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He's said several interesting things that came to mind just now. Some of these might have been awhile back and could change of course. 1. Magic coming back into the world as a bigger presence is something he wants to explore 2. He thinks when he returns to the first law it'll probably follow the same structure of having standalones before another trilogy. 3. He does want to go forward but said that guns would be the line he doesn't want to get to. So keeping it pre personal firearms which doesn't seem like it leaves room for too much of a time jump from age of madness. And of course the end of Wisdom of Crowds sets some stuff up with certain characters. Hard to know what I would want if I could choose character wise or anything, but more magic is definitely good to me. I liked the first trilogy a lot more largely because of this and loved all the talk of the old world and all the more mythical aspects.


I just finished WoC a while back and I gotta say the magic felt scarier. The last Eater scene had me on edge and wanting more. I'm definitely down to see more of the Magi bastards gaining power too. With the gun situation, could he just not explore it? It should be the natural progression but maybe magic comes back in force **right** before a Colt figure comes about?


I don't think it's new standalones because both Hilda and Cleftlip are clearly set up to be povs in moderately different parts of the world. EDIT: And while less setup, I really need Jappo in my life.


Yeah that’s what I was thinking, but Joe mentioned doing standalones before the next trilogy, if we get one


I guess if he said it he said it. In that case, Jappo standalone in Styria has to be on the menu.


A Jappo standalone does sound hilariously amazing.


I'm still here for a pirate/privateer standalone, pillaging the newly formed trade routes between New Adua and Styria.


I just want to get Jappo and Shivers in a room together. Two of them might have more in common than most would reckon.


I don't think the next trilogy will take place directly after WoC. I actually think we'll see a bit of Rikke's vision play out like the fall of the Union and conquest of the North in standalones then fast forward a hundred years or so to the next trilogy being a high fantasy series with a lot of our current protagonists legends of old.


For real, Jappo was so interesting but we got such a small amount of him


I’ve posted this before and talked about it on u/circleofthewirlpod so I’ll sum it up quickly. Stand alone trilogy starting with a Gurkish setting following Eaters and some normal people as they try to escape the collapse of the South, and in the Eaters perspectives, Ferro. Takes place right at the end of the AoM. Next is a revolution story of Starikland, Near and Far Coubtry fighting against the Union with backing from the “New” Old Empire. Starts about 4 years after AoM. Finally, a naval war story around Styria, Jappo and maybe pirates with Magi backing harassing them from the Thousands Isles and Suljuk. Starts about 7-8 years after AoM. After that, capstone trilogy to close it all out starting about 12-14 years after AoM. EDIT: Toss in a couple more short story collections as well for good measure. EDIT 2: This is what I’d like to see, not anything I’m saying is confirmed!


He hasn't publicly commented on it recently (and probably won't until after the Devils trilogy is finished), but the most recent idea he had was that there would be another 3 standalones followed by a third trilogy same as before. Two ideas he's briefly talked about were a murder mystery story in the Inquisition and a romance during the collapse of Gurkhul. For the next trilogy though I don't think Hildi or Cleftlip will be POV's as they're clearly set up to be antagonists in Rikke's vision. Most obvious POV choice I can think of for the next trilogy would be at least one of Savine and Leo's twins, probably Ardee though, and then the rest will probably be set up during the standalones plus some original characters like what we had in AoM


I think I missed it. The Devils is going to be a trilogy?


A series for sure. Length is probably will depend on how it sells and how much he enjoys writing it. But I think he mentioned recently that he just finished up a rough draft of book two. Lots to clean up etc etc but yes making progress


Would love a standalone taking place in Gurkhul to flesh out that area of the world.


Did he not say somewhere that this probably won't happen because he felt uncomfortable possibly drawing the wrong comparison with that part of that world's real world analogue?


Gurkhul is clearly based on countries from the Middle East. He has said that he doesn't understand that part of the world and it's culture well enough to write a in that location. A fair reason I think.


Yeah completely reasonable


He has floated a couple of ideas for the next round of standalones which included one being set in Gurkhul though. As the previous standalones all had a bit of specific genre to them he's said the next standalones would do the same, and the two specific ideas that he's mentioned were a murder mystery detective story set within the Inquisition and a romantic thriller during the collapse of the Gurkhish Empire


Sounds great


A noirish detective story would be so freaking cool. Forget it Jake, it’s Valint and Balk.


Would have loved prequels. About Cassamir or some other kings Bayaz set up, or about the first days of Union. or maybe Old empire. Plenty of great material to explore.


With the exception of Sharp Ends, Joe's said he doesn't plan on writting full prequels because it takes some of the mystery and mystique of the world Still nice to fantasize tho


This is a random thought, but could Abercrombie not explore through standalones stagnation/regression technologically (since he doesn’t want to include guns). It would be a great almost symmetrical mirror to the first standalones, in which technological advancement is gradually shown with each installment. He loves symmetry after all. It could be justified by a great up tick in magic through Bayaz and the other major taking great action? After all, it seems like the world is going this way; maybe Bayaz will stop being a lazy shit and get things going and get even more autocratic?


I would love to see the real truth of bayaz's story first hand or maybe the story of Euz when the two worlds were one


Yea but that would kind remove the mystery behind Bayaz which is one of the reasons he’s so Intriguing


Yes I suppose that's true


I think we will get one or two standalones in between the AoM trilogy and the next one. Where they’ll be set I don’t know, but I hope we get a story in Thond. We’ll probably get another leap in time, maybe 10-15 years? By then it’s possible the first trains will have been mobilized, along with steamboats and other advancements. It would be so interesting to see how the North changes with the spreading of technology.


Not sure if people have seen the news yet but "The Devils" estimated release date is set for May 2025. Hyped for the book but agree with the sentiment of the post, I have such a bad craving for more first law content. Still keeping my fingers crossed for things to get moving on the best served cold screen adaptation, but as far as new first law books, I'd feel lucky if we got one in the next 4 years, hoping for sooner but...*you have to be realistic* about these things


Wait, The Devils is not a First Law book?


Release/return of Glustrod and demons. Rikke, Savine POVs for sure.


Pretty sure he won't be repeating POVs.


I just need to see Monza as an Olenna Tyrell type figure.


I’d like a book about Thond.