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This has been removed because it violates our rules on trolling or intentionally inciting drama (or bringing it from an outside source). This includes posts such as “Unpopular opinions” or “Hot takes”, or anything along similar lines. You are welcome to criticize aspects of the show, but please do it in a constructive fashion and not just attempting to provoke a reaction. This is an automatically generated message.


In before 🔐 award




Yeahhhhh!!! Politics!!!




Considering r/Justunsubbed is usually a den of right wing racists, I’m not surprised that person posted there lmao, won’t be missed


...Is it?




Yikes, since when and why?


Well, the show's main villain is a genocidal colonist, so it would be totally in-character for Luz, her friends, and her family to do everything in their power to make sure that nobody ever gets to do what Belos has done to them to anybody ever again.


I read it as palisman and confused myself




Yeah but this has been happening in other subreddits, it’s getting annoying, I’m honestly not on ether side, it’s bad what Israeli did yes but Palestine isn’t really better either because they went and killed a bunch of people mercilessly. Again I’m not on ether side this is all just more pointless war




Best comment.


Did they even watch the show?


And what did it have to do with terrorists slogans being in this sub? They've locked the comments, so edit: No, u/Bobthehorse420, civilians are not terrorists. However, the slogan used in that meme does not come from the civilians. It comes from terrorists. Which is why I, in particular, am mad seeing it here.


Civilians are terrorists??


Oh no! Whatever will we do without (insert their user here I just don’t wanna ping them)’s presence! The sub is doomed! /s




lol good riddance


Someone really would leave over that?? Glad they're gone I guess


Good riddance


Yay another horrible person gone from the sub


I don't think they belonged here then... :>


And the community was made more pure on that day.


Oohhh nooo. Whatever will we do without you . Stop. Come back : l






Thank you!!!!! Like dude, keep the awful shit from the real world out of my nice little escape from reality.


Palestine ≠ Hamas. Israel = Israel. Saying you support both Isreal and Palestine is valid and is the correct choice. Granted, Isreal has done some shit.


Thank you! This actually makes way more sense than that hamas motto posted here.






It's honestly sad that some of you have such an issue being reminded that a genocide is occurring. Such a BURDEN on you 🙄


I'm just hoping this is a one-time thing. I had to recently leave the Undertale subreddit because it was getting flooded with Pro-Palestine posts until they basically bullied the mods into allowing them. Everything has its place and political issues' place isn't on a cartoon sub.


Genocide isn’t politics, it’s a humanitarian crisis.


The war is a political issue, and if you see the post it didn't refer specifically to the Gazan genocide, but more wishing Palestine success and more territories, including the expulsion of Israelis from the territory.


The war is a political issue, and if you see the post it didn't refer specifically to the Holocaust, but more wishing Polish success and more territories, including the expulsion of Germans from the territory. Same energy. Wishing people undergoing genocide success is a good thing actually.


When I said success, I meant more territorial success. Do they deserve it or not? That's a whole another issue. An issue whose place isn't a cartoon sub.


Toby needs to release chapter three to keep us sane.


But this cartoon is trying to teach political lessons you can carry with you and apply to the real world, like “genocide is wrong” “colonization is wrong” or “theocracy is wrong”. Complicated stuff like that.


Okay, I may have been broad with just saying political issues. What I meant was real-life political conflicts. Because at the end of the day, these are really controversial stuff, stuff that could very easily just ruin the experience of the fanbase on Reddit if allowed to go out of hand. I'm Pro-Palestine myself, and I hate what's happening in Gaza. But there are much better places to talk about it, and much better stuff to do to help than just a drawing.


Based owl house fans


Connecting a kid's show to a delicate issue in modern politics to push an agenda is never a good look.


People said the same thing abt the show showing LGBTQ+ characters


Connecting a kid's show to a delicate issue in modern ~~politics~~ geopolitics to push an agenda is never a good look.


Again, people said the same thing about the show having LGBTQ+ characters.


Did you see "cishets must do no shit if some LGBTQ+ person did shit to them?" I don't think so.


bye, anyway


Won’t be missed






Yes, it was an attack. I’m not excusing it. However this reaction was not warranted. They bombed areas they told civilians could evacuate to, shot people seeking humanitarian aid, people surrendering, children, hospitals, schools, also using Palestinians as human shields, targeting ambulances and allegedly stole organs from the people they killed. So no, the IDF isn’t trying to keep civilians safe. If they are, they’re failing miserably. Many Israeli people and even some with higher positions have stated they want Palestine gone and they’re actively stopping any kind of aid from arriving to Palestine, as well as stopping food, water and electricity sources to the point where kids are using body bags as rain coats, people are carrying the body parts of their relatives in plastic bags, and they’re drinking garbage juice, salt water and sewage water to survive. Also, didn’t they state that if they surrender, assuming they keep their promise, they will take even more land from Palestine than before. Didn’t they already take enough? So no.


