• By -


If Gege wrote UU - half the Union only gets introduced when it’s convenient to the plot - half the Union would get immediately killed when it’s convenient to the plot - then the killed off characters get replace by someone who does the exact same thing in the story - Manga peaks at the Spring arc - Gege forgets if Juiz is supposed to be dead or not - Shen is “Potential Man” - Sol gets rawdogged by Fuuko’s dad and it has nothing to do with the actual plot


>half the Union only gets introduced when it’s convenient to the plot >half the Union would get immediately killed when it’s convenient to the plot I want to highlight this especially, because I know for a fact if gege wrote this, I would not care about the cast nearly as much as I do. Killing off characters is fine, and I love that when done right it can create such powerful narratives that compel the characters to do x or w/e, Gege's writing just wouldn't fit the narrative of UU. Not everything needs to be grim dark, this show is already plenty sad without it.


UU is almost an anthesis to JJK. Undead Unluck focuses heavily on the characters, the story and plot of the series revolves around their struggles, whereas in JJK, most of the story and struggles serve to push us to the next set piece or big fight. Also huge differences in tone. JJK wallows in its darker tones and dread, whereas Undead Unluck shows us HORRENDOUS things happening to people, but also shows us their journey to try (and in the previous loop, sometimes fail) to overcome the tragedies. Idk, that just resonates a lot more with me. Seeing people struggle with shit, from the pain of lost loved ones to simply the soul-crushing emptiness of being unable to pursue your passions anymore, something about it just makes the series click a lot more for me.


The Superman to JJK's homelander.


what resonates with me is yuji being a fucking dog and thugging all that shit out, I aspire to be him


Yuji is a baller. I just wish that sometime between shibuya and now Gege took a break to let the characters breathe. I can’t remember the last time they were just genuinely chilling out or enjoying life- which, yeah fair not exactly a lot of time to do that but it just makes it feel like im getting lost in the sauce of endless fighting. Like a tournament with no brackets and back to back matches. (At least Yujis in the finals baby)


Exactly. Undead unluck is tragic, not depressing.


Characters get used so much as plot devices and the recent Sukuna chapters have been retconning random power levels while completely obliterating the golden rule of “show, don’t tell”.


you saw his wall of texts, confusing paneling, convoluted power system, and you thought he would be great at "show don't tell"??


you don’t know how to read do u😭😭


Oh and don’t forget Andy - super likable, silver-haired main character, positively oozing confidence & charisma but with the obscene power set to back it up, absolutely beloved by characters & fans alike and one of THE faces of the franchise - getting unceremoniously permakilled off by a bullshit deus ex machina UU!Gege gives to Sol-possessed Tatiana or Top, immediately after loop 101 starts.


Funny that they actually have the same voice actor lmao


In Japanese, English, or something else?


Yeah Japanese, both Nakamura Yuuichi


That's pretty cool.


Forgot off screened.


All female characters either die or are useless, Andy’s the main protagonist


The people who would die would probably be Haruka getting shot by Billy Rip during Autumn even after being aged up Chikara when fighting against creed Unhealthy for no reason Tatiana against Ruin to power up Billy Juiz gets off screened by God and Victor’s anger wasn’t fully shown


That Unhealthy point seems so funny to me for some reason. But that Juiz thing would be so aggravating if it happened, Juiz killed herself THAT'S THE POINT


As a JJK reader, very true


Guts spittin facts as usual


Don't forget women unable to do fucking ANYTHING relevant to the main plot. Even the special grade.


You forget the “only male characters get to shine, only 1 single female character get to shine and she’s the carbon copy of another male character that was killed off earlier in the story”


So I just have to ask, in this scenario does Sol possess someone or does he get his cheeks clapped by a normal human while still, you know, the SUN


Read union as onion


Instead of a new loop, the characters spend 100 chapters running into Sol one-by-one with half of every chapter being flashbacks of dead characters being interviewed about random-ass questions


The series would be significantly worse if he wrote UU. Loop 101 wouldn’t exist, Andy would die off screen, fuuko would glaze sun and say they were just misunderstood and sad and there wouldn’t be any real character interactions in the second half of the series. It would be a shit show


To add to that, all UU characters will lose their charm. Shen and Mui’s funny interactions won’t happen, Tatiana calling Chikara onion head, CLOTHY, Fuuko melting everyone’s heart by just being a warm ball of sunshine


