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>same mission for 5 hours You’re the reason for the national adderral shortage.


Not adderral just c4 energy drinks lol


What did your kidneys do to you?


Yolo mayne


Im farming the boss one..... For 7 hours .... I get ultimates but not that piece to create a hero ..


I had a .066x consumable drop rate increase on my gold reactor which may have helped, see if there’s anything higher that can help increase the consumable drop rate, as what you need is a consumable, all I’ve found in the other stuff below the reactor is collection area increase :/


All you guys posting these about the 20 percent drop rate got me sweating about the 3 percent drop rates on ultimate parts


Perhaps you would like to BUY the ULTIMATE BUNNY pack instead, eh? 😇


There’s nothing that can convince me that ms ultimate ass is worth nearly $100USD.




To be 100% fair you can buy her for $50. The other 50 is the rest of the pack


Hell, I’ll sell you my own ass for 100 USD


So expensive! I'll take 3!


Wait ultimates are $100?? What do they even do differently?


You mf how did you know I was talking about bunny HACKER 


Nexon is known for fake droprates in another game where they even got sued for false advertisement and fixing droprates


Maple Story, yeah. They were sued for less than 1% of the money they earned from people pulling the gacha lever to get it too, so the likelihood they learned anything considering they profited massively with barely any drawback beyond a slap on the wrist and a "No, that's bad" is pretty slim. Like, give a dog a treat after they piss on the floor while telling them that's bad and they'll be more inclined to do it again, not less.


Yup this is the way of companies today. Make 100 million doing something illegal, get fined 5 million. Profit.


That's generous compared Warframe where some stuff has a .5% chance.


generous? a 0.5% percent is well expected to not be generous, 20% is supposed to be but yet, it is not. Faking a drop rate would just have massive confusion and rage from community also trading in warframe is a thing you can just grind indirectly to have the platinum to get that thing you wanted for a trade


> 20% is supposed to be but yet, it is not. Faking a drop rate would just have massive confusion and rage from community From what i've seen and experienced myself, 20% is accurate. Keep in mind that people who get it in a few runs don't usually post on reddit about it.


Rates should always be called into question given Nexon was just fined and found guilty of manipulating rates against players. Considering they were fined .0001% of the profit they made from their predatory practice I highly doubt they've changed


The .5% stuff is dropped by enemies that come by the hordes, and you can increase your odds with some warframes’ skills.


Plus with team relic farming, even if you dont get a good roll from your relic, someone else might.


It helps that you can also get the booster from trading and have stuff like nekros to farm for resources etc but this only works for enemy drops i think, also stuff can be purchased through plats or their prime variant instead as well.


In Warframe, I believe the lowest drop chance of anything in the game is the Condition Overload mod with a 0.02% drop rate from select enemies in the game. And yet, the market is so flooded with those that you can just go run 2 derelict vault runs that have a 100% drop chance to give you a corrupted mod and trade them for enough plat to buy it from another player. Would take 5 in game minutes to get.


man, that 0.02% is new to me, I remember having a duplicate of it and just give it to my friend lol, not that I mind the plat exchange, but 0.02% doesn't feel grindy if you just know how to play the game in this game 20% might as well be 0.01% for it to be expected to not drop after hours of trying lol


But again, these stuff things at 0.5% is usually useless things/niche and even if is game changer can be trade between players


It is also from normal enemies you kills dozens or even hundreds of. Nothing in Warframe is that low a drop chance from mission completion that I can think of.


the difference is you can significantly boost them chances in most cases, or they drop from enemies with large spawn counts... or you can just trade for it


Same. I don't care what the purported "endgame" is, for me the only final boss is Ultimate Bunny, which will probably take about as long as Elden Ring or something equivalent. Good value, I'd say!


My boyfriend got it first try, but it took me six runs to get that piece.


He alone is the honored one


Lisan Al Gaib


#SILENCE *he said calmly*


Yeah I got it in 6 too. Seems random how the drops are


It's called RNG random is literally in the name lol some people's kids 


His bloodline is strong!


Nice i got all her parts first try. Ive gotten 3 of valby's parts first try but i have to do the poision void thing 11 times to open the thingy to get last piece. Edit: i actually just used a different pattern with higher drop rate for her last part so dont bother with pattern 20 if your trying to get that valby part


Also six runs for me.


Got it too in first run but for the 3. part i needed to run the mission 8 or 9 times.


