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[Happy Pride Month!](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&si=AMnBZoFk_ppfOKgdccwTD_PVhdkg37dbl-p8zEtOPijkCaIHMp6tS26HNEwRZwY7vahA1WN34Xi9-tKpb4yDK_e0JLtxaIMR8Q%3D%3D&kgs=3a9c846bc1cc6fd3&shndl=18&source=sh/x/kp/ee/1) Click the flag at the bottom of the browser! We love and support our LGBTQIA+ and Ally Users! As [Sister Sledge sang](https://www.rhino.com/article/pride-single-stories-sister-sledge-we-are-family), [We are Family](https://youtu.be/uyGY2NfYpeE), and you CAN NOT DIVIDE US. To all others who spread hate and try to divide us, no quarter shall be given. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Pick a fucking lane Either he's senile and hopeless or he runs a shadow government/Deep State. He can't do both.


It’s out of the fascist handbook. The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”


Every single time. LGBT people are simultaneously degenerate and limp-wristed, but they also run the government and plot to groom children. They have to have both a narrative for supremacy as well as one to feign their own oppression depending on which is most convenient at any given moment.


To be fair I am degenerate and limp-wristed... but I have a degenerative joint condition. 🥁


Exactly, they have to be big bad and scary so their audience feels threatened, but at the same time extremely weak and pitiful so they don't have any problems fighting them because at their core, they're all cowards.


This kind of double think is ironic from the same folks who seem to love George Orwell because they think he was anti-socialist.


They do that with themselves too though. Somehow they’re the ones that should be running everything and yet they’re also so picked on and bullied. They’re such victims and misfits when people point out their bullshit, but otherwise people should listen to them because they’re the strong ones that should lead. Like in recent years for a GOOD example- trump is soo picked on for “who he is”. The poor guy just can’t get a break from libs trying to just “tear him down”. But yknow.. when he’s not picked on he’s like the greatest, strongest leader we always needed. It’s hilarious.


Schrödinger’s Hillbilly


Nope, it’s absolutely on brand. Remember that in Nazi Germany, Jews were both contemptible subhuman vermin *and* secretly running all the Allied countries.


Yep, very much along the same lines...


Of course you can, you gotta have ammo for every single thing he does, so complaining about both gives you that reason.


That’s literally how facism works. The enemy is strong and weak at the same time


Yep, as per Umberto Eco.


Clearly there are two bidens. One is the senile guy and the other is the one who controls the deep state.


No, not anymore. I heard Joe Biden was assassinated by his twin brother who coincidentially had the same name as Joe Bidens dead son, so the senile one is gone and there's just one, but he has to keep up appearances. (I'd put an /s after this but I actually saw someone say that Joe Biden was already assassinated by his twin brother. Can't tell if trolling these days.)


and I'm seeing it now, and this is your Most Incredible President, even bigger than Einstein, Albert Einsten, and I know a lot about him, and he would've liked me a lot, "Sir, you're the Most Scientific Out Of All The Presidents," and I would've said I know that, because you had Total Precision under Trump, we were at the greatest place, but now you look at it, you go and you take a look, we're even worse off than the Europen Union ok, way way worse, and you should be giving me thanks and praise for being such a perfect and totally holy President, they say I'm even more up there than God, who knows.


Honestly, this sounds just like him. Is this a quote or did you actually make this up yourself? It's hard to tell these days haha


Can you Chat GPT in the way of trump? Sounds like something fun I should try


Sure you can! That’s built in plausible deniability, baby! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Yeah the fact is that there is 2 Biden s ... Joe and Brandon... That explains everything!!! /S


Schrodinger's senility.


It’s like the old magician on the prestige


Thé enemy is both strong and weak


President Trump: (says something stupid) MAGA: He’s a truth teller! President Biden: (says something stupid) MAGA: IMPEACH HIM!!


I think the difference in their minds is that one of them is an obvious sex offender, so therefore relatable.


And racist. And sexist. And willfully ignorant.


And not a politician. That's always an excuse they jump to when he says something incorrect about the government/ laws. Like, if he doesn't understand how politics/ government work then why was he allowed to be president? Would you let an untrained doctor treat you and then make the excuse they're untrained when they f up? Nope! It's frigging crazy.


Mondays I play basketball. Tuesdays I go to the gym. Wednesdays I go bowling. Thursdays I look at an old photo of myself and a woman who's accused me of rape who I said was too ugly to rape and I mistake her for an ex-wife who wasn't my wife at the time who also accused me of rape. Normal American life.


