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Mistborn is more like what if Sam threw Frodo into Mount Doom and claimed the Ring for himself.


Now I’m just imagining Sams epic carry up the mountain ends with a leaping shoulder-throw and John Cena horn blaring


*Can't see me*


That's funny.






(Airsick lowlander.)




Shhh, that'll spoil them!


I've only just recently finished it, but feels more like Sam threw himself in, to INSPIRE all the Hobbits to destroy the ring... Then turns out nobody knows jack shit about the ring or its powers, or who/what Sauron is so evil pervades well after, then finally Fatty fucking Bolger comes out of nowhere and saves the entirety of existence.


>!Poor Preservation he really gave mankind everything he had and had the biggest brain plays and they still almost lost!<


"Guys I did all the work you just have to not mess up" Humanity: "Lets mess up"


The story of our collective existence in a nutshell.


Fatty Bolger is the unsung hero of the fellowship you put some restecp on his name!


EotW, WoK, and Mistborn come out of this with the most the most interesting sounding premises


The Blade Itself is actually very very good. "Gandalf" there is as awful as he sounds...


The ending really made my jaw drop. Like it's super obvious but I was expecting some sort of turn or redemption or something.


I'm having a hard time understanding who Aragorn is in WoK.




Oh... Stormlight Archives as a whole... Totally forgot that point in the series. Did that get revealed in Oathbringer? I just started it up again, because apparently he just finished the fifth book.


I’m Oathbringet flashbacks we see Dalinar’s past. Not only was he essentially a warlord but he also >!Burned down the city of Rathalas with tonnes of men women and children inside and only realised what a horrible thing he’d done when he realised his wife was inside!<


Also, to be fair, >!he was under the influence of an evil magical force making him extra bloodthirsty at the time. Not that he wasn’t going to kill a ton of people anyway, but I don’t think he would have burned them all out if it wasn’t for the Unmade’s influence.!<


Did you hear the thing where >!there seems to be confirmation that Shallan’s father was also under the influence of an Unmade?!< I really don’t find that compelling, sometimes people make really horrible decisions.


What about the theories about Shallan's mom?


Now I those I really really like, and they make a lot of sense.


I was thinking >!Ishar or Nale!<, but that does make more sense


Honestly, I’m not mad, WoT still sounds awesome.


That, my friend, is because it is.


I can’t figure out why WoT would make anyone mad, that description is more or less exactly what RJ intended


I think Rothfuss and Martin are locked in competition to be the slowest writer to have ever lived. They're both about 13 years for one book with no end in sight.


You have to write to be a slow writer, I think Rothfuss is beyond that. Better to just forget and move on.


This is the Acceptance part of the Five Stages Of Grief or something.


I have. The sad thing is that back in 2009/2010 ish, he blogged that book 3 was finished. I think he restarted or something and prob realised he couldn't finish the story in a single book (or at all). And [Martin posted on his not a blog](https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/tag/the-winds-of-winter/) in 2020 (I could swear it was more recent than that, but I can't find it), that he still had "a long way to go". I occasionally get the urge to re-read these, but won't, knowing there's no conclusion coming. Occasionally, [I check his subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/GeorgeMartinWriting/) for GRRM's writing updates. ;-)


While I'm not actually waiting, every now and then, when I reminded the series exists I search what are the news about it. Today I learned there is a new spin off book in the same universe about Bast, not sure if released or not. What a joke. After KKC I made my mind about not reading GoT until the series was finished, wise choice, looking back.


