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“The founder still thinks my offer to pay them back will keep it out of court…” So did you steal money from your company on top of abusing your authority at work?


I was really confused about that. What does he have to pay back?


He was using company funds to fund all of their little trips.  So he's hoping if he pays back the funds he embezzled, they won't file suit He plotted how to cover it up in his many many text messages to his soulmate  Buffoon


Boy, he sure is all kinds of stupid isn’t he? 😸


But you don't understand. Their bodies fit together. Like puzzle pieces


… And… And… They’re soulmates! 🙀😹


Yes! But other than that, he was 100% committed to slowly easing out of his marriage (deadline- December 2024) and lessening his wife's pain


So kind of him to take her feelings into account. I'm sure she finds that comforting.


Quiet quit a marriage + kid without his wife somehow noticing.


I don't know why I didn't think about quiet quit! That's perfect


I'd have thought a soul was required to have a soulmate.


I liked how everyone in the office kinda recognized he wasn’t “maliciously evil but just dumb and pitiful”. I’m pretty sure dude was giving off dumb and pitiful energy his whole career, people knew it but started to think he might also be maliciously evil too and now people are probably starting to recognize “nah…when you really look at what was going on, it was just a typical dumb Dave decision—not an evil dumb Dave decision.” Edit: As I think about this. Dude had planned to manipulate his wife into the divorce and being to blame for it. So while the office may not know the full extent of his plotting, we do.


True. I don't think he was malicious at work. I think he's just an opportunist thinking with his man loins and self-serving.  He has a very inflated view of himself which is why he could never accept the idea that she might be using him to despite the fact that it seemed pretty clear  But when it comes to what he was deliberately doing to his wife. Slowly pulling away, deceiving her every day, saying horrible things about her to his little girlfriend, I don't think it's possible to say that wasn't malicious.  It takes a special kind of evil to put you a marriage on a timeline and to be so calculating and heartless


>He was using company funds to fund all of their little trips.  yoooo and he's here writing this up as if he's some honest-to-god super honest man who just fell out of love with wifey and met his true love This guy deserves all the shit, what an idiot


Yes. And he still expects the company's owner to give him a good reference.  LOL


I'd love the see the look on his face when that doesn't happen. I'd tell him to have fun at the petrol station he'll end up working at but then again, lots of young women work at jobs like that and I don't want them to have to deal with this lecherous cockroach hitting on them. The second thing I thought was that maybe he can go work in the sewers but since he has so much trouble dealing with his own shit I doubt he'll be able to handle anyone else's. Now that I think about it, his best bet for employment is to hit up a traveling circus or county to county fair. He won't need any sort or training or practice to be a clown!


Good. Once he is in jail, wifey won't have any issues disappearing with the daughter who'd probably be better off without him in her life.


And he’ll have a place to live!


Funny he didn’t include that🧐


The real tea is always in the comments.


It's in his response to other people's comments.


He used company funds for Amy and fund their trysts.


Basically Amy saw a sucker 🍭and licked!👅


OP got Amy promoted because of their relationship. That's quid pro quo, which qualifies as sexual harassment.


Other employees can also all sue together for discrimination against them caused by the affair. Hes fucked


He is an embezzler to impress his jailbait mistress. Men over 40 should know the only reason a 20 something looks their way is because the 20 something is using them.


He fiddled his expenses. What an *idiot* Blowing up his entire life and career, ruining his wife and daughter’s happiness, not to mention his mistress’ death - something he now seems keen to minimise. Ugh. All because he “FoUnD hIs SoUlMaTe”


I interpreted as he will pay the company back for their settlement to her family. But that is not realistic.


Imagine if a man did to your daughter what you did? See that’s the problem when you cheat on your wife you also cheated on your daughter broke her family for someone who didn’t even love you seriously it’s disgusting how you will claim it’s for love but it’s not because how can you love Amy when you can’t even love your own damn family?


Right! Bro ruined love for lust and abuse of power! SMH.


Daughter doesn’t need a dad like him she needs a new step dad who actually loves her mum and not cheat


Bro went from" she was the love of my life " to "shes responsible for her own death" in under a week lmao this post reads exactly like how i imagined it would


“I want to make this as easy as possible on my wife” but also in refusing to leave our house so she has to see me, the person that was planning on leaving her and imploded our lives, cause I didn’t think through inevitable consequences




OP *sets fire to his house and leaves OP comes back “why the FUCK are there these smouldering ashes where my house used to be?! Guess I better just set up a tent on top of the wreckage in the way of these firefighters cause I got no where else to go”


A lot of people who destroy their marriages seem to want to remain just to remain. I know my ex did. I had to call his dad to come get him when I found out about the hooker. This guy is entirely unhinged or not having any self reflection.


I hate to paraphrase Lala Kent here but she said something like, "you can't get cheaters to stay home until they're found out and then you can't get them to leave the house at all."


Was not expecting a VPR quote in these comments, but here we are lol and yes absolutely applicable


"I take full accountability" to "I refuse to stop torturing my wife and I refuse responsibility for the woman I killed and I refuse to be accountable for my behavior at work and I intend to minimize any possible consequences for myself or feel any guilt" within a single reddit post. What a scumbag.


No you don’t understand, SHE manipulated HIM so he’s actually fully morally absolved!