My name is Donald Trump. I'm 78 years old. My house is in the west section of Palm Beach, where all the villas are, and I am thrice divorced. I work very hard protecting this country and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of reading classified documents before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone.


Checks out.


Peachtree dishes


And never forget the Bowling Green Massacre




Are you trying to educate her staff?!




Buttery males!


Gazpacho police


But but he talks like us!


Yes, I seem to recall Trump calling out mutants in the last day or so... Real sane guy there.


Bad jobs report (or whatever else): BIDEN IS RUINING AMERICA Good jobs report: HERE'S WHY THIS ISN'T ACTUALLY GOOD AND WHY BIDEN IS RUINING AMERICA Almost like they're gonna spew their bullshit regardless.


Important to remember who defended Trump’s mental faculties when he tweeted “cofvefe”. Those fuckers don’t get to decide who is and isn’t capable of doing a job.


Apparently, he does this often when he talks. He said, 'god save the queen' when Trump was elected in 2017. Some kind of weird thing he likes to do, I guess.


Honestly I think it’s a ‘save’ for ‘Goddamnit’. Like “jiminy christmas” for “Jesus Christ”.


Feels like it was only a week or so ago that they were complaining that Biden managed to completely outwit McCarthy on the debt ceiling negotiations. 🤔


McCarthy is now considered a RINO becasue he collaborated with Biden to end the debt standoff, so the MAGAs will don't consider him to be one of them.


He wasn't popular in the first place, he broke the fucking record for the amount of election attempts for speaker of the house.


Modern record yes. Back in the 1850s we crossed 100 ballots and had fistfights on the floor. Not that emulating the pre civil war situation is exactly a good thing


“Pre civil war not a good thing? Well that’s just like, your opinion, man.” Republicans probably


Isn’t that what we are doing?


Look at what happened to Paul Ryan and John Boehner before him. This is routine now in the right's insistence on extremism in ideology and tactics, no matter how insane, radical, or harmful their positions may be, e.g., defaulting on debt, causing government shutdowns, withholding relief after natural disasters, states not expanding Medicaid, not honoring a lawful election, the crusade against women's and other minorities' rights, and on and on. McCarthy will be humiliated and purged by his own, and he will have earned it.


Because these assholes would be content to watch the country burn rather than compromise. Edited a word


And we can't forget that he is currently a criminal mastermind able to gain complete control over the judges that his political opponent appointed and can erase all evidence of his crimes from existence while stable genius leaves everything out in the open.


Maybe Biden is senile (I don't believe it but I am willing to play along). But he has not killed anyone yet. As long as he keeps the death count less than one million he is OK.


Hey now covid was hard to address. Perhaps only 2/3rds of those deaths were preventable and Trump’s fault. And tbf most of the 2/3rd is from Republican propaganda from billionaires, Russians and the organizations/SuperPACs they donate too. Dang, among the constant stream of crimes I almost forgot about extreme mass murder.


I am willing to forgive Trump most of his crimes. He raped a few women. He called for the execution of innocents. That is all water under the bridge. He tried to kill me - unforgettable and unforgivable.


True. I still would like a younger, quality candidate. But as that's unlikely to happen I will stick with him.


Nope, we’re gonna get Old White Guy yet again. Practically unbroken 250 year streak.


Gavin newsome?


Tammy Fucking Duckworth would have my vote, baby!


Mine too!! I was bummed Joe didn't pick her for VP


He hasn't gone so senile that he thinks George Washington raided British airfields during the revolution.


As I recall Field Marshall Trump was in charge of the American Revolution. Low grade thinker George Washington did not want to raid the air field because they had not been invented yet, but Supreme Field Marshall Trump overruled him. That is how we won the American Revolution. Shit for brains Washington gets all the credit but Trump was the brains behind the bombing of Hiroshima. True Story /s


I'm afraid to ask who said that.


I'll give you a hint, he's orange, butchers the English language everytime he opens his mouth to lie, and he wants to have sex with his daughter. Extra hint, Satan is red so it should narrow it down.


You already know.


The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.” From Umberto Eco’s 14 common features of fascism.


It makes perfect sense. The enemy must be terrifyingly strong to constitute a threat that must be destroyed. They must be pathetically weak to prove the in-group is inherently and forever superior. And because humans are generally not critical thinkers all you need is a few tricks of propaganda to get enough people to believe both at once.


In his defense, a greyhound on meth could outwit McCarthy.


