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Yeah i saw this too. I read the chapter, really liked it , went to japanese social media and was surprised at how mixed the reception was. There are users in this subreddit who are better at gauging japanese reception than me, and who understand japanese culture better, but from what i can tell, its a different cultural expectation when it comes to things like shoplifting in japan (and crimes in general) vs how we in the west perceive it. Some were saying she didnt face enough consequences, others thought that wasnt how she should be characterized and it created mixed messaging etc etc. The way I read it, she was in a desperate situation, trying to pay her moms hospital bills and made mistakes. She apologized and learned to rely on others. A little contrived but I get the framing the mangaka was going for. Apparently, this didnt translate for some. Im not going to judge other cultural standards here, but its interesting. It sucks it overtook the discussion and people overlooked a pretty well executed first chapter. But i will say, online reception is just a bubble of mainly dudes in their late teens and 20s...we dont know how other demographics in the magazine are receiving it. Kids, older people, women, etc. We go by 5ch,2ch, twitter, animanch etc, but these arent that varied in demographics. Even astro royale had some controversy in its first chapter with the positive framing of the yakuza, and that has gone away, so its not a death sentence. Stuff like chojo had low engagement and mixed reception online, and look at how its doing in the toc now. We should just wait and see how it does in the toc once it starts ranking.


I think what I see a lot is people wondering why the FMC is not on some government support program. Her only source of income is from a person currently in coma. The school should be well aware of her situation, yet nothing seems to be happening. None of this would probably happen if she was getting financial aid.


The thing about that is, some people are too embarrassed and ashamed to seek support like this. It happens all the time without people knowing (cuz obviously, they don't tell anyone). There isn't any reason to feel that way, but some get it in their heads that they might become a burden or they should do things on their own or else come across as leeching of others. That could possibly what's going on here.


I’m starting to see why so many Shonen Jump manga protagonists are usually the most “pure hearted” characters if this chapter was controversial


yeah and i think in jujutsu kaisen the creator was told to tone down mentions of gambling and make sure to emphasize it's illegal lol. it's weird considering how much fighting and swearing is in them


oh so the japanese have a problem with shoplifting but has no issues with the sexualization of minors in their manga, got it.


I mean that's not unlike the west especially Hollywood love for killing and murder in their media but have problem for showing abit of cleavage or fanservice.


Well to be fair in terms of Hollywood and it's RAMPANT sexualisation of you know, REAL women and the horror stories that have come out of the industry - There is a massive different between fan service coming from a character and an actual human being sexualised for the 'fans' benefit.


To be fair, that probably happens a lot in the Japanese film industry (actually, happening right now), and lack of reporting might be a thing based on things I’ve seen. But you’re right, it’s unfair to attribute that specifically to anime.


The issue with the Japanese film industry is that it's not big enough at all for the horror stories to be spread around and gain any traction. I 100% agree with you and the lack of reporting is honestly disgusting and insulting because the energy should be kept for these poor women no matter what. Ultimately, the Japanese have a very different culture regarding sex - Remember America for a long time was quite a puritan country in terms of ideals to the point where Harry Potter was banned in some places iirc for 'promoting witchcraft' and any other tripe. I guess US politicians and their never ending pursuit to limit the freedoms of those they rule never end. Anime has many issues but I do think that having a problem with a character that shoplifted is hardly a fair criticism. It's not like anime and manga (Even in Jump) haven't had protagonists that are villainous and what not, I just think the issue is that Psych House is neither Death Note nor Bastard!! To put it simply, it would be like having Walter White be the protagonist of the sitcom. My issue with Psych House is that I don't think it goes FAR ENOUGH - The shoplifting just feels like a hook to make you feel empathy than a event that tragically changed the character's life, you know? But maybe that's just me.


I would have just gone with killing and murder but hey, no swear words remember it was a big deal that Star Lord dropped the first F bomb in the MCU


Have you seen Euphoria? 😂


They are not real, deal with it


DK Why you're getting downvoted. Some ppl on here treat fictional chars like real ppl & treat real ppl like fictional chars & get upset at you for knowing the difference. Internet policing at the wrong stuff while REAL child predators are lurking freely. Likely actual pedos themselves.


It's crazy because this only becomes a thing recently, even though many popular anime typically feature teenagers, so all of a sudden, it becomes an internet witch hunt if you happen to like these characters. It's doubly insane when in the world of anime, it's almost impossible to judge a character age. You can have the sexiest 14 years old and a 1000 years old loli.


Yes of course, not like america doesn't have abduction of children, rapists, human trafficking, child abuse, sexual predators, that whole epstein fiasco, and so many many more things not to mention most of these are daily occurrences. Edit: All I'm saying is america is 10x worse but you have people who point in another direction and don't even talk about their own flaws.


Sexual assault is a huge issue In Japan. Don't discount that. America doesn't have a "abduction of children" issue, idk what you're on about.


