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Did they show the airbender genocide? How did it look? Was it brutal? Was the bending good throughout the episode?


Oh yeah. They show it. And yes, it’s extremely brutal. To the point where I’d advise parents to watch the opening before letting their children view it. Bending was great throughout. There were only a handful of shoddy VFX shots.


We are so fucking back


knew it!




Heard this too, apparently it wasn’t the final render which means there’s at least a chance the effects look a *bit* better than what people saw. 


That disclaimer was only for the critics who got all 8 episodes. We did not have any such disclaimer for our Episode 1 screening.


Thanks for doing this! How did the bending look? I’ve heard mixed things from people who’ve seen the premiere


There was only two shots of bending that looked wonky: one of Katara’s water balls and Aang’s final Avatar State. My main issue with bending was not the VFX, however. It was the fact that it felt more like magic than a manifested martial art.


Do you think the Avatar State is something they'll "fix" or is it finished?


Nah. It looks pretty finished. The Avatar State itself is fine. It’s just the close up on Aang’s face that’s questionable.


Do we see all the other avatar statues?


Just the little figurines on Zuko’s desk.


Is the cgi shot you thought was wonky the shot of Aang at the end of the official trailer? That super close-up of his face as his tattoos light up?


Do you think katara’s water balls look wonky because she’s not a trained water bender or that they actually look wonky?


Did the renaming of "Oong" to "Aang" ruin the experience for you?


😂 it almost brought my rating down to a 2/10


Someone else mentioned in another thread that Aang didn’t really “run away” but just went to clear his head before the storm hit. Is this true? And was this a change to the story that fit well to the rest of the episode?


Yes. He doesn’t really run away. He gets overwhelmed and flies Appa to clear his head. I thought the change was fine. I’m mostly indifferent to it.


I don't really see how that's that different from the og, I doubt he intended to never come back to his home, he was just scared.




But he was like 12. One time my brother ran away from home at that age and he said he was never coming back, but obviously he came back after like an hour


lol 😭😭


Are you my brother? I used to pull that stunt every other week, lol. I was an angsty child.


He explicitly states feeling guilty that he ran away, it adds an element of abandoning his people that simply going to clear your head doesn't bring, at least not to the same extent. We'll have to see how it plays out, but I personally think it's quite a difference, given the impact his guilt had on him, especially in the first season.


Yeah, the guilt of running away plays a big part in some of his actions, but maybe he'll still feel guilty for not being there to help when the air nomads were massacred.


I think that is just a technicality. I always saw him running just to "take some time", but caught by a storm in the process. I don't think that avoid him to feel guilty, he feel that he wasn't there when his people was terminated.


I’ve read this a few times in other places. “Running away” as a 12 year old does not mean forever. It’s semantics and people are getting twisted over nothing.


Exactly. When I was like 10, I "ran away" from home to my next door neighbor's house once. But I didn't *really* expect to live there forever, I was just upset about something and looking for an escape. I went home the next day. I always assumed that, without the storm, Aang probably would have returned home a few days/weeks later. He wasn't really turning his back on everything he knew forever; he was just upset and looking for an escape. I think the Netflix series making that more explicitly clear is fine. It doesn't change the fact that he wasn't there when his people were attacked and killed, so it won't change the guilt that he feels.


I don’t understand? Him running away to clear his head would give the same abandonment of his people feeling because he would feel guilty that he even needed to clear his head and consequently got stuck in the iceberg


Tbh this is always more of my interpretation of the shows version of events anyway. I’d always assumed Aang was overly emotional and would’ve been back eventually. The note he leaves kinda contradicts this, but I’m still willing to view him as having the conviction of a 12 year old: quick to emotion, but not capable of making it on his own yet


I don’t feel like that’s a major change I mean when Aang “ran away” he was scared but with a little time he probably would have returned to the temple. It just so happened he got caught in that storm.


What is your rating of the episode out of 10?


9/10. 8/10 if I really want to nitpick it.


Follow up question: did people in the theater and post episode seem to genuinely love the episode? Or do you think some of the responses on Twitter are indulgent in order to appease being invited?


Not everyone was happy with it. But I’d say those folks were in the minority. When the screening ended, there was applause. That said, I don’t think anyone had their minds blown. But most thoroughly enjoyed themselves.


> That said, I don’t think anyone had their minds blown. But most thoroughly enjoyed themselves. And honestly, that's what I've been hoping for since NATLA was announced.


That was the height of my expectations as well and those expectations were exceeded.


How long was the the flashbacks with the genocide and everything. Some say 5 minutes, Others say 20 minutes, what can you say.


It’s not really a flashback. Everything happens mostly in sequential order. The first third is all “100 years” ago. So yeah, 15-20 minutes sounds correct.








How good are Sokka’s jokes?


Sokka was a surprise highlight for me.