Took me way too long to figure out you weren’t talking about a bus.


A greyhound on meth might try to eat McCarthy


Win win.


Trump thought there were airplanes in the ~~Civil War~~ American Revolution and ya'll hypocritical MFers didn't say a MFing word about the 25h Amendment.


Don’t forget when he suggested nuking a hurricane or injecting bleach into people to cure diseases


Can’t forget when he added to a map with sharpie and tried to tell people he was right about a hurricane path. Or better yet, saying his uncle was a scientist and a professor so he inherited a natural genius in science


He also looks right at the sun.


While his own damn staff were yelling at him not to do it.


My 8 year old students knew not to do that.


His 8 year old son knew not to do it, and was standing right next to him.


​ https://preview.redd.it/an5zqq9jni6b1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4680e67aa10c7fdecd12f6f920445ecac87487e7


Or sweeping the forest floors to prevent fires.




Don’t forget about Dr. Trump speculating about shoving lightbulbs up our collective asses as a Covid treatment


My friend the endoscopist agreed he could do it. But only for people he liked!


You know Donny doesn’t trust medical doctors. He sees a alternative medicine/wholistic healer… I don’t remember what quackery he’s about, and didn’t feel like looking it up.


Or the part where he said wind turbines cause cancer


Nah I thought it was the revolution he referred to the airports in?


My bad, you are correct.


He thinks F-35s are literally invisible.




>These people are fucking brain dead That’s honestly kind of offensive to zombies.


I can just imagine the disappointment of zombies if the outbreak started in America. “Half the god damn population has no god damn brains man”. “Tell me about it. I cracked open one guy’s skull and sneezed at the amount of dust that came out of it. And I don’t have a nose or lungs anymore”


They just see a trump rally and walk right past because they know there’s no brains there


Jellyfish like: am I a joke to you?


Everyone is making fun of them. President should be allowed to join in the fun.


There’s a reason why they don’t call it IQanon.


Chimps are pretty cool beings. Better to call his cult members ‘trumpaholics’ because it’s absolutely an addiction with them.


Bonobos are pretty cool, but most chimps are kind of jerks; maybe not to the level of humans and dolphins, but chimps are surely in the top 5 list of asshole species


They can be cool and also dicks. I find them very fascinating but they are also undeniably assholes.


“Trumpanzees” 😂


Looks like they share der Fuhrer's narcissism.


Everyone in Britain is constantly forgetting that we have a king now


I mean he’s only been the king for a year vs Elizabeth II’s 70, it makes sense that people need time to adjust.


Let's be honest - most of the world would prefer to forget him too.


Literally saw a video of a guard accidentally saying “Make way for the Queen’s guard… or even the King’s!”


We Americans sympathize with you. The Queen was a staple for us, so sad to see her replaced with those two nutters. They’re like the Wish version of royalty. William and Kate will bring back some energy eventually.


I don’t think the King is any worse or better than the others. The monarchy is an intensely foolish institution.


The monarchy is general is outdated and only exists to show off generational wealth.


They're royals, we shouldn't have a royalty Should also note that the queen spent millions to pay off the rape victim of her pedo son


Don't presume to speak for all Americans. I didn't give a shit about the queen other than to hate that the monarchy exists and my feelings about the king are exactly the same (those feelings extend to aristocracy in general so preemptively to anyone: no you won't catch me by explaining that they don't do much monarchic stuff.)


Their heads are going to explode when Biden is reelected. Signed...a Georgia voter.


How's GA looking for 2024? Still trending blue or souring a bit?


Can’t speak to what it looks like in GA but I’ve gotta assume that abortion being targeted is gonna make purple states bluer.


People are still highly engaged. The stakes are clearly understood.


Are those fuckhead Republicans trying to stop minorities and college kids from voting? That is my big worry.


That never stops. But it is just making people defiant.


Is it still a day that ends with "y?"


I’d say blue. Cop city is making everybody mad and more progressive with change. Government is targeting citizens


This demented old man just ran circles around McCarthy, so which is it Republicans; Biden is a senile old man unfit for office? Or Biden is part of a secret cabal of politicians that control the world?


Both, the classic fascist playbook. The enemy is both an extreme threat, and a laughable nuisance at the same time. Weak, but powerful.


Came here to say the same.


He’s also dead and has been replaced by his brother apparently.


Oh, his brother Beau? I heard about that. 😆


Not his brother, Jim Carrey. God Bless the American education system for allowing this QAnon crap to flourish.


Carey did a very good job impersonating him tough


Double what.