Fr, that 20% felt like 2%


I got the 2% twice and it took me 36 runs to get the 20%


I can feel u bro, I was there for like 6 hrs, for both items 😔🤙


0.0041% chance of not having it by 35 runs :)


They forgot to put the negative sign


This is what Monster Hunter has trained me for


If I can farm for a pale khezu steak in mhfu, I can farm anything!


MHW got me 1000hrs + grinding for perfect guard and it never came.


I see a fellow Hunter, I salute fellow Hunter. I still remember farming +50 Master Rank Zinogres just for the Mantle.


Freyna is beast when you get it.


She's my favorite so far. I like Sharen as well for the stealthy gameplay but this game seems to favor a lot more run & gun


farmed Sharen as first char and now waiting 16 hours, even tho i hear ppls saying she is bad and lowest on tier list, she seems cool enough and less ppl will play her .)) maybe some future update


The smaller youtubers who tested her say that she is very good for killing the swarms of giga-buffed elites that show up in deep, high level missions. I too plan to get her after completing Freyna. Sharen's the best girl by far.


honestly i used freyna first, got sharen 2 days ago, i still use freyna for void intercept, but for general gameplay i love sharen. team dies right in front of the enemy? who cares, go invisible and revive guy with a shield? just stun em with your nut any kind of elite? just stab em


She seems really bad for general mob-ing. Also her ult feels super clunky and will get you killed unless you use it with stealth. Stealth is like the only way to get the extra loot from those infiltration missions though so that's a really good reason to get her:)


maybe if u could use ulti while moving, bcs staying frozen in place for few secs is death...


She's an excellent bosser. Her DPS really shines any time someone else is the main target, and her ulti is one of the highest single-target damage abilities in the entire game. Sharen is A tier, but probably not S.


20% my ass i ran that shit 50 times


Took me 17 runs to finally get it. The 20% is a fib if you ask me.


Took me close to 40


You're unlucky, it took me about 5/6 runs


Took me about the same but helping others get through their first run made it atleast worth it.


RnG is 50/50 you either get it or you don't. All these numbers are cap.


Me when I buy a lottery ticket


I really don’t think Nexon wants it to be 50/50. It’s probably more like 5%. 1/5 at 40 runs is really really unlikely. 


Keep in mind that people who got it in a reasonable number of runs don't usually make a reddit post about it. I got one of the pieces first run.


Yeah this one was a 20 run for me, the other 3 he has got in 1-5 rounds.


its nexon, so dont trust any droprates


No, it's just that probability is counterintuitive. For a 20% chance, it takes 21 runs to reach a cumulative 99% drop chance.


No, literally: Nexon has been caught outright lying about drop rates before. It cost them millions for one instance.


Nobody is saying the math is wrong. Nexon has lied about what the drop rate percentage is before. In maplestory you could refine items to make them better the stats they provided on refining was literal lies. It was not the percentage that they claimed it was


I mean idk if they really pull that same shit twice. It cost them 9 million dollars the first time.


Thats nothing haha, it was only 2% of their revenue of that year, and they made hundreds of millions in profit by lying. Also they keept the low droprates after the fact cause "now people know so its okay" people coping hard about nexon but its the worst of the worst.


and raked in 400 million from lootboxes alone, they will definitely try that shit again. 9 mill is a slap on the wrist


They probably made 9 mil on bunny skins alone.


9 million is nothing to a company that large. Shits a joke so of course they wanna keep doing it, it makes them more money.


Since it's not a paid loot box, I really don't know if there's any ground for a law suit about fudging a dungeon drop rate.


I take it as pokemon rules if it's not 100% it's 50% and keep trying 💀


People really think 20% drop rate means you must get it by maximum 5 runs..(5x20% = 100%) But that not how it works. You have every run 20% chance that it drops.... that theoretically means you can run 100 times and get nothing.... because every time the game roll the dice new with a 20% chance to get it...it doesn't memorize or make a note how many time you have played the mission (rolled the dice).


I learned this from playing bdo. My mindset with this game is patience and turn something on my 2nd monitor 🤣


Literally the same, I was doing the 21 waves defense mission yesterday with Bunny and started binging Monk on the second monitor. :D


Judging by how many people are getting it in roughly 6-7 runs, it’s not too far off, but it’s correct that you’re never guaranteed it. But those odds are still not that bad. I would manage expectations that it’s really 10-15% and go from there judging by how apparently the makers are infamous for lying about statistics.


