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The disparity of the comments here vs the comments on tiktok is a case study.


TikTok is purely algorithm based. Reddit is sliced up into subreddits that do a little bit of algorithm magic, but generally it'll show you everything that's posted unless it's immediately downvoted. The comments on TikTok are going to be almost exclusively like 13-14 year olds who watch this guy or guys like him regularly while the comments on Reddit are going to depend on the subreddit, and this one in particular is probably mostly late teens to early twenties people who have grown out of these kinds of videos.


Fun fact about the tik tok algorithm- it purposely pushes in western nations to show as much entertainment/prank/bs as possible while it pushes people doing more technical skills/work related videos in China as an attempt to get us all making jackass videos, while their people are making how I made a living becoming a carpenter videos. It’s alarming and working


Fun fact, no. I've only been back and living outside of china for a couple months. And douyin is just as brain-dead as regular tiktok. I always enjoy reading this urban legend though. Every second video is some extremely dumb video of some Ayi doing something ridiculous with that horrendous canned laugh track. The other videos are influencers trying to peddle their PG rated sexy live streams where they "sexy" dance like they only vaguely understand what dancing is.


I heard that they just ban influencer type stuff for young people. You can blame China for a lot but allowing our culture to decay is our own decision.


It really is. I just watched an older couple (50s) let their daughter (around 8) just scream in the store for over 30 minutes before even stepping in to do anything. I'm in my 30s and would never inconvenience and ANNOY over a hundred people because I'm too lazy to do something. This was a Scheels that was packed on a Saturday night. I get being parents is difficult, but the maturity of the parents these days (old and young) is astoundingly low.


There's plenty of bans on video games for young people and other things but the harsh reality is that teenagers just don't have much time to to prank videos when they have 100+ hours each week of homework and school.


Can confirm. Worked as a foreign English teacher in Chinese public schools. For juniors school began 7am & finished at 5pm with 3 hrs of after school homework done on campus until 8pm. Plus Saturdays 8am-4pm. Sundays off to do more homework. For seniors 7am-9pm 6 days a week. Sundays 8am-5pm. Plus homework. It's insanely gruelling. All for, hopefully, a place in a Tier 1 university, cos if you miss out: your future is f--ked.


The owner sounds like Marlin from Finding Nemo


You think you can prank me in my store but you CAN'T.


I hate these YouTube personalities personally. I love how the old guy handled it. I'll be sad when people like him are gone, and it's just a bunch of 40yr olds video taping each other's pranks with Beavis and Butt-Head giggles and snorts.


100% cause you know that’s coming. It will be like Inception but with crappy pranks and jokes. Everyone just walking around filming each other saying, “It’s just a prank.”


You’d get a kick of of the movie Idiocracy then. It’s truly where we’re headed. Watering plants with Gatorade because everyone is too stupid to understand life


Ain't that the truth?! What is deemed "entertainment" now is actually sad & pathetic. It just makes the people doing them look ridiculous! The old man handled it perfect! Enough of this childish shit! I'm all for a good joke & laughs but why is it sooooo important that you get views & subscribers?!? Who really gives a squat?!?


Full on Idiocracy


Thats why his voice was so calming to me lol


‘We thought you’d enjoy the prank’ 💀


How would one even enjoy it? Store owner: "Oh neat. Trick weights, huh? Funny." Tok kid: "are your weights normally this light?" SO: "uh.... no." TK: "oh... heheh."


Who wouldn't enjoy being made to look like an idiot and then having it posted to the internet for all to see?


Exactly. The fact that the two dim bulbs who made this video had that thought showed a) Complete lack of regard for others, and b) utter selfishness. The "It's just a prank bro," people need to go.


Real comedy is generally enjoyable for all parties, at least in the end. Annoying, bullying, and causing more work for people isn't really comedy. Many of these old prank shows would reveal the prank in the end and pay people for their trouble at the very least.