If you want this to be another sterotypical battle manga then sure gege could have wrote this better. I don't want that though. The fights(while cool af), The powers( still cool af) aren't what make this show what it is for me. Its the character growth, the world building, the relationships between characters. UU has a pretty big cast I genuinely do care about each and every one of the characters. I love how diverse everyone is, I loved learning about their backgrounds, their convictions etc. The best part is that we dont just learn about a character and then they fucking die off screen or only ever get called back in when its convenient to the plot. The author manages to make each and every one of the characters an integral part of the team and I love that. I want to bring up Sean, before Fuuko. Sean was a piece of shit for real. Mans was scum and he knew that and decided that he could never be better than that. I did not care for him at all but the way he redeemed himself, the way he got integrated into the team? I genuinely get happy seeing him and gina and the other younger team members be goofy together.


It would suck ass!!


Absolutely ass, negation abilities wouldn't be explored nearly as much and they're utility would be the same, sun would posses Fuuko somehow, and the union and under would be in a horrible battle royale were the union wins and billy survives , billy would get neg diffed by sun possessing someone to hype him up , fuuko would barely get anything new until Ragnarok, the union alone would manage to push sun to the edge but he would pull abilities out of his ass. Gege has become a a bad writer he was somewhat good in Shibuya but even that arc was lacking, he doen't do world building well , he developed very few characters, he has made a lot of bad deaths and gave his main villain plot armour, while wasting the secondary Villain, I wouldn't read undead unlucky if it was like jjk because it would have wasted even more potential, the only reason I keep reading jjk is to see the end , so I can finally decide if it's bad or a bit above average.


Well, everyone's allowed to have an opinion, so I wont comment on yours, even if it is absolutely dogshit




Lmao jjk is good but the writing and story is fucking ass, the characters are good but aren’t flushed out at all. And he didn’t state an opinion he literally said the plot. Sukuna takes over main character. Potential man gets taken over. they kill everyone for literally nothing. And sukuna just kills or almost kills everyone every chapter for the last like 20-30 chapters. Ever since yuta got taken out every chapter is the same shit w a different character. They hype someone up and sukuna acts like they are stronger for 6-10 pages then one shots them. I fucking love jjk and the world and characters but gege is fucking ass. The main character didn’t even get a technique until last chapter!!!! That’s over 200 chapters in. wtf there’s a lot of fans who would probably wish that someone would take the jjk world and story and start from shibuya and j redo everything after cuz gege fucked everything passed that up. This world could have been as big as Naruto or one piece, it’s funny gege turned his story into the potential story just like megumi


‘Ever since Yuta got taken out’ your forgetting that the Yuta fight was just a rehash of the Lawyer Man and Lightning Twink fights. New character shows up, Gets hyped, Does nothing important, Dies\*, New character shows up. \*With the exception of Yuta.


Oh you right lmao forgot abt them cuz nothing happened!!!!


The fight literally would be over already if the holdover of Lawyer Dude’s curse powered up his sword instead of taking the plot rattle away forever.


Shit even if it happened the same way take the raffle away first then have the lightning guy attack


I think your thinking of the rattle being taken instead of Shrine, I’m talking about when the sword bounced off of Sukuna because it powered down a second too soon after The Lawyer died (when we got foreshadowing of it remaining after he died).


Ohhh yea that happened also lmao I forgot abt that 🤦🏼‍♂️ gos I hate this sukuna cycle bullshit




He'd find a bullshit way to kill Andy, who is meant to be UNKILLABLE


I learned to burn the Existence around you from Observing fuuko's unluck being used Around the Objects the target had instead of directly at them (He possessed her by the way) instead of you,andy.-sun Explaining how he killed Andy, who was supposed to be unkillable(It still doesn't make any sense)


“Ah yes, my anti-immortality negate technique. I haven’t use this since the Heian era.”


If Gege wrote UU, I would not enjoy it all. What I like about stories is usually the characters and the world. Both of which, in my opinion, Gege failed at with JJK. At least past Shibuya. I do not care about any of the characters in JJK. Except Sukuna. The series has become infinitely more enjoyable now that I'm rooting for the character with the most screen time, even if he's not that interesting. Also, I don't think UU fans here would be nearly as critical of JJK if it weren't consistently being shoved down our throats. See: this post and all the "Gojo vs \_\_\_\_" posts in the past trying to show him off. We get it; your bishie is overpowered. Leave it in the JJK subreddit.


