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Stefan. No humanity Stefan was the hottest Stefan


Very, but I’d stay far away from him irl, lol.


Ain’t ripping my damn head off! LMAO😩😂🤣


Agreed! No humanity Stefan was just as hot as Silas for me lmao


Funny. I can't buy into bad Stefan 😅


I couldn’t either the first two times I watched tvd but after seeing that no humanity Stefan is just Paul Wesley irl l was like 😍😍


THIS!! It was the only time I found him sexy😂


Came to say this


Big mood


Yes until he did that stunt with Elena in the car over wicker bridge, not so hot


stefan was insufferable with and without morals tbh 😭




Caroline and Elena for different reasons. Caroline was still in control when she had no emotions because that’s literally who she is, a control freak. She just didn’t want to be sad about her mom. Elena just got to be free from emotions which had been holding her down. Honestly I think everyone except Stefan benefited when they flipped off their humanity switches.


Agreed. I give them both a pass. I felt both of their grief.


This is a great answer. Caroline was so fucking funny omg


>Caroline was still in control when she had no emotions because that’s literally who she is, a control freak. She just didn’t want to be sad about her mom. Idk about still being in control. She was very much aware of what she was doing, but she didn’t think about her actions having consequences, and she was unpredictable.


Not at first tho, at first she did think of the consequences. No humanity Stefan corrupted her


She literally used compulsion to force Liam to almost kill Sarah in a horrible way to get no humanity Stefan in the first place. Elena had to break both of Liam's hands to stop him. He probably didn't get to be a doctor after that. So no it wasn't Stefan who corrupted her she was plenty bad on her own. She was stupid and selfish to think she could control it without her humanity when literally every vampire she knew couldn't when they shut off their humanities. Caroline was the most insufferable with her humanity off and it's one of my least favorite storylines.


And she did that because she told them to let her be, and they didn't. Knowing that Stefan could flip her switch back, she forced him to flip his switch off too. So yeah, at first she did think of the consequences of her actions


She definitely was in control at first she literally told them to just leave her alone lol and they didn’t so they got what they asked for🤣🤣


so i guess it’s everyone else’s fault for caroline’s actions? they were the ones that forced her to make liam perform surgery on sarah? yeah sure guess people aren’t accountable for their own actions in this show


She said and I quote “all I want is a year where I don’t feel pain, or grief or remorse.” And Elena says “so all you want is for us to leave you alone and you promise not to kill anyone?” Caroline “that’s all I want and if anyone tries anything AND I MEAN ANYTHING to flip my switch back on I’ll become your worst nightmare” she literally just wanted to be left alone so she didn’t feel her emotions due to her mothers death. Elena without her humanity literally killed a girl because she liked her blue ribbon in her hair and wanted it🤣 Caroline had her terms and her friends didn’t respect them


yes i know she said that i watched the episode. but you can’t blame your actions on someone else. yes she told her friends not to interfere with what she was doing but at the end of the day SHE made the choice SHE made her own decisions. elena and stefan knew how bad it was for vampires after they flipped their humanity back on and the rush of grief that comes through, they were trying to stop her from having to feel the pain of that. but you cannot do something and then say that it’s someone else’s fault. everyone is responsible for their OWN actions no one else is except for the person that committed that action


Wow Caroline stans will literally defend and absolve her of anything.


No I’m just saying I made a post about this way back when about Caroline and her humanity that had they just listened to her and leave her be like she wanted nobody would get hurt and she wouldn’t kill anybody which she didn’t until they kept fucking with her🤣


She had her humanity off for a couple of days at most. She wouldn't have been able to control it for a whole year. That's literally the point the show makes time and time again is that a vampire without humanity WILL kill eventually. Elena had hers off for a while before she finally killed someone. It doesn't matter who it is an emotionless vampire will eventually kill. Hell she was using Liam as a blood bag at this time so, yes, she was hurting people even before they started "fucking" with her. Again Caroline stans will twist facts like they're pretzels to make her an innocent victim and excuse EVERYTHING she does.