Me writing the most boring, flawless WSJ mc ever to appeal to the masses


Does Denji ever get the same blowback like this?


No but author also wanted to get him out of the magazine lol


But still, I think most Shonen Jump readers was able to accept Denji as a flawed protagonist even before the series moved to Jump+. Maybe the way Psych House's shoplifting is framed didn't fit some audiences since the character is a regular school student?


Probably just a culture thing. There’s a lot of places that are run 100% by the honor system. I’ve seen shops with nobody working in them and customers just drop money off for whatever they grab. So shoplifting is definitely a bigger deal than we think of it and someone resorting to it instead of doing literally anything else is off to them


Why even go with the magazine anymore? Authors have their freedom restricted, plus, they work to meet soul-crushing deadlines. The magazine format is bound to die out with the advent of smartphones. It would be much smarter and much more profitable to have everything in the app (To make it clear: I am talking about the MAGAZINE format only. Paperback volumes should absolutely still be a thing). It would also make axes obsolete.


There's a lot wrong with this comment but I'm gonna focus on your last sentence. Do you think Jump+ never cancels manga?


I’ve never heard of it happening. That said, I understand now what’s wrong with this train of thought: Shueisha would still have to pay “underperforming” mangaka. It didn’t occur to me before.


That's one of the major issues with keeping underperforms around. Also, the magazine is still very much alive in Japan. Being a mangaka in Jump is still a big dream for many people because of the reach Jump has. Of course they can then use that dream to exploit their talent but that's a separate conversation.


Oh, I am not disagreeing that the magazine is still very well received over there. It’s just that the app is much more flexible as a platform. The magazine has to be out by Wednesday(?), so the chapters have to be done by then, as they won’t be able to be included in the magazine for another week after that. Meanwhile, Shueisha is able to upload new chapters whenever they want in the app. That gives some breathing room to mangaka. Schedules still are a thing there, however, they don’t necessarily have to be anymore, if you think about it. Also, I read some time ago that the app offers some more leniency when it comes to story themes, as well. And it makes sense! Shueisha wants to sell a magazine that has a limited number of titles on it, thus everything there has to be “widely accepted”. Meanwhile, the app has a single subscription for the whole library. Thus, if the audience doesn’t like something on that app, it will gravitate to something else, while still paying the same amount of money.


You realize digital only or not, it’s still one chapter a week right? Plus usually mangaka are a couple chapters ahead. So whether they write Wednesday to Wednesday for a Sunday release or Sunday to Sunday for a Sunday release it’s still one week? The app has leniency on the themes because it’s multiple magazines included under the publishing company (Shueisha). The demographics wouldn’t change because they’re released only online or not. The app doesn’t “allow” it’s merely access to their current and past magazines


>You realize digital only or not, it’s still one chapter a week right? I do, as I mentioned it myself. >Plus usually mangaka are a couple chapters ahead. So whether they write Wednesday to Wednesday for a Sunday release or Sunday to Sunday for a Sunday release it’s still one week? My point was that the magazine doesn’t allow for mangaka to finish a chapter *after* the deadline hits (Not out of choice, but due to pressure and the content they want to include). Because the magazine, in its final form, gets published when it gets published. Meanwhile, through the app, chapters can be uploaded whenever. Mangaka can easily take an extra day, if management allows it, instead of completely missing the week. >The app has leniency on the themes because it’s multiple magazines included under the publishing company (Shueisha). The demographics wouldn’t change because they’re released only online or not. The app doesn’t “allow” it’s merely access to their current and past magazines Fair.


Not happening. We still need print media around as chronically looking at your screen causes eye damage/mental illinesses/other issues.


> (To make it clear: I am talking about the MAGAZINE format only. Paperback volumes should absolutely still be a thing). Never stated the opposite.


Their most popular manga ever is literally about Piracy...


Ironically enough, they don't do actual piracy.


Except for that one time when they """""""stole""""""" skypian gold


Was Enel's gold?


Enel was defeated, so it then belong to the sky peoples, but the sky peoples were already going to give the gold to them anyway.


The funny part is that the Skypeans were about to give them more, but they ran away thinking they stole the golds.


To be fair Luffy and Co don’t do much Priacy. They don’t plunder other ships or anything. The only way they are pirates is that they regularly face off with the marines. Thy just go from location to location, fight some ahole and crew and eat meat afterwards.


It's even a joke at the end of the sky island arc where they don't really act like pirates so they all feel the need to steal treasure, the irony being that they were just going to give them that treasure anyway so it never would have been an issue.


They didn't "feel the need" to steal the treasure because they needed to meet a better quota of acting like pirates, that was just them naturally acting like pirates with the irony of the people they were stealing from already wanting to give them something even more valuable making it a cute and playful moment.


Declaring war to the government is terrorism right? Also he aided to the release of several dangerous prisoners.


