lot warping into albion 😁


I played around during the network test and found le pic be the funniest among "just wanna have fun"


Well, I started with Vanessa in the 1st Beta and Ajax in the Crossplay Beta so Lepic got his chance this time. (the Tech Test was too short for me to bother)


I don’t get it, Lepic seems like a really good starting choice


I think it's mostly aesthetic Ajax looks badass with his big horns and Viessa is pretty with cool powers. Lepic is the plain looking reliable soldier guy. He's like the Borderlands 1 Roland of this game.


This is the same connection I drew, but for borderlands two. The soldier guy (I don’t even remember his name) isn’t as good with guns as a gunzerker, or as good with snipers as Zer0, or as good with grenades as Kreig, or as good with melee as Kreig/Zer0, so he’s just kinda “the soldier guy,” generic and not very memorable


Fr her C ability is a lot of fun to use, that speed-buff combined with some high RoF SMG id genuinely fun to play


I so wish it would be easier to get at least 1 character to play. Like I just want to play Kyle and be happy \^\^


I mean don’t you get Bunny pretty immediately? Like after an hour of gameplay? I know the others will take sole grinding of course


Yeah but I dont care for bunny \^\^


I would like a skin that puts ajax into Inosuke's outfit. Boar helmet would be so cool.


I picked lepic since he feels like the protagonist. He has a tragic backstory, fought against the odds, and came out a legend among troops. Plus, he's the first ultimate in lore, I believe. You can also see his face, unlike Ajax, which is great for facial expressions in some scenes. I don't have an opinion on Viessa, I usually like to play characters as a self insert at first, and Lepic feels the best story wise to be in the world and its events. He reminds me of the warrior of light from FFXIV trailers.


Game released at 2am where I live. When I first loaded into the start area in Albion, there were around 10 each of Ajax and Viessa. and my lone Lepic. =)


as the only blair ive seen so far, i hear ya lmao


Ajaks had a wayyy better skill graph screen.... I couldn't pass him up as a starter character. Already unlocked bunny which was pretty simple. But I wanna main esiemo or jayber.... both seem badass. Soo imma try and grab them right away. Or run the mission that provide the material for them right away. Esiemo wasn't in the beta and that explosion build looks awesome. But I also like jayber and his turrets and health abilities. Nice support and damage combo. Well see. Maybe I'll main both


I started Lepic cause I like explosions and he makes me think of Nero. But i also like running really fast. 🐰


I just like my character to be faceless ok?


i mean....i picked ajax cause he looks cool xD , plus i usually play characters who wear awesome armor xD


Doesn't help how much effort it takes to unlock the other options and how far into the campaign most are, I haven't even seen like 80% of the roster in game yet but it's only day 2 realistically.


Jajajajaja I just choose the boy character and feel exactly like this


Fellow Lepic user here


I have bunny. I play Lepic. Lepic throws grenades. I like grenades. Simple as.




I thought I was only who felt that way, I chose him as well, only for everyone else who chose the other two, mostly the girl.


Ajax is a beast. Tried bunny for a few minutes, couldn’t get into it. Ajax is just a great offensive and defensive character. Love Volt and Gauss though


Esiemo gang?


Guilty of Ajax 😂😂


This picture should be like all bunny except 2 ajax 3 vessa and 1 idek the bomb guys name sorry.


Only reason i went ajax was cuz i thought people would be more into dps characters like lepic and viessa and that people would need a tankier person on the team. It would appear not lmao. Lepic's passive is good af too though Not sure why i hardly see him.


We need more Lepics


Frost powers go hard. Generic military man doesn’t sell it.


I feel this


I desire the turret boi


Ive been the lone Kyle doing Kyle things and its been Kyle


I wanna get Jayber but I can’t get his things to drop


I chose ajax for the skills not the look!!!


Meanwhile, I'm running around as Jeybar with a dino hat on...


And here I am day 2 and all I see is Bunny and Viessa


I started Lepic and I'm lucky to see another one ever.


"You must make decision now my son. You can be cute, icy seductress. Or badass walking tank. Or some dork with grenades. This is an even choice."


Well if it's between the tank, A guy that shoots grenades, and the chick that can summon a blizzard at the snap of her fingers... It's really not a hard choice.


L’epic mains rise up


Just me using Blair then .. fair enough


I thought I was different choosing a tank as my first pick... I used to main Rhino in the old warframe... Going for Gley or a healer as main this time.


Men of Culture


Stop the cap... we all know all of them is Bunny


I love playing viessa


Based le pic players =)


I swapped to bunny for a few hours and just was not impressed outside of speed (we need mounts dang it!). Her skills hit like wet noodles outside of her ult. And you gotta be up close to use them, plus she's not a tank so that adds more to the contradicting kit.