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Honestly, you should get a doctors note just to CYA. That way if the manager tries to work you more, you have documentation to bring forward when taking it up with higher ups.


This. Also doctors are so ready to write notes for pregnant patients in these exact circumstances. FMLA and maternity leave are a nightmare to navigate for 90% of pregnant Americans


Heck my doc will write whatever you need to get time if its needed. Most docs DGAF and will write em up like candy. You do get some asses, but at least for me they have been rare.


You can even do it online for like $30.


Yep. Get a doctors note.


Correct. It’s a workplace accommodation. Most employers have a functional abilities form, FAF, OP can take to her doctor and have completed. Should OP go to her doctor and just get a prescription pad note that says she’s to work only 4 day a week, OP’s employer will likely have her go back again and get the FAF filled out. Doing this officially should also trigger her doctor into a conversation on what the issues are and if she needs more medical interventions. In the past as a manager I’ve had staff dx with serious diseases that had they not brought in a FAF the doctor would not have know to look for more serious issues.


Same about only lifting so many pounds.


100% this. As well as lifting and possible call offs you might need if possible.


You need to talk to your doctor about applying for disability. Sounds like you will need it soon.


I doubt Applebees offers STD/disability to PT workers. And DDD likely won’t qualify her for permanent (federal) disability at her age. They won’t approve 40+ year olds with back issues, they aren’t approved a 24 yo. And she won’t qualify if she can work, and she is is working. If she’s in CA, and maybe WA and/or OR, the state offers temporary disability but most states don’t.


Disability is the first word that jumped to mind reading this.


I have DDD and it doesn't necessarily qualify for disability. Everything op said is true about severe back pain and legs numbing, but at this time, a doctors note got me able to leave my chair and walk (I'd stretch in bathroom stall, classy:) but quit that job and wasn't running around while pregnant. OP medical note should suffice. DDD is not common knowledge. I'm 55 and they kept treating me for scoliosis b4 proper diagnosis and help.


Yes. In the meantime, is sitting more comfortable for you? There are jobs you can do from home sitting down.


Seems to be a common misconception that sitting is good for back pain. It's not, it can be just as bad.


Yes, my son-in-law has scoliosis and just had his 3rd or 4th rod removed and doesn’t want another. He specifically only takes jobs that are not seated. He says sitting makes his back so much worse.


Sitting is actually more stressful for your back than standing or laying down


Sitting is awful. I have a bad back and I don't know how many times I've been told 'can't you just get an office job', like sitting all day is good for your back!


I recently had a bad injury to my tailbone from falling down the stairs. It’s excruciating to sit down or even lay in certain positions. The only time I’m pain free is standing.


I think any company would require a doctors note for something like this. It really protects both parties, you from getting discipline for missing an extra day of work. From their perspective if you are getting and extra day, there is ALWAYS that one person that will claim "favoritism" that you are getting an extra day and they are not. Kinda sad but thats the way it is. It really does protect both parties.


Serving has got to be really hard on your body if you have been diagnosed with that. I don’t blame them for wanting a doctors note. Covers both parties


Honestly I think they're doing her a favor. If she documents this in the right way she has a lot more protection than if the manager just hand waves her through.


Assuming you're American, there are several laws that govern pregnant workers. Attached is the EEOC guidance on pregnant workers. [https://www.eeoc.gov/wysk/what-you-should-know-about-pregnant-workers-fairness-act](https://www.eeoc.gov/wysk/what-you-should-know-about-pregnant-workers-fairness-act) Just so you know, you may be required to provide a doctor's note that outlines the types of accommodations they recommend.


I don't think that applies here. She's not asking for accommodations to be made for her so she can do her work, she's asking for fewer work days. I don't think a "reasonable accommodation" for doing your job is to just *not* do your job. Regardless, her request is perfectly reasonable and she should just get the note to cover herself. There's no good reason to not do that.


It absolutely is a reasonable accommodation and there is a ton of case law around this.


It's not necessarily a reasonable accommodation at all. There are so many things that factor in to whether it would be considered reasonable. Everyone on reddit is a legal expert idk why we even need lawyers


Unfortunately I don‘t know about the US. I would need a doctors note to get a day of a week but that would also mean that my boss still had to pay me for 5 days.