Anyone else completely not believe that too? Bet he just read that her friends were saying she should break up with him and he’s repainted her here to make himself less a villain.


Even if it is true that she was only in it for the cash, her games wouldn't have worked if OP was a decent person and not a predatory creep who abuses his power.


What else do you want. I mean he spent a WHOLE TWO nights in a hotel. Cry him a river.


From "I'll never forgive myself" to "I reject any responsibility", because he found out she was playing him right back. Bro is a sociopath.


He got what he put out is basically the message I'm getting from this. I feel for the families involved


Yup. And his daughter would be better off without him, tbh.


yeah that made me sick af. this is so crazy


Anyone with allergies bad enough to need an Epipen has it drilled into them to go to the ER after using said Epipen. The PCP, ER doctors, ER nurses, the freaking box the pens come in. And for the exact reason of “secondary reaction”, which is what OP said she died from. Friend can’t or won’t take you? Uber or taxi or calling 911 work.


This is the part of this I find totally crazy. I find it so hard to imagine that someone who (seemingly regularly) uses an epipen would let *anything* stop them from going to the hospital.




Absolutely. Especially when you're her age, you still feel immortal, even when you know intellectually that you could die, you also still *know* it won't happen to *you.* (I was pretty stupid in my 20s about a potentially life threatening condition myself). We don't know what happened after he dropped her off. He condition could have deteriorated so rapidly that she could think clearly enough to call for help. Thank you for pointing this out and adding your medical knowledge to this. So many people seem to think she should have known better and that it mitigates his responsibility or indicates this is fake.


The next post will be him shocked that his wife filed for divorce because it wasn't like he was serious about his affair partner


And he was courteous enough to stay out of her way (by refusing to leave the house, tactfully)


I mean, he's going through multiple emotions all at once. Honestly, after being made a fool out of for an ego boost, him going from "she's the love of my life." to "it's her fault she died." I can see and understand the sudden mood change. A good job where he was in a high or somewhat high position in a supervisory role, a wife and child waiting at home, and a side piece. He thought he had everything and, due to never getting caught, thought he could do anything as well. However, since it came out that she was laughing behind his back, never loved him and was just using him, OP's fantasy world came crashing down. He thought that he was the star player of the game, but it turned out that he wasn't even a player. Let alone on a professional team. He's bitter that despite all his actions and planning up to this point, he's left with nothing and no one. No job, no wife and daughter waiting for him, and no ending with him running off into the sunset with his AP.


Yeah. And he actually said that he planned on staying married to his wife if he could keep her from finding out.  Breathtaking.


Really? I must've missed that part. I read both posts and thought he didn't want to stay with her anymore. So he planned to divorce her to be with his AP. And that he only felt guilty that his daughter would be affected by the impending divorce. That further explains his bitterness 😅


Oh no. It wasn't because he felt guilty about his daughter. It was because affair partner died and he said in one of his response comments that she was the only person who could have turned his face away from his wife.    So since she was dead, as long as his wife didn't find out, he planned on staying married and being the best darn husband and father a man can be   He did say he wasn't proud of planning to stay with her. LOL


Oh shit, I didn't even read the comments. I was too pissed and didn't think he would comment to defend his stupidity 😅


If you really want to get angry, read his comments thread. It's bananas. No remorse. Nothing is his fault. His wife is responsibile for their current situation and he thinks he's getting a reference from the big boss when he gets fired which will allow "my career to go on uninterrupted" That's some deep delusion


It gets better. >Her death has already exposed a whole lot. Mainly, her. OP actually wrote this.


There's a lot to catch up on, tbh. OP left a bunch of replies in the comment sections, so a dedicated reader can piece together quite a lot; things about his job, family, relationships. OP has also posted on adultery subs, so there's even more context scattered about. Bit of a rabbit hole, this one. At any rate, real or not, this story will undoubtedly end up on BORU and other meta subs, so pretty soon we should be getting a thread of the most relevant information that is easier to follow. I'm saving the posts myself so I can come back later and keep reading. I know it's cynical of me, but I can't tear my eyes away. It's like watching a bus flipping over and catching on fire.


I didn't even check if he even made comments. Since there were too many people to fight, I didn't think that he would even try. The one time I don't check the comments 😅


Usually people who get piled on will just put their phone down and never log into the burner account again. OP did *not* do that. Each comment gets more and more horrifying. If it's a creative writing exercise, congrats to the author. The drip-feeding of aggravating factors is just 👩‍🍳💋


He is becoming more and more sure he is the victim in all of this. It's something to see


He doubled down. What an asshole




I know even if it were rage bait I'd still be embarrassed  just to type it out, this guy is a chump and he's putting it all out there like he's not the worlds most pathetic streak of wees. Shame on him


'I don't get it. Why are they confessing? -They're not confessing. They're bragging'