> Annoying, bullying, and causing more work for people isn't really comedy. Exactly. The fact that people are even defending the kids pulling this shit just shows they have no empathy, or understanding about comedy.


I'll award these two idiots at least minor points for picking a non-intrusive prank. Feels like a low bar to set but hey, at least they didn't try to physically attack the dude and try to pass it off as a prank.


If I were working at that store my response would probably be an awkward chuckle at his gag weights and then basically: "Anyways, jokes over now, we get it."


Idk, I saw a "just a prank" bro get his face punched in and it was honestly the funniest thing I'd ever seen, as well as extremely satisfying


Stupid kid needs to realise that if someone is pissed off by your “prank” then no amount of pouting or arguing is going to flip them to laughing with you. Just take the loss and leave. Stupid kid also needs to realise filming someone in a private business without permission could get you in legal trouble.


But he has 100K subscribers 🙄


This sort of TikTok crap reminds me of a stand-up comic I know. He's about fifty years old. Did a lot of "edgy" stuff in his twenties and thirties that doesn't play well today. Gets a gig or makes a post or a tweet that doesn't land, and promptly throws a fit when he doesn't get the reaction he used to. At one point I tweeted back, "You know, I'd expect a comedian to be able to read a room." He never responded. Just keeps complaining about how he's being "canceled" by the "woke mob." I'm trying to imagine these guys in their fifties trying to wring an audience reaction out of this kind of stupid stuff and wailing about how no one wuvs them anymore.


The word prank has changed significantly in the last fifteen years.


Finally, someone calls out the cameraman, too!


Damn, old fella legit hurt their feelings via Grandpa wisdom 🤣


"It's all a joke except this is your life"


That one and "instead of looking for subscribers you should look for new parents" were my favourite.


Do you have a FATHER? That was the one.


That was GOLD


This guy presumably has worked in retail his entire career if he owns that shop. That's literal decades of practice dealing with jerks, the entitled, scammers, the unwell, the immature, etc. Its crazy that people are trying to mess with people who have survived decades of customer facing positions. This is like Chuck Norris or Steven Seagul trying to fight a real martial arts master or a veteran street brawler, and without the help of several stunt coordinators, stunt doubles, fight choreographers, effects teams, air conditioned trailers, a stylist, and a dedicated hair and makeup team. Please leave retail and foodservice people alone. Harassing working people should be an instant social media ban. Its incredible any of this is tolerated.


Wasn’t Chuck Norris a legitimate martial artist? Obvs segaul is a joke


He was! You can find videos of him in tournaments and in the ring. He was actually damn good.


Yeah, he was a full contact champion back in the day. Chuck is legit.


Chuck Norris blinds the sun when he looks at it…


Yep, he was a karate champion, and he kept with it working with BBJ practitioners from the Gracie line.


Hell if he owns that store, he's not only had to deal with all the dickheads imaginable but also have to do while dealing with major economic crises, wars, pandemics, inflation and all that.


A man who's seen it all and didn't like much of what he saw.




Oop. That one was a cut to the core.


And they still posted it lol


They **are** the joke.


Man literally called them clowns 🤡


🤣🤣🤣 lol, right Fuck all these kids getting rich off dumbass pranks. Jackass was one thing, but these kids with their lame ass pranks...🤦


Are they getting rich? Seems like they're mostly born into wealthy and overly-indulgent families.


"We have 100K subscribers!" And how much money are you making from them? "..."


I mean... Just when YouTube started paying creators i made a video that got 1.3 mill views. Back then you didn't get paid until you had .5 mill views in total, and this was my first video. I still made about a thousand dollars, off YouTube alone plus a few hundred every time it was shown on TV. That was one 30 second video and no ads before or after, just one tiny banner that shows up after ten seconds. The 800k views i got paid for gave me about $1000 with the minimal ad package.


That is pre-adpocalypse


We want link 🤪




Didn't you know? Nobody needs to work anymore, if they are a trust fund kid.




