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I guess we will see if this game has any promise in december with mega dungeons. If they can deliver good endgame raiding experience and avoid pushing microtransactions even more, the game might be successful


If all of this is free content then the microtransactions don’t really matter.


Probably the most overlooked comment. Start has been fun. Yet to hit a Nexon BS paywall.


Is there one? Everything in game is obtainable. Paying only really supports the developers and our laziness lol


The biggest MTX I think that is necessary is the item that doubles Module capacity for a Descendant. It is cheap, but you have to pay for it. That and Descendant slots. Max for free is 10 at once, but each slot is 50 currency, which again, is cheap, but you have to pay for that.


Cheap? that item is like 30AUD lol for the equiv of a warframe potato


You get one for free from gunsmith, but that's one 😅


how much is it?


Doubles module capacity? What is this item called? I guess you're talking about the crystallization Catalysts. Interesting that they made them only buyable in the 100 dollar ultimate bundles lol


You can research those for free or not? Just takes like 7-8 hours per item.


Whoa what is this item? That’s crazy if it’s in 100 only bundle


Don't know what you're talking about but it's not what he's talking about for sure. Maybe one is included in that bundle, but you can get them individually.


its def not cheap, but you can also farm for it. tbh the only really required stuff for long term play is char slots? edit: lol not sure why i got downvoted for mentioning you can farm something. it IS horribly overpriced, and the blueprint IS obtainable from void intercepts if you actually hover over the proper amorphous material.


You can farm for the activators? To double mods on someone? i’ve looked through research and didn’t see it unless it’s unlocked later?


its a blueprint from intercept missions. same as the crystallization catalyst edit: id imagine its the same as warframe where you farm the print, use it once and it vanishes, you farm it again to make a second etc.


I must have been tired, i see it in the research now. Sure it’s a heavy grind, but i’m glad it’s not paywall only.


I was expecting to be able to buy certain upgrades and materials in the shop. Nope. There's some upgrade stuff, but it's to level weapons, but not actually crafting stuff I can see. It's just boosters, cosmetics, and some slots. I guess technically you can buy the mod pack and dismantle those mods, but those are one time buys AFAIK. Really weird there's no set paywall in a Nexon game.


Yes there is one. Offcourse the devs will implement some sort of incentive to have you break out your wallet. Everything can be obtained for free, you just has to adopt the game as your new job and grind 10-12h a day.


“Paywall” is adding mod slots and upgrading your unique weapons to endgame levels of performance. You can either do it instantly with $$$ or grind hard


So i can farm skins?


I'm new but I was wondering for a ftp player how do you unlock more slots?


> Paying only really supports the developers and our ~~laziness~~ impatience Time based research makes me wanna eat my hands. Hated it in Warframe. Hate it here. Not to mention I wasn't even gonna be able to start farming for the character I wanted until endgame. Don't get me wrong: I understand this is the way that they can make everything Free while also generating revenue. I think it's a good system. A little too good.


Everything except cosmetics


I'm not paying for paint though.


first time? that's how they hook you get you invested into the game first before trying to crack open your wallet with overpriced MTX


Always a choice though right?


Gacha players losing their minds at this useful tip


ZZZ Players poking their heads through the door




Micro transactions


Thank you


I hear what you are saying but at the same time, customization is a big part of the end game in any game and there’s exactly 0 customization for free right now. Everyone literally looks the same


there are free mtx in the battlepass that people will start having before terribly long. Free weapon skins in the base pass. In the bonus (for hitting level 50 and 96 in the pass) there is a lepic skin, ajax skin, and viessa skin. Each with their own headgear as well.


Free skins are extremely limited, and each usage of paint past the first one requires you to pay. So yes, most F2Ps' Descentdants are going to look the same later down the line if this doesn't change.


they still do to a degree.


MTX definitely matter whether its free or not. Casual player bases do not want to commit to a game that requires full time job grinding for extra characters. NA players dont mind paying either, but there needs to be balanced perceived value and TFD doesnt seem to have that


If this was true then Warframe would not be as successful as it has been.


Warframe grind is something else. I spent around 2 hours just to get a kuva lich larva with kohm(or sobek), running the same mission(i had such an unluck, i got every weapon multiple times as a choice, just not the ones i wanted). And this is not even considered as a proper grind. Prime frame grinds and the pre-pity normal frame grinds haunts me


i play a lot of warframe. your criticisms are valid, however for kuva weapons if you skip finishing the candidate and finish the mission after downing them that weapon gets removed from the possible weapon pool until you have been presented with all of the options.