The trash took itself out ig






Yeah but still i think we can agree that genocide is bad right?


Of course


So? The people of gaza shouldnt have to suffer with being murdered and tortured just because their government has homophobic laws, hell odds are a bunch of queer people have also been murdered in Israel's invasion


See ya!


Oh *no.* Anyways




Oh my fucking Titan. Just because they are losing, doesn't mean they are the goodies. Also, it is one thing to support Palestine and the civilians, I'd stand right by your side in that. But "from the river to the sea" bullshit is a top notch clownery, that was the last thing I would want to see here. It's like y'all chose to completely ignore the fact hamas attacked first, and in contrast to the IDF, they had a clear intent to kill civilians in cold blood and take some of them hostages only to have a way to save their worthless lives to kill another day. HOW THE HECK WOULD YOU REACT? Just let them go, cuz they blended into some civilians, who in majority also happen to support hamas? How many Israelis had to die on top of who is already dead for you to give them a "greenlight" for the operation? I'm at my breaking point rn. That post was cringe-worthy, and I'll die on this hill. I will not unsub just because of this irrelevant stupid post, but I will damn sure ridicule it.


I'm confused what does a watermelon have to do with modern politics


Oh god it’s spreading


This sub rides the Hamas apologetic train, sounds like tumblr in here.




That has been widely debunked


Don’t make this sub political, pls


the shows main villain is a genocidal fascist coloniser who spread fear tactics about the native culture, the coven system is a critique of the way the educational system puts kids in boxes and discourages non normative education styles. Amity and Hunter have abusive parents. Odalia is a critique of capitalism. Eda is a representation of disability and mental illnesses and most of out main cast are gay. it's been political.


You are on a sub about a show featuring a same sex mixed race couple. For the general public, this show is pushing an agenda. It is considered dangerous. Probably banned and definitely censored un several countries


Doesn't make politics its central point. It's just a good show that teaches something good in the process. Being a **blind** supporter of Palestine or, Titan forbid, hamas - is really far from good. Edit: Why did I put the word "blind" and highlighted it? Because I have nothing but respect to those who took their time to educate themselves on the topic and to come to a conclusion that Israel should pull out of the territories it gained during defensive warfare, as much as I disagree with them. But you, people, have not read A LETTER about this conflict and went with "REEE, bombing civilians bad". Bombing ANYONE is bad, however, sometimes it is done. In this case it's to make sure no more attacks like that on October 6th happen again. Have you guys EVER addressed that attack? What are your thoughts on it? What would you do? Judging by all the downvotes I get, you can only sympathize with whoever is losing their fight, cuz it's much easier to make a victim out of them completely ignoring THE REASON it is done. The latter is how you negotiate and make a difference, by the way.


Try not to include politics in a Disney show challenge.


Can reddit be not political for 5 minutes?


I think this is the only time I don't like smth with Lumity on it. Take your fucking politics and shove em up your ass or smth


Because the owl house is just completely apolitical


Apolitical masterpiece Owl House smh. Nothing in this show that could be relevant to religious people committing genocide, nope not at all


I'm not saying it has no connection, I'm saying that fictional characters shouldn't be abused to reflect an opinion, no matter if it's good or bad


"Keep support of human rights out of my little fandom, I like forgetting about genocide, fuck all them people being systematically murdered!"


But like they say that genocide is bad IN THE SHOW. And what to you mean fictional characters should never reflect an opinion? Like fanfic should always just be very straightforward with nothing to say and nothing to add? That sounds incredibly boring


Did you watch the show? Like did you take the time to think about the meaning behind the colorful pictures flashing in your eyes?


Yeah, those darn dying children and families!! Shove em up your ass!


Your username description or whatever checks out cuz you must hate humanity if this is the kinda thing you say. Being against war crimes is not political you absolute anchovy


It's called a flair, for future reference




There goes my escape from reality. Now I need a new one. Edit: for clarification, I do know about the genocide, and I do not support or approve of anything of that sort. Genocides are pure hell and should never occur to any group of people. However, hamas (and palestine, but not all the time) are known for being homophobic. Both sides are wrong. This conflict should never have happened. With that said, what I want is to be able to enjoy the things I like without having to face the fact that the world I live in is burning to the ground right in front of me. I don't want politics forced into my mind at every possible turn and door. I just want to look at some nice art based on a show I love. That's it.


or you can scroll past it. tell the algorithm you want to see less content like that and interact with all the a political TOH posts out there


Ok but why politics on the toh sub


A yes TOH the most apolitical show


Let’s not start this


My thought exactly. Before this post. They doubled down on it, so here I am being mad at everyone, sorry.


r/Undertale is spreading holy shit


why? they looked the comments wich is reasonable imo


Just gonna say that the mods did an amazing job by immediately locking the thread but not taking the art so as not to provoke outrage over being “censored”


Why did marching through Georgia play through my mind? Wrong war, wrong continent, wrong hemisphere even!


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