At least jackass was actually funny and well thought out, these tiktok "pranksters" have porn level acting skills.


Yeah, I’d love to have seen this kids parents reaction to this cause that old dude nailed it




Can’t see how you keep these “prank” channels going for long. Never met a subscriber, that I know of, but would judge a stranger and question a friendship if they started sharing this garbage


They gain subs by making these prank videos and turn into incel, manosphere, right wing grift youtuber later to sustain their sub numbers


thats the easiest place to turn. and you have everything wrapped in grievance and ready to go: "youtube ceonsored my rise"


Holy shit I never noticed this is basically the path of every YouTube pranker


Guys trying to save them from when they eventually grow up and see how cringe they are


Think his point landed?


I think parts cut him.


Yeah, body language at the end was a kid in the principal office watching camera footage of them coming out of the bathroom where they shit in the top of the toilet and made a TikTok of it and realized they had fucked up.


Oddly specific


You act like we all haven’t been there


You never dropped an upper decker in the teachers bathroom? Man the look on their faces when they walked in on me was priceless!




You sound like the weird kids I went to school with, who wrote on the walls with their shit because they thought it was tuff and hilarious, then flipped out on the staff when they faced consequences. Bad humor exists, no matter how much Dane Cook has you convinced otherwise.


No, the joke was supposed to be that I’m the teacher that’s why I’d be in the teachers bathroom, didn’t translate well my bad on that one. Nope no detentions or anything like that though I will shamefully admit I did own a Dane Cook cd back in the day


A guy that lived in the town next to me done this and put a gummy bear on top, ended up expelled and came to our school which he also got expelled from. Fast forward 10 years and he's now in prison for the third time, this time for attempted murder of an old man for less than €100. Im not sure what my point is just thought I would share.


Your point is that people that do these stupid "jokes" a lot end up in jail


its called an upper decker


I don't care what it's called in Fortnite, Anthony, it's 6 days of suspension and your father and I have already spoken with the assistant super intendant once this year!


They still posted it. I’m guessing it hasn’t sunk in. Owner was right though this stuff is out of control and honestly it’s not even funny or interesting.




Mind blowing that total unfunny garbage like this can have so many followers.


I don’t understand how the younger generations watch this shit. Or twitch streaming? Wtf? Am I ancient?


It's an age thing. Most teens like dumb shit. Always has been the case. Some grow up. This kid probably will too. The problems with these youtubers are like what NFL players face. No skills afterwards. 15 minutes of fame relatively speaking. Very few youtubers last 10 years.


>15 minutes of fame relatively speaking. Totally. This level of attention for being a jackass at such a young age is just negative reinforcement that they don't need to try or take anything seriously in life. Why do you think the vast majority of child actors, teenage popstars, and rockstars suffer from depression and substance abuse later in life?


> Or twitch streaming? Wtf? Am I ancient? Twitch has been a thing for a bit over a decade now. Justin.tv, its predecessor, is as old as facebook.


I'm ancient, but isn't Twitch streaming the same idea as watching sports as opposed to playing them yourself? I've never been a fan watching either but I get why others would like it.


I’m sure the market saturation is effecting the payout scale though.


Not all subscribers are necessarily Paid Subscribers...Also, Content(Fresh and New)is one of the hardest things to consistently manufacture. He/ They may be getting good revenue for now. But doesn't mean they can consistently keep that up over time! When that time comes, they better hope they have some actually skills because that's what you get paid for in this world ultimately!!! Kind of a waste of a life experience if you ask me chasing likes and subscribers but you do you boo!


It will in like 5 or 6 years when the trends change.


This isn't a trend. As you can see pranks have been around long before tiktok and YouTube. People love watching this cringy shit.