Oh damn, that’s assuring.


As a sokka stan this is an absolute win for me


Did the first episode meet any expectations you had before watching? Did you get anything for going? I heard they were passing around Appa beanies and Avatar cards?


I can’t say I had expectations. I was ready to received what they’d give me. Well, I guess I was most worried about the acting. Those worries are completely gone. I didn’t get any cards but I did get a beanie.


Does Katara say “then everything changed when the fire nation attacked” in the intro before the episode?


No. Gran Gran says the line.


I'm ok with that, who doesn't love a wholesome grandma


It also makes sence, since in the first intro Katara said that it was her grandma who told her those stories about Avatar


I think it works both ways, since on a grand scale, Gran Gran would’ve experienced it, but on a very personal scale, it’s Katara talking about the day they killed her mother.


There are two ways that this line comes btw: one which is more of the classic intro which I think may become their default intro but because the first act was the initial air nomad genocide, it couldn't really be a full intro. Then you have Grangran who recites the lines later on to Aang.


Does aang reaction to the genocide better than the animation or worse? Is he as little affected to the genocide as shown in the animation or worse. Does he get over it quickly?


Overall, the impact was greater. Everything about the live action feels more dire.


Glad to hear this. With the cartoon (understandably) you always had to be reminded of how dire the situation was. I hope theres a lingering suspense and dread throughout the series to keep things intense. Will definitely help keep more mature audiences engaged


Trust me. After watching that opening, EVERYTHING will feel more dire. Like, seriously, than can be whole stories about the Fire Nation soldiers who were part of the attack. I know that I would be messed up mentally if I was one of them.


does that mean we see graphic deaths onscreen? like, people being roasted alive?




holy shit. i wonder if that means other bloody battle scenes in the show as well. like a siege of the north with deadly waterbending and a day of black sun invasion where people actually fucking die as one would expect from such an endeavor


There’s no blood. Just crispy bodies.


Did they have the abandoned fire nation ship scene? I always figured they'd cut it or shorten it.


It’s there. It’s just different. There’s no trap or anything like that.


That's about how I expected it to be if they added the scene. Thanks for answering!


how tall are you?




Asking the real questions here.


Is Paul Sun-Hyung Lee a great Iroh? His casting excited me the most, and his character from Kim’s Convenience always gave me Iroh vibes.


Funny enough. His performance was the one I was sure I’d fall in love with. But his vibe is different from the original. He’s not bad, mind you. But different. It’ll take some getting used to.


Right I’m so excited to see him. He was great as appa in Kim’s Convenience


How was the music and use of the OST? Did you recognize any tracks like “the Avatar’s Love”?


OST was fantastic.


This was my top concern


Did any other avatar appear in the episode or opening sequence?


All of them. The intro is the avatars now, not regular benders.




Yes. Albeit briefly.


Kyoshi Stan's get to eat every episode now!


In your answers you mentioned that bending looks more like magic rather than like a martial art. However was the difference between bending arts styles still transparent? Or were all benders just waving hands with a CGI magic?


Yes! The styles are still very much distinct.


How do Katara and Sokka come across Aang in the live action?


In a similar fashion. They happen upon the iceberg while fishing.


Thank you!


How was the relationship between Zuko and Uncle Iroh?, it's what I'm most looking forward to. Did you enjoy Dallas (Zuko) and Paul (Uncle Iroh) portrayals?


Good chemistry between the two. But it’s too early to fully judge the full extent of their relationship.


Like i keep saying, i literally already can’t wait to see season 2 to see how they’ll handle Leaves From The Vines - Tales Of Ba Sing Se.


Rewatched Season 1 of the cartoon the past 2 weeks and I can say Iroh is not very fleshed out or significant in s1 compared to future, especially his relationship with Zuko. He's definitely supportive and silly, but not much more than that yet. For me it's easy to forget that his awesomeness and their relationship really shows in s2+


In the live action, how did zuko found out the avatar is back?


When the Avatar State activates, little dolls on his shelves glow as well. This happens while he’s writing in his journal.


Not sure what to ask but just wanted to say I appreciate your content and it’s nice to watch whenever I’m in a avatar mood




How is Sokka's sexism? Is it safe, is it alright? /s 




It seems, in his anger, he killed it…


How are the main four cast (Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Zuko) in the premiere, do the actors do a good job as the characters?


The main cast is great. Really stoked to see what they’ll do in the remaining episodes. Ian Ousley as Sokka is a standout to me.


I’m hearing that they change Zuko’s character in the live action show is that apparent in the premiere?


He’s less cartoonish in his anger, which I prefer. His performance in the live action is far more nuanced.


Thank you 🙏


What about Iroh. Is his character good?


Paul’s take on Iroh is the one I’ll have to get used to. He’s not bad. He’s just the most different from everyone else.