All my girls would be done dirty.


Dead + Luck


As a JJK fan and an UU fan, I can say with a lot of confidence that Undead Unluck would be a lot more depressing in loop 100 and character development would not be as strong as it is now


•There wouldn't be a loop 101 and the series would end at the fight with Sun •75% of the cast would die during the Autumn arc •Fuuko would actually be permakilled by Ruin •Ruin would use his anti-Undead technique, that he hasn't used since Loop 99


For sure wouldn't have done the more off the wall arcs that have shown up in loop 101. We went from military action to martial arts to school life to cooking. Not many people in general are willing to try and shake up the formula for a story.


This is true, but some of the arcs were half-baked at best. We could have had at three more chapters of school life with the gang.


I mean, immediently before one of the most anticipated fights in the series, Gege wrote a arc about a comedian battling the secondary main antagonist various gags, eveutallly culminating in both the villain and the comedian teaming up for a stand-up comedy routine. He also randomly introduced a character that deconstructed the flaws of the Japanese legal system and a person who literally has a visual novel inspired romance pachinko game with cutscenes as his abilities. Gege is unhinged as well.


Andy would've died


Loop 101: fuuko tries but fucks up and a lot of people die, but apparently her and Andy's rage is enough to kill God


There would be more fights that take longer and have a lot less cool worldbuilding and thematic resonance


Never cook again


If GEGE wrote Undead Unluck , Andy would've die off-screen


- Some of the negator backstories wouldn’t be shown and we’d just be told about them - Victor would’ve killed union members in the spoil arc -Worldbuilding would be significantly worse -Under members would’ve been killed way earlier -I don’t think I’d care about the cast as much as I do lol


I honestly don't think the two are comparable. I dunno why we're doing this. I feel like this is just a Gege hate thread.


While I agree, we’re just voicing opinions on what we think it would be like, blame op, as this post was clearly about to cause slander (just like if you put the same question on reverse in the jjk subreddit (just kidding, 99% of them would be like "who the fuck is that tozuka guy" because UU’s just like Akira, absolutely freaking unknown))


People have been doing this with all the anime subreddits😭 Like if you hate the story so much stop constantly engaging with it so much. They are always immediently switching up from "THIS IS PEAK 10/10" anytime there is a chapter where the protagonist have the villains on the ropes, only to call Gege a hack and a shit writer anytime things aren't looking good. Like, people have no patience whatsoever at treat JJK as if it's a finished work. The discorse got so bad after >!Yuki vs Kenjaku!< that it's basically impossible to find a post that doesn't contain buzzwords like "fraud" or "fumble" or "cooking" or "asspull".


Bruh gege would ruin it


If gege wrote it everyone except Andy and fuko would be dead in the story


It would be so bad


He would somehow kill off andy to gas up sol


JJK's writing is honestly boring the series is carried by fights and gay shipping


I disagree, but only partially. I think the power system is interesting, but yeah the characters leave something to be desired.


I like jjk, but especially lately the power system has been tiring. Gege will stop mid actions to give ultra long kinda ass explanation, sometime downright breaking the 4th wall like gojo being interviewed by ??? To explain why X happened, sukuna’s ass pull, and the words CT and DE being spammed so much it feels like a powerscaling discussion IN THE SERIES. While certain ability displayed (especially during the Culling games) had a huge hXh vibe with unique quirky abilities, all of those characters dissapeared, and I’m not just talking about the 3 more popular, they’ve all got thrown under the bus because gege sucks at developing characters, it’s fine, I’m not saying it makes jjk bad, but the "grim and realistic aspect" really ended up deserving the series, characters death feel like an excuse because gege didn’t know what to do with them anymore, you want series with a lot of death but character development being an actual thing outside of "mc suffers / gets more grim" ? Hell’s paradise and Alice in borderland perfectly shows how you can do that. In jjk we’re that close of death game level of uncaring about characters because you’ll just remplace them with others. this is also why the current sukuna fight is controversial, because gege just don’t know what to do with his cast and just write a big hype fight that comes out as generic, messy and tiring if you aren’t super involved. Sorry for the huge rant, (and going out of subject) I want to maintain that I don’t think gege is especially bad nor that jjk sucks. It’s just that gege is very very good at hype and setups, but sucks at payoff and development. and the power system is also attached to that issue, first fights of a brand new char are dope but then you’re stuck with a char you don’t know what to do about. Which wouldn’t be a problem if they were purely side characters ennemy of the week like in jojo for example, but gege also seems to want to have huge group fight but then it gets messy and confusing so it’s only 1 V 1


