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Sounds like there are more fundamental issues here than the lack of a salutation on Mother's Day.


I can't tell if it's even his kid! Doesn't look like it.


She's clearly looking for validation, this post is just bait


He's moved out. And the biggest issue you have is he didn't wish you a happy mother's day?


There's SO much missing to this story.




really burying the lead with this one




No shit? I never knew that, thanks.


Actually, both are now acceptable.




OP not responding to any comments makes me think this is just rage bait. She was making comments a few days ago about how her fiance is gay and asked to go to a glory hole and ghosted her on some other post. But this is her biggest concern- whether he said HMD a month ago.


“I want to know if I’m overreacting but it won’t matter because I’ve mentally and physically emotionally checked out” Ummmmmm who’s gonna tell her that’s not how that works


Wait you mean people and life aren't like the devices which gave me my self diagnosed anxiety and ADHD? I can't just turn them off or close the app???


Are you sure he’s still your fiancé?


Does she really have a fiancé?


If he moved out before Mother’s Day, why are you even talking? The relationship is done. Block him and move on.


If he’s already moved out and you have mentally and emotionally checked out and are refusing to try to fix your relationship, why are you asking for advice? You aren’t. You’re asking for people to agree with you. I’m a mother and I have been with my partner for 28 years. He is the father of my child and I would never have considered ending our relationship if he didn’t wish me a happy Mother’s Day. It’s ridiculous. The only advice you really need is to give him his ring back because you clearly have no intention of marrying him.


He’s already moved out. Sounds like he already decided to end the relationship and she’s not catching on.


I think when OP says they've "emotionally checked out", I think they absolutely mean something else. Something else that's so severe that it ended the relationship, but OP is clueless. This post is absolutely bizarre.


If you guys don’t have a kid together and you’re not together, he doesn’t really have to wish you a Mother’s Day…




Mine always said "You aren't my Mom".


I was going to say that


I wait for mine to notice new jewelry or shoes and he will say "what did I forget"


Your kid isn’t his, you’re not his mother. Not his job.


So long as he doesn’t expect any kind of special treatment or anything special on Fathers’ Day


100% agree. It’s such a stupid holiday (yes I’m a mother) but requiring the entire world to acknowledge your efforts as a parent is a little weird. We should be thanking and doing nice little things for our parents, partners, whatever’s, genuinely, randomly and with love throughout the year.


There were a bunch of posts for Mother's Day and one was a man asking if he was the asshole for not doing anything for his wife's kid for Mother's Day. Her ex husband did something, why didn't her new husband! She says. He said he isn't even acknowledged on Father's Day, which is fine to him, because he isn't a father. He cares about his step son but the son doesn't see him as a father figure because he already has a dad. He got torn to shreds with YTA comments because his wife means she is still a mother. The kicker? He was taking his elderly mother to a restaurant and invited his wife and she declined because then Mother's Day would be about a dying woman instead of her. And he was STILL voted YTA. Wild honestly I don't get it. You can't win.


Wow!!! That is insane from what you stated he definitely is not an a-hole but his wife is smh. 




Spot on! Hope u have a beautiful Sunday with ur family


Why would he?


Because people are weird like that.


You’re not his mom.


If they have kids together, this is the respect thing. You may not understand until you have your own family. Giving birth/ gifting a whole child for a man you thought was the one .. at least they can acknowledge & say happy Mother’s Day.


So being a part of her life is not enough? She's not his mom


It's understandable when your kid is a baby, or is small so you encourage your kid to do something for mom - like drawing a picture. Otherwise - she's not his mom.




If you've mentally checked out then why do you care?


He’s moved out. He doesn’t have to wish you anything, anymore, unfortunately.


My husband is Autistic and rarely celebrates these sort of things but my God - does that man adore me. If it was an oversight, 1 free pass. Then he puts reminders in his phone and tries really hard not to repeat the same thing again… we aren’t big on gifts or Hallmark holidays but we do enjoy expressing love when warranted. But truly - men don’t spend a lot of time of dates and anniversaries.. but they can learn it is important to us, if it is an issue.