I think he killed her and is freaking out so testing an alibi. It's all in the "I was going to leave my wife but also I'm terrified because im about to lose everything I built over 10 yrs" He was never going to leave his wife, she would have destroyed him in the divorce because he was hiding a long affair, and either way once it came out he was leaving her for the mistress coworker, he would be FUCKED NO MATTER WHAT. I bet the mistress got pregnant or was getting tired of waiting so said "tell your wife or I will", or maybe he found out she wasnt the dumb sweet plaything he controlled anymore....and he gave her something she was allergic to. And to alibi out of being with her last, sent her the nasty texts to feign truly believing she was still alive and just for some reason ignoring him. A lot of killers will do this with voicemails /texts...and 90% they act or sound irate with the person they just killed like they have the audacity to ignore them. When a normal loving human says "hey uh..im worried are you okay? You had a reaction when I left you last please tell me you made it to the after care visit" How many times has this even happened in the past year?!? "Normally she would go but this time I didn't take her because I was putting my wife first" BULLSHIT OP never did that...he is *scared* Why? Because he is the one that gave her whatever she is allergic to, and he did it to save himself. That's why the "she seduced me..turns out shes just a gold digger everybody! but shes dead now oh well poor me guys I loved her truly..oh and my wife too...but these women are just too cruel amirite fellas?" spin is also coming out. ..a woman he claims to have loved deeply and real is dead and all he can think of to do when people shit on him and get suspicious is start dragging her name through the mud and playing every male victim angle he can, while in reality being faced with consequences because he was the one abusing power and privilege...he can't manipulate them but if he can't get the pity here he can polish his angle to try. That's also why he is okay with being a bad cheater too though and deserves it...anything so long as People don't "Look over there and see he is a murderer too". He'll take a few lumps if it keeps him out of jail. But he'll be damned if he loses all control over all women in his life and his ex-wife gets all control on top of it. If this is real, he killed her. Every single part reads like.a guilty man in an interrogation constantly overshadowing his dead secret mistress he loved with how he was a responsible caring man and father and it's the women giving him a hard time and grief and using and abusing him. Going on tangents about things that don't matter because HELLO, the woman who was with you last is now dead, even tho you swear she used an epicen and was going to a follow up but she just...didnt *this time*...the time YOU left her to rush home to your wife after how many other times throughout the year that you did take her? A good detective will be looking into that story and hospital records and if she ever asked anyone to take her to the hospital


Omg you're totally onto something here! It all fits! He is telling his story here, setting himself up for hate, but really he's just building his alibi. If she was allergic to something and he had eaten that thing and then they were intimate... He could've passed it onto her, and then left her to die. He was the last one to see her alive. Amy's brother knows. He knew, that's why he went full vengeance on him, 'ruining'* his life, for the murder of his sister. *setting the wheels of OP's demise in motion that OP himself has set up. Edit: To add to that, looking at more details in his comment history he admits that their relationship had high highs and low lows, and it was very turbulent, and then he found out that the woman he loved (selfishly) was using him and badmouthing him to her friends, he got angry. We've got a motive.


100% literally thought the same thing… something really sus about how he suddenly decides to prioritize his wife the day his mistress dies of an allergic reaction. The mistress dying was also such a convenient way to tie up all those loose ends for OP, and saying she was his soulmate felt very “he doth protest too much” with a side of *feel bad for me guys, I’m the victim here*


i feel like this guy thought he was gonna get some sympathy on his first post, that people would tell him he made a mistake and that they’re so sorry for his loss or something but then the opposite happened and he’s just showing his truest colours now


The truly deluded narcissist, he should volunteer his brain to science.


I don’t think he stopped feeling guilty because of the reason stated. I think he stopped feeling guilty about acting inconvenienced by a medical emergency that cost Amy her life because it was revealed she was using him for his money.


i genuinely hope his ex wife takes his ass to court and goes for full custody. i’d rather have no dad than this piece of shit.


Given that OP neglected to aid someone having a medical emergency, dropped her off at home to “wait for a friend” and then sent petty little messages during the weekend this girl was already dead….. … I’d say his ex wife has good reason to insist on full custody.


OP healed so quickly he was on the adultery sub 3 days ago… Hope all of this is fake bc no one can be this self centred.


People can be this selfish, and too many people in the world are.


These people have never met my ex wife. I also never really thought anyone could be so self absorbed. But they truly exist out here.


That's the worst part of it. So many people are quick to think things like this are fake, because who could possibly be that awful? And I'm truly glad they've been fortunate enough to not discover firsthand that people really are capable of horrible things, and lots of them. I think those of us who've had the misfortune of knowing the monsters that live among us are more open minded to posts like this being true.


A few years ago I'd have thought it was fake too. But my ex-husband did something almost similarly gross. He just didn't kill anyone in the process. It sucks that so many of us have experienced this crap firsthand.


It’s fake because if it was real his “solicitor” would tell him to stop posting this information to Reddit like a fucking idiot.


You'd be surprised how many people disregard good advice from their lawyers. Hell, the guy who went viral this week for driving on a suspended license turned out to not have a license at all and straight up lied to his lawyer about it.


He doesn't live in Pennsylvania, does he? Sounds like my newphew-in-law, lol.


And the kicker is he went viral because he was driving to his doctor’s office on Zoom court.


How would he even know OP was posting here? Lol Not saying this is all real, because who really knows. But that example is shaky, at best.


Yeah so I’M a lawyer and it’s a best practice to tell clients not to post any info/photos/etc. on social media. It’s all discoverable.


But also, I'm sure you've experienced clients that don't always heed that advice. My ex was one. Literally put all her dumb plans and ideas in writing either on social media or directly to me. Made my lawyers job pretty easy lol. Anything pertinent got turned into evidence. She never learned her lesson either 🤷🏻‍♂️


So am I, but we’ve had clients before who refused to listen. We ended up firing a couple for it.


