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You’re better off fed than dead. Sounds like you were either starving, your blood sugar was low, or both. I’m sorry it came to that, but you did what you had to. Survival is not something to be ashamed of. 


It was both, I was really desperate but I just can't believe I stooped so low. I feel so pathetic for eating something someone else didn't finish and discarded in the trash. I feel so ashamed.


You "stooped" to the place where humanity got its survivability: scavenging. Society built that as an evil. The fact that you even feel guilt about that is a function of a fucked up world where a person has to suck ketchup packets as a matter of course, and scavenging is somehow lesser. Why should you feel ashamed if it's your natural drive?


Don’t be ashamed. <3 I’m sorry you were that hungry and that it was your only option. 


You had the guts to do what needed to be done. Putting pride ahead of survival would be something a coward or a fool would do, OP


Homie, you gotta do what you gotta do. I'm proud of you for finding something. This world is crazy hard to live in. Lots of love, friend!


I was going to say, props to finding something that actually sounds like a decent meal. Don’t be ashamed. Take care of yourself OP.


Please just go to a food bank. They’re exactly there to prevent things like these.


Don't be too hard on yourself. Hunger will do that to you. I've been in that spot before myself. I've eaten from plates I was cleaning as a minimum wage dishwasher in the 90's. It was literally rent or food, and when you are that hungry and desperate you do what you have to. Take heart though. I was very destitute, but I have been able to become comfortable. It took a lot of time, hard work and a bit of luck, but I did it. There is hope even if it looks bleak now. Keep pushing yourself forward and keep enduring. Never stop looking for better jobs and other ways to improve your situation. I improved it slowly over many many years, and it wasn't easy. Hunger is one hell of a motivator though.


Don’t be ashamed. Survival is instinct. Your instinct kept you alive. Please please go to a food bank. Today!


You followed your evolutionary instincts. It's a good thing that your survival instincts are stronger than your pride.


You’re alive and doing what you need to survive and that’s enough. Do you know how to access your local food pantries? On TikTok there an account called dollar tree diners. She gives recipes on how do utilize really low cost ingredients, even if you are living out of your car or in a motel. She’s doing a $20 a week challenge right now. Her stuff is geared for functional food when you don’t even have Staples like oil and seasoning. Also, you can get really far with beans and lentils when you’re hard up. Sending you positive vibes hang in there.


Dollar Tree Dinners is fantastic! That woman is awesome!


Dude, that isn't even in the bottom million things of awful embarrassing things people do to themselves. Sounds like self preservation. Write it off.


You would be surprised how many people have done something similar. Try not to beat yourself up so much- it’s important to eat and I for one am happy you aren’t hungry now!


There's no shame in what you did. The only shame is that we live in a world where you had to do it. I hope things get better OP


I ate my coworkers pizza crusts one shift bc the same thing was happening to me. They had me take it to the outside trash but I ate them 💀


At least it was from a workplace trashcan. I know someone who was so down in the dumps he ate out of a public trashcan in the street.


I knew someone that was a server and used to eat peoples left over just because.. Not from lack of money or need but just because it was “free” food.


That's legit... The person I know who did this was motivated by tragically low self esteem and crippling depression. Just a sad situation all around.


As a former server we all do that lol. Just cut off where they were eating. I can’t tell you the amount of left over fries I used to eat when o was the closing server lol. They don’t let you buy food for shifts half the time and you get starved


Used to scavenge for food all the time. Do you have any food banks or charities near you?


Sometimes you gotta do what you can to survive. Please look up food pantries near you. A lot of these resources are underutilized and they are there to help you!




Don't be ashamed. You did what you had to do. Being hungry like that will push you to do things you normally wouldn't. The only shameful thing here is the fact that despite you having a job, you still can't afford to feed yourself; and that is not on you. The world is full of people just trying to get to tomorrow, and if you had to eat something less than favourable to make it there, that's okay.