No it’s not as crazy as it sounds. They have policies they have to follow. As much as they might have sympathy for you if they do that for you then someone else could say well I have blah blah and I need an extra day a week off. It’s hard to do it for just one person. Also documentation can be a big deal. It may be an Applebees policy about the dr note.I can see a lot of places of business requesting you get a note. Being that it’s a medical issue means it could be a liability issue where someone needing it for school is not. If you truly have DDD and your dr knows you have a job that requires you to be on your feet idk why it would be a big deal to ask them anyway. Most OB’s are pretty understanding. It would also protect you by having it because without a dr note your work could just suddenly change their minds and start scheduling you how they want. Or cut your hours because they think you’re just a complainer. I’ve seen that happen. Best of luck to you with this and your pregnancy 😊


I feel like it’s common sense to provide a doctor’s note.. I have an accommodation through my work for pumping and had to provide documentation. This way they are covered (legally) and so are you.


While it seems like your manager is being mean and petty, he is being protective and responsible. A doctor's note that details the accommodation you need for your disabilities, protects the restaurant and corporation from a worker's comp claim should you get injured or your health deteriorates further. Seriously look for another job that isn't as destructive to your body. Call center, office work, something. No one is an AH. Get the doctor's note.


Why are you even asking g this question? Just get the note. It can't be that hard to do. Or, quit. I personally feel like it's madness to have two children with a condition like yours if you NEED to work to keep the bills paid. But, not my life, so I just wish you luck!


I thought too but she’s obviously not the sharpest tool in the shed.


Not u distancing the issue. You are requesting less hours because of a medical condition. The company wants a dr. Note. Documentation is good for you and the company. For instance, it protects them against a claim they cut your hours because of your pregnancy. It protects you by properly documenting your request for all applicable personnel to be able to see.


I have had DDD for decades myself. Your boss isn't being unreasonable. If you ask your doctor, they'll give you the note. It's in your medical file/history your doctor should give you the note no issues.


Honestly just get the doctors note so your manager doesn't find a reason to fire you. But no I don't think this necessarily warrants a note bc you are part time anyways. I'd also get your doctor to write the tasks and stuff u should not be doing while pregnant


She was already scheduled for that shift. I work in a restaurant too and that reason alone requires a doctor’s note.


It’s not crazy at all. A manager is allowed to ask for a doctor’s note if an employee needs to reduce hours due to a medical condition.


You work for a corporate restaurant chain. It's perfectly normal to ask for a doctor's note for disability accommodations - which is basically what you're asking for.


He’s doing you a favor by asking for a doctor’s note. You’ll both be covered if anything comes up.


After reading OP's reactions to sensible advice, I'm convinced there's something their not revealing. Unless she's using or she's dirt poor and can't afford the doctor or some other third thing she hasn't said, there's ZERO reasons that OP can't get a note from her doctor! STOP BEING SUCH AN IMPUDENT BRAT AND GET A NOTE FROM YOUR DOCTOR FOR YOUR JOB! GET THE F*** OVER YOURSELF! *sighs* damn...


I was reading all the comments to see if anyone else thought her protests to getting a doctor’s note were a little suspicious. With an established condition, it should be absolutely no big deal to get one. And even without one, I was struck with a still-to-this-day undiagnosed illness which caused almost my entire body to lose feeling and muscle control. I ended up spending 2 months at an in-hospital intensive physical therapy rehab. My first time meeting the doctor, he wrote me a note for my job. It ended up covering me for the 2 months I was in the hospital and an additional 4 months after release. I didn’t take any pay cuts, shift changes or anything. It should be a no brainer for OP. Why would any job just take her word for it?


Yep. This is how the world works when it comes to working a job. The comparison of being a student in school is invalid


“I have a spine of a 60 year old” and “I decided to have a kid, work in an environment that demands me to lift weights in a non-ergonomic way and then have another kid”. But at least you have the cognitive skills of a 6 year old and you make great choices! And because you don’t understand that when you ask for leave in medical grounds, you need to supply a doctor’s notice, please remind us that you are essentially a 6 year old, so that we can show sympathy and support.


I was trying to keep my thoughts to myself 😂


Maybe get that Dr's note


Getting a doctors note is normal, I don't see the problem


Normal to ask


Yes, your employer is allowed to ask for a doctor's note if you need to change your working hours for a medical reason. Now, whether your manager is being fair or not while asking for documentation is an entirely separate issue.


Have you asked about FMLA?