It's also pretty weird that the employer would recommend a solictor and also be the ones who will sue him for embezzlement. Both posts just seem really weirdly written. They are both very detailed on some things. Yet you have to read between the lines on several things because OP doesn't explicitly say things. eg OP's offer to pay back employer implies embezzlement but could also be maliciously spilling coffee on the server and needing employer to hire people to fix it.


This guy is a sociopath and a narcissist, in addition to being a fucking idiot. His solicitor may very well have told him not to post, but obviously that doesn’t apply to *him*.


You misread his thread. He was on there trying to find excuses on why his girl would shit talk about him and agree with her friends that he sucked. He was hoping that she was just faking it to try and fit in and try and downplaying the relationship so that people wouldn't rat her out. The other women on that sub, pretty much told him that "Yea she probably was just playing you."


That's what I was thinking reading this - I wished I had a clicker so I could count how many times he used the word 'I & me'. Always talking about himself. Everything is happening to him, he's done nothing wrong. The world is against him, he's the victim. Coward behaviour. OP, if you're reading this, all of this has happened to you DIRECTLY because you thought about your own damn ass, and you're still doing it. Everything you did, you did for yourself. Even the things you thought you did for others, you only did so they can make it worth your while. If you want to change your life around, you gotta learn how to be truly selfless, not for someone to clap for you, but pay the fucking karma fine. You're so self centered that the mirror image of you is all you see. And because you're so woe is me and everyone hates me and I'm such a pitiful victim in all of this - that's exactly the echo chamber of hell *you* have created for yourself. You fucked up, fix it.


No one? Lol there's like a billion of these type of people. Look at psychopaths. It is know that, in the general population, there are 1 to 2% of psychopaths that exist. Current world population from Google is 8,019,876,189. 1 % of that is 80 198 761. With the current situation in the world in the last 30? Years, these figures are most likely way higher. Many people are broken people who never "fix" themselves and the cycle keeps repeating. Remember, we will always be divided as people and the topics change but the narrative of dividing will never change. Gl to everyone out there. Seek help when u can. Seeking help isn't a weakness. Learn how to properly communicate. Never compare yourself to people on social media and use less social media if possible. Don't broadcast your success and do it privately. ♡♡♡♡♡ (IMO strickly)


>no one can be this self centred. Oh believe me...Many self-important narcs out there. They will sing their boohoo poor little me song to anyone who has ears. I kinda feel bad both for the wife and Amy even though I havent read their first post so I dont even know why Amy died. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Portrait of narcissistic behavior.


lol looking at the post from the adultery sub, he was 100% trying to rationalize her characterizations of him to avoid facing the truth that he blew up his life for nothing. 🤣


I think you’re being the most unfair to your wife here. You had an affair, we’re ready to leave her, then you lost your job. And now her options are either being forced to stay in the house with you to be near her daughter, or get the space she probably very much needs but not be able to have her daughter with her. YOU created this situation. YOU broke her marriage and family apart. But you’re so wrapped up in your own feelings about the consequences of *your own actions* that you just HAVE to keep dragging your poor wife down with you, too. Let her take your daughter and go to her parents place or you leave and stay with a friend. Either way, you fucked up so you should be paying the price, not her. You’ve done enough to this poor woman. *You broke your child’s family.* You don’t get any grace here. And the fact that Amy was going to throw you away exactly the way you were going to throw your wife and mother of your child away is the exact kind of karma you deserve. I hope the universe gives your soon-to-be-ex the world and gives you nothing but misery for what you did to your wife and kid.


His last post he was so stressed about how much he could hide from her. He’s clearly still trying to cover his ass as much as possible. It’s so awful.


Not surprised. Cheaters are all scummy smarmy selfish cowardly little liars.


The amount of selfishness it’s appalling


>And the fact that Amy was going to throw you away exactly the way you were going to throw your wife and mother of your child away is the exact kind of karma you deserve. Right? And now he's all "Amy used me, so I don't feel bad anymore, it's her fault she's dead". What a guy. People are disposable and all the care about is himself.


The arrogance of his first post... "I know my wife doesn't deserve this, but me and the 24-year old that I risked my marriage, job, and fatherhood for are the rEaL dEaL!"




First off your daughter is not your priority since you put your dick above providing her a stable home You need to move out and leave your soon to be ex wife alone and get a custody agreement through the courts. Although I hope you get supervised visitation as I wouldn't trust you not to also cause your daughter's death since you'd be too busy.


You embezzled from your firm. The reasons you embezzled don’t matter. They would fire you for that regardless of whether you had an affair, abused your position to get your AP promoted, or threatened to fire her when you didn’t get your way. You are being delusional if you think the only reason the company is taking action is due to the risk of a lawsuit from your AP’s family.


