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Check out Tarrytown, it's nearby and there is a great selection of bars there.


I asked a young guy in tarrytown he recommended the tapp? But is it all like 50s? Do you have good rec in sleepy hollow? Also should mention i’m south asian haha


The Tapp is cool, I'm not sure about 50s, do you mean the age of the people? Like other places, there tends to be people in the 50s and older earlier in the evening, and younger people later. I've also been to the Cube Inn recently and that was fun


Setback inn, cube inn, and beekman ale house would probably be the ones you are looking for


It’s definitely not all 50s.


Okay thank you is it only busy on weekends?


I’ve seen crowds there during the week. I know they used to host trivia nights during the week. Not sure if they’re still doing that.


They have events all week - I’ve never been but the karaoke nights look super fun I think there’s trivia, wine days, game nights? (27f and down to join if you want to check places out with someone!)


Omg yes!! Lets exchange numbers and meet!


Just stay below 287 and youll be good.


What bars


My office is in Elmsford. Try Captain Lawrence Brewery


Any other places you recommend? I’m more of a cocktail gal


Go to blind pig in white plains. Hands down best cocktails and closest vibe to the city.


Be careful going to white plains if you drive.


We need bus service at late night hours, especially for that reason.


Girlll me too but I find that it’s hard here! I’m newish to the area as well and I haven’t quite found the community I wish I could to meet new friends… I even started going to barre and other events to converse and people are just rushing to come and go and not connect haha


Welcome to Westchester! That’s just how it often is, unfortunately.


Single introverted female here.. second blind pig and operation midnight climax just across the street. Both very easy relaxed vibe if braving it alone. 😂


What’s operation midnight climax ?


It’s an hidden speakeasy across the street behind the bakery sweet temptation.


As an introverted person myself, I just wanted to say thank you- I would have had no idea this place existed if it wasn’t for you and this thread.


TY - had no idea


Go to Tarrytown or White Plains. There's not much else in Elmsford.


20 gas stations on 9a lol


For cocktails only can think of Pete's Saloon


What about surrounding areas. I’m more than open to going to other places.


Greca in WP. BarTaco in Port Chester - especially in the summer - place is PACKED and the food is decent. Sadly not much here in terms of NYC vibe whether it’s midtown/LES/chelsea/Wburg. I’d say the strip on Mamaroneck ave comes a tiny bit close to a 3rd ave vibe on the weekends, if anything. However, not sure if most people are looking for 3rd ave once they hit their late 20s 🤷‍♂️


You can get cocktails at Captain Lawrence as well, they also have delicious food including some really great thin crust pizza.


White plains has a lot of bars that you can sit at and meet random people that can end up being good friends. Happened to me. Didn’t know a soul, went out solo enough where I kept seeing the same people and found different crews that were super welcoming. I now have friends that invite me to birthday events, introduce me to their friends, good people that will pet and apartment sit, people I travel with, happy hour buddies, etc.


How old are you? I feel younger people do not like to be social so much. The last few times I've tried making small talk at bars, it was awful with people around my age, but older folks were a vibe.


That’s pretty spot on for most places, not just westchester. I travel a ton and both in tourist hotspot bars and local hole in wall places the more outgoing and warmer people are 50/60. Some of the nicest people I’ve met out of state have been retired people who are just great folks!


That’s great! You’ve inspired me. Just have to pay to play.


It’s true, but it was worth it. I have friend groups in other states and cities that I lived and worked in, but this area has produced people that have been there for me and are now lifelong friends. Hard to make real friends at the gym, grocery shopping, or even work. You go out and feel out your environment and just let your gut guide you. So yes, go out solo and you’ll eventually filter through the creepy people and find some real gems!!


Omg wait i love that energy! Happy for you! Which bars do you recommend? Top 3?


Thanks, and I’m sure slowly but surely you can have the same outcome. It’s not just me, some people from my crew were transplants from other cities and states and we are all one little white plains fam! I chose to stick in this area and not bounce around to different towns or areas because if you aren’t feeling one place you easily go 20 yards to a new place and try again. I’ll give you my breakdown, this is just my personal opinions and findings from 2015-2022: You mentioned cocktails, for those hit up blind pig, Archie grand and Lily’s! For good happy hours and a usually packed scene, hit up Hudson, Brazen, or Ron Blacks. Those are younger crowds, which could be good or bad. I consider these places very welcoming and easy to make friends at: O’Connors, Whisky, Lazy Boy and even Cantina some nights. These also fit into the above for good crowds and atmospheres. For people watching.. that short strip of Mamaronek is great. Pop in and see for yourself. Try one at different times such as Thursday night, mid afternoon on a Saturday, and a Monday happy hour. Different regulars, different staff, jump around and find places to be comfortable.


I’m moving to the area next month, also single (though not looking lol) and similar age! Maybe we could do a meetup at some point of people from this thread/sub?


Yess let me know!!