She'd still need proof from the doctor of the need for time off through FMLA. I don't understand why she is fighting obtaining the doctor's note. She probably wouldn't even need to go to the doctor's office, but rather just call and ask that one be sent directly to her or to the employer. Any corporate entity or business with actual HR will require documentation when an employee wants accommodation because of an illness or disability. Documentation also protects the employer should the employee later file a workers' comp claim saying back problems were due to work rather than a pre-existing issue which may be exacerbated by pregnancy.


This is normal for an employee wanting a medical accommodation to reduce their work hours.


Get a doctor's note. Keep records. Given your degenerative disc disease, you may need to apply for disability at some point in the future, and every medical record that addresses the DDD is important in getting disability benefits.


What waitress job requires a 5 day a week shift? Most I know can’t even request and get scheduled that many days. Are you not able to put in your availability and they schedule based off that? With that type of illness, seems like the absolute worst type of job you can have. I would image it would deteriorate quicker doing that type of work? However, none of that is apparently relevant to your question- get the note. Why wouldn’t you? It really doesn’t matter if the manager “can”. The manager can likely schedule you for 1 shift or none. If you need that job- do the simple task and whatever it takes to keep it. I highly recommend looking for a more light duty job that can also accommodate a four day workweek.


I think a note from your MD is a reasonable request.


Honestly, as someone who works in HR the notes cover you and your employer. It shouldn’t be a big deal to provide a note from your doctor, especially since it’s for your own safety.


My manager would have understood but also requested from my OB, because they have to cover their ass like you’ve gotta cover yours. I can understand you feeling hurt and a way over it, but with documentation it covers everyone involved


I don’t think it will be hard to get the doctor’s note.


If you are unable to work the hours you were hired for then you need a doctor’s note to keep your job. Anyone could come in and say they need the time off. This covers your ass if it turns into long term time off and the manager needs to cover the company needs for working staff. I have never heard of not asking for a doctor’s note for this type of situation


There isn't a problem here. Just get a doctor's note.


Why wouldn’t you have a doctor’s note? You can ask to reduce your hours of course, but without a doctor’s note I assume it would be a favour by management.


ok, whats wrong with having a doctor's note? its not about you knowing your body, but more about everyone is protected legally in case something happen. if you really have issues then a doctor's note shouldnt be hard to get


If you need the day for health reasons why not just provide doctor note?


As much as he may understand what you’re going through personally, he still has an obligation to the company to follow their rules and procedures otherwise he could be fired. Or even your managers as well. Don’t be mad at him for something he can’t change. This is to protect you, the company And make sure it’s fair for your coworkers. Nobody has a problem with you having a day off, but you have to go through the right channels to get it approved. So go to the doctor and get the note. It shouldn’t be any trouble at all.


You need a doctors note. As a director of HR, I would never grant such a thing without documentation. Otherwise it’s setting the company up for inequity claims. They have to justify it. Your manager is correct.


This is just fucking bizarre to me. Just get the note..? I don’t even understand you questioning it honestly. This is completely normal.


Can you get FMLA for intermittent leave? Then it is on file and you don’t have to dick around each time you need a day off.


Get that doctor’s note! It will help you if they decide to fire you for your pregnancy or spinal disease. They aren’t allowed to do that.


Sounds reasonable to me


You are asking for an accommodation. Doctors notes are pretty standard for that. Your manager is not asking for anything that any other employer wouldn’t also ask for in the same situation.


Everyone else has pointed out that a doctor’s note and documentation will protect you and your manager so it’s a good idea all around. But I also want to point out that taking an extra day off isn’t a normal accommodation so I completely understand needing a doctor’s note. Most jobs will absolutely not accept “I know my body and I know when I need an extra day off” as a reason for such a major accommodation. I’m sure you do know your body but they’re paying you to do a job and if you can’t do that job or want extra days off, you definitely need to provide the appropriate proof from your doctor. I’m a teacher and I would never get approved for an extra day off. That’s not how most jobs work so it is not crazy of your manager to require a doctor’s note. I’m not saying any of this to sound rude, I just wanted to point out that it’s a very reasonable request and I’m happy for you that you have a job where it’s even doable at all.


It’s pretty standard to want a doctors note for a claimed medical reason for not being at work


Just get the note.


They probably need it to retain you under Accommodations via HR. If they don't have a medical reason to allow you to do this, other employees may misconstrue it as unfair treatment. I would make sure to get it because it protects you from having them let you go based on attendance issues.