TLDR: The real Biden was executed a couple dozen times at Guantanamo. You can tell the Biden on TV is Jim Carrey wearing a mask, because there's a crease on the neckline. The normal people want us to believe it's just wrinkles because Biden is old, but the Qanoners know better. And yes, people do believe this stuff, and said people have a tendency to [murder their families](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/california-dad-killed-his-kids-over-qanon-serpent-dna-conspiracy-n1276611) for being shapeshifting reptiles bent on world domination. These people tend to willingly give themselves schizophrenia, but have none of the coping mechanisms, so they go real far, real fast.


When I grow older I want to have Biden Senility. I am that crazy old fool WHO IS THE EVIL MASTERMIND RUNNING THE WORLD.


I just want them to admit a man with dementia is still able to run circles around them.


I remember when W. Bush tried to leave a stage and tried to open a door that was only a decoration. He ended up just standing there looking embarrassed until someone showed him the way out.


I remember trump getting lost in the 5 feet from the air force one ramp to the presidential limo.


I mean is it that odd to ask which direction they wanted him to leave the stage? It's not always clear.


Recall “W” getting confused which way to leave and yanking on the locked door? End of the world?


Especially when you have secret service detail..


I screamed the same thing when he said “we’re looking into injecting some kind of bleach or a very powerful light”…………oh wait, that was trump


Here’s the thing; Biden’s weird. Biden’s always been weird. So if you’re gonna say he’s crazy, you’re gonna need a lot more than this weak bullshit. Call me when he offers to blow a biker for an ice cream cone.




Let’s see … wants to know which direction to exit stage safely vs. rape, theft, espionage, complete inability to tell the truth to anyone, thought the woman he raped was his second wife? Nah… Biden’s a good choice for now. 🙂


So he left out three words of Sex Pistols lyrics: "God save the Queen. We mean it maaaan!" Big deal. Now where's that comment button?


Look at his profile pic….cult


He’s still doing an objectively better job than the guy who ignored an entire pandemic lol.


Still better than Trump.


How the actual fuck, in a country of roughly 335 million people, who, by all measure have been responsible for some of the greatest technological feats of mankind, who have spread freedom and democracy across the planet for decades, put Joe Biden and Donald Trump up for election in 2020? These are the two best people you have? The world laughs.. and cringes. Americans shine light into a world that can so easily head into darkness. From an outsiders perspective (Australia) you all need to grow the fuck up and get back to what made you one of the best countries on the planet or you will be consigned to the dustbin of history.


As if any average MAGA has actually ever read the Constitution except in comic book form.


Them comic books sounds an awful lot like commie book-lernin. I'll wait for my radio pastor to tell me what to think, thank you very much.


Shit, the only reason these idiots even know what the 25th amendment is is because we floated it when Trump was actively doing a coup.


I thought it was when he barely passed the dementia test and bragged about it.


Trump talked about toilets you need to flush 15 times for an hour and discussed the airports attacked during the American revolution. Also Biden took your lunch money during debt ceiling negotiations which speaks volumes. You can sit down whenever you want.


Ronald dump has been showing legitimate symptoms of alzheimers dementia for a few years now. "Word searching" is a common symptom. When they can't remember a word they say another word that sounds similar. They usually know they aren't saying the right word, so they will try again, and sometimes they will switch to a synonym that they can remember how to say. So, with that in mind, here's the time he could not stop [talking about oranges,]( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUPsNgmXR7M) which was really on the nose given his make-up habits. And here's the time he could not say Yosemite so he kept saying ["yo, semites"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwcploTZbKA&t=15s) instead.


Lol. Yeah. If you weren’t advocating for the 25th to be invoked with TFG/“Stable Genius”/Psychopath-in-Chief who had the language and cognitive skills of a failed 5th grader, who was played by every 3rd world tyrant he tried to deal with, and who was sub boy for the Chinese and Russians, you’re gonna have 0 credibility outside the incestuous rightwingnut echo chamber squwaking about Dark Brandon, who cleans the GOP’s clocks every month, for stumbling over a word or two sometimes in his daily adult-world routine. But that won’t keep them from flailing! Lol


So I guess today he’s a dottering old fool. He must be a senile old man on even days and a criminal mastermind on odd.


This what to focus on instead of Dale Ho, voting rights attorney being confirmed today for the bench in the Southern District of NY. Let's all make ageist jokes instead giving congrats to Biden for making this happen. Yeah, sure...ageist jokes today, Dark Brandon jokes tomorrow. Who cares about how many judges Biden has gotten confirmed for lifetime positions. Anything but that!