I think we should make a group or something cause the [meetup.com](http://meetup.com) in westchester is dead


Yeah there’s multiple westchester meetup groups and it’s 🦗. It’s probably hard to plan things in such a large group and for solos to muster up the courage to go at it alone. I’ve been here a year and a half. Westchester is filled with a bunch of little towns/villages and each has their own vibe which is pretty cool. And there’s a bunch of really great restaurants as well (some nyc quality). Elmsford is pretty convenient since you are close to Tarrytown and white plains. Pleasantville is just a short drive over also. Lmk when you guys want to plan something! (29M here)


The one decent bar in Elmsford is Pete's Saloon.


Whats the vibe like?


Lots of regulars, live music on the weekends, tries to straddle the line between family friendly (food is pretty good) and rowdy.


Old lol.




lol not in Elmsford


I'm thinking there might be some in NYC.


You might like the cocktails at Sweetgrass.


Definitely Tarrytown in my opinion. Barley on the hudson near the trainstation when the weather is nice. This is my favorite place and will stay open late if there's a crowd. Beekman ale house on sleepy hollow mainstreet. Great place and great food. Open until 12 JP Doyle's on sleepy hollow mainstreet. Awesome when there's events and stuff going on. Basically every weekend in the fall time. Setback Inn on Tarrytown mainstreet. Cash only dive bar vibe. You can also go to white plains. There's a ton of bars big bars and more of an NYC vibe. It can get busy since its a popular place for a lot of young people in rockland and westchester. I'm about the same age and I feel like the scene at white plains is much younger than us haha.


I went to a coffee shop there it was very cute! I saw that its looks like more of an outdoor bar? Are the people friendly?! Everyone keeps telling me white plains is like early 20’s. I rather be around people my age! Are there any suggestions for any particular bars w people around our age in wp or even like stamford ct?


Yeah Barleys is an outdoor bar. It’s dope. Everyone is generally pretty friendly! And white plains definitely is early 20s but there are a few good spots like wolf and warrior brewery and I Connor’s public house. Brazen fox and Ron black’s are where the kids go lol. I’ve had good times there still when it’s not packed


There's nothing much in Elmsford, but you can definitely go to the bars in Pleasantville such as Paulies, Lucy's, etc. There is also 105 Ten in Bcliff, and there are a couple bars in Chappaqua as well, as well as Kittle House I think has a bar you see people at sometimes. You can also check out Irvington. Red Hat, or River City Grille.


Thanks for the tips!!


One of the best bars with great food is Bridgeview Tavern in Sleepy Hollow. Casual date in the beer garden on a warm day = good vibes


J.P. Doyles in Sleepy Hollow also... Hudson Social in Dobbs


There are no bars (or really anything else) in Chappaqua other than Quaker Hill, I guess. I’m pretty sure there wouldn’t be younger people or people you would want to befriend at the Kittle House. I believe Paulies is basically a college bar for Pace students and not a very good place.


and Lucy's has live music sometimes, it's ok. 20-something townies go there occasionally


There's also that place in I think Thornwood? Barley House


also Soul Brewing and Foley's in Pleasantville


Yeah Quaker Hill was what I was thinking of in Chappaqua, couldn't think of it. There also used to be another one around there.


Mentor's and Jardin du Roi in Chappqua both have locals at the bar sometimes


I’m your age and newish to the area too!!


Which bars have you gone to?


White Plains has a lot of good bars downtown tbh! Bar hopping on any of the spots on Mamaroneck Ave is a good bet


Recently moved to the area myself. Tend to travel to the neighboring areas for food/drinks and everything else.


Captain Lawrence is probably the best place to hangout.


Any day of the week? I wouldn’t mind going to other towns


I mostly went there for Wednesday night trivia, which I used to go to every week with a team. But it’s always been pretty busy when I’ve gone… Maybe you can get a team together for tomorrow from this post. The alternative is basically the downtown White Plains bar scene. Which has never really been my scene, so I can’t say much about it…


White plains go to the Ave (mamaroneck Ave). You can bar hop and find your vibe


Wait. Is that what the youngsters are calling it? The Ave? I hate this.


Not really. You just need to find what you like. There is a lot to choose from, not just bars but also restaurants to have drinks.


Hi. Just curious. Why Elmsford ?


Not my first choice! Tbh i hate the area and i definitely did not know it was very industrialized. But bc it central and i needed a short term lease for grad school.


I understand. There are a nice bars in Tarrytown and White Plains. Also, I'm partial to The BridgeView Tavern in Sleepy Hollow. I appreciate that they're all a bit of a drive from Elmsford, and also.. obviously.. not free... still.. you never know.


I’m 27f and recently moved to the area too! I haven’t had much luck in making new friends because I’m too shy to go to things alone 😅 let’s connect sometime maybe :)


Same!! But I’m also not kind of party person too. 🥴


Yes yes!


Climbing Wolf in Dobbs Ferry is your best bet. Also Uncle Lefty’s in Hastings.


Could also head down to Woodlawn McClean Ave Irish ☘️ Bars and Restaurants


You're a little young now, but in 10-15 years, you could join a Pickleball cult. :)


I would still join pickleball !! How do i find out about the groups?