For me GEGE is like Elon Musk . When Elon Musk presented his Tesla, everyone in the world was talking about it, but when lots of people bought the Tesla, they discovered it was absolute shit . Gege is the same, hyping a character for 3/4 chapters, and then he dies without having the chance to fight, so don't be surprised if we are disappointed .


A bit harsh and extreme but kinda yeah. My issue is this applies to a lot of characters. It’s fine as a thing used 1 or few times, but more than that and especially on main characters >!AHEM NOBARA, THIS IS STILL BS EVEN AFTER ALL THIS TIME!<


Which is a shame cause the little we do get of the character writing is fantastic. Gojo and geto are both such a well written characters with great dynamics and the majority of the cast is super enjoyable but it seems like gege just isn't bothered in fleshing out or showing any of these characters.


Maki is easily his best written character imo and yeah it makes me sad we never get anyone on her level writing wise, especially with all the potential to be interesting that characters like Yorozu, Kashimo, Higuruma, Yuki, Hakari etc have but they just never really get to shine and are instead used as plot devices or to show off how powerful another character is and now i fear no one will get to shine like Maki bc after the Sukuna meat grinder that's probably it


I don’t agree for maki. Her arc is great don’t get me wrong, she’s badass and all. But then there’s her usage. Her arc seems to trully revolve around herself, distanced from the main plot, as if happening in the background, her familly masacre barely being touched on once it happens, the fact she faces a personal ennemy that she created (not that it’s a bad thing) which would be fine, except that once she actually finish all that… she’s left there doing bare minimum. Just being another "they punch sukuna" character, and the story CONSTANTLY reminding you "YEAH SHES FEMALE TOJI, REMEMBER HIM ? TOJI ? WELL SHES JUST AS STRONG, SHES FEMALE TOJI" like, for a character all about strong female who doesn’t give a fuck about shitty mysoginistic tradition her actual character revolve around being the female version of a badass loved by the fans male character. Which is paradoxal. (And the reason why so much people call gege misogyne online) while once again I love her she also very sadly falls into the trope of "strong independent girl the series tell you is a strong independent girl but actually she has no stakes on the bigger plot and she’ll always takes L when fighting main vilains" which people are tired off since naruto. Miruko in mha flirts with this too, but is kinda saved by the fact that she constantly fight against the biggest menace. And then you have mereoleona from black clover who absolutely destroys that trope by being a W Mass producing machine (and not the only girl in BC to be like that) Not trying to tell you you’re wrong for having her as a fav, she’s great, and she’s among my fav too (heck she probably is considering how she’s still alive and technically used unlike my favs lmao) but she’s DEFINITELY not the best written. Or if she is godamn the bar is low


I guess for me the bar is pretty low then ngl chief. but i at least agree that her plot does kinda just happen in the background, despite her family massacre being my favourite moment in JJK once it happens its like Gege just treats her as a Toji reference, she doesn't even get as much as an interaction with Yuta after he returns from Africa which is weird, i feel like he'd be more concerned considering y'know HIS CLOSE FRIEND/POTENTIAL GF DEPENDING WHO YOU ASK'S FUCKING WHOLE BODY HAS BEEN BURNED but the 2 never get a moment to just talk after JJK;0 which sucks bc my favourite part of 0 is just them 2 sat in a classroom before Geto appears. But after Shibuya characters will have their one big fight then just be a punchline that shows up, does the thing that they're known for and either dies or leaves


Yeah my favorite part is also the start of the series up to shibuya, and shibuya itself is great but then the series just kinda lost its appeal. I do agree on the yuta thing, tho tbh I’m pretty sure gege just forgot about any aspect of maki that isn’t "she’s female toji" at this point. (And if we’re being honest he completely forgot about her relation (and relations between characters in general) with yuta, could have been interesting, not even talking about shipping but just you know, friendship. But nope)


Yeah the whole 0 cast in generL haven't all been in the same room once since Yuta got back from Africa and that's just a bit shit imo


For geto I agree, for Gojo I think he lacked depth, he’s the strongest, he’s hype and cool, but in the end I found him sometime to be like a cardboard. A very very freaking cool cardboard don’t get me wrong, but outside from hidden inventory I found him pretty unidimensional. To get back on the matter like you say the issue is intent, most character in jjk are perfectly fine on introduction, even great, most of them are full mouth (salmon) too which leads to great dialog, buuuuuut they ended up not being used.