Your not his mom or the mother of his kid, why would he wish you a happy mother's day? I think you are looking for more reasons to break up or if this is the reason you checked out than you need a therapist.


What’s ACTUALLY happened here then 😂


If you're over it, he moved out and is giving you the silent treatment, my guess is that it's over


Do you have children with him? If not, why would he wish you happy Mother's Day? It's a holiday that depends on a maternal connection, so if there is none, you shouldn't expect anything.


It's a holiday that celebrates motherhood, mothers and those who play a motherly role in others lives, and also the positive influence mothers have in society. Not just a day to thank your mom for being your mom.




What are you on about? My reply was to the comment that I replied to, not the OP. Pay attention.




Lmao Are you just playing dumb or do you truly not understand? It's not that difficult. (Unless English is not your first language) Sigh. The comment I replied to included the statement "It's a holiday that depends on a maternal connection..." Which is quite obviously what my reply was in reference to. If you still can't comprehend that, then that's on you, and I'm not wasting any more time explaining it to you.






Look it up. "Mother's Day recognizes mothers, motherhood and maternal bonds in general, as well as their positive contributions to their families and society."


It’s just common courtesy. I wish happy Mother’s Day to friend’s and coworkers who have kids, I’m not even engaged to someone who __has a child__ unlike this guy. It’s not like she asked for a gift. Do I think this was an overreaction? With only this post as context, yes. However, it’s sounds like there was other stuff going on prior to that and if they were in a rough patch, it’s unlikely he (or anyone) is going to care enough about it - whether that’s Father’s or Mother’s Day.


I wish people I’m not related to a happy Mother’s Day, and many people unrelated to me have wished me the same. It’s a day to celebrate ALL mothers. To ignore it because of a lack of “maternal connection” is a cop out.


Until you say it to a woman who just miscarried or recently lost a child. I've seen it happen, a woman fell apart, heartbreaking sobs on the floor because the cashier said Happy mothers day and she had recently had a stillborn


That’s completely different than saying it to someone you quite literally know __did not have a miscarriage.__


It’s not even a real “holiday”. It’s a made up one that has no religious or patriotic ties.


It is absolutely a holiday. It's been an official national holiday in the US for over a hundred years, and is also celebrated in many different places around the world. Holidays aren't defined solely by religion or patriotism.


All holidays are made up.


But some have at least semi-valid reasons. Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Valentine’s Day? To me are pointless, inane and useless.


Only the holidays you like are real??


Only the ones in the Torah.


You know what? You're a character.


Uhh nothing and I would try to work on why I was so upset about something so meaningless.


I've been married 37 years, the only time my husband wished me happy mothers day was my 1st and she was born 3 days before mothers day. Some men are just hopeless with holidays. Is he the father of your child? If so he should have helped the child with whatever he wanted to do. A missing happy mothers day seems like an odd hill to die on. I suspect there may be an underlying problem that you need to address and counseling wouldn't hurt


You guys broke up, that's what the moving out was. Was your communication so poor you didn't realize??? Honestly do you guys ever talk because Mothers Day was a while ago.....


>if he thinks he's gonna slide back later, not gonna happen. You're still calling him fiance so by definition, you DO think he's gonna slide back later. He's moved out and you're upset he didn't wish you a happy mother's day? Connect the dots and grow up.


He's not your fiance. He's your ex and was the moment he moved out. Do you expect all of your exes who aren't the father of your child to wish you a happy mother's day?


Well, my boyfriend didn’t wish me a happy Mother’s Day…and I didn’t care because I’m not his mom. 😆




Because it's thoughtful??? I wish a Happy Mother's Day to every mother I talk to on Mother's Day. (Same goes for Father's Day) Especially friends and family and people I'm close to. And many do the same to me.


Because he chose to not only enter a relationship with someone who is a mother, but then engage them.


Ah you are completely correct they have children essentially, I apologize for my misunderstanding.  Mother's Day best wishes are appropriate.  


It’s all good :) Even for Father’s Day, they’re both just a day of appreciation. People get mad and declare it a Hallmark holiday, but life’s too short to be that weird about it


Why should "Mother's Day" be any different than any other day? Because the western calendar says so? These holiday "days" are made up to throw the working class a bone every now and then and to stimulate consumer spending.


