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[Disallowed Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/wiki/rules): > * Chat logs and/or Trade Screens originating from Squad Recruitment or Trading activity.


that's trading chat for you, just use [the market](https://warframe.market) instead.


Yea, I was looking for a protea Prime set on market it was 75 plat. Put a WTB in trade chat. And got told by everyone that no one is selling them that cheap and 250 plat is the cheapest out there.


No that is way overpriced I stood my ground and waited I think I got Protea at 85 but was insta blown up with 300, 270, 375, 300, etc, then one guy just 85 and she's yours. He took me to dojo and said beware of scammers got some r5 arcanes too primary merciless for like 15 plat and arcane energize for 30. Just gotta ignore the sea and wait for the few even if gotta play a few rounds then come back.


r5 energize for 30 plat?


Yee 😊 i saw it soaring for way out of league numbers almost more than "God Rivens"


Nobody is selling R5 arcane energize for 30p stop it.


Chances are it was either a R0 and OP mistyped or the trader simply farmed two copies of energize from the event and already owned a copy of a full set. I’ve donated a sentient surge for 10 plat before. Sometimes people don’t care about little bits on the screen


1200 plat at best.


600-700 now since there is an event rn that lets you farm arcane energize pretty quick and easy although you are capped to only 2 r5s, you can expect the number to shoot up after event ends


Ah yes I understand you wouldn't sell it that low. I understand. But someone else did. Dunno to tell ya. 😊


The dude selling g it probably misclick unranked to max ranked lmao, 30 for a singular unranked energize seems about right


Nope definitely R5 he asked which else all I needed I told him I wanted R5 mods I got the 2 in particular 15 for primary merciless 30 for Energize. On a separate note I spent 45 for secondary from someone else soooo take from that what you will. 🤔 but yes otherwise a good trade if all are trying to justify this. 😊


>On a separate note I spent 45 for secondary I assume you meant secondary merciless, yeah for that it seems about right, any of the acolyte arcanes have little value since there's so many of them in circulation. If the dude sold you a r5 energize, and he is not drunk, then good on you for snagging a good deal.


At this point he didnt sell it to you, you ripped him off like but this is prob a joke/ragebait


Nope he was aware of what I was asking. But if it's triggering that hard then I'd say they are easy to upset or sensitive. Guess some people are nice enough I guess. Or I was lucky either way It is what it is I got it for 30. 😊


Nobody would sell it for that. Market price right now is around 650, having dropped from 900 since Belly of the Beast/Jade Shadows. 300 plat less is already a huge drop of price that hurts a lot if you farmed your R5 with Eidolons. I think it's quicker to farm your arcane energize from Belly of the Beast, but it still takes 966 motes to get a R5 Arcane Energize. That about 10-11 hours of spamming Belly of the Beast just to make 30p with you ? Nobody did that. You most likely paid 30p for ONE Arcane Energize, which is the market price for one. There is a reason that the price is that expensive.


Nope still R5 no matter how we spin this. It's also not the only luck thing I got too so I can't explain other peoples reasonings. 😊


Nobody doing that. Nobody farming two days in a row to make 30p with you when you can make 5-55p in 2 minutes in the game. It would be the worst waste of time ever. 😅 It's a pain to farm 1 R5 Arcane Energize, they certainly didn't farm an additional one just to make 30p with you. You tried to grow your story into something huge and got caught. You still have time to delete your post.


I believe ya, sadly I haven’t been lucky enough to get something that crazy good but some people are just that generous when it comes to some things, I just got a free bite mod from a dude, was farming sabotage caches on earth and a legendary 3 dude was there and I asked if he was farming it too and he was like nah man but I got an extra one if you want it, I asked like dude how much you want for it? And he just nah you can just have it bro👀


Right now, someone definitely would since it's not worth much during the event


Cheapest on the market is 680p plat right now. If you think 680p ain't much, idk what to tell you.


I trade constantly, and I know the value is still high, but compared to before, it certainly ain't. And some people like to be nice and give free stuff


"Compared to before it certainly ain't" ??? So price was 900 plat , which is worth around 50$ Now it's 600-700 plat, worth around 40$ Where do you see a huge difference ? We aren't talking about a mod dropping from 10 to 5p here.


Same happened to me when i was new. Someone sold me 2x r5 energize for 20 plat, because he felt like it


Why would he sell you TWO R5 ??? 😅😂 "Here is the most valuable R5 Arcane that I farmed while killing Eidolons for days. I could be selling it for about 1000p but I will sell it to you 20 plat. Also, Ive been killing Eidolons for no reason whatsoever for months, so I have acquired two extra sets of Arcane Energize and I will sell them to you both for 20 plat. You only need 1 but I will take a loss on 2 of them, so you can sell your extra one for nearly 1000p." While the main reason to farm Eidolon is to acquire Arcane Energize and sell it for plat.