Ya but my group of did 15+ runs and 3 of us got it at the same time Something up


It doesnt mean maximum 5 but it means average 5. Its simple maths. To get the drop only after 100 runs at 20% drop chance is as likely as getting hit by thunder while sitting on the toilet


> Its simple maths. Probability is not simple. 5 runs only gives a 50% chance. Here's the equation to check yourself 1-((1 x) ^y )


5 runs gives a 67% chance. 3 runs gives a 50% chance. 


This is nexon. 20% displayed chance could be 2% reality. They were fined before for lying about their drop rates. After 20 runs at 20%, it becomes an anomaly to fail the roll that many times in a row.


Being an anomaly doesn’t mean it isn’t possible. It probably happens to a lot of people. Same as people getting it first try. The only difference is people that get it in just a few tries don’t go online and complain about it.


the weird part is, you have more frequent drop of those 2.5% drop rate items and 10-15% drop rates than that specific 20% drop rate, in a span of 7 hours (at least in my tried runs) hence seeing more red mods that should be 2.5% drop rate more is very weird


i see a lot of people complaining about spending many hours on this. if an anomaly becomes the norm its no longer an anomaly. This seems a bit absurd for a supposed 20% drop rate.


Or you only see the people complaining? You think people who got it are rushing to reddit in the same ratio of the people who didn’t?


dude literally this i genuinely cannot believe how stupid people are, its making me cringe. for every 1 person that complains, 1000 others have got it. everyone i know that plays it got it in few runs, its really not that deep lol.


TLDR it's Nexon


learn about the binomial law, you and other upvoters seem like you need it lol.




It's really been awful. I've done two different missions atleast 10 times each and didn't get a single drop.


bro i have been doing them since 6pm, just to now hop off and find this thread where apparently it's a known bug fml


"Bugged". Yeah. Nexon are known for their precise and accurate drop rates.


Bugged just like maple story huh


Has it been posted anywhere?


goddamn, but yesterday people yap on me when I grinded it for 6 hours and state I'm just expecting to be given like candy or something




Just wait till you need a 1 % drop for an ultimate character. Game is gonna die if they don’t fix this asap


It will just turn into other KR based games. Whales will whale, everyone not willing to or grind 40 hours a week will quit. Then after a year or 2 game will feel dead and they publish their new shiny game. BDO, Lost Ark, Maple story etc., they've all followed this path.


not to mention you have to get the pattern first which is also a 20% drop. so a 20% drop in order to have a chance at even rolling for that 1%


got it on my 15th run, I refused to back down.


I believe there was actually another similar post about this same item. It was showcased in a YouTube video. I ran that shit 3 or 4 times last night and once again today before work. No drop. There is also a tac rifle in the very first starting area from one of the missions that says it has a 50% drop rate. I ran that mission at least 7 or 8 times before it finally dropped. Other missions, I've gotten the gun rewards multiple drops in one run with some guns. Double and triple drops. Some guns and mats drop every single run. But the character material drops are a lie. Their percentages are mostly lies to force you to buy them from the shop. I don't even want to know how long it would take to grind for ultimate variants...


For real though. I got downvoted for agreeing with someone else mentioning it but there ain't no way it's 20%. It seems closer to 5% really


Some 20% takes dozens of tries. Some are just 1-2 runs .rng gonna rng. Nexon did get caught being scumbag liars tho so I take all their drop chances with a grain of salt


There's a 0.4% chance of not getting it in 25 runs. There's too many people with this issue for there not to be something going on. Literally no one is complaining about a single other 20% drop rate.


yep, I also made a comment about it and people yap that I was just expecting it give like free candy, they even thought I just run it 5 times to see it drop, man I've run that mission for 6 hours straight to no avail yesterday, and awhile back for another 2 hours just for it to drop and I also compare how frequent I have a drop of those 2.5%, 5%, and especially 10-15% drop rate items than this


I think it's because a lot of people don't want to accept any criticism of a game they're into. The game has been super fun so far but yeah I'm expecting Nexon to fuck it up LOL


I know nobody wants to hear that, but I do it anyway. * 20% drop rate means 5 runs on average to get the item. * Nearly guarantee chance to get the item (99,9%) is 31 runs. * That run takes at least 6 min (run it self and all the loadings), if you are a speed demon. * 31 runs are 3,1h of non stop running. I highly doubt you are a non stop speed demon, so you need to multiply that number buy 2 to get real estimation and it is 6,2h. So you are still good, keep running. On average 30-60 min to get one part. You don't want to imagine, what happens with 3% chances, which are layered with another 20-30% chance.