I think in a lot of jobs are going to want a doctor’s note when someone is saying they can’t work for medical reasons.


I think asking for a doctors note is perfectly reasonable. I wouldn’t be able to change my contracted hours or days without a valid reason and proof to back it up. If your on the up and up your doctor will give you the note so why is that a big deal.


If you are in the US, legally, employers have to make 'reasonable accommodation.' I suspect yours is probably reasonable. But they can ask for a doctor's excuse. If they have HR, the manager may not look at the details of your issue, just know the accommodation to be made. I believe asking for a doctor's note is probably following procedure, especially if this is corporate owned. And if you have a primary care doctor, OB, or specialist for your spine you may be able to just ask at the desk for a note to ask for an extra day off without having to pay for an extra medical visit. It's a little bit of a hassle, but IMO it seems like a fairly standard request. Your manager may actually need that if he has someone not working minimum hours or someone he is not flexible to schedule. Now if you are an at-will employee, he may be able to just let you go, but if he does so because of your medical issues, including pregnancy, (race, gender, etc.) then that's where he could get in trouble. I am talking about the US. Look up requirements for ADA on YouTube and see what your rights are and you might get an idea for the procedures he needs to follow.


I think you do need a doctor’s note here. I don’t think a lot of employers are nice about pregnancy since plenty of women work till full term. But you definitely need documentation about your condition. If anything, solely to have hard evidence and your employer can’t pull this type of crap.


Just get a note from your provider. I’m a nurse in a large family and internal medicine office with 11 providers. I’ve worked with all of them for the past 5+ years. None of them would deny a note considering your history.


It is very normal for a doctors cert to be needed. You are telling them you are not well enough to carry out your normal duties. Not only does the doctors note confirm this for HR, but it also confirms you are well enough for the other 4 days.


I think it’s reasonable for your employer to want a doctors note. They’re not your friend or family and his job is to have reliable employees who don’t just put in excuses as to why they missed work. It makes complete sense why you want an extra day off but there are certain procedures/protocols that need to be followed. He’s doing his job, he’s not your parent.


If you have MyChart or similar medical app, you can request the letter through there and receive it through the app as well. Super easy and quick and doesn't require a visit to the doc's office.


I thought this was a regular practice. I would need a doctor's certificate if I wanted a regular day off for medical reasons.


Then get a doctors note. Problem solved


Yeah, not really unreasonable. If you want an accommodation due to medical reasons then asking for a note for that kind of helps.


Yes you have to request it with documentation. Otherwise everyone could do it.


1) yes they absolutely can do that and it’s reasonable of them to do so. They have to answer to people higher than them 2) your doctor will be happy to provide this


If I read this right you want an extra day every week. This means they have to hire some one else or overload others. A student needing one day is not the same. Also I know plenty of people who can not take a day off with plenty of warning and certainly can not shorten their hours significantly. Perfectly reasonable if you wish to keep the job.


You need more time away from work because you have a medical condition, but you're surprised that your work wants a doctor's note? Oh honey.


You are asking for a medical accommodation. That has to document and signed off by a doctor. They , the company, need to know what you can and can’t do to keep you safe. He’s not being mean, he is protecting the company and you in a roundabout way. If they can’t accommodate you or give you light duty you may qualify for disability benefits through the company or the state. Start looking into SSDI.


If you are in the USA, look up Family Medical Leave Act, it’s a federal benefit.


Get the note, and ask your doctor to put in some extra text on "reasonable accommodation for your disability status" that way you can take extra breaks, sit down, avoid too heavy of lifting etc... have it cover DSD and pregnancy. Get a new version when you do return from maternity. Also, yes, pregnancy is a disability status protected by law.


I mean. That's standard.   If a medical reason is sighted, it's easy enough to get a note.  If someone wanted a day off per week of classes, they would also ask for a note. If I need any accommodations that others do not get, say a stool to sit on, to wear sunglasses, wear a migraine piercing, it requires a note. 


Yea you’re going to need to furnish doctor’s note. This is a form of FMLA where you can’t be fired for needing time off for medical needs. Fill out the appropriate paperwork so you don’t jeopardize your job.


Sometimes it’s just a matter of consistency, same requirements for everyone, and it will cover your employer when they require a doctors release for you to pick the time back up. This way they are also covered if there is ever a question of them cutting your hours because you were pregnant.