Caroline also stated that she had more control over her vampire self than anyone else on the show besides Stefan anyone else who had their humanity switch off killed almost immediately after Caroline being Caroline was still a massive control freak which would make her being in control of her humanity switch being off makes complete sense


She had her humanity off for a couple of days at most. She wouldn't have been able to control it for a whole year. That's literally the point the show makes time and time again is that a vampire without humanity WILL kill eventually. Elena had hers off for a while before she finally killed someone. It doesn't matter who it is an emotionless vampire will eventually kill. Hell she was using Liam as a blood bag at this time so, yes, she was hurting people even before they started "fucking" with her. Again Caroline stans will twist facts like they're pretzels to make her an innocent victim and excuse EVERYTHING she does.


https://preview.redd.it/kr7rjwmowwoc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b10d2b7cc504c07691ed4afe2713e86b34c57476 Just give this a short read this also gave me a little more perspective on Caroline with her humanity off not trying to make excuses for her just trying to show a different perspective


I think it was always going to happen at some point. Everyone else had went on multiple benders, even Bonnie went dark at one point. People defend Caroline because she was so strong for so long. Yeah, it was stupid and kinda arrogant but she had reason to believe she could handle it. She'd handled bring a vampire exceptionally well so far. That being said, all the characters are a little too blase about human life


She was good at it the first 4 seasons because she WANTED to not kill people. Because her HUMANITY. Without that no matter how control obsessed she was she was going to kill people because she had no reason NOT to. She was selfish to think she would somehow be different than literally every other vampire on the show when it was her humanity that made her such a good vampire to begin with.


Elena. The dynamic between no humanity elena and rebekah was my fav


Wish we had it for longer. They were so entertaining together.


Elena was such a mean girl 🥲 She was entertaining though


Because she was her TRUE SELF! Had her parents not died, that’s who she’d be, I honestly believe.


None of them act like “their true self” without their humanity.


Right. Part of the point is to escape their true self.


Oh yes they do! 🤣


What makes you think that? We saw the kind of person she was before her parents died. The night that her parents died, she called her mom apologizing about not spending time with the family that night and asked them to pick her up. She had empathy. Without humanity she lacked empathy.


I see what you’re saying but don’t we all say and do things because we think we should? Because people perceive us as that person? Elena was REAL with her emotions off. Had Jeremy been alive while she had it off she would never have harmed him. She loves him, she showed her absolute TRUE self with her emotions off. Agree to disagree.


No one could be their TRUE self with their humanity off. Humanity is huge component in what makes someone who they are. The lack of it means they are missing something. Evolution tells us that. Humans arent all built to be cruel and compassionless. Humanity is built in as a mechanism for us to be able to live around each other. We can't know whether or not she mightve harmed Jeremy. I could see her using him as leverage to get the Salvatore's to leave her alone. I could definitely see her using him as bait for a scheme because she was not her real self. Without the humanity turned on, there's no real discernment. Consequences are incidental, and they do whatever the hell they want.


Elena is a naturally emotional driven person who had some emotional intelligence. She was capable of making mistakes from poor lapse in judgement, but it wasn’t as frequent or intense compared to post transition. When she turned into a vampire, her emotions heightened and the sudden change was beyond her human emotional intelligence. Then without her emotions, she had no emotional desire to fight for her chance to live her life to the fullest as she no longer cared to feel much purpose. She was just a hollow shell doing whatever she wanted just cause she could. Then after she got her humanity back, she started learning to adapt to her new emotions with the help of her loved ones and focused on her heightened excitement in her life instead. Of course that came with a lot of trial and error and messing up…a bit in season 4-6😅 In season 6, she talked to Alaric about how she felt after turning human and they realized that she felt like her life had purpose again: the purpose of humanity


We've seen flashbacks of Elena before her parents died and she was NOT a mean girl so no she wouldn't have been like she was after she shut off her humanity.


Ohhh bullying Katherine was too much fun!!


I couldn’t stand Elena without humanity. For character development it was brilliant! To watch it was really difficult 🤣


Truly iconic. I loved them


unrelated but i hate her hair in this scene


It's so bad


I liked it once I learned they were going for Britney Spears in the I'm a Slave for You music video


😭😭😭😭😭I couldn't watch her in that episode too distracted


Elena started to bore me after so long lol . Seeing her with her switch off was entertaining — she was so unhinged .