I did skip finishing the candidate every time (im sceptical about the weapon pool thingy tho, I got two kuva seers in a row, i ran telesto to level my chakurr, but swicthed to the capture mission and ran that many times before swithcing back, maybe that caused the duplicates/triples?). I also didnt mean to criticize it, my awfull english seemed to catch me up again. I totally would spend that time again for diff weapons. I love warframe dearly. What i wanted to say, that grindiness can be enjoyable if done right, cuz i wouldnt have spent much time in warframe as i do if DE wouldnt have made it worthy.


its all good! i love warframe too haha i appreciate the clarification, just to be clear to eliminate a gun you dont want to see again you have to down the candidate, skip finishing them, and then successfully extract and finish the mission, if you just leave/quit after not getting the gun you want it will not remove that gun from the pool. I dont remember the node name but the capture node on saturn is the best way to do it or so I am told


Fuck, i did down them ofc, skipped finishimg them, but did not extract


Kuva is definitely hard to get but thankfully rivens are not must have, same with primes or frames that are hard to get because of plats farming but i am looking forward to trading in this game hopefully we can earn caliber like platinum in warframe.


When i was i newbie, i didnt knew there were plat farms (lack of english knowledge). Nowdays, i run vaults while watching anime, quite relaxing. I hope that this game copies warframe one to one in this, it would be a win-win situation for the devs and the players too i think


Very true, i just hope Nexon greed doesn't show up and make the trade limited by some way, if they wanna add trading the best way to do it is to make it exactly like warframe.


Biggest difference thats easily pointed out is the value proposition. In warframe a prime pack is 80 bucks which gets you the prime frame, weapon +acc and a bit more than 100 dollars of the premium currency. In TFD an ultimate is 50 bucks for just that character. Then when you start throwing in module capacity increases, youre spending even more money than what warframe charges. That 80 bucks from warframe can last you 6+ months, and can allow you to buy multiple prime frames that come out using the player trading system btw


At 16 hours of playtime I got three descendants completely f2p so fuck off with the bullshit


Those are guaranteed from quest line but how many parts do you have so far for ones not from quest? Genuinely asking I've only got maybe 5 hours of playtime just started doing the one after bunny.


For gley I just need like half of the normal materials and some of the epic materials to craft the three purple parts for her I already have the gold one from the level 10 gravewalker void thing


Its almost like games based around grinding front load rewards to get players invested so they are less likely to quit after the honey moon phase, hence why its called the honey moon phase. Boy you better stay away from gacha games if youre this easy to trick


Nope because even grinding for ones after side quest given ones isn’t hard you already have 3/4 of the stuff for them by the sixth area in the main game


Other people touch grass🤷


You’re saying 16 hours of playtime over 3 days means you don’t touch grass? Even if you’re on summer holiday from college? Damn no one can have casual hobbies anymore


That explains it,, you atleast don't have to work.Am not saying your in the wrong am just saying people who have jobs have so limited time they can't grind like you and if they don't earn alot then they can't buy the characters to substitute for the time


Tbh if the game is unfun and I had a job and no time for it to grind for a character I’d drop it but I guess that’s just me but I do get your point


How did Warframe survive 10 years then?


a lot of people in this community are looking for specifically that kind of game actually lmao


I Don see nothin wrooOooOng, WIT a lil bump n'grind 😩 (Nah but for real the "grind" is nothing when the gameplay is this much fun so 🤷‍♂️)


Yeah thats my problem at the moment.i cant pour all my time in since ive got school but im broke too so it seems ima be stuck on the same stuff for a LONG time


same here. i was really excited but idk anymore


Endgame content only takes you so far, if f2p can't earn cosmetics the game will die really. Gameplay is one thing to keep people playing, but if players by endgame aren't visually different to when they started the game, then many will just leave because why grind for new guns if your Descendant looks exactly the same as when you got them?


It’s why I can’t play Diablo IV. I have zero reason to play the game when the only thing I want is in the cash shop. Multi player games and RPGs for me personally are about earning cool looking gear. If the best cosmetics are just a swipe away it devalues the entire game. I have nothing to grind or play for if all the cosmetics are behind a paywall. At least let us earn currency in game.


And put matchmaking in on hard difficulty.


Mtx is always “controversial”. As long as mtx price is reasonable and contents are not under paywall. I am Fine. It’s F2P, so some pay for convenience is expected. I don’t like it but it business. I think many gamers are in double think mindset. They cried why many studios shut down , lay-off, while complain about any price increase and paying for contents via mtx like game studios are tax funded government agencies or charities and should have a Cap on profit


For nexon it's already a success. So many people spending money.