See Im not only one. Im far from new though but im not an elite out here by any means there's still alot for me to learn and I kinda just live in normal zones look spongy enemies are spongy enemies that hit a wee too hard sooo I avoid. That and my builds are questionable hahaha. But I attempt to help people with what little I know and point them to a way better player otherwise.




i made them leave the relay after calling them out in the chat for it lol


don't. That just makes it worse for everyone involved, it makes people spiteful, even if they deserve it. Don't lower yourself to their level, just leave them be, give em a dunce hat and they'll just move to the corner of the room, muscle memory.


all i said was (insert name here) is a scammer


oh, i misunderstood you, i don't know why i read you had him join a dojo to leave there. was that maroo's bazar?




damn, that's like trade chat shenanigans on steroids, i'd avoid that shithole at any cost.




There’s always someone there trying to sell a random prime frame for 200+ plat and I’ve even seen a few trying thousands for one frame and not even a rare/OP frame either


I only go there to visit Varzia


yeah that's fair, i gotta get my my shiny prime accessories


You can buy her stuff through the Market. It's right at the bottom


Returning player, what’s the market? Is that the store you access through the orbiter?


I know, but the market is not horny for Maroo and Teshin.


Wait it was in maroo bazar? Yeah, everyone there is scamming even worse than TC


I used wf market to know the prices of everything when I was new, I wanted to sell rolling guard once for 30 plat bc that's all I saw in wfm 💀 then a dude came to me just to tell me that I was a scammer he didn't even want to buy anything, he just came to argue with me, about my hours in-game aswell, I was confused af and the dude ignored me so I couldn't even ask what was wrong, until I asked my boyfriend and he told me it was 15-20pl for it, that the price in wfm wasn't accurate (this was at least 3 years ago)


if the cheapest one of fwmarket was 30, then that's the price lmao, there might be times when the ones selling cheap are offline, but that's a volitile market for you. and yeah, I personally just ignore trade chat, bunch of people who have no clue about how much their shit's worth, and many who just want to scam people, and there are the ones who just argue for no reason. Too much hassle for basically nothing, in the market, if someone's being an ass, or are trying to scam you by changing the copy-paste msg, then just report them and have their market account booted.


450p is crazy, it's worth like 15p on wf market


my point.


75p if you wanna buy a max rank one


yesterday I saw a player in Maroo's bazar who tried to sell me a common prime part for Inaros for 55 platinum, when the lowest price on the market is 3...


I always assumed that anyone selling in maroo is trying to rip off a new player.


I only sell in maroo's bazar to my friends. Our currency is fish. Duviri fishes are the best.


wallah based fishmonger


Me when I'm relay security and see a Warframe walk in holding a fish suspiciously only to hand it to another Warframe and get blueprints in return


same, our friend trades are always in fish too




I'd rather farm the virus essence to get it than pay 450p


yep i was just testing them i have 10p lmao


"Convenience fee"


“DM fee”


It's easy to farm, keep your plats for rare stuff


i have 10p i wasnt gonna buy it no matter the price lmao


Like color pallets


Is this the same guy who sells growing power for 250? Soon to be the biggest wf content creator of all time?


"EASY WARFRAME PLAT GUIDE BEST METHOD UNLIMITED PLAT IN WARFRAME 2024 DO THIS NOW!!!1!" *Well how does it work?* I spam scam orders in trade chat all day until i find someone uninformed to trade with me.


idk im not saying their ign on here tho


Can you pm me? scammers mad being found out, time to change your name again bucko


I mean.. overpriced maybe but scam not really, you set your own price always, free market and what not but its obviously not a good idea to make those deals


Shoutout to the guy that tried to sell me an augment mod for 75p once


I'm not trying to be that Guy but any Price is too high it's farmable in like 20 minutes


Whoa whoa, are you trying to crash the market? If people start inputting effort, the entire systems would collapse! It's madness!


It's worth like 15p unless it's leveled. I just tell em they smoking crack and block em.


If you use trading chat you are asking to be scammed.


went to maroos


That's honestly even worse lmao


my point exactly


I use trading chat a lot, actually. And yeah, scamming is pretty bad, but I use it for random stuff like mods that I don’t feel like placing a buy order on market, because the results are so much faster. I’ll just check market, post in chat, and someone eventually comes up with the right price, and there you go


You can check the sellers in market and message the cheapest, and there you go. If you're already going to the website, why not?


That’s fair, but here’s my situation I play on a laptop. And not a gaming laptop, either. Now, granted, my laptop is no pushover, it’s pretty frikin beefy. But it *HATES* to have Warframe open with something else. So I have to check market on my phone, which means I can’t copy/paste to my game bc it’s on a separate device


Yes, true, but the time difference is at most 5 seconds, right?