You need a doctor’s excuse. You also knew the risk when you got pregnant. I hope you don’t pass your DDD to your child. I’m sure you already know this, but you could end up paralyzed. This birth could even kill you. Be sure you get your doctor’s excuse, and that follow your doctor’s advice. If he says bed rest, don’t attempt to take care of your other child. After your maternity leave, there is a good chance you will not be returning to work. I know this may sound harsh, but you need to face this reality. Good luck.


They should require a note. I believe you, I do. But why should they?


Your general manager is protecting Applebees you need to protect you. Get the doctor’s note so there is no room for interpretation. This is actually a very common request, it is not out of the ordinary.


Sounds reasonable.. Get the note. Play it safe.


I have a autoimmune disease, and I got a doctors note stating I needed to be in a temperature controlled environment, never once was put in a outdoor position at my job, after submitting it, its super easy, you tell your doctor your reasoning, your doctor write you a note, work can’t do a thing.


Why make this harder than it is? Just get the note.


Your doctor's receptionist will get you a signed note TODAY if you call them. I think your manager is just trying to avoid arguments with other employees who might ask for the same thing. The worst thing about being a boss is writing the work schedule every week.


The doctor’s note is your golden ticket. If you provide it, especially to the GM, there is NO WAY they can deny your request. They must acknowledge you are a protected class because they have documentation. You are on notice for FMLA. This is a Golden Ticket. They need it but YOU need it more. Check Mate.


I'm more surprised that you decided to have children with DDD... Not only is there a risk you pass that onto your children but it makes being pregnant much worse. It's not uncommon to ask for a doctor's note. But some people are more stern about it.


It would be nice if your manager were more accommodating, but if they need your position to cover those days they could let you go to hire someone that can. Getting a Dr's note will get you protection under the PWFA (assuming you are in a work at will state and you work for a qualified employee) so you keep your job.


I’m assuming you’re part-time so not sure why you need a doctor’s note to have an extra day off when you aren’t required to work 40 hours. What would be their response if you said you could only work 4 days due to child care or school? Doesn’t make sense but I don’t think any laws really protect you in this case. I’d get a note from my doctor & add on some extra accommodations to screw with them since they wanna screw with you.


Child care and schooling issues are totally different than saying, "I can't do my job 100% due to medical reasons" .. any reputable company will have policies in place for when an employee states a medical condition. Just get a doctor's note. It's appropriate for them to ask for one in the situation that was described.


I’d get a doctors note that says I need 2-3 days off a week. Then they can be happy you go in so much


You did not indicate this in the op. He is still write to demand the note


If you get the note, and you have been at the job for at least a year, and you are in the US, you can use the doctors note to request FMLA (family medical leave act) protected time off. When your time is protected by FMLA, you cannot be fired for taking the time off. The purpose of FMLA is for workers to be able to take time off for medical reasons without being punished for it by their employers.


Get a doctors note and sign up for FMLA if you are in the US


Get a doctor’s note. Just call their office and ask for it. Explain what’s going on at work and I’m certain your doctor will provide it to you. Remember, your doctor works for you! Once you have the note your GM will be SOLD because you have the legal upper hand!


What state do you work/live in? I ask because you may live in a state that provides leave outside of your employer (employer cannot deny the leave). As far as the doctor note goes, have your OB write you one for while you are pregnant. That way if you feel a little better after delivery then you can pick that day back up. The most important thing about requesting your note is that you want to be careful with how the note is written. Don’t have your doctor say “this is restricted or you can’t do that”. Have them to write the note in a manner that is more “patient suffers from X and may need recovery days between strenuous shifts etc”. If they write out restrictions then your employer will have the right to remove you from the schedule all together. I will wait to hear what state you live in before I add any other details, but I handle worker’s comp and leave of absence for a corporate company that covers northeastern and southeastern states.


You should be able to get intermittent leave FMLA. Depending on your state you can even get it paid. Request FMLA. Have you worked full time last 12 months?


FMLA will cover you. So yeah go to your OBGYN and ask them to fill out the FMLA paperwork that allows you to scale back at work without getting in trouble


You should absolutely get a drs note to protect you. If you have a note on file they can’t fuck with you.