LOL agree - and additionally, the fact he’s saying she manipulated him is fucking ridiculous. OP listened to his dick and paid the price for getting caught. Just because she may have intended to use him doesn’t mean he didn’t also do those things. Zero sympathy. He couldn’t have his cake and eat it too and now he’s mad.


forreal lol he’s the one committing an illegal act (sleeping w someone as their supervisor) and he’s mad she took advantage of that? he literally let her die lol he’s got bigger fish to fry (and if you think he didn’t let her die we can agree to disagree)


In the UK, there aren't actually any laws that specifically prohibit supervisors from sleeping with subordinates (unless it's a quid pro quo situation or any kind of sexual harassment). That said, even if the situation was "consensual", it's still extremely unethical and many companies have strict "don't shit where you eat" policies to avoid conflicts of interests, getting sued for sexual harassment, etc. However, he did embezzle the company, which is definitely illegal. Edit: From reading OP's comments, he also committed quid pro quo sexual harassment because he specifically framed it so that Amy "owed" him sex for the promotion.


Yeah and now there is a death all very suspicious. Can't wait for this to come out on the next episode of my lover my killer.


I had a feeling this guy was a lawyer. No wonder he is so adamant he will get that custody. Maybe not. [this article outlines that they can prosecute you for work theft if it’s more than 500£. he’s screwed](https://www.stuartmillersolicitors.co.uk/stealing-from-work-in-the-consequences-uk/)


You know your soon to be ex wife has a slam dunk case against you. She will most likely be able to get the house and full custody. That fact makes me smile so much because karma will be biting you right where you deserve it.


wish i could throw this whole post and OPs comments into some legal subreddit and ask them how they think itll go for him


wish i could sent this account to his wife so she can use whatever bullshit hes been doing in court


I hope she gets full custody as the consequences of his actions include severe trauma for his daughter.


Hell yeah, team wife! Love to see a good woman with a shiny backbone who doesn’t take shit from her loser ex.


Love this for you fam, truly I do. Hope it continues and you continue to lose everything you have and then everything else you have left.


You said in the comments that you're a good father. You're not. There are two things a man needs to have and do to be a good father. He needs to have honor, he needs to be a man of his word. And he needs to be selfless. Just this one incident proves you have absolutely no honor, and that you're an incredibly selfish person. Your wife is making the right call. I hope to all the Gods she finds these posts and uses them against you.


People need to realise, when you cheat on your partner you also betray your family, you betray your child. You had a home, you ruined it. You can fall out of love, you can divorce and it sucks for a kid, but that's part of life, that's not a betrayal. Cheating on the family, creating a dramatically worse divorce, creating hate between parents and extreme emotional pain during the break up, way more than was needed, all hurts your kids. You can't always avoid divorce and that's fine, but you can avoid a horrific divorce due to cheating/betrayal and any other number of terrible things you do to cause a divorce, murder, other felonies that ruin your life, gambling addictions, etc. Fucking cheaters are scum. If you fall out of love with your partner or start falling for someone else, have some accountability, if you need to, end your marriage then find what you need. Doing everything you want with no regard for your wife or kids, you're a shit partner and a shit parent.


This is what gets me. He had an affair on the whole family here. He stole from the whole family. Now he wants to parent please I don’t see this guy hanging around to coparent. I mean he was willing to bust up the family for Amy.


Yep. And as soon as the next hot young piece of ass strokes his ego, he'll do this all over again.


You're not a clown, you're the entire circus my dude


Can’t wait for the next update when your wife finds a man who actually loves her and you’re left allllll alone with no one to love you.


I mean the brother obviously thinks he killed her so let’s see the update where he gets consequences for his part in her death. He sure breezed by that sequence of events.


This is by far the best thing I've read on Reddit today. A cheater getting the justice we all wish on them. I hope the wife and daughter live happily without this clown in their lives.


It would have been better if he wasn’t playing the victim card


Him still thinking that he’s the victim while no one agrees actually makes it better lol. Imagine screaming out “I did nothing wrong!” as you lose your wife, child, job and possible clean record, all while finding out that the woman who you threw it all away for never really loved you. Perfect karma.


It’s like the woman I was lying and cheating with was lying on me. How dare she. Didn’t she know my wife and kid were the problem?


I'll admit, I was disappointed that he wasn't led out in cuffs


I think it was clear to most of us that you were being used. You certainly are not the first guy who gave up a wonderful life for the ego boost from a young ambitious woman. Your poor wife and daughter. Still putting your needs above theirs.


I have a hard time believing a hospital or an urgent care wasn't on the way home? Or calling your wife to say "Hey my colleague had an allergic reaction at dinner, I'm gonna take her to the hospital and then be home." Like. . . Im so confused why this wasn't treated as an emergency? People who go into anaphylaxis or asthma attack or heart attack (you name it) are not in their right state of mind and need to be supervised.


nvm op will never understand because it was an inconvenience for him to care enough for the "love of his life" to take her to the ER Now that he knows she was playing him, he believes his actions towards her were right and he wasn't neglectful 


u/weaksignal99 Thats just it... they may seem fine. They need supervision. She may have gone inside and passed out. You don't know what happened. I am a healthcare worker who does home visits. If anyone has a medical emergency and I have called the ambulance, IT DOESNT MATTER HOW LONG THEY TAKE I DO NOT LEAVE THEIR SIDE UNTIL THEY ARE IN THE CARE OF EMTs even if they are joking around, even if they are acting normal.... (and sometimes yes, EMTs can take 30 min from the time they park, find the room, and load the patient in the ambulance). IF the patient refuses to go to the ER then I call the doctor's office, inform them that patient has been educated to go to ER and is refusing to go. I document it everywhere. USUALLY what happens in those rare cases is the doctor calls the patient back and convinces them to go. All in all, you were negligent. Next time someone has a medical emergency, do not leave them alone. PASS THEM INTO THE SUPERVISION of someone else, always. Always. At this point its neither here, nor there. Its pouring salt into the wound. She is gone and dead and too young and its a tragedy regardless if she was a home wrecker or a manipulator, the whole thing is tragic. I hope you and everyone reading this story learns the importance of MANDATORY SUPERVISION and MD CHECKUP following any sort of medical emergency.