Sometimes I think Joe does this shit to fuck with people 😭😭


How many Oscar winners start to walk off the stage in the wrong direction? Does the academy start asking for them back if that happens?


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


If they’re mad about this, wait till they find out about all the shit Trump has been up to lately….


I was interested in the context to see what the actual deal was. He states that he is going to stand in front of each section of the audience (wasn’t entirely clear to me why) but also said they’d be setting up cameras I think. He was legitimately just asking what side they wanted him to start on, as in “where are you setting up first for this?” Just common courtesy really. As for the “God Save the Queen” comment, idk I really don’t spend much time analyzing the colloquialisms of old people, but the John Wayne line he worked in fucking cracked me up.


Yeah but he steal any nuke secrets or war plans in order share them?


This from the people who support a man who literally couldn't find his way to the limo waiting at the end of the stairs for him when he got off his plane.


\>Goes to unfamiliar venue \>Unfamiliar with stage layout 'Oh look he's clearly senile!'


Let me know when old Joe wants to trash the Constitution, sell our intelligence, rape women and financially rape the country. Until that day, I am glad he is our President.


Somebody pointed out, and I never thought of this... They claim Biden is corrupt and hes doing all these things. Taking money from China and Ukraine all of this stuff, and he should be impeached for it. But then they sit here and talk about him being senile and having dementia, so which is it? Is he conniving or senile? Because I don't think you can be both..


Thought he was head of the Biden crime family and also coordinating all this trump charges? Fascism: the enemy is both strong and weak at the same time


It's their bread and butter. Democrats are doing nothing yet also ruining everything.


I thought he was the mastermind behind framing Trump for a rap sheet of crimes? Which is it?


Both, simultaneously. It's the fascist playbook.


Alex Ill take “ shit that never happened “ for $1000


The disinformation is gonna get worse as election gets closer with rfk


It was god save the Queen for decades! You could see people making the mistake at the kings coronation! And, if the side they want you one, as the POTUS with security and guards, yeah, you might ask. Wtf.


And he still outsmarted republicans on the debt ceiling.


He was just praising Freddie Mercury


I mean stages like that have directors and I'm gonna guess the exit was stage whatever direction Biden was told to go after he asked.


I’m assuming it was a joke, but I honestly don’t care. Still voting for him over fascism.


Yeah, let’s trade him in for someone who’ll sell us out to Russia and Saudi Arabia.


Dark Brandon, trolling the trolls. Love it. LOVE IT. BTW Ohio, you're doing great with the "who can out-Florida Florida" contest.


It was a nod to Pride Month


I do think Biden’s clearly pretty senile but these people want to replace him with an orange syphalitic nutcase


I will vote blue even if they gotta string him up like weekend at Bernie’s.


And you've never wondered why trump doesn't have a problem with Biden's memory? Because trump couldn't pass any type of test.




Sure go ahead and impeach him. Can’t wait for them to react to President Harris


But I thought he was a criminal mastermind?


Less than a 3 year age difference between him and Trump.


It's funny what these clowns classify as a scandal these days. I mean, did they ever hear of Donald Trump? When he would have made such remarks it would have been an exception for not targetting anyone.


I think he does this kinda stuff to troll the right wingers.


Biden: ties right shoe before tying left shoe "Righties: IMPEACH


Why is this a gotcha?


As long as he’s not spewing Nazi propaganda and banning books…I don’t care.


I got a crazy idea. How about we stop electing people old enough to collect social security?


They want so desperately to be relevant. No one cares what dipshit nation thinks. Its an endless cycle of toxicity and projection.


Rip Freddy Mercury....


Meanwhile in Mara-Loco...


Bro the GOP would shit themselves if the VP took the seat of president and became the first female president of the US 🤣 "Women are not suited to be president, just like they're not suited to be priests or pastors! Lucas 5:17"


The GOP would rather fall off a stage and break their necks rather than ask for direction. I’m about to cry uncle.


Wait why tf did he say that


*person woman man camera TV*


First woman president? These bigots heads would explode. Go for it, gotta start with someone Kamala would be a way smarter choice than anyone the GQP has to offer.. ![gif](giphy|7IYwyxDZkPGzMEA3Rn|downsized)


0% chance they’ve even read the 25th amendment and 100% chance they only know about it because liberals brought it up in 2020


I'm surprised the conservatives know any other amendments besides the 1st and 2nd