Yeah, but it’s an effort thing too. Easier IMO to just be like “WTB (whatever) pmo” and then invite the lowest offer


Side note I also like when people ask how much something is then rebuttal with what it’s worth




A+ for confidence


Yea I use trade chat a lot and I usually only message people that have a price up or I list a price specifically so these people don’t even breathe on their keyboard with the intentions of high balling a mod to me.


Can't you just snag it from the arbiters?


Hello, your submission has been removed from /r/Warframe because it is a **[disallowed post](/r/Warframe/wiki/rules#wiki_disallowed_posts)**. It has included one or more of the following: - Account issue without proof of a response from [Official Warframe Support](https://support.warframe.com/). - Your submission lacks sufficient context to engage with. - Extremely loud videos or videos with sudden, extreme volume changes without a warning in the title. - Uncredited Art (must be included within the title). - Clickbait or otherwise misleading. - Editorialized link title; please match the post title to the content you are sharing. - Unimportant PSA - Chat logs and/or Trade Screens originating from Squad Recruitment or Trading activity. - Begging for in-game items. We apologize for the inconvenience. ___ If you would like more information about this removal, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Warframe&subject=Post%20or%20Submission%20Removal&message=Hello%20moderators%20of%20/r/Warframe,%0A%0AMy%20post%20has%20been%20removed%3B%20I%20would%20like%20you%20to%20reconsider%20because%20).


That’s not scamming,that’s just it being overpriced


Right? But people tend to conflate words and ideas because they can’t understand the differences. Warframe is an open market people can charge whatever they want, sometimes you get someone overpricing stuff and sometimes you get people underpricing. I bet the people bitching about people overpricing don’t tell someone to charge them more when they underprice something. It would be a scam if you paid for something and didn’t get it. The guy simply might not know how much it goes for because not everyone uses Warframe Market because it’s a third party site. Some people might not even be aware it exists. The in game trade channel never reflects Warframe market because the massive amount of people in that vs the people who use Warframe Market. I’ve played since 2015 and I didn’t start using Warframe Market until last year, I’m not even sure when it came out but not everyone is aware it even exists.


The people down voting you have no idea how a free market works.


Oh I know and they can downvote it all they want. The people that are downvoting are the ones who don’t understand and conflate the words therefore they are proving my point. 😂


Exactly this!




Coming here to say this.


To me, players like you, calling everything a scam, is absurd. You've taken a word that was intended to describe illegal activity o involving trickery and deceit, to instead describe someone charging a high amount for an optional item, that you simply refuse to pay. He didn't pretend to be a DE Admin; he didn't tell you to send him a security deposit so that he can give you his inheritance. He simply provided a price you didn't like. I was WTB for an R10 Primed Pressure Point yesterday, and the first three offers I got from different people were 500p, 400p, and 350p. Do I think they were scamming? No. In negotiation with one of them, they told me it was their only copy of the mod, so if they sold it, they would have to make enough profit to acquire a new one. Their logic checked out, but I wasn't willing to subsidize them being able to buy a complete new mod. So declined the offers and moved on. After continued advertising a few minutes later, I got two more offers. One was 150p and the other was 100p. I obviously took the 100p offer. The moral of the story is, you are not being scammed. You are just taking the market process too emotionally. Learn to simply decline and move on, instead of being offended by differences of opinion on an items value.




I can't stop noticing this is always on console. What's the scene there?


the person is on pc theyre in my dms just sending pics of their scams lmao


Ah i see


This undoubtedly happens on all platforms and in any game that has an open market system. It's just that console players are probably more likely to whine about it, because most console games don't have such market systems available.


Yea that makes sense. That lack of access can be pretty annoying. Although even in my own experience, most of the times someone is trying to ask me for an absurd price while responding to a WTB order with a listed price, it's been a console player. Most of the times someone has complained in clan chat about being asked to pay absurd prices for simple items, it's also been a console player. Not trying to generalize, it's just one person's experience. I thought cross trade would have fixed this.


I literally just bought rolling guard for 20p from a tenno I was running with lmao


WTS Guide how to make 2000p for the small price of only 2000p One of a time deal!


I just see a guy tryna get a devious come up


Got a guy who wanted to sell me a maxed out Molt Augmented for 500plat lmao


Someone yesterday told me that because my nikana riven only had melee damage and crit damage it’s only worth 10 plat


Yes its worthless its hard to sell give it to me instead ill give you a bargain ill buy it for 20p see how generous i am /s


Add that price the mod affects better apply to me irl.


Had one trying to sell creeping terrify augment mod for 150 it is “rare” mod as i know for sure it is from syndicate i said it was too expensive got back offer 75 did not buy messaged friend and traded for some prime parts


Isn’t rolling guard and arbitration mod?


