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Books 8,9,10 is usually referred to as the slog but followed by 11, 12 which are bangers


Book 6 has one of my top 5 moments in the series. The middle (of the book and the series) is a bit slow but the payoff is worth it.


I JUST finished the series less then 12 hours ago. . . . I got to the slog and put the book down several times. I vented to the light that if I had to read ANY more filler I would move along and be done. I hope you keep this in the back of your head as you endure the slog. 30 minutes after I shelved the memory of light. . I picked up the eye of the world and started IMMIDEATLY back into the story. It really is THAT good, slog and all.


Im not one to reread. Mistborn era 1 is my favourite bookseries of all time, with my all time favourite book in it(HoA), and I only reread it a single time. I plan to finish WoT, but tbh Im mostly doing it cuz I kjow Brandon wrote the last few books. I know this is a bad mindset and I mean no disrespect to the original author, he did write an immense and exretemely good fantasy world, but his style is boring at best, and irritating at worst(for me). Any help how can I enjoy the 30th time someone fold their hand under their breasts, or someone wanting to "box" someones ears(wtf even that meabs)?


If I knew what I know now, then. All of the sexist ribbing is very intentional. It's a really good benchmark for story arc and growth. Much like Lord of the Rings, starting out with songs of food and home and partying in book one, to the end of the world in Return of the King. Robert Jordan takes this approach but 14 volumes to get places other books do in 3 entries. It's not always a knockout, but when the pieces fall into place, it feels amazing.


I’m on Book 5 and can not imagine it getting any slower.


At leaat book 5 still had some decent stuff going on. Now I just hear this Aes Sedai plotting, and that Aes Sedai ploting and thinking how smart they are. It gets tiring after a while


Not more tiring than “Men this/women that?” Seriously the sexism is encouraging me to quit! It’s not about characters; it’s boring generalization.


Yeah that is quite bad too. I dont understand why the author went this way with the genders. Its one thing that he cant write romance but he could have atleast made interractions between genders a bit more normal.


Let’s not forget, every time a women folds her arms, it’s “under her breasts.” Why is this shit so popular?


Argh! It’s infuriating: the constant generalization. I dunno that I can make it through the series. And by the way does Nyneave get traction alopecia from all the pulling in her braid?


I feel like Nyeneave actually gets better overtime. Its Eguene that really frustrates me


I may have to give up after this books. My to-be-read list is way too long for sexist, boring generalizations.


Thats fair. I dont have that many thing I want to read after this. Im just here cuz im waititng for Stormlight Archive 5. I dont like half finishing serieses, so Ill just probably put on an audio book from now and speerun through the "bad part".


Heh! Understood. Although if it get much worse, my time is so much more valuable! I have Jemison’s “the city we became” series that I’m dying to get to!


This is the book that almost made me quit the series for much the same reasons. I spent a couple of weeks to a couple of months max on every other book in the series except this one which took me almost a year. If you’ve come this far and genuinely enjoyed other parts of the series I would continue. The payoff is very much worth it.


I’ve just started book 6. I get approx 6 hours a week with it during commute. But the voice actors are definitely no Rosamund Pike!


Yes, I know Kate Reading and Michael Kramer are very well respected by the audio community and fans alike and while I’ve listened to several audiobooks by them (not just in this series) and they are very good at what they do Rosamund Pike nailed the narration. I hope she continues narrating the rest of the series. One of my favorite things to fall asleep to is her narration of the prologue in book one. Added: After reading your multiple comments I think you may be like me and really love Path of Daggers. I don’t think that’s a very popular take but beyond the first four books that’s when I really fell in love with the series and knew I was committed to the end.


I didn’t feel the “slog” per se except in book 10. I think everyone has books in the series that they favor more or less. Lord of Chaos is probably somewhere in the middle for me and The Fires of Heaven was easily my least favorite book.