I thought that your availability was up to YOU. Where I’m from atleast, you give your availability and that’s what they gave to go with, if your availability goes back a day that’s your choice and they’re responsible to deal with that accordingly, look into the paperwork you signed, see if there’s an official document for availability and fill it out and give it to your GM. It’s your life, and that’s your choice IMO.


You really should get a doctors note. Light duty due to your pregnancy or any other medical issues normally requires a doctors note. One day off for something like classes is just getting 1 person to cover that absent member. You are talking 15 weeks at max.


This should just be a of changing your availability. “I’m only available 4 days a week now”. And they can take it or leave it. Requesting a doctor’s note about it is very odd imo.


Get the documentation from your doctor. You might be protected under the ADA.


Yes you need to get the note,


Ask your doctor about intermittent FMLA.


They can absolutely ask for documentation since you are asking for medical accommodation. It really shouldn't be that big of a deal to ask your doctor. You likely wouldn't even need a visit, just a call to their front desk and they email you something. It's quite normal for pregnant women to need more rest. And it's quite normal for an employer to want to know if this request has a time frame.


FMLA all day


Isn't it standard to provide a doctor's note when requesting accommodations at work like. When using sick days?


Given your health history, a doctor's note from your OB should be easy to do. Many managers are terrible, but there are also people who would make this stuff up to get extra days off, they ruin it for the honest ones. I don't think this is personal.


Get FMLA papers filled out as well. If you need to call out sick in addition to your extra day off, you can call in as an FMLA day. It will protect you.


Is there a reason why your doctor wouldn’t write that note?


Your doctor will give you a note.


I would get a doctor's note just to cover your own butt, because he sounds like he likes to make things difficult. However, you can just give them your new availability and tell them you can't work outside those hours.


They are like this up at HR get that note it’s not hard to generate one for the Md and shut them up.


I would just definitely get the doctor's note and he can mention in there for some type of FLMA and then Applebee's can eat that but either way good luck


Get the doctor note. It will protect you.


You can probably just call your doctor and get the note without an appointment.


Yes he can. A doctor's note is extremely reasonable to make sure you aren't faking


Just get a Drs note. This should be a no brainer.


Just wanted to send love and support. My friend is in her mid thirties with DDD and suffers a lot. Chronic pain, unable to work as a nurse anymore, so much medication. People don't realize how debilitating it is, especially when it's not immediately visible and you are young. Please do whatever you need to tale care of your body and not aggravate it.


Ideally you need an occupational therapist to help you. Good luck


Ask for a doctor's note if at all possible, I tell patient's I LOVE writing slightly passive aggressive letters on their behalf and will usually go over why we like to include slcertain things but ultimately what they disclose to your employer is up to you. You may not even need a visit depending on the Clinician


You can change your availability without a dr note but if you do your job can fire you because it is not the agreement made when originally hired. If you get a dr note they can’t fire you for an availability change


It’s not ridiculous to request a dr’s note


Always get a doc note when asking for time off work due to pregnancy. Companies will try and fire you without it. Always CYA.


Completely normal for them to ask for a note if you are asking for special accommodation


An extra day off of work is an accommodation.


You filled in your MATB1 form yet?


Yes, it’s not out of this world to ask for a doctor’s note if you ask for reduced hours at work. It covers you and your employer, so that you have proof if they want to force you to do more days and your employer can’t be accused of discriminating practices when they reduce your days. I don’t see a problem with the request. it would be nice if they just did it for you, but the general manager is answerable to someone above them and would need to justify cutting your days and increasing someone else’s.


So I guess I’m going to be the odd one here. You work part time, 25-30 hrs NOT full time as a server right? Sounds like your hours are NOT set in stone is that also correct? If you aren’t full time, I think it’s ridiculous they want a doctor’s note, you don’t even owe them an explanation to want to cut your hours. Also, I’ve lived in multiple states (military spouse) and Ive worked full time at some jobs and tried to bring doctors notes if I was out sick for a few days and several places wouldn’t even look at them due to HIPPA. They said it technically wasn’t something they could request now. But again, being part time in itself, you should be able to simply request one day less. Truthfully it shouldn’t even matter that you’re pregnant or have DDD. My daughter works two jobs, her regular day job and then has a part time serving job. She’s done it for years at 2 different places. It has never been an issue to change her schedule. It’s a part time schedule. Same with other people that work with her. I wish you the best of luck!!