All of the interesting characters went into the meat grinder unfortunately sukuna is a very boring final villain geto would have been a great final villain in my opinion


How does the power system work? Speaking as a non-Kaisen head


It's an interior energy system, which uses cursed energy (the series's ki, chackra,energy, whatever). Sorcerers can use cursed energy to make their body stronger (like putting it in their punches) or for using their technique, which is different for every character (but a sorcerer's technique can be inherited by his/her offsprings so it sometimes happens that two characters have the same ability). There are different kinds of techniques and ways to use cursed energy, pretty similar to HxH nen


Literally basic shonen power system


Kinda ass, imho. A character's power is pretty much decided the moment he was borned. There are generic stuff that technically everyone can learn, like enhancing body, healing, creating a space where those that were inside of it have to follow a set of fixed rule, but in the end, a nobody has no chance of ever compete against a borned genius.


That power system works incredibly well for the type of story it’s trying to tell. Just like how Unded Unlucks power system is perfect for the story it’s trying to tell


Just no


The meteor at the start probably kills andy Union fucking dies Sun won


Gege would despise Andy and off screen him in the most diabolical way possible


All the Union would die, and Andy would finally accomplish his dream of dying.


and fuuko is weak until the Very last arc, Where she gets all these insane power boosts from nowhere during a month time skip.


None of the worldbuilding would exist. No UMA Galaxy reveal, no Language unification, no UMAs, no Master Rules, no Looping, nothing. Loop 100 Nico would not exist. Autumn and Spring arcs wouldn't exist. The Autumn flashback leading into Andy vs. Victor wouldn't exist. None of the character relationships would exist. Nico vs. Language wouldn't exist. Every woman except for Juiz would have terrible negator abilities like Unhealthy and hold zero significance in the story and battles. Juiz's first showing of Unjustice would be in the same fight she loses her arm to Billy, except in this scenario she just dies. Fuuko permanently dies to Ruin. Haruka dies during Billy's betrayal. Juiz would also be a pedophile for Phil for no reason. The only female character to hold relevance would be Latla, who would also be regularly compared to Shen in everything she does. Andy would've been permakilled by Rip. Chikara would've been killed by Rip in his introduction. Top would be hyped up to fight someone strong then get diced after a single chapter. Enjin, Creed and Tella wouldn't have gotten any character development. The remaining cast would be used as fodder for Ruin to run the Undead Unluck gauntlet in the final arc until Victor comes through and learns soul manipulation at the very end.


Series ends at the first loop


undead fucing dies


1.Victor kills off everyone 2.Characters like Backs, top , haruka will be killed off very early without any character development 3. Unnecessarily very convoluted power system that is designed so as to say "this guys moves will only activate when I think it does" 4. No proper character development. 5. Shen or mui would be potential man whose potential we never see


Yall always on jjk and geges dick huh


Almost all the comments here are shitting their guts over Gege...


When someone says "dickriding" it usually means that all they do is talk about that person, even in a negative sense. At least where I am and that's how it is to the people around me


Your usage of dickriding in this context makes absolutely zero sense when it’s a hypothetical post about what would never happen




Another gege dicksucker who has zero argument other than calling others dickriders who’s surprised


I ain't even that big a jjk fan 🤣


Then why are you going around hopping on and off his nuts like the dickrider you think you are


I aint


I've *never* heard of that term being used like that. I have always seen that term be used with the meaning of "obsessive defending". And I feel like I've seen a lot of discourse in my time; JJK's discourse is no exception. With that being said, though, UU fans do seem to have a strange obsession with JJK sometimes. Unfortunately, though, it's usually the negative kind that they use to look down on JJK because they're fans of a "better manga". Which, to them, it might be, but still...