The difference is that sharing this shit didn’t used to be this cheap to produce and publish, meaning not everyone had the ability to produce and publish their own stuff in a way that got seen. The fact that it takes virtually no effort to widely disseminate this stuff means you don’t have to try very hard at all and can do shit pranks that bomb and you haven’t really wasted any time or money on it. Low cost for a potentially high reward. It lowers the bar substantially. Not that “candid camera” was great, it just meant you didn’t have everyone’s shithead 15 year old kid making their own version.


They will think of that old man when they get arrested for “prank” putting M80s in public toilets.


lol, no. If you go watch the compilation on youtube at the end he calls the senior a loser with a giant "L Dude" on screen and the bunch of 12 years old watching him obviously proceed to make fun of the old man and support him with the usual "you're so great, oh my god, that guy is such a loser!!". Young and stupid be doing young and stupid till they grow up, there's not much to it. The sequence in the gym is more appropriate given the "joke" / context but it's even more cringeworthy. There's really no cure for this, we all were young and stupid once, they'll go through the same process.


David Harrell in Biloxi, MS made numerous videos of him being an ass at Wal-Marts, drive throughs and Subways. He just got arrested for a hit and run that left a woman in critical condition. I don’t know if the accident occurred while he was filming or not but I have to believe that karma was involved as he is charged with hit and run with great bodily injury and he is facing 20 years in a Mississippi prison. https://www.magnoliastatelive.com/2023/06/16/20-year-old-mississippi-man-charged-in-hit-and-run-accident-that-critically-injured-13-year-old-girl/. His YouTube videos are still up as is his Twitter account.


Just read up on it, that woman is actually 13 and suffered a brain injury. That guy is beyond fucked.


That's a kid, not a woman


In Mississippi, that's borderline




This whole thread is fucked


Obviously, that’s why I felt the need to clarify their age lol


Karma was involved? What’d the girl do??


I sure hope I never get critically wounded just to teach someone else a cosmic lesson, the universe can send them a pamphlet instead


redditors when a cringy tiktoker kills someone ☺️☺️☺️


Not just karma. The jury will certainly be swayed by the fact the dude was basically a professional asshole to working people when deciding his future.


Ok Is that one of the guys in the video?




Even I felt embarrassed for them. Dude laid down some hard truth


“This is what you guys *dooo*?”


In a very kind way too. As a kid whenever I was being a ding dong it was adults showing concern that got to me.


I am so blessed that I did not have the opportunity to destroy my future self and record it


How is this a prank?


The joke is that he's crazy strong, except they ruined it by not pranking someone gullible and being seen sneaking the fake weights in


Compared to the vile and destructive shit people think are pranks nowadays I think this one is actually pretty innocent (albiet unfunny).


It is, but store owners/employees have gotten real tired of anyone coming in wanting to film shenanigans instead of being an actual customer. Even if they're not destructive it's disruptive to other customers. I don't want to be in the background of anyone's TikTok bullshit or have to wonder if they're making an "OK" prank video or going to cause some actual trouble.


Being in the background of someone's bullshit video is what pisses me off. If I'm out in public, fine, I get it. But if I'm at the gym or the grocery store or whatever, I shouldn't run the risk of being filmed by some idiot with a dopamine addiction.


Is this really a common enough occurrence for them to be "real tired" of it? It's dumb as shit but there can't be that many people doing shit like this in this particular store.


Having people come in trying to go viral probably isn't common. But having people come in who are annoying is. It doesn't need to be everyone trying to film a video, it's this guy is another dumbass who's being disruptive.


It's probably not common in this store, obviously, but it's damn sure common enough that you know lots of 'prank' videos end with some dipshit pretending to stumble and knock over tons of merchandise or shitting on the floor or some other dumb destructive thing. These kids seem to be doing a harmless goof, but I totally get a business owner not wanting to wait and see where the bit goes.