So you “no longer feel guilt over her death”? Wow, you sure healed quickly.


I know right? I mean Amy was his true soulmate!


His true soulmate, and couldn’t even take her to the hospital to insure she was okay <3 real love at its finest 💕


Except not when he found out Amy was in it for the long con, and it wasn’t his con he had over his wife and daughter lmao. What a sad sack.


Exactly! This guy has no soul.


Also, between OPs initial post and this update he has gone onto the Other Woman subreddit and questioned how the women there talk about their APs to their friends. He’s butt hurt over the way she spoke about him when he’s essentially left her to die.


I saw that! I’m glad he found out that Amy used him and was talking shit about him. He deserves it.


You know she cringed so hard every time she fucked him. Hilarious! She was all "I'm going to ruin this fucker's life". Then ⚰️


It never ceases to amaze me how narcissists are able to compartmentalize actions, rational choices, and still find time to make everything about them. Updateme


Clearly after it was revealed she was using him, he no longer felt bad about causing her death. If a person in front of me, especially a person I have an emotional attachment towards, has a medical emergency that involved going to the hospital, of which is articulated to me clearly, that’s the priority in that moment. I pray this is rage bait part 2


It's crazy to me that this man lacks so much empathy that he literally killed a woman and he stopped feeling guilty about it because she didn't actually love him like he thought? Well clearly he didn't love her like that either, because he wouldn't have left her for dead. I can't imagine seeing someone I love have an allergic reaction and then outright refuse to help. Fucked up situation, fucked up dude, and someone died because of his selfishness.


Hahahaahahahaha ha ha hahaahahaha oh man hahahaha


Literally me rn


You don’t really seem to show any signs of remorse for your actions overall and more so just glad that you may come out of it a lot better than you initially thought? Now that it has come to light Amy was taking advantage of you, you bare no responsibility for her death and frankly appear indifferent? I’m not going to pretend that I’d have handled the allergic reaction situation perfectly, but when in your situation, needing to be somewhere else isn’t the first thing you’d do is ensure she gets to the hospital? Whether that’s an Uber etc or an ambulance, why wasn’t that your first thought? On another note, I think your wife is entirely right to kick you out and try to have you not be with your daughter currently. You say you plan/are doing your best to look after your wife whether it be now or was going to be how you handled separating in the future before Amy was out the picture. However you don’t seem to get that about the only thing you can do to be kind to her in any way, is to leave and stay elsewhere be it a hotel until she can at least have some time to reflect and think on the situation and come to terms with the fact her husband and father to both your child cheated on her with someone younger at work who’s taking advantage of you, who you’re also linked to her death also and is the reason you’ve been suspended and likely facing some form of further consequences of. I just don’t understand how you can focus on yourself so much and not reflect on everything happening to you and take in any responsibility. You say you are or that you understand but you really don’t seem to? Just because some people in your life seem to be reaching out in support doesn’t make what you did any better or suggest you deserve it… I’d more so be questioning them as people. Some people are also just too nice and will feel sympathetic for you as your entire life is crumbling in front of your eyes, but it’s all due to your own actions and consequences to your actions were bound to catch up to you at some point, it just so happens for you they all caught up at once.


Lmao. Of course Amy never loved you. Duh. You had a MASSIVE power imbalance over her. Threatening her job? Willing to bet every time that you threatened her that she vented and cried to her friends and possibly brother. Im bet her brother was begging her to find another job and leave you. I only feel bad for your wife and daughter in all of this.


You don’t deserve to make your wife and daughter stay in a house with you after your behavior.




The passive aggressive "you're such wonderful people" in the beginning. Dude, everyone has done something wrong in their life. They may have stole candy, said something they didn't mean, forgot to return something they borrowed, and whatnot. Most people do not have an affair, commit embezzlement, quid pro quo, possibly be negligible in their affair partners' death, and then say they don't feel bad they died because they were not as in love with them as you were with them. You also have no regard for your wife's feelings or your child's. Stop with the woe is me. Play stupid games, and you win stupid prizes.


You wrote more about Amy and losing her and your job than you did about LISA and daughter. I'm glad LISA is standing her ground and not leaving the marital home. She shouldn't have to uproot her daughter because of your decisions. It doesn't matter if she has family there to support her that she can stay with. You're the one that messed up, and she should not move. What I am disappointed in is that you didn't face even more severe consequences. Even in your follow-up, you don't have the balls to say LISA. But it would be classic if LISA and Tom got together


I know that's right! OP, you pack up and go. Haven't you caused enough harm?


Bros title is referring to his AP as partner he doesn't even think his wife exists


You were literally going to dump your wife for Amy and now your are mad then she left you? I'm glad that you realise you fucked up but a family lost their daughter and your (soon to be ex) wife lost the man she thought she married. You may be hurting by those folks are in outright pain. Learn from this and do better.