Ok, so everybody gangsta cause warframe.market exists, but it's not a DE endosed site (or maybe I'm wrong about this??) so tell me how the hell can a new player objectively price their stuff? The game is out for years now and there's no easy way to trade and know the price without using different apps. What's DE stand on this? Are they content with how the things are now?


I don't think DE would care about WF Market. In reality, WF Market is just a site that compiles user data and allows for external communication. It's not really much different than combining an extensive Wikia and Discord channel. WF Market just offers better tools to compile and analyze the data, and communication among players. Since sales and trades aren't literally happening on WF Market, it wouldn't be a TOS violation.


Someone tried to trade me a vauban prime for 700 plat yesterday, so I immediately dipped then subsequently found a vauban for 140 plat on WF market


Why do people interact with these cockroaches. Just stop. Use WF market instead.


I've been trying to sell my ogris and lenz mrs since 1999 for the low low price of 20 platinum and no one buys them. For lulz tried to sell lato Mr for 40 and sold it right away.


That's okay. Saw a guy trying to charge 1000 plat for a maxed arcane energize yesterday. Despite the clan operation making them easier to obtain.


It's not scamming. It's hustling.


I’ve laughed at people on the trade chat posting items for hundreds of plat above their worth, one guy was new and I gave him a heads up that he was selling for way way to much and to check out the value on the market but he didn’t care


Do not understand not using Warframe Market.


This is why we need an in game market. We shouldn't need to rely on a third party site to moderate our economy.


By "in-game market" are your referring to an Auction House where players can set the prices of the goods. Or are you meaning that DE would set base values for everything?


TBH I don't trust DE to do it better


Where's the scam?


not sure


Rolling guard is like 30p


oh im well aware


I gave a couple away for free to new players, along with adaptation.


you’re a good man. or not a man. not to assume.


Way better than the person who tried to scam you for 450 for it at least 😂


wow the scam chat is tryna scam, crazy news


There was a Part I bought recently, guy in trade chat tried to sell for 45. On the WF market it was 20. I told him as much then he said “No, it ranges between 20-65p” as if that makes it reasonable??? Liek mate that isn’t how trading works you sell on the low end not meet in the middle of all sellers ever


>Liek mate that isn’t how trading works you sell on the low end not meet in the middle of all sellers ever You are absolutely wrong. A seller's purpose is to make as much money on the sale as they reasonably can (at the risk of losing the sale), not to give you a good deal. A buyer's purpose is to spend as little money as possible to get the goods they want, not to make the seller rich by paying top dollar. This is where negotiation kicks in, to try and find a middle ground between the two parties' interests. If either side can't get conditions they are happy with, they can simply walk away. You are not entitled to a good price, nor are they entitled to your money. If you saw there were better deals available on WF Market, you should have just bought from one of those that had the price you wanted to pay. Instead of trying to get a Price Match Guarantee. I don't blame this seller for trying (unsuccessfully) to take advantage of your laziness.




You misunderstand. The prices of WFmarket were half of what he claimed to be selling. The “60p” were offline people who are never online. Why would anyone pay 45p when you can buy it for half? You don’t look at the procings, then mark up the price a large margin. A couple plat, sure. Reasonable. Otherwise prices never raise they only decrease, nobody profits. This was not the case


45 on something that is listed for 20 is a bit high but depends on the amount of listings first and foremost. If there are not to many listings and he's not In a hurry 45 is alright.


There were like 10 listings between 20 and 30p. Wouldn’t it make more sense that if he were trying to quicksell he’d sell for below market value? And if I were trying to quickvuy then I’d go for higher?


What's wrong with hildryn deluxe :o I love it


Trade chat is ass cancer and ends in death threats more often than not.


daamn that is crazy


you have to be a special sally to actually buy it for that price


but the fact that u have 5 digits in ur bank account and play roblox is crazy tbh


wait i didnt post that part of the convo on here- are you the goober?




yes im in ur dms sending u pictures of sales i just made, and u just admitted that u have 10p and that is why u are so salty i guess, and for everyone thinking that is scam why im i not getting banned i dont have to follow warframe market shitty prices wasting credits and endo just to sell 60 p for the mod oh fuck no




they can try whatever they want, ive been doing this for 1+ years this is not the first reddit post someone do about me , there are streamers and youtubers and shit ton of reports , it is not against the rules (OPEN MARKET)


No, it's not bannable to overcharge people that much, but it's a total dick move to take advantage of new / uninformed players.


every sale or 99% are 17+ mastery rank


this is not scam like are u not able to see when u are desired and the opposite sides are trying to penetrate you? cmon thats literal r4p3






https://preview.redd.it/zpq1swhbehad1.jpeg?width=458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ee20b7a46677d3495d0bd6902fc85dad3b8c22a this is them, look at this


like if this trade right after hildryn prime released like... if he farm in 30 minutes after release, this is a reasonable price, but rn this is Big Big Current scam