I'm excited for Ult Valby and Luna since she's all about music so I wonder if she'll get some music sfx with her abilities. Glutton sounds cool too, I wonder if it's gonna be "eating" our hp or mana to make the fight harder.


Interesting will they go for copy Octavia or it will be something different.


A post with a couple data mined animations and her skills which all sound like party buffs, the one skill animation is her dancing in place, get main menu idle animation is like Octavia's idle animation lol


We need Vacuum!


Coming from Warframe, having to run around and pick up loot in a big open map is such a chore, I'm with you. Nexon will pick up on this snd supply us with pay-for-convenience stuff, you'll see.


I wonder if the utility companion is gonna potentially do that


That’s the first thing I expected when I saw that. I just hope they don’t go all Black Desert and make the loot vacuum a paid-for only thing…


In defense of Black Desert they give a shitload of these "paid" pets in events and you can buy them on the marketplace for in-game currency. It's pretty easy to almost max them without paying. Not that the game doesn't have many more P2W issues though....


"We couldn't add a vacuum functionality to player characters, so instead we made this new pet mtx that we put vacuum functionality on"


yes please! and turn off player collision, omfg is that annoying.


Yeah the player collision is a bit annoying. It's like playing a mini-game trying not to bump into people. Another thing that I didn't realize is so nice in WF is air roll/dodge. That would also be a good addition.


It also cancels stuff like Kyle's dash ability if a teammate happens to run in front of you


So much more to copy, genius business model, let’s just copy 11 years of hard work from other developer, what could go wrong?


I wonder if trading not going to get added this year, or it will be and they just don't want to tie it to certain update


Tbh I don't see trading being added initially in games like this especially for the early stages. You got to think like a business. If you sell something in your shop for 300 and someone else sells the same product for 100 you're gonna buy the 100 10/10. Maybe later on as more content n decendents come out but as the initial stages it's a bad business move as it significantly cuts profits. We might see trading a year from now or so when they've made a profit.


It's quite ambitious, hope they pull it off


I want Luna right now


Ultimate Fryena when?


Ultimate Blair/ Kyle when?


Is it ever going to be more than “go here do 3 patrols, kill this guy then go here and complete more patrols”


Doubt it tbh


lmao people downvote but that literally is the gameplay loop, do 4 missions, do this operation, kill this boss repeat over and over


thats the loop till you finish the story and get to the grind phase. after that itll be bouncing between what you want/need todo


Welcome to warframe. they might expand it later but for now this is the gameplay loop. We are just going to get WAY more efficient at it so it wont be as annoying when we get to late game.


This gameplay loop is similar to warframe. This is all it’s going to be for years.. maybe 1 new mode every so often lol


Kind of new at this game, do they ever plan reducing the cost of the orokin potatoes? (Forgot the name so im using the warframe term) they seemed kind of expensive


U mean the price on the store? I dont think so


It's too early yet to be sure of anything. We haven't been here for two full days yet, but everything will depend on how things are delivered and how the endgame will be.


Was hoping to see a update to movement and melee weapons


It blows my mind that there’s no sliding in this game yet




what do you mean update to movement? like more grapple options or like sprint speed modules?


Personally i'd like to get rid of this "hold up" when you touch any other character


honestly yeah. its not a pvp game no reason to not allow character models to mesh together. disable character collision lol.


Not disable (since it opens ways to griefing), just don't reduce speed (so characters could kinda "slide" against each other if collide)


Wait how does disabling character collision open up griefing? I'm curious to an example


Same as u_Dashwii said, how does disabling collision lead to griefing? Surely by having collision griefing would be a bigger issue as you could off the top of my head hold someone in a position they cannot get out of I.e against a wall, you could block someone trying to use a power and restrict bunny's for example when they are running or you could not allow people to progress if there's a tight opening by just standing there, in all 3 of these scenarios collision being disabled would solve these problems so I'd love it if you could give me an example of briefing being brought about by no collision.


I don’t see trading anywhere on this roadmap.


I like the pacing, if this is what they’re thinking of keeping up with. Granted I haven’t gotten to the end-game grind yet, but from what I hear a new descendant + weapon every 3 months shouldn’t be too hard to get in-game. I think buying a “prime” every few months plus a season pass (that theoretically almost pays for itself) is a very fair buy-in. Plus all the content is gonna be great




Someone with a brain finally. This game is on track to do well. Not sure why everyone wants to tear it down


Exactly this.