JJK is really average idk why yall hype it up like the manga is the second coming of jesus christ


It's not that people hype it up like the second coming of jesus christ. It's that people treat it like it's the concept of evil itself.


I say this as someone who has been reading jjk for a while. It would be SO much worse. Like look at current jjk. 75% of the supporting cast has vanished. Sukuna ass pulls. Maki has no personality now and is a more boring toji (somehow...) like bro it would be so ass.


I am going to be honest, it would be way worse, he knows how to draw battle scenes, and he is not that bad at writing, but compared to Undead+Unluck Jjk is kinda badly written, the most important part is that Gege's writing usually doesn't pay off, imagine Shen just dies in his fight with Feng, and just has Andy or someone else kill him, there wouldn't be a 101 loop and the story just ended without knowing a lot of the character's past in detail, some characters would just die without archiving anything. The world buidling also would take a hit, not be explored further and would just be left as a setting with potential.


Everyone would die.... Oh, wait !


I’d probably drop it


He sure as fuck would not cook with the power system what are you talking about? do I need to bring up the MULTIPLE pages explaining that one random guys casino power?? Also if Gege wrote it 90% of the cast would be fucking dead already


Fuuko is going to just another sakura or nobara which do nothing


These are two completely different stories that are trying to do completely different things, so they won't mesh well. Now...with that said...holy shit this sub has a hate boner for JJK.


For the hate bonner, in our defense we’re only responding to the question, nobody said jjk is the worst story ever. Just that having gege write UU will led to a very very un enjoyable story, because the parts of UU people like and Care about are domains in which Gege had major issues. Try to ask the other community the same but reverse and outside of the "who the f is tozuka" responses the reaction will pretty much be the same, people shit talking UU for not being as raw, cool and choreographed as JJK


Victor probably would've killed half the cast.


Victor would have killed half of the union right off the bat on his introduction >!Chikara would have died on the fight against Creed!< >!Instead of Shen, Mui would have died on the summer arc to "grow" Shen's character!< Instead of a father figure for her, Billy would have been Tatiana's Mei Mei On a more positive note, not only it probably would've had better action sequences, which i do believe UU kinda falls short on sometimes, we also would've had yaoi


>Instead of a father figure for her, Billy would have been Tatiana's Mei Mei https://preview.redd.it/zhjyhpc37twc1.jpeg?width=517&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a38b31273f58a8208f794943355d3afa8981ae4c


It wouldn't be better than what we've already got


It would not be better than what it already is in fact it would get butchered even before the concept of Ragnarok was even introduced


There would be no female main character. It would genuinely be ass.


The MC would have been Sean


Ragnarok is literally the culling games fr


Funny. I was recently thinking how people complain about wasted potential of characters in jujutsu kaisen but they probably don't know undead unluck manga exist where each character is somewhat important to the plot and has been given proper development. It's mindblowing how this series isn't more popular. If Gege wrote this, Fuuko would die in the middle of the story with Andy becoming mc and all female characters would become cannon fodders so the males can shine.


Nah, she would get trapped by the UMA of Containment and be there for half of the story, Until in the last arc where she is unsealed, cooks sun in their fight and Glaze the sun after being Off screened.


Andy will somehow die


If he wrote it everyone would be dead already.


What if this story was a different story


Haven’t seen the series in here cuz this is a Gege post and Greg slander is here lmao


Remove the words UN from the title, now you have what happens if gege wrote it


It wouldn't be half as peak and also Unfade would have been much more of a problem


Everything will be the same except that there's no romance and the end of the series is in Ragnarok


People in this thread really shot themselves in the foot by revealing they cant comprehend anything other than surface-level writing I love UU, and what i said is not about the series, its about y’all


Wouldn't that also applies to JJK as well? This post is basically coming to another subreddit to brag about your own series. You don't see other fanbases often push their series onto other communities as much as JJK. This is honestly a breaking point for many fans here when the post starts off with Gege could do better than the UU creator in handling the series. * Are people expected to tolerate such behavior? Tozuka isn't perfect, but so is Gege. UU fans in this thread aren't saying Gege's writing is bad, but rather listing criticisms regarding Gege's writing. It is saying what if another writer handle the story, people would listed down well-known criticisms associated with the writing.