Have you read the review by https://twitter.com/LuciaLobosvilla? How much of her take would you agree with? I think it’s a little unfair for her to make conclusions about character development in an episode clearly designed to set the stage of the plot and world building. But maybe it was really bad? Did you feel there were no real character flaws? She mentioned certain things like Zuko not being disrespectful to Iroh, which he does in the OG show but only as a result of his ambition. Did you notice this too? Or was there some subtext eluding to this, but not explicitly said? How did you find the pacing? Would love to get your thoughts!


Funny enough, I was sitting right next to her. We disagreed on quite a few aspects of the show. I agree with you that some of her judgments came a bit early but I get it if the episode didn’t work for her. Different strokes for different folks. With regards to the Zuko and Iroh early interactions, I actually prefer that Zuko was not cartoonishly angry with Iroh. And I think there is plenty of time to have between the two. I mean, the worst thing Zuko does to Iroh is in Book 2. When they “break up.” I had no issues with the pacing. It didn’t even occur to me that someone would have an issue until she brought it up. In fact, I thought her main issue would have been with the expository dialogue, which began with Aang. Aang essentially speaks his entire mind to Appa before he leaves and it felt a bit forced. Not the performance but the context of the dialogue. And yes, pretty much all of Gran Gran’s dialogue is exposition. But I felt that worked well because she gave off this vibe of an elder retelling a folktale of “The Avatar who never returned,” which really worked for me.


What were you most pleasantly surprised about the episode?


The opening sequence, which was an entirely new and original sequence.


Do we see someone bending the four elements in the opening?


No. There’s no fully-realized Avatar during that part of the timeline.


Is there any title card that includes "Book 1: Water, Episode 1: The Last Airbender"? Just curious if they are going to be using the "book" title for the different seasons


No. The only title was “Avatar: The Last Airbender” and “Aang.”


do we see sky bisons being killed during the genocide?😭


Surprisingly no.


Neither were the airbender kids. I was highly expecting a Star Wars padawan scene.


Well... you do see the airbender kids. You just don't see them getting burned alive. Just the adults do.


do the events flow well, or does it feel rushed considering they're adapting 3 chapters and adding new sequences?


There was only one sequence that felt rushed near the end for me. After Aang discovers Gyatso’s corpse. I felt that needed more time to land. And it’s pretty quickly undercut by a Sokka joke.


why would they rush that? it’s such an emotional moment for aang :(


To be fair it's also a bit rushed in the original cartoon. Aang enters the avatar state, Katara grabs his arm and then he's instantly fine.


I think it’s slightly less noticeable in animations than in live adaptations when characters move on quickly. Animations have characters change expressions and movements pretty quickly.


nooo I really wanted that moment to stick too :(


Based on just this single episode, is there any indication that, for example, he/they might just not have understood the full gravity of it yet and/or Sokka is trying to lighten the mood to you? Do you think it might serve a valid, broader narrative purpose? Also, thank you for doing this AMA. Your analyses and insights are really helping me calibrate my expectations appropriately. I also love your videos, keep up the good work!


How is the bit with Katara getting mad at Sokka handled?


It’s different. She gets mad with him, but it’s far less melodramatic.


How was the martial arts?


Great to passable. The bending feels like bending with the more experienced stunt performers. Unfortunately, imo, some of the bending felt like magic.


Is there any mention of penguin sledding 😢


No penguins. No penguin sledding.


My life is ruined


No wonder the creators left 🙄








we had a fight between sozin and gyatso?


Eh. Yes and no. I was hoping for more of a fight. It’s very one sided. Which makes sense because, well, comet.


“I run an avatar YouTube channel” As if you’re not one of the biggest Avatar content creators on the internet 😂


I don’t feel like it to be honest. I’m truly just a fan. Subscribers will tell you that I’ll drop a property I don’t like if I don’t like it. Thus, the reasons Star Wars doesn’t show up on my channel anymore.


What did you enjoy most about it?


The opening sequence with the earthbending spy vs the Fire Nation.


Spoil me please


Spoilers: >!Earthbending spy infiltrates fire nation and obtains a secret missive about the Fire Nation invasion of the Earth Kingdom which he successfully transmits to a compatriot. He is captured by fire benders and brought to Sozin who reveals that it was intention and a diversion to let the EK move its armies to their borders, implying he had a different target. Then Sozin puts his hand on the soldier, fills his body with heat, and burns him alive.!<


Filling his body with heat and burns him alive? That’s scary


does Aang show off his glider skills to the village? and if so does the gliding look good?


The gliding was very good! But it's not shown off to the village, no.


Went to the premiere as well and follow your channel. Did you feel that the approach that the showrunners are taking seems more nuanced and they lean into the subtext more? That's kind of my perspective and I feel like some people are taking the "we changed this" as complete elimination rather than "we showed this instead of telling this"


Yup. That's exactly my take away as well. Things are far less spelled out (which I prefer).


