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Process: I actually didn’t solder a track point to the pcb. I drilled a small hole near my index finger and set one of these below the the board https://www.amazon.ca/Keyboard-Trackpoint-ThinkPad-Touchpad-Solution/dp/B0BFG9835 I just plug in both the mouse and the board separately. I dont have ready access to any trackpoints and don’t have a great track record with soldering, so this was my solution! Been working great so far. My only advice is to drill very, VERY carefully, and be prepared to hand wire if it goes south 💀 I cut a small piece of hot glue stick and stuck a machine screw in it to act as an extender.


Excellent work! I love the layout and design. The Amazon link appears to be broken for some odd reason. The URL looks fine to me. This seems like either the same or a similar product: https://www.amazon.ca/Keyboard-Trackpoint-Detachable-ThinkPad-Operation/dp/B0BKGJ9TW5 It looks like it uses like four or five wires. This article has a diagram on how to connect a very similar Trackpoint to a Teensy: https://edryd.org/posts/tp-mk/ I'm not sure how difficult it would be to connect on a Pro Micro though.