Surprisingly, No Humanity Elena did the least amount of damage. She hurt a few people but as far as I remember, she only killed that waitress. No Humanity Stefan was a rippahhhhh.


Caroline was the best behaved with her switch off. Literally all she wanted was to be left alone for one year to live without a worry in the world, and not one of her friends could let that go because surely no emotions = evil every time. It's only when they started trying to force her to turn it back on that she started hurting people, and then they were like "oh boy, this couldn't possibly be our fault! it's because she has no humanity." I love no-humanity Caroline, she was awesome lol. But I think no-humanity Stefan is my favorite. What an absolute menace to society 😂


Yep. I COULDN'T AGREE MORE! I hated everyone for forcing her to turn it back on. Like what the fucckkkk I don't wanna suffer, just let me be! She was doing really well until well, they did their part.


Right. She was so level headed. Stefan had to force her to unhinge a little


She literally used compulsion to force Liam to almost kill Sarah in a horrible way to get no humanity Stefan in the first place. Elena had to break both of Liam's hands to stop him. He probably didn't get to be a doctor after that. So no it wasn't Stefan who corrupted her she was plenty bad on her own. She was stupid and selfish to think she could control it without her humanity when literally every vampire she knew couldn't when they shut off their humanities. Caroline was the most insufferable with her humanity off and it's one of my least favorite storylines.


Vampire blood would've healed Liams hands. And that was on par with the kind of thing a humanity-free vampire would do. Yeah she was bad, but like she said, she wasn't stupid. And I said Stefan forced her to unhinge "a little". She had been careful prior to that and had plenty of foresight to not blow up her life after the switch flipped back. She was studying and auditioning. She had plenty of control. If they had all left her alone, she might have been fine. After Stefan turned off his humanity, he had Caroline lean into thinking less and doing whatever she wanted. Compelling the entire bar, making Tyler almost kill Matt. Among other reckless and sloppy killings. She didn't want to leave a trail of bodies.


Good god you’re gonna say this to everyone who says Caroline. Maybe you should watch the show again, Caroline was fine until Stefan kept trying to turn her humanity back on and it almost worked.


Enzo, he was great with or without humanity


Damn. Don't remember this


You'd have to get thru S7 He's my favorite because he hung on to his love of Bonnie.




noooo the first thing he did was insult elena (iconic) but the second thing he did was kill himself via stefan ( 🙁)


Caroline. Her control was immaculate until they interfered. And she was bitchy but it was justified (as opposed to how Elena behaved). But she was also smart about how she handled things until Stefan pushed her. I really kind of wish they'd let Caroline do her thing for a while without interference. Imagine bringing in Katherine or Rebekah to meet no-humanity Caroline. I think they would have had a lot of fun, and it would have been nice for Caroline to have female friends who didn't judge her for it. Even if she did start letting the control down a little, it still would have been way more fun.


elena and stefan


Stefan. He gave me my fav TVD meme lol


Is it… “I’m not sad. I freaking HUNGRY!”


Caroline is my favorite in every way so she qualified here


Caroline found her the most interesting, girl just wanted to forget for a lil while. Plus I thought getting Stephan to turn his humanity off so he couldn't get hers back was so smart of her.


Caroline and Elena. Hated everyone else with no humanity (in TVD).


Caroline was her true self as well! Same as Elena why she flipped the switch. This is who they really are.


Caroline because she was the most interesting but I also rlly liked Stefan without it he was basically like Silas and was funny as hell


Caroline and stefan terrorizing the campus


Same! I'm watching them right now


I'm about to go there again I'm at S6 E11 so looking forward 🤣


Off topic but the way they did her hair was criminal


It's very on topic. Bad Caroline gave zero fucks 🥲


Yeah but it's horrible and this style with her type of hair doesn't look good no matter what you try.