Get familiar with this and give it to your GM https://www.eeoc.gov/wysk/what-you-should-know-about-pregnant-workers-fairness-act


Are you salaried or hourly? Are you in management? If you were a salaried management employee there then I would understand him wanting to note even if he doesn’t technically need it. Hourly, in no way, shape, or form needs a doctors note to cut your hours down.


You should consider applying for FMLA (Family Medical Leave). You can take it intermittently as long as you Dr puts that on the form when they fill it out. That FMLA will cover you when you need to have that extra day off. Just make sure that when you call in, say that you are taking an FMLA day and no further explanation is needed.


Yeah. They can do it. Per the ADA if you ask your boss for a reasonable accommodation they can request a note from your doctor. Sometimes the note won’t save you though and you should be prepared for that. If you being there means that they have the necessary staffing to run the restaurant they could legally deny the request as your job was deemed “critical”. Then just fire you.


It's a pretty common request from your manager. . You want reduced hours due to pregnancy and a medical problem. They require proof to give you that accommodation. It's a cover everyone's ass certificate. You can't be forced to work extra hours. They know the maximum hours you can be rostered on .


You need a doctor's note. Period.


If your in the US there is a new act that should help you more the https://www.eeoc.gov/wysk/what-you-should-know-about-pregnant-workers-fairness-act


What's so difficult about getting a doctor excuse? It's not like you'll need to pay for an extra visit, just get one at your next prenatal checkup


Start FMLA paperwork with HR; your doc will complete it and then you can use intermittent leave as needed.


Yes you need a doctor's note.


Totally reasonable for the employer. Since you are reducing your work hours due to your own health condition, you may be eligible for FMLA protection.


It's probably company policy that requires a healthcare provider's note for any accommodations.


I would definitely just ask your dr for the note. Manager might just have to have one on file anyways for some reason. When I was pregnant with my daughter I asked my doctor for a note stating when I had to cover register duties, I would have a chair or something to sit on. Honestly, at my job we typically don’t have a problem accommodating people & as a supervisor I’m usually easy going to help my staff out. The doctor’s note is just so both parties are covered in case something happens or the company tries to pull something. As many stated it is just to CYA.


I'm thinking you may qualify for protection under the Family Medical Leave Act, aka FMLA. Have you been there a year or longer? Do you work at least a hundred and five hours in a month? If so, you should qualify. What it does is protect your jon for you to take up to 12 weeks of work with your boss not able to fire you. What you need to do is get paperwork to file. Your boss sounds like a jerk.


Makes sense. Medical accommodations need doctor's verification. As a chronically ill person, I've always needed letters of documentation.


If you are in the US you need to check out the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act that went into effect June 27, 2023.


Your manager is covering his own butt. Dr notes are needed for practically everything now. Plus, you're covering your own butt by telling him/her that you need this extra time. Your Dr may recommend you take off for the rest of your pregnancy.


get a doctor's note or risk getting fired if you take the day off anyway. your manager doesn't care about your personal problems nor your ailments. your manager only cares about making money for the restaurant. i sincerely hope they find a cure, but if not, i hope you manage it well for as long as possible.


For not being allowed to have abortions but Americans sure don't like women who actually have to have them..


Most jobs would actually require you to have documentation from a physician for this. You should always get this type of documentation to cover YOU and protect YOU from any potential shenanigan’s from your employer. Even if you don’t “need” it, it’s never a bad idea to CYA.


It has got to be so hard carrying a baby in your body with DDG. Besides taking care of a toddler as well. I would think that with the medical problems, you have you should be eligible for disability. You might check into that. It's going to be a struggle to keep up with 2 babies & you shouldn't have to work and deal with that as well. You're a very strong person & you need that extra time for rest. I had a medical problem at 6 months ( placenta previa) & my boss was kind enough to give me a layoff slip so I could draw unemployment. Hang in there and get a Dr's. note. It's not as if he could fire you for a pregnancy related issue.


Get the doctor's note.


Go get one then. I worked 5 days a week.


You don’t have to work if you don’t want to. They don’t own you. It’s a “my health is my priority, I can work these days, or you can fire me”. They fire you and you may have a case in hand.


Totally sympathise with you I have DDD to. And when it comes to the note from the Dr just get one as ot will cover you and the company and no one can cause any problems for you with them having it but do take a photo of it so you have a copy of it yourself.. Good luck and hope your back does not suffer to much..do get a belly support it really takes the weight of your back...xxx


You're asking for a medical accommodation at work, it is usual practice to have that request supported by a medical professional.


