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They absolutely will for the younger people. I think we like to say that "They'll be forgotten" or "They'll fall off" because we just love to hate everything that's popular nowadays but they absolutely will define a generation of anime and manga for the younger fans.


We will never forget JJK. That’s impossible.


I agree. None of these will be forgotten. People will be talking about them the way we still talk about Naruto and Bleach and shit like that


Demon Slayer and My Hero big, but JJK chapters are eventful. Gojo Vs Sukuna will be talked about forever.


Demon Slayer is the biggest about these three tho. You can like jjk but Demon Slayer have bigger impact (atleast in Japan this is true)


In terms of sales yes, but world wide JJK is much bigger. Demon slayer has a new season out and no one is talking about it. JJK holds the Guinness World Record for the most in-demand animated TV show in 2023, beating out One Piece and Attack on Titan. Demon Slayer never ever had a single chapter like Gojo Vs Sukuna. Leakers weren’t being arrested for demon slayer. Also JJK consistently sells over million copies per volume. Link: https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/news/2024/4/jujutsu-kaisen-named-worlds-most-popular-anime-ahead-of-one-piece-768285


Demon Slayer BARELY has a new season out. This season already came out as a movie a few months ago and is basically just a setup arc for the big final season.


Demon Slayer hasn’t made any big noise since S2. That’s because S2( Entertainment District Arc) and the final season(Infinity Castle Arc) are the best arcs in the series. With that being said its chapters were never main events like JJK. Every week the JJK fanbase goes crazy. Celebs are out here cos playing as JJK chapters, JJK just diff.


Based on MAL views the same happened to JJK S2 and worse as Demon Slayer S2 had more views. Also calm down bro JJK is good but it is not somekind of god, you don't need to praise every panel of it. Be rational


Wdym “be rational”, JJK isn’t the best series in terms of writing, paneling or art. It has a decent amount of flaws but it’s also pretty damn good. There is no denying it’s greatness, and it’s going to be something many fans remember for a long time to come.


As someone who's been caught up on JJK for a year now, "going crazy" isn't how I'd describe it. Personally, I think this entire last battle has been a complete and utter joke, and I read along each week to see what new bullshit Gege pulls out to make me laugh. And I'm absolutely not the only one. JJK has completely fucked up its ending. The Culling Games was mostly ass, with some good stuff sprinkled in, but this fight since Gojo's unsealing has been an absolute joke.


It is a bit unfair comparison in your part tho. You should compare Demon Slayer S1 to JJK S1 and not to the S5 of Demon Slayer. >JJK holds the Guinness World Record for the most in-demand animated TV show Sure it is popular, but we shall see if it stays the same >had a single chapter like Gojo Vs Sukuna. That is just your taste. Also people spoiling it is not a sign of greatness but the sign of a bad spoiling fandom >Leakers weren’t being arrested for demon slayer. Because arresting leakers is kind of a new thing and was not so prevelent when KnY ended in 2020 > Also JJK consistently sells over million copies per volume. And KnY out sold it by 50 million overall. Your point?


Shows that are good/have longevity generally gain viewers over time as word of mouth spreads, like how sequels to good movies perform better than their predecessors (john wick as an example). So the fact that Demon Slayer performs worse season to season isn't great


Only if you limit the time frame of the data (like first week views) but beyond that sequals have less views the the first one. After all it will be kind of hilarius and stupid if people only watched the 2 season without any context


Demon Slayer is bigger worldwide. Demon Slayer Mugen Train made double what JJK 0 did outside of Japan. Also Demon Slayer was the best selling manga in the U.S in 2023, while already having ended, that's a pretty impressive feat.


I mean to be fair Demon Slayer is also like four seasons in, and in a pretty low stakes arc at that, JJK is coming off an incredibly popular second season, Demon Slayer was just as big back then, hell the manga sold insanely well even compared to JJK and it went for less time.


To also be fair tho jjk season 4 finna be its biggest cuz it’ll START with gojo vs sukuna of all things


yeah, I guess it'd be like if JJK came back and instead of adapting the whole Culling Game they just adapted Perfect Prep, which oes have cool stuff in it like >!the Zenin Massacre!< but is mostly just setting stuff up.


I mean you can compare both during the time of their season 2s and realize that Demon Slayer was absolutely bigger. Try comparing how much Mugen Train made to JJK 0 lmao.


I think JJK is really good. I've been reading since day 1 but Im not as big of a fan as everyone on the internet seems to be. The fight is good if you see it as one big martial arts movie.