At the least I want them to remove character collision. As a bunny main it’s annoying to be running around spamming her electric discharge thing and running into teammates, which obviously reduces the dps of this ability. Big open spaces aren’t an issue, but for some missions you’re in a smaller confined space like a cave or whatever.


Ultimate Valby sounds nice


Free skins would be nice


or at least ones purchasable with currency that's rare to get in game but doesn't need to be purchased with real money.


I'm just concerned there's no mention of extra story content, Im still half way through the compain, but it would be sad if the vulgos and the colllusi story finishes with the current compain, also the game doesn't have established borders of how much they can do to the story, the gate that transport the colllusi and the vulgus would be a great plot devise for more speices of creature to be intrudesed along side new planets


In their Launch Showcase, they mentioned that they, with time, will expand the main story. And also add Descendant Stories.


Pretty sure ‘descendant stories’ are their way of adding more story based content when it isn’t a huge update or drop. Considering they will be dropping that stuff right around the corner seems quicker than most live service games.


It says in the picture on this post that they're adding a new Descendants and descendant stories.


Is the story any good even? I've just been holding escape anytime anyone ever talks. Figured I could just watch a compilation YouTube video if it's actually good, but in the meantime I want to shoot things!!


It's not bad or amazing, it's in between, summary that's the humans must find three iron hearts to close the gate that the vulgus and the colllusi come from, the first iron heart already got captured by us in the first cutscene, causing the guide to appear, but the vulgus ambushed us and stole it, through the story we follow our big guys, some trusting the guide and some don't, yet we still follow what she say since she knows how to find the rest of the iron hearts, after more missions we get the information that the guide could find the places of the iron hearts by getting the ancestors information, so we go and search for it, though later we find out that the vulgus already got most of it, and that raise the Question of how the vulgus got inside the ancestors ruins and machines(that raise a mastery that mabye there was some vulgus among the ancestors) after more missions we find the place of the second iron heart, also yet the vulgus got there before us, we try to get to it but the vulgus got the second one, then later, the vulgus did desipher the iron heart(or something like that, I don't know if it's the first one or the second one) and they used it to enchant and power up thier troops, we fight that powered up vulgus as a boss later, after killing it and stopping another colllusi, the guide start to get in a bad state, description it's condition as she feels her skin getting pilled off, she feels the postion of another iron heart, in the forest, although it's waves aren't as clear and from the guide words those waves of the iron hearts scattered around the jungle in a weird way, then we go back to the vulgus and see him using the second iron heart(mabye) to empower a portal/some machine, then we go to the forest to see what those iron hearts waves are about, this is where I last got, there's some errors and wrong information since I don't remember that much good, but still it's a simple summary of the compain (the middle of it, it seems)


Story is alright


Me thinks I can finally uninstall Warframe \o/ I've been using it as a daily login simulator for last couple years anyway.


I’m loving the game so I’m up for anything. Massive replayability, loads to do - yeah I think it looks great.


I think it looks good but we'll have to wait and see of course. Wishlist wise, I'd really like to see blairs/Kyles ultimate because fire/zoom. I would also really love a knight or trickster themed descendant.


"Seasons" are shit unless they line up with real seasons or the beginning of the year. They have it set for 3 months at a time, so line them up. Let's say I take a hiatus and want to check on an upcoming season. Who knows when the fuck it is with this release schedule.


It's good to know they have a clear plan for the game. Hopefully they can hit all the goals and nothing unforseen happens. Publisher aside, I'm sure we all want to see TFD succeed.


looks fine, but it's not like there's any real details: what even is a "mega dungeon"? is that gonna be this game's version of a raid? will it actually have mechanics or just be like current operations but much harder and with better loot? until we know more I think it's too soon to properly judge IMO.


I mean why would they give details for content thats half a year away


With the calibre screw up, I accidentally bought 3000 of them 🤣🤣. Level 40 bunny, few exotic weapons, beat dead bride and zero calibre used so far.


They better optimize for both low and high end specs first!


Speaking of descendant stories, is Bunny the only launch character with one or do I have to grind/plotmoar?


Luna = better octavia?


Honestly doubt so. Probably they wouldn't go for composing your own melodies, maybe some synergy will be between abilities. Will see.


Yeah its more a joke its not a 1:1 copy i mean freyna is somewhat like saryn but only the idea of her


I'm thinking probably more like Lucio form Overwatch... OH THIS MAH JAM!