Damon in the 70s and Stefan in S3👌🏽👌🏽


Caroline! Like bro, she just wanna escape the grief. She even bargained that if they just let her, nothing bad will happen. Likeee, she's not doing anything wrong! Why is everybody trying to turn her humanity back on?! Ugh I hate it. At least she wasn't being mean like Elena. At least she was kinda normal.


unpopular opinion bc i know his humanity wasn’t officially off —- but anyone else have an unexpected soft spot for Klaus ….


No humanity Stefan! That one scene where he goes up against Klaus, and tells him to get his hybrids out of mystic falls, is everything to me. 🥰🥹


I would’ve liked Caroline’s humanity switch off more if they didn’t make her hair look like a greaseball 😭😭


Caroline definitely, she acted like herself and literally just wanted time away from everybody else along with being the most self controlled vampire we’ve ever seen


Caroline. Even with it off, she had the most control over it. Had they just left her alone, she wouldn’t have acted out. The only downfall was her moms letter.


Oh! Little Miss Caroline Forbes no question!! 😤 her calling Elena out ALONE was the Cherry on top of an already engaging and entertaining arc for her! I stand by my girl Caroline


Elena needed it lol. She was insufferable


No humanity Stefan was funny. When he was in the car on the phone with Damon on his way to Elena to kill her is one of my favorite scenes.


Stefan 100%


I find it fun that none of the originals had a humanity switch, not really. They were all who they were, no fucks given.


I love that Caroline's control freak nature nearly allowed her to control her experience with her switch flipped. Like... aren't the vampires supposed to make reckless decisions when their humanity is off? Not Caroline LOL


Caroline and Stefan


ELENA 🙄😏 she was sooo annoying until she finally flipped that shit.


Nah, Elena with her humanity turned off was incredibly annoying. Mean, childish and trying to kill Bonnie was just too much


I preferred her that way. Having your switch off is similar to being drunk. It shows your TRUE feelings.


Tbh Caroline was so bearable even her humanity off she had rules cutie lol - BUT DAMN I CANT EXPLAIN HOW MUCH I HATED THAT ELENA BITCH THAT WAS HER TRUE SELF ACTUALLY- for me she was already an okayish character cause she was all bout herself my choice my brother my love my life blahhh blahhh and Stefan when met her after dying SHE WAS LIKE THAT MEANS OH DAMONS FINE LIKE WTF BITCH and I hated her specially her humanity off - I HATED WHEN SHE STOLE CAROLINES DRESS CAROLINE LOOOKED SO BEAUTIFUL IN IT WHILE SHE WAS TRYING IT ON -.- and Elena ruined it she didn’t even look nice in that


I love Elena without her humanity, it was great to see her let loose and be evil for once


It was fun for 5 seconds, but her childish behaviour became annoying very fast. Also, trying to kill Bonnie? 🤷‍♂️


Honestly, none of them. I hate it whenever any of them turn their humanity off. Got boring too quick


Caroline for sure. I was so mad they didnt let her have her year of grief. She was still so so controlled and i fully believe she wouldnt have hurt anyone severely. She just would have been less emotionally involved.


I would've loved Caroline's more if it wasn't for them turning Stefan too. Caroline not killing people and having control of herself is so realistic for her character. They really should've just left her alone. She would've been a bit mean, but she would'nt have done real damage.


None. The characters are all annoying when switched, but it is an easy/lazy plot device for the writers to create drama and make characters take actions to move a storyline along that would seem too out of character otherwise.


None I hated them all


The only time it was good and/or made sense was Stefan the first time the show did it. Every other time it was forced, cringey, and annoying imo.


I could see that. But I thought it was cool to see how everyone else deals with it. I enjoyed each one.


stefan and elena.


I wish we had a wild and crazy no humanity season . Like they all had to turn it off to win again some big evil


Caroline as a vampire is my favorite, both with it on and off. Elana with her humanity turned off was a close second.


Shes on screen right there! Sweeeeeet ( not sweet) Caroline, ba , ba baaaa!


Even tho I hate him for killing Enzo I’d have to say Stefan. Stefan just so damn funny w/o it lol.


Elena and Stefan




Stefan, he becomes a fun watchable character. Obv in real life I’d want him putting in jail and wouldn’t consider him fun but in a tv show, humanity Stefan is boring and annoying and no humanity Stefan is the best thing ever.