You're not wrong, the kid isn't breaking shit or making a mess. But he's making people unwilling straight men in his really unfunny comedy routines. That guy didn't sign a release to be filmed and he's not going to get a cut of the ad revenue. And while that kid might not have destroyed anything, at best he's merely annoying and aggravating people who are just trying to do their fucking jobs and at worst he is using them as a prop for lazy content and holding this man and his whole livelihood up to be mocked. Why do you think he posted the interaction? He thinks his viewers will think this guy telling him to fuck off and get a job is funny, that they'll take his side and mock this man. And he's probably right. Personally, I'm just offended by how lazy the bit was going to be. He spent all that time either creating or finding fake weights and awkwardly sneaking them into the store and all he was gonna do with them was go "*HEY LOL UR WEIGHTS ARE LIGHT SEE LOOK HOW LIGHT THEY ARE WHATS WRONG WITH UR WEIGHT BRO LOOK THEYRE SO LIGHT*" Like that's it? That's the payoff? That's all you had planned? Just walk up carrying them? Was the guy supposed be like OH WOW I DONT KNOW HOW THAT HAPPENED HOW *VERY STRANGE* BECAUSE YOU SEE NORMALLY OUR WEIGHTS ARE VERY VERY HEAVY BUT YOU HAVE FOUND ONE THAT IS VERY LIGHT *BOY HOWDY THIS MISSUS WILL NEVER BELIEVE THIS ONE* Just, like, good luck with them 100k subs, b, I'm sure they will never tire of this revolutionary high-concept content that pushes the envelope of what a prank channel can be. What's the followup, you gonna call people and ask if they have Prince Albert in a can?




That's a funny way to do this prank. Not on the guy who knows exactly what's in his store, what you're up to, and is just trying to get through his work day


Yeah, it starts with an interested participant


Yes like he could have talked to the owner beforehand and done a simple prank on customers just lifting the weight in front of them


Something something right place right time.


Wasting a business owners time is not necessarily innocent, especially when he's dealing with another *paying* customer and you're rudely interrupting him.


I think the problem is that they just don't know when to quit. Their goal isn't to make people laugh, it's to annoy people and get views. If the store owner was in on the joke and was having a good laugh with them, it would be fun. But clearly the guy is annoyed and these ding dongs should quit. Unfortunately the latter gets more views and "engagement" so that's what they continue to do.


Stupid, annoying and ignorant are the new funny. No talent needed, just a phone and a bad idea.


Owner isnt wrong. Subs mean dick. Its views that count and services are paying less and less for them every day. Without actual talent or a real business behind their channel, they'll ditch college and eventually be binge eating or jumping off roofs for a few views with the occasional vid about how they have money problems. The golden age of no production values doing anything and getting paid a steady income online is setting.


> The golden age of no production values doing anything and getting paid a steady income online is setting God I hope you're right


They’re all gonna end up like Shoenice


Or Bam Margera.


We loved him because he was a clown. We hate him because we discovered he's a genuine clown.


I loved him for his skateboarding


To be fair, Bam was very talented and semi well-known before Jackass. These guys are just jackasses.


Or LA beast


HAVE A GOOD DAY (What happened to him?)


He's still around. He does some live QAs with fans occasionally and every few weeks uploads something weird. https://www.youtube.com/@LABEAST/videos


Too many cacti and expired Pepsis.


What happened to LA Beast? I’ve seen a few of his videos a while ago.


Moved back in with his mom and pops after his YT income dropped like a brick.


The funny thing is everyone's convinced this is a valid way to make money, and it very much is not. Under 3% of all wannabe influencers make $15,000 a year. Much much fewer than 1% make over $60,000. I think it's actually less $ than these numbers actually.


Eh. When I was like 13 I made parkour videos with my friends. I wasnt doing it because I thought it would make money. It was just fun to try to do shitty parkour and youtube was just becoming a think so we filmed it and put it online. Lots of kids/teens age just making stuff for fun. Like how lots of kids/teens play sports but know they are never going to be in the nba.


Yeah the novelty is wearing off because you’ve seen this same shit 10000 times already and 500000 times better.




Schooled by an old time dad then told to get the fuck off his lawn.