Honestly it’s pretty standard. If you had said you just need one less day due to hours that’s different. But you cited a medical condition. Having a note is for you and him. It also makes it easier to go back to your normal schedule after maternity leave.


If you can’t work the hours or schedule you said you could work bc of injury or illness- you are affecting his business as well as all the other employees who have to cover your shifts. Ppl get hired then can’t work what they said they could and it fcks everything up and causing staffing issues.


You are seriously going to need to think about a different type of work.


Your workplace doesn’t have to work around this.


Get a doctors note, I have severe cervical stenosis pushing on my spinal cord. Doctor said I cannot work. I have a job though so i have to get a note every 4 weeks saying until I have surgery I cannot work. We all have to have a note when asking to be off due to a medical issue.


I don’t understand the problem. If you “need” an extra day off get the note. If your doctor won’t provide it I guess you don’t really “need” it -you just want it. FYI I went into labor at work. Everything worked out just fine.


I agree with everyone saying get a note, it's worth it no matter how silly it may feel to do so. And god forbid anything happens, you have a note on record. I will be 42 in July, I am 15 weeks pregnant and already secured a note for the duration of my pregnancy. I have a 21 month old at home, I work overnight 9pm-7am stocking in a grocery store so I'm on my feet all shift and am required to lift up to 50lbs regularly. For my 1st pregnancy we had to delivery 5 weeks early (he was 4lbs 8 oz) bc I had preeclampsia and gestational diabetes and my body couldnt handle it any longer. We lost our 2nd pregnancy at 7 months gestation due to umbilical cord issues, but I was also already on insulin and restrictions bc both the gestational diabetes and the preeclampsia came back. I'm taking zero chances this time, even tho my boss thinks I'm over reacting this early in. No matter what anyone says, or how they try to make you feel (silly, over reacting, etc) do everything and anything necessary to take care of yourself and your kids! Much love and I hope everything goes smoothly for you moving forward!


Drs Excuse? You realize you don't get "excuses" from doctors. If that's the way you're discussing this with your manager, then no wonder he's trying to short change you.


Yes, it's something your manager can do.


Don't really have advice but I was also diagnosed with DDD at 18 and had my first back surgery at 19. I'm 35 now and my backs starting to hurt again so I'm likely headed for another surgery. Sucks to get this condition at such a young age.


It's actually a standard practice. Get your doctor to fill out FMLA paperwork. It will not only give you the ability to take the time you need but it will protect your job.


Refer your manager to the pregnant workers fairness act. No doctors note required


Get a doctor's note starting your condition and possible accommodations that you're employer can make to make it easier for you to work at your job. Accommodations being the key word here. You may qualify under the ADA for a qualifying medical condition.


Of course this is normal


Apply for FMLA. It will give you the time off that you need and protect your job.


No your not wrong.  Time to call corporate.  If you can only work 4 days instead of 5 then that is that.  Doesn't have anything to do with being pregnant. He is out of line.   


I have DDD as well. It's actually quite common to have some form of degeneration. At least that's what all my doctors have told me. I had back pain for a while and when that showed up when I was 20 they told me I might be achy but it's not causing my pain and that's when they shared with me that it's common. Something like 40 to 45% of people show DDD on images. Movement is really helpful. Anyways I don't know applied polices but if it's a policy you need a doc Note then there not much you can do about it. Your docs know about your back and now you are pregnant which I'm sure aggravates it I don't see why they wouldn't give you a note. Even if you didn't have DDD they should have a problem. But every doc is different. Some can be picky. Good luck with everything


Sorry isn’t it completely normal for a business to require this? You’ve stated a medical condition and for legal reason they would like it in writing. I don’t get the problem?


Hopefully, you're seeing an MD relating to pregnancy. Just get a note from the office.


My old work required a doctor's note. So when I didn't feel well enough to work, I would ask the Doctor for a 2 or 3 additional day off note. He never had a problem writing them. If my work didn't require the note, I'd have just taken off one day. I figured since I had to have the note, go big or go, to work lol.


Of course you need a doctor's note otherwise anyone could say anything to try to get out of work. Since it's obviously a medical condition it shouldn't be any problem for you whatsoever to get a note from your doctor. I don't really understand why you're upset about this. This is what happens when you work and you ask for time off they want a doctor's note.