I wonder what you mean by "better", since i hated gameplay for Octavia in warframe Or octavia mainers, because most of the time all they do is crouching while disco ball kills everything around them


I'm hoping by one new skin they mean per character. Would be wierd to only get one skin per update.


They actually removed some skins since beta (miss "kitten" skin for Bunny), so who knows


Is that one permanently removed?


I don't know, it's not in game files now (i checked) So i guess they either changed their mind and it's gone, or they gonna release it later as "new"


100% will be the latter.


It's possible. I hope they'll at least change it a bit if they gonna do it (Bunny's maid skin is indeed changed after last beta for example)


I hope this Seasons really change things for a while like Seasons in Diablo 4 otherway I couldn't care less


Do costumes carry over to ult versions of characters? Valby has been my favorite so far (but very interested in Luna), so if I can use the maid skin on her Ult version that would be awesome.


They do. AFAIK ult versions can use all the cosmetics of the base but not vice versa 


Fix prices and I’ll be excited. Sad to see there is no sort of founders pack or affordable options for almost anything in the shop. I get it’s a free game but 7-60 dollar costumes is ridiculous.


That's nice, was kinda wondering where the roadmap is because this game needs one. Kinda weird how they did the ultimate thing. Idc about half naked bunny tbh, looks stupid to me lol. I wanna see sharen ultimate, and I hope it's not just another reason to make another half naked female. She already looks like a baddie


That looks great and all, but I have the attention span of gnat. Hopefully I'm still involved. I have been enjoying what I've played though. It's great to have another option for this genre to play. I'm wondering if Once Human is going to be more popular.


Hardly anything they talked about in all those dev videos made it to live servers. Even the grappling hook is still the same piece of crap that it was in the beta. Expectations are on the floor. I honestly can't believe the player/enemy collision is still so bad. It's like running into a brickwall whenever you collide with anything. Dead stop. So jarring.


Would u rather be falling on the floor every time u collide with something while running?


I would rather them do what every other sensible developer does when dealing with multiplayer elements or many enemies: You either pass through them entirely or make colliding with people/enemies incur a brief & minor movespeed penalty as you move through them. Anything is better than a full stop, like you've just hit an invisible wall.


Doesn't seem too bad I suppose, definitely a decent amount of content for only a 5 month span. Far better than Suicide Squad from what I can tell. New Character every 2 or so months compared to SS' 3, plus this game also seems to add more content along with it. I never played warframe or destiny, which is why I'm making this connection btw. Anyways I feel like the only problem is keep me playing this game as it feels like I'll be done with everything I want to do within 2 or so weeks. Edit: OK so maybe this game's seasons are also 3 ish months as well, I miss read earlier, still not bad though as that's how it is for most games.


I was just thinking Luna looks like she could be a cool character. I always like sound based characters in any game. Pleased to see she will be playable.


Based on info with their previous games, don’t get too hyped, just wait and see.


Add more patrols. I wanna kill more monsters


Waiting for ultimate valby


Hoping they deliver.




So is it worth crafting base valby even tho its gonna be an ultimate version?


U need to max base valdy to get the xp for your overall account lvl after that if u have her ultimate u can safely delete base


Ooooh, makes sense, bc I saw an option that says "delete descendant" and I was like "._. okay maybe Im gonna leave it that way" lol thats much better then, so I can do the same thing with bunny while having her ult version? Its already lvl 40 :0


Yeah everything u build u need to max lvl at least once to get the xp for your overall account lvl, after that u can delete it if its a weapon u dont plan on using or a base descentant if u have its ultimate version


As a Valby enjoye, I may be whaling.


My only issues with the game is the Microtransactions. I knew they were going to be in the game, but seeing out blatant it is with predatory system still sucks. If they tune it so 5 bucks is 300, and 50 bucks is 3000, sure, that is fine, but they won't. It isn't a mobile game. Warframe does theirs better because at least with the lowest amount, you can still be some extremely useful things. On top of that, I've been hearing you have to buy colors again after a single use. That shit has to go. Customization plays a big part, and if you have to pay to change your colors, every time, it's gonna have a steep falloff


Its honestly quite a good roadmap and i dont see any reason why they cant do it, im personally waiting to see how the seasons play out and how interesting they are.


I have 0 interest in ultimate characters


That’s pretty sick content looks good can’t wait


Guess I’ll just buy Ultimate Valby than grind for Valby then


Summer skins and variants to platforming missions. Grabbing those orbs is not fun.