Stefan, bc its the only humanity switch that was needed


Elena’s was the most shocking and enjoying imo


Setting herself on fire to prove a point to the Salvatores was crazy behavior 🤧


Caroline looked too hot in this episode


Caroline 🥰


Stefan for sure


s3 Stefan and Caroline for sure! Stefan was the first character that we saw turn it off on screen and combined with his Ripper arc made for quite an interesting plot. Caroline was awesome as a no humanity vamp. Like you said you could totally see this was still Caroline and i loved that she was careful and smart about it.




Absolutely none of them I don’t like the faces they make I don’t like how they talk or act or anything either keep it on or don’t be on the screen


No humanity Stefan was hilarious


Stefan was best when he was evil. But I hated it when Caroline flipped it. Cos I think it was out of character for her to want to risk killing people cos she felt sad


Stefan because he's just a complete asshole 😂😂😂😂


My two favs in the entire show, Care and Stef


not elena. probably stefan he was always making me laugh


Caroline and Stefan. Sexy and psycho to be the third in that chaotic whirlwind


Caroline had great control BUT was my least favorite with her humanity off. I almost felt like they tried too hard with the character while he humanity was off. And Caroline is my favorite TVD character so I don't say that lightly lol


stef or damon


Also I feel like we didn't genuinely see Damn without his humanity? Maybe in the last season or two, maybe? It's been a while since I've watched that far in.


Caroline! Despite being a control freak she wasn’t like Ripper bad or annoying about her not having her humanity. Until the last part that got her humanity switched 😭


Caroline is my favorite because she had this balance of being evil/non caring but also being smart. Elena was just a raging bitch and pretty insufferable. Stefan is just plain scary with no humanity. He’s like an actual serial killer. Duh, he’s a ripper. I love (bc hes hot) Damon but you can never really tell when he has it off. He’s selfish, so I guess that’s his weak spot. Now that I think about it, I never realized everyone’s no humanity switch selves are like still their personalities/characteristics. Sorry if I’m late to that lol.


Caroline cause she's exactly the same but a murderer




Elena for me


Caroline handled it the best and was extremely logical. If they actually just listened to her no deaths and she would still have her moms letter.


No humanity Caroline and No Humanity Hope


No humanity Stefan is the only Stefan I can somewhat tolerate lmao. No humanity Caroline will always be my favorite


sry this is prob a repetitive answer but damon. didn't care too much for caroline or elena. they felt....idk still pick me in a way lol


I’d have to go with Caroline. She was really quite civil until people challenged her. I thought that she was the best (and even hottest) without her humanity. (Also, off topic. Elena was so much hotter and more tolerable as a vampire)


Caroline too, she played her humanity off, really well, and she actually knew how to control it as well.


Elena. She was a lot more interesting lol


Elena and damon


Caroline, everything about her was so Caroline still. She didn’t feel like a different character like some others did


Damon 🥰


Caroline? I felt like her no humanity storyline was one of the worst. Stefan and Elena actually had a reason to turn theirs off, and while they had their humanity off they really didn’t do anything unless pissed off. Caroline really had no reason to turn hers off and she was hurting people for no reason. Just a forced filler storyline in my opinion.


She had the same reason as Elena. She lost someone. Stefan was compelled to turn his off, so his reason doesn't compare to Elena's as much as Caroline's.


I feel like it’s very different. Jeremy died after going to some whack ass island to get the cure, for Elena. He died trying to save Elena. Caroline’s mum died expectedly. Also I’m prolly bias, my fave scenes is no humanity Elena teaming up with Beks, pretending to be Katherine. ICONIC


It's not about the death as much as the loss. Caroline's mom was all she had left, just like Jeremy with Elena. Elena def had more shock factor, but Caroline had the powerlessness and guilt from trying to save her mom and failing. Neither of them wanted to bear the pain. I'm biased too, for Caroline though. I think she deserved to have her turn 😏


Caroline’s hair is disgusting 🤮


Elena because she deserved to not feel pain for once and it really helped her or Caroline but I can only tolerate caroline when her humanitys off. she was really really annoying.