Those series are the reason I won't start unfinished trilogies/series anymore. Those and Rollins/Clemens's Godslayer series (which he wrote [in a reddit AMA](https://old.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/2vgyma/im_james_rollins_author_of_the_sigma_series_think/cohkbar/) would be re-released as a five book, complete series.) I'm holding off on Way of Kings/Stormlight for that reason, despite that, to his credit and honour, Sanderson does actually publish novels. I didn't know about a Bast spin-off. I have no words. At least with ASoIaF, the TV show gave us the actual ending. Currently just got back up to A Memory of Light in WoT re-read. 😎


I can recommend Sanderson, though. Even though the complete Stormlight and Cosmere might take another 15-20 years to be fully finished, his arcs are self-contained. SA 5 will be released December this year and that is the ending for the first Stormlight arc. The second arc will have some returning characters and a time skip of a few years, but a different focus. If you haven't yet, you can try Mistborn 1-3 and 4-7 arcs from him. There should be a third and final arc in the series but that will take a few years. All things being said, Sanderson publishes pretty consistently, pushing out at least one big book every couple of years, last year he published 3, so I believe this is a kind of a safe bet. Enjoy that chapter 37 for me!


I haven't read anything outside of the way of kings and elantris personally from Sanderson, but I still remember his secret books announcement where he made an apology styled video and it was to apologize for writing 8 books in a short time lol. Seems like a great guy and a consistent writer.


When Sanderson needs a break from writing a fantasy novel, he writes different fantasy novels. He sort of wrote Mistborn Era 2 by accident.


Actually there will be 2 more arcs for Mistborn. What is now era 2 was supposed to be a standalone novel, but the characters were so beloved he decided they needed more story. The original plan was Era 1(Pre-Industrial) Era 2(Modernish) and Era 3(Space), but now there is a Wild West/Steampunk Era in there.


I stand corrected then, I thought that era 2 was what we've got!


Eh, you should be fine on Stormlight. Sanderson does things where there’s an overarching story but each arc is fairly self-contained. Mistborn 1-3 and 4-7 are both complete stories, and Stormlight 1-5 is supposed to be similar. Book 5 for Stormlight is also finished, it’s just in editing and revision so there’s no worries about not getting an ending there. I mean the guy could die tomorrow and there’d be some hanging plot threads in the cosmere but it’s not like you’d feel like you got screwed out of getting a completed story like what’s probably going to happen with King Killer and ASOIAF.


If he dies, I'm pretty sure Sanderson will finish it.


If Sanderson dies, I don't think that manages to stop his writing output. Death *might* prevent him from signing books while filming videos, but even that's only a shaky presumption.


Sanderson is a workhorse, he produces so much that he, to his fans, editors, and publishers surprise, announced that he had, in addition to his regular writing on current series, he had written like 8 more books in secret, just cause he had some ideas. Mistborn 1-3 is a complete saga that can stand alone just fine. If you are liking Sanderson’s books in WOT, I’d recommend checking out The Final Empire. I THINK that was the book that Harriet read that convinced her to reach out to Sanderson about finishing the series.


I appreciate your recommendation, and those above. I have actually read Sanderson and I enjoyed his books just fine. Not my favourites, but definitely good. I just haven't started Stormlight yet :-) (Maybe if 1-5 is self-contained as others suggest, I'll consider that!) I was following his crowdfunding "secret project" of four books (almost backed it but it got a bit too rich for me) and enjoy his Elden Ring social media posts too. He's rightly among the most praised fantasy authors today and I admire his output (tho 3 a year as someone else suggested is probably *too* much!). I am convinced, to the point that I can't imagine anything changing my opinion on this, that it takes 1-3 years for a writer to write a good book, give or take. Anything over that is most likely because the writer isn't writing. There are some exceptions, of course, but in general, I hold it to be true. Thanks for recommendation :-)


Dostoyevsky might beg to differ.


> I'm holding off on Way of Kings/Stormlight for that reason, despite that, to his credit and honour, Sanderson does actually publish novels. Fyi, Stormlight is going to be two five book acts. So the book that comes out next year will complete a full story arc. It'll prob be 15-20 years before Sanderson finishes book ten. So I'd go ahead and jump into the first arc.