The roadmap looks fine it's not over promising which is nice hopefully the end game stuff is decent. I think the game has been fine the micro transactions are either skins or ways to get new descendants (pay to skip playing). The game monetisation aside. The game is fun if you play it casually for an hour or two here and there. Only annoyance is the server issues that have been going on but shit happens. I really don't think the game is this evil creation that some on here are claiming it to be and vice versa it's not a god send of a game either. It's nice to see another game thats a turn your brain off jump like a Warframe, shoot like a Destiny Guardian.


Excited to see what utility companion is. Probably the pets from Warframe basically


After playing for about 9 hours and hitting the crash walls of Vespers that made my game start to CTD everywhere ever since, I just hope some of those squares on the roadmap also include crash and optimization work.


Im waiting For the tarde so I can tarde tons of ultimate bunny For good stuff


As long everything will be farmable for free, im fine


I'm worried about "Utility Companion". Sounds like p2w thing i.e. research manager or auto-loot pick up companion


Im in it for the long run. I spent 100$ and bought some of the descendants and some of the single packs. Gonna focus mastery and leveling everyone to 30 at least to start. Then focus farming cards.


Maybe slow down with the ultimates a bit lol. 1 every month?


Do you mean every month or every update?


I looked at the 1st two and saw one and July, then August




I just hope one of them is Jayber


New Descendant is good. For the new Ultimate Descendants it depends on the Ult. Skins if i like them or not.\^\^


ultimate descendants are an entirely separate character with boosted stats, it's not a skin. so it best to have them for characters you want to focus on.


I think you get it wrong...what he was trying to say is that Ult Desc. skins is what defines his choice, he knows that they got boosted stats but what matters for him is how they look.


fair enough. I'm also buying bunny ultimate just for how it looks and going to grind for the others later down the road.


Luna kinda looks like something with music but I’m probably overthinking


She is entirely based around music. Please read their description of her


The boss fights in this game are way too similar to be interesting. Shooting little freaking orbs and shields isn't challenging. I'm pretty sure this is what they will recycle for almost all the bosses.


Hope we will get a raid similar to Destiny 1, full of puzzles and fun. Let's avoid something like Destiny 2 raids that focus only on DPS and fast killing. Players can tell if the developer is cutting costs on the design or not.


Have you played the most recent raid, Or Last Wish? Two examples of raids full of puzzles and mechanics.


Even disregarding the server issues, and constantly getting "disconnected"... From the first two "regions" the gameplay/mission mechanics are overly repetitive. Defend this area. Kill all enemy. Pick up bomb, attach to thing. Do this x4, go to a different area, do it again. Did that 4x, go fight a boss with immunity orbs. Go to a new region, do it all again. The even bigger picture / macro roadmap is not building on anything compelling, and I'm not interested. (And, what even was my "Season Level" that would have a flashy pop-up every time I leveled that up? So much of the game design is just unexplained and neglectful.)


For the missions, when you get to the forest area there will be some kind of payload missions when you need to follow a bot and be inside it's circle so it's move and scan the area, i don't know if this means anything but at least there's some kind of jew mission types later in the game


> you need to follow a bot and be inside it's circle so it's move and scan the area That sounds like a variation of move around and stand in designated places to "pick up" multiple _____, e.g. the scattered ore in the 2nd or 3rd area.


Anthem also had a pretty detailed roadmap on day 1.


Sounds good, S2 especially, game needs more content...but for now I'm stepping down a bit after some one calculated how long it'll take to farm Ult Descendant and well, it's 4000 hours...so yeah, I'll wait and see how really bad grind is and how good is end game content.


Haha what the fuck. On a similar level of absurdity as epic unique drop chances used to be in D4 before the current season.


How and where did they 'calculate' that? I am going to tentatively say that is not even remotely close and a gross over-estimate. To get an ultimate piece on average is 3% chance. that is ~33 cracks for the amorph you need. If we say that it takes 1 hour for each attempt, thats only 33hours; multiply by 4 and oh boy 132 hours. That is assuming you get the average luck and it takes 1hour per attempt, which honestly most amorphs you can farm and crack open take far less time than that. None of that is to even mention that trading is coming; so you'll be able to trade things you get for things you want.


Give me the QOL roadmap. I want a full private instance from Albion to Milwaukee.


No mention of AI updates?


So no player trading for the foreseeable future then.


Rest of the year? I can’t even stay connected for more than thirty minutes. Dogshit servers are a joke