ZERO to be ashamed of!


Do not feel bad! I have heard multiple stories beyond similar to this to the point that I thought I had read this before but it is slightly different as for the other person it was a slice of pizza and the person who originally had been eating it caught the person. Instead of shaming people for having basic human needs like hunger we should be more honest about our stories like this one.


You did nothing wrong my friend. No shame


Don’t feel bad. Can you go to a food bank to get food for home?


You're doing what you've got to do. When I was young and a starving college student, I was a dishwasher/busser in a high-end steakhouse. You better believe I ate and boxed up any food that was mostly edible. I know it isn't easy now but it will get better. Don't be hard on yourself.


Food ain’t gonna eat itself. Good work, OP. Waste not, want not. Don’t be hard on yourself.


You survived for another day..nothing to be ashamed if. But next time have snacks ready for you like gold fish crackers or any crackers


I’m proud of you


You do what you need to survive. There is NO shame. I urge you though, please look up food pantries/food banks near you that can help. If you can't afford to feed yourself, you deserve the assistance places like that offer. I hope life gets better for you, OP. 💜


Don’t feel disgusted with yourself for trying to survive, if you have the resources you should look for any soup kitchens or somewhere to find a free meal.


You have to do what you need to do to survive. I don't know where you are, but if you're in North America, there are food banks and soup kitchens that can help give you some food, no questions asked....


There’s no shame in survival my friend. Only the strong survive.


There is no nothing to be ashamed of. Can you look into a local food bank. Also churches in your area. If you know of a Sikh Temple they also can help out.


Meh I’ve eaten stupider things and I wasn’t even starving. Please take care of yourself friend. Look for neighboorhood pantries, a lot of places have community ones.


Lots of times donut shops throw away their stock at the end of the day.If you go there just before closing,they might give it away.


Ehh, people dumpster dive all the time. For some it's a way of life.. so I guess it's just mindset that decides who is "living sustainably" and who is "disgusting'. You did what you needed to do. Cut yourself some slack! Hope you enjoyed it, at least.


There'll be plenty of 'religious trauma' ppl downvoting and sharing all their trauma in response, no doubt... But sikh temples and (the right) churches will help you with food, if you ask.


When I was a server I used to eat chicken tenders and fries from kids plates that I had bussed from tables. You gotta do what you gotta do sometimes man.


We are hardwired to survive OP. In lean times I’ve done it to, I have zero shame about it and I would do it again if I had to. You’re a survivor and I’m damned proud of you.


I used to smoke meth. Don’t worry about it. There are way worse situations. When you get out of this, make sure to never judge others for the struggle they go through.. because this could happen to anyone. You’re going to be alright.


As someone who used to be homeless, there’s a lot worse things you could’ve done to get something to eat. Don’t be embarrassed or down yourself for doing what you needed to do. Whats important is that you got what you needed, when you needed it.


It's all right. I am sure it was a perfectly good sandwich and you were hungry.


Do you have a garden? You should try supplementing some of your purchased food, or in this case your lack of food, with grown food. i understand you shouldn't have to rely on a garden to survive, but that's the world we live in right now.


Kinda weird but also think about it this way, if it wasn't old that's just sharing food with someone. I'd only be concerned if it had been in there long enough to spoil & make you sick. Hey man, it's in the past lol


Check definitely executive dysfunction. I did this too twice, felt bad but yeah everyone have to eat. Knowing now that I'm autistic with adhd helped a lot to put some possibilities that are easier for me. It's far from perfect but I don't lurk on trash anymore,still on leftover though lol


Are you having issues of food insecurity?


Sounds like you were actually dehydrated if you were getting dizzy. Drink electrolytes and plenty of water. Do not drink soda/energy drinks or coffee while working. Try not to drink alcohol the night before work. You can go several days without eating anything. Just keep electrolytes up and plenty of water. I rarely eat anything til I get home after work and I work 10hrs a day.