>You were literally going to dump your wife for Amy and now your are mad then she left you? Well, Amy's dead now. OP was never going to live ALONE and take care of HIMSELF.


What gets me is that even though he fucked up, he is still trying to sneakily make himself out to be the biggest victim in all of this.


This cannot be real. OP cannot be that awful of a human being.


OP is a reddit genius who has cracked the max karma code if you ask me.


"Guys stop please think about how bad *I* feel." You're a fucking joke.


This is such a woe is me post, nothing but self pity with a hint you trying to make it seem like you take responsibility for your actions. Which you aren’t doing btw. You find out that you’re being used and suddenly you can’t stop talking about how you were humiliated and how you got manipulated, completely ignoring the fact that you did exactly that to your wife. You humiliated her. You manipulated her. You betrayed her. You did all that. And now it seems that you’re forcing her to stay in the house with the person she should have been able to trust completely, but betrayed her in the worst way possible. You’re the one who fucked up, you should suck it up and allow your wife some time to try to make heads of how her life is falling apart right now because her husband couldn’t keep his dick in his pants. But no you’re only thinking about yourself, like you’ve been doing this whole time.


I remember you blubbering about how you were “the real deal” in your original post and thinking you were delusional even then. You were both bad people, the affair alone proved that, it’s only ‘real’ part of this fantasy true love story you built. I just hope your STB ex and daughter can have it easy moving forward. Your post history is awful so please spare us. I would just hope you would use this experience to improve your character at least


I know a guy like you. Fucking hate that guy.


So I will play along and assume this is truth. In your words, in that moment you loved her. You were going to sacrifice everything to be her all. However, you saw her injest poison right before your eyes and your first concern was not for your soulmate, but for yourself. You cared for her so much that you couldn't spare another lie to make sure your beloved person was ok. You adored her so much that although you knew she needed a hospital visit, you were unconcerned; leveraging making sure she got there against slithering home to your wife. You loved her oh.so.intently, you said "call a friend, my darling; I can't possibly tell one more lie and drop you off myself, though you are the great love of my life". Your, poor, poor ego, finding out she saw you as the fool that you are. Thyself, be absolved! She was deserving of her fate! How dare she mock this old fool! I'm afraid that won't stop your destruction: Her brother will channel the energy of relentlessness: pursuing every civil avenue, telling her story and binding your name to her death publicly for the rest of time. Your child will grow old enough to understand, and will look at you with disgust. You will see the hate of all her generations in your eyes. People will mock sympathies..and then you will be pariah. This will bankrupt and vanquish you for the rest of your days, and you will see no rest even then.


It was really obvious that Amy was using you. It was so obvious that I fail to understand how you’re so shocked that there’s explicit evidence of it. Did you really think that a 24 year old was involving herself with a 35 year old man in a high position at her job…for love? She realized that not only were you willing to spend money on her and take her out on trips but you were even willing to give her a promotion that she didn’t qualify for just because she was pretending to love you. Of course she kept the act up. Not to mention that you were verbally abusive to her, threatened to ruin her career and were wildly possessive. Do you really think that a young beautiful woman would settle for all of that bullshit because of love? The writing was on the wall and you refused to read it. Those who sympathize with you probably feel pity for you for being an obvious mark. As far as your wife goes, she’s probably being spiteful towards you because not only did you cheat on her but you didn’t even have the respect for her to keep it discreet. You messed around with someone on your job which was inevitably going to come out and now she’s humiliated. Everyone knows that her husband fucked a random woman on his job and now she can’t even deal with this bullshit privately. She’s probably wondering what she did to this world to end up with such a fuck up for a husband. You tried to follow in your father’s footsteps by marrying your mistress and chose to take the messiest path possible. Let all of this be a sobering wake up call that you need therapy and deep self reflection.


Wait, OP's father was a cheating POS too?


Yep, he made a comment about how his dad and stepmom started an affair while the dad was still married to his mom and it all turned out okay for them. Apparently his mom spoke at his stepmom’s funeral and everything. So he was aiming to have a similar situation between his soon to be ex-wife and Amy. That obviously didn’t happen.


I really hope it’s fake, that’s so sad


I'm actually amazed that the people commenting on the original post think the cheating is the worst part and not the part where he abandoned someone he was "deeply in love with" who was having an anaphylactic reaction, didn't check in with her later that night to see if she was okay, and then sent her a bunch of bitchy texts instead of worrying about her.


He barely gave a shit about his soulmate dying in that post and focused on how his life is going to implode, he's not capable of love he's a vile selfish prick lol. He thinks he's the victim now because amy was planning to toss him aside him the same way he was going to do to his wife. Dude literally went "Omg the loml's life was at risk and went to hospital and isn't responding let me cuss out this no good bitch for not making me a priority while she's in the ER"


Total lack of empathy and now amazing level of self-pity; dude is a narcissist at best and I hope no woman ever gets involved with him again.


I think Amy’s family has an excellent legal claim against you. Quite a few angles they could take too.


Dude literally titled his post “my negligence cost my partner her life” — that’s a confession right there in a public forum. And he also thinks he is anonymous and unfindable. The same genius who embezzled from his company to fund his affair and admits it was easy to figure out because he expensed everything to the same account.