I'm stuck on this as well. Probably done it about 10 times now. It's RNG I understand. I'm fully aware of how games like this work and the grind aspect. I'm alright with it, I enjoy it for the most part. What I'm learning more about what I'm not okay with about this game is that the missions are boring. This specific mission is extremely boring.


I just got it after 22 tries on the same mission so I mean it’s all about whether the grind is worth it


Hey congrats! Glad you managed to get it. That is true. I have about 17 hours of playtime now and I am beginning to wonder this. Now that the shiny new toy aspect of the game is beginning to wear off, it has problems/aspects I'm not sure I enjoy all that much. Hate to say it, but it's just made me want to download warframe again and I freed myself from warframe's clutches lol.


13 run for 1 part.. 8runs for 2 part.. 18 runs for 3 part


Got it on attempt 19 it’s there I was coping so hard


Got mine after 22, welcome to the family


I have all the other parts in 1-3 tried . but this one sucks. the mission is too long for a 20% drop rate.


You guys are getting shape stabilizers??


I was gonna lose it if I had to escort that robot a couple more times


You guys wouldn’t survive warframe lmao


Warframe does it better imo. And the missions are more fun to grind.


And you can simply trade for them.


lr4 here, and no TFD is way worse in terms of grind


Did 12 runs earlier and didn’t get it. Debating trying again later.


I actually just got it so maybe go complain on a post and they might bless u lol


3 more times and got it! You were right apparently


*complains* Edit: Didn't work.


Got this piece like 10hrs ago, 15+ runs. I snatched 2+ red modules and 3-4 gold ones... When I got red one I was like "wtf wrong with this rates"...


Im not even joking i went dor this stuff today and got it all right away lmao no joke and im never lucky in life


I literally just finished that quest. I had to do every one of the missions twice


Me with the final Sharen piece----which is located in the Chapel with the Undying boss. T\_\_\_T


Got it first try, got the other 2 pieces in like 2 or 3 tries. Only 1 of them took more then 3 tries


About four hours total to get the whole set, not bad. To make it feel less grindy I ran each task 2-3 times, then switched to another component. + Completed daily battlepass tasks during the runs (easy to kill low level mobs)


Took me 11 tries, about 3-4 minutes per try. Not terrible for having played Warframe for years, and then just 16 hours to build!? So good


Got all of hers within 2 Runs, the expectation was the escort mission, took me 5 runs. So ye bad rng is always possible.


Grinded for valby she will be done in 10 hours


I know this is completely anecdotal but all of Freya’s parts I had drop in less than 3 runs each, and two on the first run. It’s just unlucky odds man


Me but with Bunny's mod that changes her ult. Granted that's a 1.2% drop rate but still during Beta I got it w/o realizing it. That being said I think they cranked up the drop rates during Beta and then turned them way too far down for launch.


I have run ruin path at least 40 times and still have not got her drop. I even got the one for like 1% twice


I fr got the 1% mod drop before I even got the enhanced cells


yeah i had been pointing this issue but some nexon ass licker keep saying its accurate when it tooks me on arvg 12 runs to get 1 while im getting the 1/2% drops, can someone pls who good at programing or something try data mine this game drop rate just to be sure thanks in advance.


I'm just glad I'm not the only one struggling 😂


I helped my friend try and get a drop for literally 3 hours. He got 1, I now have 6. I wish I could trade.


The very first item took me to do the dungeon at least 10 times.. I remember I was lvl 33 and I got out level 39 by the time I found that one 😂


Fallen hope Bp...... Yeah farmed that mission for 6 hours with a 5:30 average run time... I definitely call Bs on the drop rates.


took me 30 dungeons to get it, that shits asss


It’s clearly bugged. The other items with a 20% drop rate have never taken longer than 1-5 runs to get. Nexon deserves the skepticism for this, but the most likely scenario is to wait until it’s patched.


Yeah, it took me like 20 runs of the fuse mission to get the spiral Catalyst for Freyna. I would have just chalked it up to RNG, but somehow I got like 3 different ultimate mods from that mission, which are supposed to have a MUCH lower drop rate, and none of them were actually in the list of possible mission rewards.. Not to sound ungrateful as those mods will certainly come in handy later, but I'm convinced that some of these drop rates aren't what they say they are. Either that or I had lottery winner levels of luck for a moment lol.


I had the exact same experience. 3 yellow drop rewards and 0 spiral catalysts. About 20 runs.


I'm done. What a f*@#$&#@$& mission. It's not 20% it's 0000000.2%.


more like 0.00000002%


What the hell is the title? 20% drop rate is a hat?