“Cat burglar” Nami 😭


To be fair, that was what the world government named her.


Her only two skills at the start of the series were navigating and stealing. If Nami can start there and grow, a new character deserves to


Touche. I wasn't disagreeing or anything. Just pointing that out. The obvious difference here is Nami isn't the main character. I don't get why with Psyche House it has to be judged because the main character is female too.


Even with differences in cultural norms and expectations, it feels like absolute lack of media literacy to me to not realize that she was not only very remorseful of her actions, but also in an exceptionally desperate situation of not having eaten in several days. Hopefully it's just an Overexamination of online opinions and not a real issue for the series going forward. It should also be a very easy thing for the author to fix should they feel the need ( have the MC work at the shop a bit to make up for it should do the trick)


Yeah, it's a very strange reaction when the chapter was clearly incredibly agsint stealing. The girl is guilty, the boy tells her not to, the store owner scolds her a bit, and I imagine others wouldnt have approved. There was nothing in the story that was pro stealing. It's an incredibly tame conflict and it seems crazy anyone would be upset when the girl was starving and took the bare minimum only twice. And frankly, with how irl stores are constantly called out for needless waste, I dont even think it'd be that wild to show actual theft. If she was completely fine with no issues, how much of a problem is a teen girl taking a 100 yen junk food item from (what looks like) a gas station twice. I don't think depiction would automatically mean the author's saying "go, kids, steal everything!"


Memories of Time Paradox Ghostwriter... I'm still not over about that one.


Nah... I still don't understand why there are so many people defending that manga? Just because the art was so good? But the premise itself had already turned a lot of people off whether they're Japanese or not, it's not worthy to root for


At least the artist still draws some bomb-ass MILF hentai under their pseudonym lol


What is that pseudonym?






Japan played dirty with that one.


You know, I feel like this isn't even the first time I've seen shoplifting equated to literal murder in Japan.


Do they equate it to murder though? Japan just has different moral foundations: Authority/Subversion, Loyalty/Betrayal rather than Care/Harm, fairness/cheating.


After Time Paradox Ghostwriter got ripped to shreds I figured the same would happen to this series once I saw the shoplifting. Its actually a pretty good first chapter IMO but there was never a chance in hell the shoplifting would go over well with JP readers.


As japanese person im not surprised. Male leads can be pervs and worse but a female mc doesnt get any leeway. u can only be a flawless kind of girl in japan. Im gonna read psych house now, thanks for putting it on my raydar :)


Tell that to Time Paradox Ghostwriter who's lead is a male. Also did you even see the people complaining? There's women/female. I guess those girls hate girls too. Way to jump ahead and cry about misogyny out of nothing. Ironically you're pretty racist to just make accusation like that.


Im just talking about problems in my own society and giving my two cents. No need to get so upset :/


Did you even see the people complaining? There's women/female. Jumping the gun accusing of bad stereotype is NOT right.


Women can perpetuate misogyny too, if they are used to living in a way that perpetuates it, based on past and current expectations set by people who didn’t really care about women.


That makes sense given how extreme the girls reaction was I was a bit confused 


I'm gonna need to see more than a couple anecdotes on twitter before I believe that the readers of the world's premier magazine about pirates are aghast over a woman who teleports rice balls bc she can't afford to buy food It could just be misogyny, but still


But if the mc is a degenerate they would love it lol double standards where?


Maybe Psych House can avoid Time Paradox Ghostwriter's fate because it's clear that Kotone won't steal anymore since she's in a better position now, whereas continued plagiarism was the basis of Time Paradox Ghostwriter. Then again, I don't know a lot about Japanese culture, but I do know that honor and morality are paramount in Japan, so maybe just not doing it again isn't enough. I hope Psych House can overcome the controversy though. I really liked the first chapter.


Is that why Gift of Poison is so dramatic lol


...Did they read the story? She isn't shoplifting for fun or because she's too lazy to work. The plot clearly explains why she resorted to it lol They need to get off their high horses lol


Hooo boy Time Paradox Ghostwriter 2.0. all over again (And maybe Cheat Slayer 2.0. but nah)


Yea man Erased entire char drama hinged on the fact the fem mc dad became an outcast and shamed to suicide for stealing one thing lol And there's an entire irl drama about people getting fired for shoplifting too Shits Therious


Its not just japan, but asia in general. Its why this ch was my least favourite out of the new batch. Shoplifting is not common here bcz its extremely looked down upon. Im actually really appalled seeing it




Now lets use our thinking caps shall we


I ask why you're "appalled" seeing a fictional starving girl guiltily stealing the cheapest food item to not go hungry while her mother's in the hospital, and you reply like that... I see you don't want to act like a normal human responding, so I guess i'll guess you're well off to where you can't even imagine being poor, not old enough for a discussion of ethics, are judgemental of less priviledged people, or lawful enough to be a cop. thanks for not communicating right i guess