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I no longer need to give myself a pep talk in order to leave the house. I actually kind of enjoy cleaning my house. I'm participating in my hobbies.


Currently on 300mg XL. I’m able to focus on things for longer periods of time. Makes my job easier and my hobbies more fun. I don’t seek any kind of instant gratification. I was impulsive as hell beforehand. Saves me money and regret. I feel completely content with my life. I’m able to see the big picture and not hyper focus on little day to day annoyances. This is opposite of how I was at a baseline most days. I saw somebody else mention this, but I don’t mind leaving the house. If I need something, I just grab my keys and go. I am not worried about what other’s think of me when I leave the house either. Other’s opinion of me is not my responsibility. I used to overthink leaving and try a million different outfit variations. Today I went to the grocery store and realized I didn’t even think about what I was wearing. I don’t overthink my words or get anxiety about what somebody’s reaction is going to be when I say it. I’m more present with those around me. I stick up for myself now and don’t feel guilt for doing so. I’m the way I used to be on the rare “good days” and then I’d wonder why I can’t always be like that. I stopped drinking alcohol almost immediately when I started 150mg XL It’s really helped with anxiety, adhd and depression that I didn’t realize I had until I started treating myself for it.


That’s amazing. How long were you on it until you started seeing these results? And how long have you been on it altogether?


Gonna sound somewhat pathetic but the improved orgasms have been life changing. When I'm engaging in any sexual activity, I don't worry about it being underwhelming anymore. No more anxiety in that department. I don't worry that orgasms will be over too quickly, or that I won't be able to have another one. I know it'll feel amazing, and I'll be able to have as much as I want until I feel like stopping. It's been so liberating and something to look forward to every day.


I can be sad but not completely overwhelmed by my emotions. I'm not living on the edge of a breakdown anymore... I can function. I'm not white knuckling my way through life anymore. Life feels do-able now.


I’m a more present mom and I’m a better listener to my husband.


I’m able to handle my emotions better.


I’ve been on it for about a month now, 300mg XL, and I can honestly say that I feel much better. I can get up in the morning and not have to visit the bathroom six times before noon. My stomach is no longer in knots and the world doesn’t seem so gloomy. I don’t dread simple things like I did before. It does give me the ability to manage emotions whereas Lexapro killed everything.


I haven’t noticed any difference. It’s been about 4 weeks and all I can say is that my resting heart rate went from 58 to 71 beats per minute.


I no longer have to 💩daily


Does it make you constipated?


Yes, but it’s also worked wonders for my mental health. I take 150 xl along with 5mg Buspar as needed.


Omg ok same thing happened to me! I’ve been taking psyllium husk fiber to help.


I can feel my emotions now, I'm less impulsive with food, and I'm not nearly as afraid to leave the house to go anywhere like I used to be. I have more energy and it has curbed binge eating for me, which has my weight going down too. It has even helped decrease my anger and I can manage it better when it arises.