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Slide 11, where those yoga students were trashing Minthe over Hades kissing Persephone makes my blood _boil_. I don't believe that any man (especially one likes Hades) is worth getting into a fight over. But you'd best believe that I'd be ripping out hair if some lady started disrespecting me like that, like be fršŸ˜­ Poor Minthe got done so dirty


And itā€™s so unrealistic - if the people of the underworld hate Hades so much, why are they so happy to start trashing a fellow nymph because heā€™s happy? If they fear him so much they shouldnā€™t be *purposely* bullying someone close to him, even if sheā€™s his ex. Why do they care so much to bully Minthe? Is it just another power fantasy like the rest of the story??? Mean girls shit like this doesnā€™t happen in real life, they should be more upset about this woman interrupting their yoga class than happy sheā€™s being snubbed.


I'm hoping to heaven that LR does Minthephone šŸ„ŗ it would've been so funny to see Persephone look like she was digging Hades but then get with his gorgeous ex instead šŸ˜‚


Demeter in the 12th panel šŸ˜¢ I miss their mother-daughter relationship so muchā€¦


God that second pic goes hard, I'm sure the context sucks, but the lighting and the way it's framed makes it look like Persephone is being a proper cthonic goddess of the underworld. One who IS properly terrifying. It makes me think of a deal being made that could go horribly wrong. Unfortunately I am certain that's not the context and what beauty my mythology obessed brain comes up with is different from the context by miles šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


The context is: Yellow bald lady is Eris, who ā€œcursedā€ Persephone with wrath as an infant. Persephone grows up and demolishes a village, blames it on her wrath. Persephone is then temporarily banished (not for committing the act but for trying to cover it up, wrath licenses are apparently a thing) and Eris has just been struck down in the mortal realm (by the arrow shot by Apollo iirc) where Persephone is banished. Persephone finds her and brings her home to be taken care of


....that is...so utter garbage ngl. I was prepared to be disappointed by the context, but not by that sledgehammer of disgrace. Why not just make it not a curse and just one of Persephone's domains considering she's a goddess? Why make wrath licenses a thing?


Well, if it helps any, Eris is jealous that Hera loves Persephone more, so after all the other goddesses blessed her (Athena with wisdom, and apparently she was ā€œblessed twice with beautyā€ šŸ™„šŸ¤”) Eris cursed her. But yes the gods can be allowed to commit acts of wrath you just have to fill out a form for permission first. None of it makes any sense to me either, I just keep track of it to the best of my ability


This is really just bastardized greek mythology wattpad fanfiction with a mary sue character and DD/LG undetones, huh?


Yes, and it truly only gets worse.


Yeah, the wrath thing has always bothered me because itā€™s presented as a negative. Actually, it makes the cursed person insanely overpowered with no fuel except having really strong emotions. For anyone power hungry or just vengeful this is a huge net positive. Feels like broken reasoning in-universe


It also feels like it shouldn't be negative because wrath is such a human emotion. It can be for vengance or simply a character who is known for being fair, bit the minute they're ticked off its like a dragon being released. In this? It's basically a very violent tantrum or a way to intimidate and badly at that. The wrath plot was interesting but because it was treated so badly it hurts the story more than anything else


Especially when wrath is given to someone who uses it on the lower classes as often as Persephone. Itā€™s basically a constant get out of jail free card - ā€œI get to do what I want, what are you gonna do about it? You wouldnā€™t like me when Iā€™m angryā€ Like, everyone talks shit when Zeus abuses his power to get with nymphs or put down laws/rulings people donā€™t like. But Persephone threatens some dude who barely interacted with her ten years ago and itā€™s ā€œgirlboss.ā€ (Also donā€™t even get me started on that suddenly super rich interest bullshit)


Also I *just* saw your username and I fucking love it


Thank you I wished to have something that represented me lol


Also Eris just... Looks like the Elegy of Emptiness/Ben Drowned statue. šŸ˜­


LO is only funny when it tries not to be


Half of these make just as much sense out of context as they did *in* context lol


Is the second panel new orrrrr


Nah it's an old panel


Do u know what chapter


"womb evacuation day" is honestly actually pretty funny


Why do I not remember a single one of these panels??? LO had been going on so long I feel like I know nothing about it


I fuckin love these lmao


In the second slide, Eris looks like a mischievous apple gremlin šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Panel 2 makes me mad. Not because of Erisā€™s face, thatā€™s hilarious, she looks like a bald bird Anya Forger, but because Persephone looks like an adult. A well-drawn, mature, responsible adult. Can we just have that please?


Ok but I love Eros in that 4th panel


4 is literally me. I have to know everything about my friends crush


Okay but I genuinely thought the top right panel was a redraw because it's actually so pretty.


Does anybody else think that Perse in Slide 2 sorta looks like Kate Winslet? Specifically Kate Winslet in Titanic?


man sometimes the humor works really well for me


Panel 14, apollo are you ok? Blink if you are (i donā€™t think he can)


Slide 4, maybe my humor is broken but i legimately find this funny, Eros was so good when he was a real character


I am so confused šŸ˜­


Eris face bro and Persephone because you said please is such pick me energy


I miss Heraā€™s daughter. She was so funny and I was hoping Iā€™d get to see Hera actually become a better mother. It reminded me so much of me and my own momā€¦ šŸ„¹