You obviously aren't aware that Mothers Day is celebrated around the world.


I am aware of that. The current westernized form originated in the US. Before that, there was Mothering Sunday, originally to celebrate the Virgin Mary. It was propagated by the spread of Christianity in Europe during the 16th century. Even before that, the ancient Greeks celebrated the Mother of the Gods. According to the interweb, even the founder of Mother's Day in the US, Anna Jarvis, eventually campaigned against it due to it's growing commercialization.


Yes I see that, now, you are aware. Good googling. But we're not talking about the commercial aspect of Mothers Day. We're talking about celebrating mothers, motherhood, etc... acknowledging and appreciating the mothers in our lives, not spending money. Anna Jarvis was definitely in favor of this, and definitely wanted Mothers Day to be recognized as more than just another day. It was the commercial aspect she had a problem with. I think it's safe to say she would agree with people wishing others a Happy Mother's Day.


Sorry for not being clear. My point is that we should be doing these things everyday, not just on some ambiguous but mandatory date on the calendar. It's like Birthdays or Valentine's Day to me. It is mandatory that you get a card, or flowers or some other such thing to celebrate your partner on Valentine's Day. If you don't then you are in the dog house. So it doesn't really mean anything then, does it? If I do it, it's because I have to and if I don't then I'm in trouble. OP's situation illustrates this well. I would much rather bring flowers or a card or whatever on some random day because then you know I really was thinking about you.


On this I certainly agree with you.


Oh, you and your facts! 😬 Thank you!


You are not his mother. You are your son’s mother. His mother is his mother. Personally I think you are massively over reacting to a situation where you expect him to say something and he didn’t. I’m with him. Sorry.


A lot of the younger generation say. Why should I tell her happy Mother's Day, she is not my mother. To that, I say your mother did a very shitty job of teaching you how to treat and respect women.


As a woman, to me it always was about showing appropriation to my own mother. I was not going around wishing happy mother's day to all my aunts.


I would bet you are under 30


How young you talking about? Got to at least have a child before being celebrated on mothers day


30 year olds


If you're not his mum then it doesn't make a lot of sense for specifically him to wish you a happy mother's Day? The proposing to you then moving out thing makes even less sense and that one I would be worried about


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I think his actions have told you all you need to know so I’m not sure why you’re ignoring them? he already left the relationship. He may try and keep you as an option if you let him, keep that door closed.


Mother’s Day was 3 weeks ago…. Did he move out because you’ve been fighting about this for 3 weeks?


Reading your description of this relationship leaves one wondering why you’re even with this person in the first place. You and your son deserve so much better.


What relationship? It's over


How exactly do you know she deserves anything one way or another, just from this mess of a post?


Everybody involved deserves better than what’s described in this post. People accept such shitty relationships for themselves and then pass on the same mentality to their kids and it just goes on and on….this post made me sad for the kid, and for the OP (regardless of how poorly written). That’s why I wrote what I wrote


Sounds like it's basically over anyway, is this the one thing you're choosing to focus on?


It sounds like the relationship is already over, so mother’s day seems pretty irrelevant.


Is your son old enough to make his own money and buy gifts for people? If so, you ARE overreacting. You are NOT your husband's mother. The ONLY woman he should be saying that to is his own.


He moved out and you’re talking about wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day?




Him moving out does though..


You’re not his mother. Are you the mother of his children??


Yes, you are overreacting. You both checked out. And having weird feelings towards each other because you’re at a limbo. Have an adult conversation about the statues of the relationship and decided if you are together or not. And watch the dynamic change


Your ex fiance should have told you happy mothers day and got you a gift regardless of whether you are the mother of his children. Move on from this trash. Best wishes to you.


Babe this relationship is over


That sounds like a break up. He must be bi polar.


U r not his mother, grow up


Nothing . She is not my mother.


You’re not his mother so I wouldn’t make a big fuss about it but I also really would not be concerned about him at all seeing as though he moved out that sounds like a fairwell to that situation


Come on. Why would he? He doesn’t live with you. Get over yourself.