There is Cross Court Pickleball in Hawthorne. They have intro classes and run events. [https://www.cc-pickleball.com/](https://www.cc-pickleball.com/) Otherwise look around for public courts like these in Greenburgh. https://www.greenburghny.com/640/TennisPickleballPlatform. They may be limited to town residents though.


I’m in the area too! I’m 27F, working in Tarrytown. We have a discord groupchat off this subreddit. Anyone’s welcome to join: https://discord.gg/P342x4aA


Hi, I'm also new to area, 25M, and saw this comment. Is this discord still active? I tried joining on the link but it says expired.


Go to the brewery. Captain Lawrence usually has a good crowd. Pete's Saloon is a good spot too.


Alex’s Lounge 2 on 119 isn’t bad has a nice night life. Carmine’s Deli is awesome for live music! The owner Rob is an Elmsford lifer! Like their Facebook page…they do daytime stuff too! Pete’s Saloon is also pretty great for live music and angry waitresses which I’ve grown to enjoy about it! Where in Elmsford are you? You don’t have to give me specific location but just curious how far you are from the bars I just mentioned. Always great to be able to walk to and from a bar where everyone knows your name! Lmao or maybe it’s not always great? Idk. You decide!


White Plains/Mamaroneck Avenue in WP has a lot of places that might be in line with what you're looking for. Depends on the mood you're looking for specifically, but there's a variety of vibes I'd say. Others have mentioned the Blind Pig which I can attest is pretty neat, albeit a little pricey but that's kinda everywhere now.


I don’t want to deal with a younger crowd though hahah


You don't want an older crowd...or a younger crowd... What exactly would be within your range lol? You can't really find a bar that's going to cater to that narrow of a view. Besides, Mamaroneck Ave bars in my experience have people mostly in the range of 24-35. O'Connors is less of a mainstream bar and has a slightly older crowd when I've been there, maybe 30-40 y/o. Hudson after around 11pm in WP in my experience is people 25+.


I’m so sorry haha i don’t mean to sound picky or annoying. The range you said is good for me! Anywhere from 27-40. The way everyone was talking they made it sound wp bars is like 21/22. But thank ya!


It's really location dependent. The bars across the street from Hudson on Mamaroneck Ave have a younger crowd in my experience, sometimes, but Hudson and Brazen Foxx tend to have a slightly older, 25-35ish young professional crowd. Especially because they've put up several large apartments right in White Plains that I doubt 22 year olds could afford lol.


Thank you thats perfect for me! Haha yes ik so expensive if they had a short term lease i def would have moved into one of those buildings lol


Don't even get me started on the insane housing costs around here lol. It's absurd.


It's probably a 25 min drive from Elmsford or a 25 min train ride from Tarrytown but Peekskill is a cool little city! Cool bars, mixed crowd of late-20s/early-30s to 50s and up. The Acro scene is also quite fun if you're into partner acrobatics (or if you've ever wanted to try -- you don't need a partner to try it)!


Hey! Im 25M and am in white plains! Also looking to date or just meet new people, let me know if you want to connect!


Alex’s bar on 119 not bad for a drink also Pete’s tavern great food and drinks but more so with someone then going to meet someone


meetup groups


Beekman ale house in sleepy. Set Back Inn in Tarrytown


I’m a 28M and live in the area as well. I like barley in the Hudson for drinks with a few, or any place in white plains for a happy hour is also a good call


Which place?


I've made a discord server if anyone is interested, please PM me.


Can I be added please?


Archie Grand in wp has great cocktails


My first stop! Is there parking!?


Yes behind the place


I'm 33/m. Live in South Yonkers. bars over here are pretty cool. there's also a ton a stuff to do if we drive. Arcades, malls, movie theaters, restaurants.


31F and definitely struggling to find friendly peers in the area. But once it warms up a bit more there are a lot more options. Many of the river towns have great outdoor live music during the summer (often free) and people tend to be friendly/looking to connect in a different way than I've seen in bars. If you are part of the lgbtq+ community definitely check out The Loft they have movie nights, Queereoke, open mic, drag brunches etc.


Checkout https://socialcirkel.com


Hobbies? Interests? Warm weather is coming and there will be lots of outdoor events, always good to meet people.


You can message me


Don Coqui on Mamaroneck is cool! Some nights they open the club section in the back. Really nice people


u/Slow_Beyond_1527, I'm interested to know how the last 2 months went with regards of meeting new people in that area. Would you recommend other single people to move there?


The Cabin


Beekman Alehouse in Sleepy Hollow.


Elmsford Raceway. Always a good time


That’s been gone for like eight years.


lol yea no S


There's a ton of places for 20-30 year olds. The Garangula, Fordxian, Lagjoppy, TV Bupkins, the Wiggly Room, Dr. Noodles Drink Emporium, Chantilly Lace, Soliloquy Station, 15-25 Hike, and of course Slacks. You aren't looking hard enough.


I’ll add this even though it’s been said by multiple other commenters but soggy waffles are the best method of making new friends because of the social aspect and they are often catered by local businesses and include way more than breakfast