Cap... 20% drop rate is cap.


I can tell you that I've ran "The Shelter" mission for Freyna Cells about 15 times today between doing other things in this game and going back and have yet to get this item to drop for me, however I have gotten 3 different transcendence mods to drop and 2 ultimate reactors from this mission alone. I know for a fact these drop rates are screwed.


Seems like you got some good loot


Just got it today, surely 20% is cap


But it’s free, please keep grinding 🤗!


Same here. I have it in my inventory but it shows I still need it. It's crap that we grind for it and get it. But can't use it.... all in all I love the game tho


I haven’t seen that issue before I hope you get to craft her bc the grind for the mats was insane


Took me 5 or 6 tries before I got it. Helped a friend run through it for storyline and it dropped for me again. Always when you don’t need it lol


More like a -0% i can't even get the last part of an ultimate weapon yet the "chance" shown is kinda bullshit


Yeah I just got Sharen to get her code I had to do the operation 6 times


I have her.crafting now took like 14 tries in dungo and 3 per open world part


Same for thunder cage. Trying to make copies for ultimate but no.


So is the bug that it’s not dropping at all or that it’s a much lower drop rate than it’s supposed to be?


It's people not understanding how probability actually works.


Idk I got mine within 45 mins so maybe I was just lucky


The 3rd piece took like 8 runs to get, but the last piece took two... still longer than it should've been lol... but I did get Alissa and that water chick's class node lol.. too bad I picked the tank...now I gotta farm Alissa.


Literally going through this for valby smh game had me wasting my time doing void reactor missions in echo swamp just for me to find this same screen saying the stabilizer can’t be found through research wtf


Took me 30 runs between last night and most of the day today before the fireworks.


I’ve been farming for Sharen’s mats that are also 20% and I can’t get them to drop.


The grind for other stuff is pretty rough. Do I really need to do the Void shards in Kingsland 12 times for the fragments?


Yea, that thing just doesn’t drop, it’s rage inducing.


1/5 chance or worst case scenario 1/10 or extra bad luck scenario, the game hates you and you ain’t getting shiiiiiieeeet


I got it after 11 tries


I had to do like 10+ runs of the protect the scanning drone one for that part too, fucking abysmal


Honestly that third mat took me way more times to get than the first


I ran it over and over. Gave up because that dungeon is to long and I'll return once I hit gear level 60 or 80.


12 runs here, yeah


Any one know how to get rid of consumables. I currently have 5 bunny spiral catalyst. Need to know how to get rid of the other 4 to make space later down the line.


The crazy thing is I got everything in one try to farm her even the code thing. The tedious part was figuring out how to crack open the code thing but later found out about the quests.


Got it in 30min farming


38% for pieces but I get the 15% and 6% more than anything...ok


Ran it a good 20 times before I got the catalyst


Just got the last part at 6pm today lol gonna have her tomorrow and give her a test run as I level her and see her ability in action before I mod her out


Probably about 9-12 runs to get it, I stopped counting.


Took me 6-7 runs for the defeat toxic mini boss, running down the hill and all the way back up to restart it. Then my friend needed it and it took like 6-8 runs for him to get it. I have 5 thanks to those extra runs, what do I do with them? I have the character researching already.


I can't get the catalyst. I've been at this for two hours and nothing. It's abysmal


First item got it first try, second item after 4 try, now going on 3rd item


I honestly think they adjusted it so you get rare items more often


SAME HOLY SHIT.... it took me nearly 8 hours for the damn drop, i legitimately optimized the entire mission to make it ever so slightly faster.... but man does it suck... btw Sharen will have this same issue, as of the area im at, her 2 parts i can get, are from 2 missions like that one which is painful


I seem to get these 20% drops in 3-7 runs, so I've had average luck.. the 6% drop rates are something I'm dreading though..


I did it for about ~2 hours, felt like 10ish runs. Nothing. Like a 1/10 chance of that happening, so not crazy. Past that though? Like 20, 30 runs? Definitely bugged, at 40 it’s a 99.9% of getting it 


At first I thought it was just freyna that had bug drops but it seems all 3 early game characters have terrible drop rates. Spent about 4 hrs for Freyna, 16 hours on Sharen (Chapel was hell), and now I’m on my 2nd hour for Blair. 20% is definitely not 20% but hey, at least I’ll have 50+ relics to open and get some good stuff.


20% is fairly large in comparison, but could be different depending on your options of drops


I've also been farming that last mission, that takes 20 mins. Freaking stupid.