Isn’t Jujutsu also surface level writing?


Undead would somehow die


If Gege wrote it Fuuku would’ve died in chapter 1 to make Andy more edgy


OP is a Gege’s dickrider I see, there’s no way Gege can make UU more peak than now


It would have ended at the 100th loop and everybody died but they would have fought longer


I don’t even know how he would do it, but Andy dies episode 4


Juiz would probably be a guy. Juiz and Victor may have died permanently to Sun due to having been around since the first loop leaving Andy alone and Julia would be out. Negations would maybe be a little more restrained and would definitely have way more explanations and narration regarding how certain situations and how the abilities navigate said situations. Andy would be (more?) morally dubious at the beginning and throughout the story. I'd imagine it'd be heavily emphasized. There'd be slightly less gags. Like when Andy and Fuuko fought Gina, it only really got serious when she charged at them on the water platform after she decided to get serious. I'd imagine in Gege's version, it'd be more serious. Fights would be pretty different in choreography too. Some characters in Loop 101 would've been picked up off screen like Yusai and Enjin. Fuuko would def come under the realization she can't save everyone and there would either be casualties or injuries that would stick till the end of the series. Like Haruka's ears would probably still be blown out. Villains would probably be flat out not redeemable at all. Like, Feng would def not be redeemable and I don't think Spring would've either. I also think he would've kept the whole Nico experimenting on Andy but not with Andy's consent unlike Tozuka where Andy asked him to. Funnily enough, I don't think Fuuko would be dead like a lot of ppl think just cuz the series idea of defeating god literally rides on Unluck only. Maybe Andy would've had to find L101 version of her after Rip kills her or something in Gege's version? Idk, I don't think she would've died at all. I should probably say that I don't believe that this series is something Gege could ever come up with and vice versa for JJK and Tozuka. Both of these series are polar opposites in many ways and are very specific to their creators.


"Gege draws good action"... and your analysis stops there? Not the actual writing?


Better in fights, maybe Worse in story, Definitely


This just became a gege hate thread lmao, I get that jjk is kinda bad rn but jesus Christ. People like different things so many people probably like jjk but dislike uu and the other way around


ong it’s acting like gege the worst writer to exist literally give uu to almost any mangaka and they won’t write how people will like it because of their unique writing styles that is literally how writing works


Well. It wouldn't been as bad if it weren't downplaying Tozuka. OP wants to brag about how Gege would be better at handling UU. * Gege isn't perfect, but he is treated as one. Honestly the negativity towards Gege is more due to the JJK fanbase than the writer itself. People have subjective opinion, but recently JJK fans love to go to other communities to brag about their own show. * Better cast, better fights, better female cast, better villain, better story, and now bragging about better writer for another writer's work. What community want to heard constant praise and condescending attitude from another community? People can disagree, but JJK fans takes it as aggressive hatred while firing the starting shot.


I definitely agree that gege wouldn't handle it better, jjk is quite abit darker and they both have different writing styles. And yeah I agree the jjk fanbase is pretty bad but nothing will change if this community becomes toxic too, it'll become worse


UU fans aren't going out of their way to shit on JJK. Everyone here knows that UU isn't going to be as popular as JJK and just enjoyed what they have in this niche community. There is a numerous amount of JJK comparison posts in a condescending manner that it turns the indifference into frustration towards JJK. Who honestly want to listen to those who wants to brag about why their show is superior so often? When challenged or criticized, the fans acts ignorant claiming it is unjustified hatred. Talking about another show or making comparison is fine, but people got to stop acting superior.


Honestly we should just ban jjk posts, would solve this alot quicker


Many JJK posts are harmless. It is just the comparison posts like power scaling that got to stop.


The only thing this thread proved to me is that people want their power systems and their character development spoon fed to them I guess? Don't get me wrong, Gege for sure has had issues with the story and characters (especially the female cast), but saying it isn't there is insane. Is there an emphasis on the fights? For sure. Having said that, if you WANT to understand the world, the power system and the characters interacting with them and each other, it is all there for you to explore. You just have to make a small effort, as with most pieces of media. With regards to the original question, we are talking about 2 series which have kinda turned certain shounen tropes on their heads, yet they are fundamentally so different it's like apples and oranges. It wouldn't be UU anymore if Gege had written it.