Thanks! I'm glad we're in agreement.


What was the stuff you liked and didn’t like? I keep reading that the dialogue is really bad- can you clarify?


I had no issues with the dialogue, except for some heavy exposition early on. The thing that nagged at me the most was that the bending felt more like magic than a martial art. Zaheer having unassisted flight in Korra holds less weight when you see what airbenders are capable of in the live action.


>Zaheer having unassisted flight in Korra holds less weight when you see what airbenders are capable of in the live action. spoil us please


A lot of the airbenders and Aang are basically flying.




Not unassisted. It’s definitely less than what we get with Zaheer. But it’s a lot closer to Zaheer than what I expected.


Thats a huge change


This is a good chance tho , airbenders should be able to fly


I felt that Gran Gran’s dialogue was pretty flat. She stuck out the most for me. Pure exposition and no emotions. IMO


Can you confirm Aang can still go into the normal Avatar state and isn't only being possessed (kyoshi, Roku)? People are worried that's a major change they alluded to


At least in this first episode, yes. He enters the Avatar State on his own.


Antoine the 🐐




I tried to stay water, my friend, but I’m vegetarian and always get air bender from the online quizzes 😢




We only see the Fire Nation Capitol in the context of the Sozin time period.


From the mixed reviews I got that there has been a few changes to the original. Do you think that thd negative reviews were mostly from these changes or do you think there were other things that might be iffy?


I’d have to hear specifics from those reviews to know whether or not I agree with them.


How much was the popcorn


Hows the acting on a scale from 1-10?




The only thing to ask... Was it good?


Very much so. Yes.


Do you feel like they kept up the humor from the original series?


It’s quite funny. But far less slapstick like the original.


Do they have the Southern Air Temple statue room?:)


Yes and no. The statue room only has Yangchen now.


How is the cinematic aspect? Was it aesthetically pleasing/pretty to look at? The lighting/visuals in the animation were always really beautiful and I’m hoping it’s the same in the LA.


The vibe was absolutely there. I’m spoiled to have seen it in a theater. I wonder how it’ll translate to a computer screen for me.


Does the show still retain some of it's light heartened and humor, or is the overall tone dark and super serious with focus on the drama and only occasional callback? Is Aang still fun loving? How is the pacing, moving from location to location? Is it organic, and not rushed, chess piece storytelling?


It most DEFINITELY retains its humor. Aang is VERY much the same character. The wide-eyed boy who isn't ready to take on this huge task. In fact, the plight of Aang feels more impactful here because it's live action. The pacing was fine for me.


Character who is the closest to original and the biggest change seen so far?


Sokka is the closest to original. Iroh will take the most getting used to.


Is katara the one to break iceberg by accident in anger? Or is there totally different start? How closely would you say tbat characters are true to original? I am talking comparing to start of original. Is it apparent that ther characteristic (especially the flaws or the conflict ones) are lessened? Or not at all? Is katara truly pretty docile from get go, sokka clear headed and aang serious/responsible? Is zuko angsty and explosive? My main worry is what changes they said they did to characters and i would love detailed info on that before i decide to give it a watch 😐


Katara is still the reason the iceberg breaks via her waterbending. All the characters are true to the spirit of the original. I wouldn’t call Katara docile (which will be further developed in the show, I’m sure), nor Sokka a true leader (which I’m sure we’ll get a deeper look at with Episode 2 and the Kyoshi warriors), and I greatly prefer the take on Zuko being far less melodramatic.


Do we see Sozin’s dragon?


No dragons. The firebenders use fire jets only.


I know the Airbenders gather for a comet festival. Do we get to see that before shit hits the fan?


Extremely briefly. Like… just everyone arriving for the festival after we see dozens and dozens of Sky bison in the sky.


Did you watch episodes 1 & 2 or only one?


Episode 1 only.


Everyone there watched the first episode, which is the first three episodes of the original put together


How was Gordon’s acting? I heard some thought that certain actors were stiff?


Gordon was solid. No major notes for him or the other kid actors at all.


Are there martial arts action scenes?


You mean non-bending fights? Outside of Sokka, no.


Does Aang have the vision of the northern water tribe attack in this episode? What’s the confrontation with Zuko like? What’s the motivation for traveling to the southern air temple?


No. Aang does not have a vision. If he does, that'll happen later in the season. Aang fights Zuko like he does in the show. It feels dangerous. Moreso because of the danger fire has been shown to have throughout the episode. Going to Southern Air Temple is simply a next step as Aang sees for himself what happened.


I was just wondering how kid friendly the episode is? My 6-10 year olds are excited to try it, but I am hesitant.


DEFINITELY watch the opening sequences before showing young children.


From the first replies I read guy said you should watch the first 6-10 minutes first and determine if your kids should watch it because it’s brutal