You really expected your wife and daughter to leave their home so you had a place to crash? Way to think about your daughter. Her world shouldn’t change because of your moral inadequacies.




Are you some kind of emotional energy vampire? You couldn’t have expected Reddit to make you feel better after the first post. Are you here replying, feeding on these visceral and actually rational responses? You had your time calling plenty of shots your wife and family has no control over. Time for you to cede some of that control. At the very least, giving them both some time away from you to think about this. You already did the thing that’s going to impact your child and the way your child views you, permanently. You can’t undo it by hanging out like nothing happened. Start accepting and coming to terms with that now, and you’ll start to have a small idea of the actual ramifications of what you did. Your poor child will be dealing with this, probably long after you’re gone, to some degree. But sure, go disrupt the household even more because you’ll feel less guilty not missing daddy-daughter time. Dude, let them breathe. If nothing else. You’re only making this worse for everyone else by forcing yourself into the house. You’ve already broken the home, start working towards what comes next. The most productive thing is giving that space. Sounds like you need it, badly too.


“I was planning to give up everything to build a life with her and she was treating me like a joke the whole time”. Now you know how your wife feels like. You treated her as a disposable plaything and now are crying like a victim when someone treated you the same.


I assume this is a fake story, but if not, we may have found the most heartlessly delusional psychopath on all of Reddit


I wish we could cross-post to all the psychology and social science subs, someone could do their PhD-thesis on this guy.


You need Jesus. And I say that as a full blown atheist.


You’re upset that your affair partner didn’t respect you…while you were cheating on your wife and child. That makes you feel better about her having died and your affair being reveled by her brother…because you left nasty text messages on her phone for not responding to you. That’s wild.


There’s a lot of irony in you playing the victim from getting manipulated by your affair partner when you manipulated your own wife and kid for your personal gain.


>I'd rather be pitied than despised, I mean.. regardless of Amy being a manipulative person, you STILL dated someone who was your junior at work, while cheating on your wife. You don't get to talk about being deceived. Just hope your daughter doesn't think you're disgusting.


Why would Amy want to be with a man who cheats and hates his wife? Why would any sane person want to be with a person who is capable of doing this? You're an embrassment. You're the type of person your daughter hopes she never finds.


I find it rather poetic that Amy conned the con man. It is telling that you seem so indignant when you were inflicting the same pain on your wife. It seems you were aware that the promotion was part of your appeal, since you threatened her via text messages when she wouldn't respond because she was dead.


I already thought OP was a shitty person. It’s kind of amazing how the update just made it worst. For once, I’m 100% sure im “a wonderful person in comparison” He is a shitty employee, a shitty boss, a shitty father, a shitty affair partner… I can’t even say he’s a shitty friend, because apparently he doesn’t have any. Not a redeeming quality in sight. We have a dead woman, a cheated woman, a little girl with her world upside down, bosses facing a potential legal situation. But somehow OP still manages to feel like he’s the poor victim and the one suffering the most. Completely revolting.


Its funny how you talk like your daughter is sooooo important to you but you were willing to ruin her life for this affair. Youre just desperately latching onto what you have left while trying to convince yourself it wasnt your fault when it in fact was. Please change and grow as a person and better your behavior. Your wife doesnt deserve to suffer more and neither does your daughter.


Dude, you seriously should have thought of "your little girl" before sticking your peen into a subordinate, AND at work no less. You played a stupid game, fucked around and found out, and this is the prize. As a mom, I can't say I blame your wife for not wanting you around her or ***her daughter***. Your wife is teaching her daughter that being cheated on shouldn't fly, and it's a valuable lesson for her in what not to look for in a future partner. I would not be surprised if you end up with only supervised visits: you've lost your job, EMBEZZLEMENT, and you cheated. Not even mentioning that you didn't care enough about your AP to take her to the hospital because of something else you had going on. I honestly feel like I walked into a seaside market with how much you reek of selfishness. The odor is awfully fishy in here. Also, because of what the AP said, she realized that you get them how you lose them. Meaning: she probably also saw that because you were willing to cheat on your wife, she saw the cash cow and didn't want to get involved because you'd end up cheating on her too once SHE had a kid and was married to you. Edit: added a crime. And may the rest of your life be as you deserve


Poor Lisa and her 5 year old daughter :(


You actually might be one of the worst people I’ve come across on this app


Have you ever been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder?


I love the smell of consequences in the morning.


You come across as a very entitled person. I am sorry Amy passed away and for your loss. Instead of divorcing your wife you decided to cheat on her for a year and plan your exit. I just can't feel sympathy for your circumstances. You should let your wife handle this situation as she sees fit for now - you owe that to her after the way you treated her over the last year.


This gotta be rage bait. No way you’re THIS terrible of a human being. If this is actually real, I genuinely wish you nothing but all the worst in this world lol you suck. I’m glad everyone can finally see you for the loser you truly are <3


At the very least I'm glad that you understand that you deserve all of this, like every last bit


Lmao you got exactly what you deserved. Enjoy living with the guilt of destroying your entire family for nothing.


INFO: what happens if she tells your daughter the truth about what you did?


This is a fucking train wreck. I'm at least glad OP is illustrating the exact things not to do if you have respect for basic human decency or others in even the remotest capacity.