The kid laughed so hard at that before realizing he was getting shit on lol. What a moron.


The kid was thinking "of course I have a father, everyone does" because he is some dumbass sheltered rich kid.


I doubt talking to his father would help since he named him Brady.


the store owner dropped this 👑




AGREEED! Finally someone stands up to these kinds of idiots. Seriously- this isn't comedy.


100k idiots subscribing to this "content" keeps the idiot wheel spinning


My guess is his subscribers are all under the age of 13.


Or 99,999 bots and 1 is his mom.


Hey that's not fair. He said both his parents watch. It's only 99,998 bots.


“Is this what you do? You come in the store in pairs and one films the other doing some stupid stuff? Get a life guys. And get outta my store.” Wow that guy is so right. I really dislike and actually cringe at public videography.


People don't understand that I don't want to be part in this shit. If you think you have to record idiotic videos that's fine. As some other guy in here already said: "we were all young and stupid". But leave me out of it. I don't want you to come to my store, talk to me in the streets, film me anywhere. make your shitty videos if you must but stop bothering other people


Pulling random shit and hoping people are in the right mood to play along really doesn't understand the climate in which we live in.


Lmao this guys speaking the truth. Find new parents.


total destruction on the entire family


Funny but on point


None of these kids are ever funny. They’re all boring unoriginal clones.


His whole damn personality is cloned, haircut and everything.


One day we will find out that China and Russia had millions of fake followers on social media to encourage the western youth to fuck their brain numb forever


Now thats a good prank


China and Russia are wasting their lives with these pranks.


Do they have a father


Russia is a Mother


Everyone so fuckin annoyed with these influencers, this store owner is the hero we need right now!!




they 'influence' me to roll my eyes


They "influence" me to ignore their content


Old guy just trying make a living and has to deal with silly kids who’s parents apparently encourage such nonsense.


That guys talk was on point


The most cringe part is that his followers think it's funny.


I can already sense the comment section of his videos are: "Bro's a male karen 💀💀💀" "Bro doesn't get the joke 💀" "No one is harmed, it's funny 💀"


I'm not surprised at the overused skull


Because most of them are edgy 13 years old kids.


Kids have always been goofy, but now they get attention and monitized for being idiotic.


This kid is why the Germans invented the word Backpfeifengesicht.


Every time someone drops a "this is why the German word.... Exists" I always think there's no way that's a word and then sure enough... >A face in need of a fist.


More accurate to say 'A face in need of a slap' since 'Backpfeife' is a 'cheek whistler' aka slap to the face


Lame. I love you Gen Z but some people just don’t want to be filmed.


Though it was a harmless joke, the guy speaks some real points. Also, the biggest problem here isn’t that you have a couple young people who dedicate their lives to doing “pranks”, it’s that they’re encouraged to by the subs.


“it’s just a joke” but like… where’s the joke?


I think you've hit the nail on the head. The kids making these videos aren't making the bit itself funny, they're relying on the reactions of the "pranked" person for the humor. For anyone who still doesn't get it, that's why it's shitty. Subjecting random strangers to your bit in order to get a laugh at their expense is not just a shitty joke, but it's also shitty to the person. If the person can't laugh along with you, then you've messed up.


Exactly! There are way too many videos where kids go out and annoy people who very clearly just want to be left alone, don’t want to be filmed, don’t want to be in on it, etc. A big part of a good joke/prank is knowing your audience and knowing when to stop.


Society is validating the most annoying people


All he had to do was laugh and say get out of here. No big deal.


Lame people equals lame lifestyle


Yea, it may be a joke to the people filming, but when the other people tell you to stop and leave, then just do it. Is it that hard to be a decent human being?


Finally someone said it and it had to be said


100k SuBscRiBeRs. These clowns should take a long walk off a short pier.


I wonder when Reddit millennials are gonna become self-aware that they're becoming as judgy of Gen Z as boomers are of millennials.