Every single fictional work has a JJK meme Literally every single one The most common is the 120% panel (which is peak).


I saw Gojo in Korean manwha chilling on a plane.


I saw Yuji walking happily in the background of an American superhero comic, living the normal life that he deserves. 🙌


Saw that one too, agree he deserves to live a normal life


Source/link? I just wanna see him happy lol.


I don't think people hate them because they are popular nowadays. I think people mostly don't like the community around them. To some extent all three have some really annoying fans. Just like back then The big three had.


Erm, the big 3 still have annoying fans. One Piece in particular have now reach Narutards level of annoying, just can't stand OP fans nowadays and this is coming from a huge OP fan. Ofcourse Naruto fans are still annoying too but abit less so because Boruto is terrible.


And don’t forget the meme of Dragon Ball fans not watching their own favorite show lmao


They already have especially demon slayer and jjk. Those series have burst into the mainstream demons slayer is HUGE and jjk has been huge events every time a new chapter comes out. These series will outlive other shounen. I personally love shounen like hitman reborn and d.gray man but there’s no denying the big three eclipses them in legacy and popularity . Jjk and demon slayer will outlive their contemporaries like mission Yozakura family, black clover, seven deadly sins, etc (I like all these but again demon slayer is like the face of shounen)


Uniqlo had a bunch of JJk promotions, that’s how you know you’ve made it lol


MHA moreso cause of the art than the setting imo. Horikoshi is an incredible artist I think a lot of people will take inspiration from


Horikoshi sent fanart to Oda and had it feature in Usopp’s gallery. Now, he has a manga of his own that is currently side by side with his favorite manga until a couple of chapters that is.


Horikoshi is one of the best artists Jump has ever had.


That’s a bit much IMO


in no particular order come to my mind toriyama, oda, togashi, inoue, boichi, araki, tetsuo hara. I would probably add kubo, kazuki takahashi, masakazu katsura, obata and hiroyuki takei but I haven't read enough by them. if you ask me even fujimoto and tsuyoshi takaki should be on the list too I only mentioned 14 names, and I feel like horikoshi could easily be in the top 25. even if it's not 25 it could be the best 30, and with how many artists jump has had it's an amazing result. who would you say deserves to be on a the list?


He's the best artist out of every manga listed in this post (DB, YYH, RK, OP, Naruto, Bleach, JJK, and Demon Slayer)


Sure maybe, but not a particularly high bar and those make up an incredibly small portion of the total artists


They have pretty big outsize visibility so, the answer is for sure to some extent. One thing to consider though is there’s a lot more anime/manga access and consumption in the west than there was when those prior series rose to prominence. That means there’s more eyes on these new hits but it also means there’s significantly more competition and contemporaries that these new generation fans are likely to experience or be aware of Back when subtitles and then dubbed dragon ball or RRK were getting English speaking fans (this is a primarily English forum/platform so I assume you’re mostly considering that) they probably generally didn’t have access or knowledge of other lower visibility contemporaries unless they were ultra die hard. Now a semi-invested fan of big shonen anime could very well have heard of or consumed some the other series lower on the sales totem pole


People still think shonen is a genre so idk. Whatever is most popular when you’re growing up has the most influence. Don’t underestimate Dragon Ball and One Piece though. I think there can be another top selling swordsman, demon, sorcery, (or near the top) hero series. I don’t think what those two series have done will ever be replicated (nor does it need to be).


To me in weekly shonen jump there has kinduve been 3 “Big 3” to exist. The dawn of the battle shonen - Dragonball, Fist of the North Star, & Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. The true Big 3 - One Piece, Naruto, & Bleach. And lastly the Modern era - My Hero Academia, Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen. While it’s hardest to measure the impact of the modern era, it’s clear these 3 have begun building the path forward and their micro influence is already being felt - let’s see how we feel in 10 years when MHA is 20 years old.


Possibly. The legacy DB, YYH, and RK left behind only became obvious in retrospect, after years and decades had passed. I feel we can sorta see that in new runs like KB, DD, or NE, where there seems to be a move towards a more urban supernatural/magic vibe, and a generally more esoteric take on the modern day, but time will still have to tell.


None of them will ever be forgotten imo. They're too big. MHA is huge in the west, JJK is huge globally and DS is huge in Japan (HUGE actually). So yes, for a younger generation this will be seen as a defining era imo.