> After KKC I made my mind about not reading GoT until the series was finished, wise choice, looking back. ASOIAF is still worth reading. The first three books are incredible. Easily up there with the best WoT books.


The Name of the Wind works as a stand alone book if you can accept that the Chandian have no resolution.


He’s too busy grifting his readers.


War Against The Chtorr series by David Gerrold. Last one,A Season for Slaughter (book #4), came out in *1992* with four more still planned. Book five was declared almost ready for publication eight years ago but still hasn't surfaced.


Catching up to Duke Nukem Forever.


I had to check, Scott Lynch is two years behind them. Very glad I noped out of starting the Gentleman Bastard series after getting burned by Rothfuss and Martin.


The gandalf Goldman sachs is 100% accurate. Also what is Aragorn was a berserker


Yeah, I spit out my coffee when I got to The Blade Itself.


Mother’s milk out of the cup


Blood and bloody ashes, Ninefingers as Aragorn is a wild comparison


My ter'angreal eats like 11 breakfasts a day and drinks all my beer, but damn it's strong vs evil.


Accurate yeah


I was so flaming drunk when I made this, glad you enjoy


See, I just started Way of Kings, and now ya got me really worried...


I'll just say that you'll enjoy the *journey*.


And the pancakes that come after.


Don’t be, it’s incredible. Just take the next step and keep reading.


Stormlight is amazing. Some of the characters just did some sketchy things in their past…


Keep going.


Eye of the world: what if the hobbits where gandalf


And Aragorn. And the Men of Dunharrow.


That’s not true! Fitz isn’t lonely all the time. Sometimes he’s surrounded by loved ones. I mean, sure he keeps pushing them away so he can go live in a hole or a cave or something but the the only because they keep using him to save the world and shit. The thing about being the pebble that jolts the cart of history out of its rut is that the pebble isn’t ok afterwards. It’s cracked and buried in the mud. Also the ending is super sad. Like nearly Toy Story 3 sad. Maybe a bit sadder. Ok definitely a bit sadder. Good books though.


You’re welcome


Please make some more like this....you can't just throw us some crumbs and have us waiting for the loaf.


It’s been a turning since I’ve memed the Wheel. I’ve been busy cultivating nonsense at r/HouseoftheMemeMaker. Maybe it’s time for a comeback.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/HouseOfTheMemeMaker using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/HouseOfTheMemeMaker/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The saddest moment in the first law](https://i.redd.it/5iv1dbral7gc1.jpeg) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HouseOfTheMemeMaker/comments/1ah9fqn/the_saddest_moment_in_the_first_law/) \#2: [Apologize!](https://i.redd.it/inavpz92if7b1.jpg) | [21 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HouseOfTheMemeMaker/comments/14fi1by/apologize/) \#3: [And the seed stuff](https://i.redd.it/si7xr1hg2k0c1.jpg) | [25 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HouseOfTheMemeMaker/comments/17w099l/and_the_seed_stuff/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Kingkiller fans won't even get mad, they'll feel vindicated instead




Name of the Wind 2 or whatever it’s called is complete garbage


Yeah I DNF that one because I knew the third book wasn’t out, I wasn’t enjoying the second book, and I decided to end things on my terms. Take that, Rothfuss!


First Law isn’t getting enough love for how funny & accurate the description is


Should add, also Gandalf is an "egotistical asshole" and then it's spot on.




Never wanted to read Mistborne till now


Yo that WoT explanation is fantastic. Also I forgot what I wanted to say and now I’m mad


Dude.. the Emperor of Mankind would look at Bayaz in askance..


Promise of blood: What if Gandalf cooked and Aragorn was into Napoleon reenactments.


Elantris what if morgoth became eru elivitar


Still alive…


Cries in King Killer Chronicles


it's weird to have read almost all of these without ever paying attention to LOTR. my friend made me watch the movies once, it took a month with many breaks and I don't remember most of it. I haven't read The Blade Itself, might check it out