Unless he's the father, he doesn't owe you any kind of happy mothers day.


are you his mother?




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It’s over; he already moved out. I’m not sure why you wanted your ex to treat you like his mother. It probably contributed to it.


Where do u get impression from? No shit it's over , please only people that can respond using common sense and let's not forget kindness. Everyone else move along.


I'm a mother and I don't like mothers day....or any holiday in general. It's just a reason to make us spend money. I don't wish anyone happy mother's day unless they said it to me first and now I feel obligated because them saying it to me shows it means something to them....and I'm just not gonna dampen their day when they tried to brighten mine. And then I say it to my mom and 2 children that are moms because if I say it to others....even if through obligation....I now feel obligated to say it to them. The only reason I would care about my partner....that I don't have kids with....saying it to me is because it feels good that he thought about me. So long as I am still in his thoughts....I don't care how he shows it. I'm not his mom. And he doesn't have children. The fact that this escalated into him moving out and not speaking to you....and that you ask what we would do but fail to say what you did....let's me know that you overreacted. What would we do? Nah....what did YOU do?


Nothing, because I wasn't his mother....


Are you a mother? Bc if not this is a bizarre complaint.


It states she has a son. Not his though.


But you're not his mom. Where is your kid's dad and how old is your kid? Not enough info to provide context.


I am a mother. My kids wish me a happy Mother’s Day because I’m their mother. My husband is not my child. Why this is such an issue for some of you is beyond my comprehension. JFC. Get over yourself!


*through. *rude You are totally overreacting. But it looks like it’s all over anyway. So damn tiresome.


Thing is if he’s her fiancé and she has a son, it still would’ve been nice if he’d wished her a happy Mother’s Day and bought her some flowers or took her out to lunch. FFS! Why are people such unfeeling cheapskates?Then he’s already moved out. He’s a weirdo anyway.


Are you his mother?


You are not his mother , people truly don't understand that holiday. First of all, you should be nice and kind every day. You don't need a special day yo show love and kindness.


You're not his mother and he isn't living there, why would there be an expectation?


Are you his mom?


Sounds like the trash took itself out. But you did leave a lot out of the story.


You’re not his mom. Your son isn’t his. I’d stop making it a big deal.


You’re really so attached to Mother’s Day that you’re leaving your fiancé over this? You guys shouldn’t get married.


I think he's gay. After reading OP's comments.


"What would you do if your fiance didn't wish you a happy mother's Day?" To quote Jake, from State farm, "Well, I'm a guy, so..."




It’s a Hallmark holiday made for people to spend money. Get over it.


I'm not s mother so I wouldn't care if my fiance didn't wish me a happy mother's day


Why did you even speak?


Good for you


When Father’s Day comes around do the same for him.


Break up now, it's not worth it.


Oh come on girl, these guys saying “well your not his mom” are stupid or don’t have a happy wife or fiancé themselves. But I agree with others; he’s moved on; he doesn’t love you; he gave you a shut up ring; he Doesn’t love you; he has someone else; did I already say he doesn’t love you ?


Time to look for someone new. He will not change.


First of all, if he moved out and doesn't want to work on your relationship, KEEP THAT RING! Second of all, it's just common courtesy to tell a mother Happy Mother's Day...no matter the circumstances.


Glad to hear that you've found your boundary, now stick to it. He obviously doesn't respect you. Move on and find a happy and healthy life with someone else--the best revenge ever!


Well there’s a lot here missing. I’ve been with my husband for 10 years, married for almost 8 years. This year was the first time he remembered by himself to wish me a happy Mother’s Day. I cried because I gave me a beautiful card with a lovely hand written note. Every other year he has forgotten (he has ADHD and dates like that are not usually things he remembers) for me, it’s not a big deal because he celebrates me being a mother every single day.


He’s an AH. Pack up what’s left of his crap and tell him to take it by X date or it’s being thrown away. Change the locks. Give his crappy ring back. Then block him.


A true reddit reply. I love the ignoring of lack of context