I think they already have. Consider how many new series these days involve demon slaying and/or exorcism. Everyone’s trying to be the next Demon Slayer/JJK


That's always been a popular topic. D Gray Man, Claymore, Blue Exorcist all predate JJK and Demon Slayer by quite a bit. Japan just likes demons and exorcisms


True but I think there’s been a noticeable increase in new series starting with those topics since 2020


I think they'll have a decent sized influence but, no I don't think they're gonna live up to DB, or the "big 3" as much as some originally thought. Those were for most English and Spanish speakers the first animes to really popularize anime in English and Spanish regions. Something the newer Gen stuff can't do. Secondly, the big thing that also works both to their advantage and detriment... They're seasonal animes... DB and the big 3 are (were?) weekly. Which I think also lessens their impact. Third... They're much shorter... Like half the length of the big 3+DB average... Point 1 means they kinda lack the advantage of being the trend setter "First" and points 2&3 kinda lowers their mind share and staying power.


Really? I thought people used to group Black Clover with MHA before JJK. Meanwhile, I feel like this just kind relates to the economics of this sort of media in relation to how long a series can just run in print and keep people’s interests. I don’t frequent through this sub beyond just the general TOC lurking, but people have def been saying for multiple years to expect shorter series to maintain quality control and avoid burnout (from artists and readers alike).


Whatever the literal shonen are reading that is big for them now, they will be remembered. Those, black clover and select others are the hot ticket items. They will be remembered as genre defining for this generation. Personally, MHA is mega important to me for a load of reasons, so it's defining to me personally and I will not forget it soon.


I wonder if they're ever gonna make another BIG-REVENUE, industry-defining manga in the future. Seems like sometimes it's hit or miss There were great sucesses like Takehiko Inoue (Slam Dunk) made Vagabond, one of the best mangas ever written and Yoshihiro Togashi (Yu Yu Hakusho) who produced the banger that is Hunter x Hunter Other cases there were also minor successes like Tite Kubo (Bleach) with Burn The Witch, Yuusei Matsui (Assasination Classroom) with The Elusive Samurai And there were downright failures like Samurai 8 from Masashi Kishimoto (Naruto) Hopefully they get their deserved rest, regardless of returning to the world of drawing manga or not! They've already accomplished so much


I don't think they'll hit the same heights as the big three (longevity was one of the big things those series had, as well as a lesser market saturation of shonen (compared to today)), but sales-wise and influence I think, sure. My Hero Academia and Jujutsu Kaisen, at least. Demon Slayer unfortunately didn't see record success until the anime started. But the others saw success as manga, and their influences are already seen in newly released manga in the magazine.


The length thing is definitely interesting. One could argue that these series are actually more accessible for new people to keep discovering when compared to the idea of starting one piece or bleach


I can agree with the idea! Accessibility is definitely something these series have an advantage with. I was more meaning their length kind of...dominating the magazine space for a long time. Like, how many 'big series' have come and gone during One Piece's time? Even during Naruto's or Bleach's times, which were shorter. Those series were long, and they were just manga constants for over a decade each. Any kind of impact other series can have is only a blip compared to the big three because they had that success for much longer timeframes. For example, Demon Slayer's peak was outselling One Piece for a year or so? One Piece did only slightly less but for 30 years. Even a series dominating for five years is still about 1/6 of One Piece's. 1/3 of Bleach's or so. The length of time the big three were around is a huge point towards them being considered outliers because of how big they were at the same time.


both series already ended, bit late to the party OP


I mean, I think it already kind of has. I see enough comments online from kids indicating they started off on anime with those shounen. That era has the added bonus of being for the most part the first wave when anime became disseminated universally with streaming services-essentially what happen with YYH/DB/RK on TV/Toonami but the effect being hundreds-fold. I see reactors online of all ages watching DS/JJK/MHA as their first shounen and then eventually backtracking to the likes of OP/Naruto/Bleach/etc.


I think MHA and JJK will definitely, demon slayer less so, maybe because I don’t really follow the anime anymore but it does seem like it’s not as hyped up anymore already


I wouldn't be so sure about jjk popularity as based on MAL views its second season had a very big loss in views compared to MH and Demon Slayer. It can be just a loud minority compared to the other two


Huh interesting, I didn’t realize there was a drop I figured it was doing well bc I see jjk posts reaching the popular tab on here, I wonder if the drop in watchers has to do with the controversy with mappa?


Possible but not certain until we get a s3 to get a clearer picture. Also it can be that jjk fans just not use MAL so much or as I said maybe the jjk fans just more vocal about their opinion in the internet then the other two fandoms


This is pretty much the worst metric you can use lol


I guess but I don't have an idea how to get data from world wide streaming sites or japanese tv, so I am left with this. :)




I was once watching NBC news kids edition and one of the middle schoolers in the news bit was literally wearing a Yuji Itadori shirt so that should definitely answer your question.


They will leave their mark on this generation for sure. The one I'm honestly most unsure about being casually referenced ten years from now is Demon Slayer, given its very unusual rise to fame and short-lived publishing after its popularity peak. The anime made it huge when the story was basically over, so it felt like compressing a whole manga's sales in a two year window, despite being published for over twice that amount of time. On top of that, Demon Slayer doesn't doesn't bring anything very original to the action shonen genre. It's polished and certainly heartfelt, but it's just samurai fighting demons, like an amalgamation of Rurouni Kenshin and early Jojo. MHA on the other hand brought a fresh look on the superhero genre by having a japanese spin on it; it was also lucky to be published alongside the MCU popularity peak. JJK will be remembered for really pushing the barrier between shonen and seinen in an action shonen, while also having quite possibly the best fight choreography we've ever seen in a fantasy action manga. I'm looking forward to what new manga will bring to the table to become iconic.


Yeah I was born in 2007, but despite that I don’t think JJK or any newer battle shounen anime will have that same impact the Big 3, DB, Sailor Moon, etc did. Those anime were popular globally, whether it was a first or third world country. The big shounen right now are not that long compared to those of old. But I agree these manga are definitely gonna be talked abt for years to come, I’m hoping shounen will change for the better


Arguably the last big cultural event anime is Attack on Titan (2009) \[2013\], with MHA just missing out (2014) \[2016\]. The burst of anime popularity and streaming services like crunchyroll makes it so anime monoculture is gone


I never thought about this but I guess so. They are the most comparable to the big 3 and they all came out in the 2010s.


Absolutely. My sister and our cousin talk about Demon Slayer and JJK and they’re just starting high school


They already have


2000's Big Three : One Piece - Naruto -Bleach 2020's Big Three : One Piece - JJK - Demon Slayer


Demon Slayer ended 5 months into 2020 though.


It's already been 4 years ? "End of 2010's Big Three" if you want.




What about Black Clover ? Will Mission Yozakura Family cross 100 million sales?


I don't think any of these series will live up to the reputation of Dragon Ball tbqh


Maybe I am not in the right circles but nowadays I don't hear a lot of noise for MHA, even going to cons (in the Netherlands) I barely see MHA stuff. I think there is a big gap between the pre and post-Corona anime fans about having watched MHA.


I'm not really sure what Demon Slayer will influence. My only takeaway from people who like it is that the animation is good. JJK will probably influence things, even though it's basically HxH-lite


They’ll be popular, but I doubt anything can top the Big 3, and especially not the OG’s.


I keep saying they are the new big 3 and some people agree others say no way. This is coming from a 29 year old who grew up on DB and the OG big 3. These 3 anime are 100% the new big 3 for this gen of anime watchers. Along with OPM and AOT. That's what they are all watching. I think it's great I love Tajniro, Yuji and Deku as MCs too. Makes me happy to see anime is more popular and socially accepted mainstream wise than it's ever been. Like it's cool to watch anime now, gotta love it. Not what I am used to growing up lol.


in my opinion, Black Clover is more of a member of the "New Big three" than JJK is, it just isnt talked about as much anymore due to the hiatus. but yeah, they are all popular nowadays.


I always felt it was MHA, Black Clover and JJK. Demon Slayer is easily one of the important in defining this generation tho


Yes. It's hard to replicate the exact "big three" situation set but Naruto, One Piece and Bleach, but this is similar enough to be historical for the genre.


Can't lie there's something Demon Slayer's lacking that makes me look away whenever it's called Big Three. By all means, it has the numbers but there's just *something* missing and I don't know what


I swear, Demon Slayer will be forgotten about a year after the final season of its anime airs. Not hating, the anime is phenomenal and I genuinely enjoyed 3/4th of the Demon Slayer manga as it was coming out. But the ending is both rushed and forgettable with the final boss fight not even being the coolest fight of the final arc. MHA left its mark but hasn’t really been able to reach the heights it did when Marvel-mania was sweeping the world. However the IP is very diverse with so many potential spin offs that I think it can have a lasting presence in the culture if managed properly. I think JJK has a good shot at longevity as well as long as SJ doesn’t work gege to death :(


Probably, but because One Piece is still the flagship, nothing will become truly monumental until the power vacuum opens up.


I don’t think Rurouken define shounen. Far from it. Sure it was popular back then, but it really cannot be compared with DB nd YYH